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Cuckold's Voyeur Road (Book 3 of The One Less Traveled )

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by J. C. Wittol

  Book 3 of “The One Less Traveled”

  Cuckold’s Voyeur Road

  By J.C. Wittol

  Artwork by Moira Nelligar

  Copyright 2015 J.C. Wittol

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  ~~ All characters in this book are over 18. ~~

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  Chapter One

  It’s been said life comes down to a few crucial moments, and these moments determine a person’s path. Significant events such as weddings and funerals, promotions and layoffs…all have the potential to scar lives or mark a significant change. Most people buy into the idea that these big events define their existence, their happiness, their successes and failures.

  Most people are suckers.

  The opposite is true.

  Peoples’ paths in life are not determined by big events, but by the accumulation of small, seemingly inconsequential decisions. Normal, everyday choices made after a hard day’s work, a good night’s sleep, or over a drink during happy hour. These small decisions, and their consequences, carve the path people walk. Vast majorities of folks don’t realize this simple truth, which is why they look around after fifty years and have no idea how they arrived at their destination. Is it any surprise then that most people are shocked and unprepared at the curves life throws their way?

  As I sat there staring at my wife and her lover, I realized that I needed to add myself to the list of ‘most people.’

  Nicole and Collin finally seemed to remember where they were and pulled away from each other. Collin’s smile threatened to swallow his face. Nicole smiled as well, but her hands seemed incapable of leaving his body. They both started laughing once they realized how carried away they’d gotten.

  “Wow. I was about to leave the room,” I joked. I was kidding, but only slightly. “Would you look at how vertical the walls are?

  “Sorry, baby,” she offered immediately.

  “Yeah, man. I apologize,” Collin added a second later, and then chuckled as he smiled at my wife. I think he got my sense of humor better than most. “I guess I missed her more than I realized.”

  “Nonsense.” I waved my hand. “I’m glad we’re all getting back together. Besides, it’s nice to see her this happy again.”

  That earned me a smile. She slid off his lap, and after straightening her dress, sat down next to me. She squeezed my arm. “Thank you for everything tonight. You’ve been fantastic.”

  “I’m not done yet.”

  A sly smile slid past my lips. Okay, yes, I was feeling the bourbon, but it was damn good! I put my now-empty glass on the table, and found the last package.

  It wasn’t nestled in a bag with tissue paper.

  It wasn’t wrapped in colorful box with a bow.

  This package came in a tightly sealed box. I laid it on the table dramatically.

  “Oh my God!” She gasped and her eyes grew wide. “Is that what I think it is?”

  “Yep.” A nervous laugh escaped me, and then I motioned towards the box. “It came earlier this week, but I decided to wait until tonight to open it. Why don’t you do the honors, baby?”

  Collin looked thoroughly confused at this point. She flashed him a heated smile, and then snickered before teasing him. “You, Mr. Man, are going to love what’s inside this box.”

  “Is that right?”

  He leaned forward as she started to open it. I’d sliced through the packing tape, so she just had to pull back the tabs and the box would open. Inside lay a square black pouch, with a zippered enclosure. She slowly, with maximum drama, drew the zipper back and pulled out several clear plastic rings. Most were circular in shape, but each had an open part at the top. Collin looked even more confused, until Nicole drew out the last, largest piece.

  A short tube unmistakably shaped like a small penis.

  “Holy Shit. Is that-“

  “Yes!” Nicole finished for him. “It is.”

  “How does it go together?”

  “Why?” She replied with a smirk. “Are you thinking of putting it on?”

  “Hell no,” he shot back, and then motioned at the device. “Besides, look at it. There’s no way my cock would fit inside that thing; even soft I’m way too big-” He stopped, realized what he said, and glanced at me with a guilty expression. “Sorry, I didn’t mean anything by that comment.”

  “It’s okay. I understand,” I replied.

  My heart thudded in my chest, and my hands trembled below the table. Nicole was still digging through the little black pouch with abandon, and she laid every piece carefully on the table, in plain view, and I started to worry the waiter or Maître-D would enter.

  “Oh look, it comes with an actual lock and two keys, how devious.” She dangled them in front of me, before dropping them on the table. “It also has these little plastic ties with numbers on them.” She cocked her head at me. “That’s odd?”

  “Those little plastic ties are used in place of the lock,” I explained. “They have a number, so someone can track whether or not the plastic lock has been cut.”

  Nicole gave me a blank look. “Huh?”

  I started to blush, but figured I had to continue. “Say I wore that through an airport, or into a federal building, or anywhere there is a metal detector. The lock would set off the metal detector.” Nicole and Collin exchanged a glance, and then nodded in unison. “The plastic ties are meant to secure the device, so it can’t be taken off, but still allow me to pass through a metal detector. The numbers on the plastic ties help make sure that they are not simply cut off and replaced.”


  Nicole and Collin responded together, all of us started laughing. Nervous tension, combined with good alcohol, left all of us feeling giddy. We took turns checking out the chastity device, passing it around the table like first-graders. Nicole figured out how it went together without having to use the directions, and she gave me a naughty smile.

  Collin caught the smile as well. “So when does Nicole get to lock your cock away?”

  “We haven’t decided.”

  Her smile grew from naughty to downright devilish. “Right now!”

  “You wish,” I snapped.

  “Tonight then,” she pressed.

  “We’ll discuss it.”

  “So who keeps the keys?” Nicole asked.

  “You do, honey,” I replied. “You’ll be an official Key Holder. That’s a specific term for someone who holds the keys to a cuckold’s chastity device.”

  “Aha. Is that from that website,”

  “Yes, baby.”

  “Wow, I need to check that site out.” She rubbed my thigh, and kissed my cheek. “So does Collin get a key?”

  “No,” he replied before I could answer. “I don’t want a key, not at this point anyway.”

  The seriousness in his tone seemed unusual given the circumstances. Nicole glanced at me and then we both turned our eyes towards him.

  “I realize this is a fun game right now, but chastity is a serious commitment. It’s a big step down the road of Dominance and Submission, and you should take some time to consider that while you’re having fun.”

  Nicole and I exchanged a surprised glance. Neither of us had considered chastity a commitment.

  “I would accept a key,” he continued. “If both of you gave it to me, and formally accepted me as the dominant man in this relationship.” He paused. “I’m not sure any of us is ready for that, so for the time being, I think Nicole should hold both keys.”

  The conversation had turned from light and playful to serious and sober, and left all of us unsure of what to say next.
The chastity device lay on the table, a toy at first, now it appeared sinister.

  He finally broke the tension. “Let’s put that away for now, before someone sees it. I feel like dancing anyway, let’s blow this place!”

  “Great idea!”

  Nicole clapped her hands. “Yayyyy!”

  I suspected she’d be up for anything as long as it involved Collin. I nodded my head in defeat, and swept up the Chastity device. As I dropped it into its pouch, I felt like I was concealing contraband, a dangerous, illicit device, and then handed the pouch to my wife. She tucked it into her purse with another wicked little smile, while Collin called the waiter.

  We fell right back into our routine of Nicole walking next to her boyfriend while I followed. She slipped her arm inside of his, and pressed her body against him. My heart kick-started into an even higher gear as I watched the beautiful couple glide through the restaurant, and a sense of satisfaction welled up inside of me as heads turned in their direction. Collin was handsome, yes, but heads swiveled to see my beautiful wife as well. The combustible emotional mixture of lust, happiness, worry, and excitement filled me again.

  The Cuckold High!

  I’d missed it.

  He helped her into his Range Rover and drove away. As I waited for my car, second thoughts and reservations tag-teamed me. I still wasn’t sure whether the chastity device was a good idea. Sure, it seemed harmless enough, and my wife clearly loved it. I was also honest enough to acknowledge I liked the idea as well. Collin’s comments however, made me wonder what, if any, changes the chastity device would bring. The valet pulled up and I shelved my doubts and reservations. The time for doubts and worries had passed; a night of dancing and watching my wife with her lover lay in front of me. I slid behind the wheel, grinning like a kid, and sped off after the horny couple.

  Chapter Two

  A line of impatient, well-dressed people lined the sidewalk as I pulled into yet another valet station. The happy couple had disappeared, and rather than wait in line, I stayed near the front entrance and texted Nicole. I did my best to ignore the glares from the people in line and the cautious expression from the bouncer. Fortunately, I received an immediate reply.

  Nicole: Go to the front of the line. The door guy has your name!

  Sweet! Hanging out with Collin had its rewards.

  The bouncer gave me a cool once-over as I approached. He stood, held out a hand, and started shaking his head. Of course, there were some sarcastic comments from the line of people, but I ignored them and gave him my name. A cursory glance at his list, and then he cocked an eyebrow and studied me for a second, before nodding and ushering me inside. A person with an earpiece approached and pointed me in the right direction.

  First Class all the way.

  I didn’t kid myself though; I knew if Collin hadn’t left my name at the door, I’d never have made it inside. Nicole was one of the beautiful people, so she belonged inside, in the VIP section, on the arm of a handsome, rich dude.

  Simply put, she belonged. Me? Not so much.

  I arrived in time to find him leading Nicole onto the dance floor. They passed me with a smile. She winked as she passed, already dancing as she walked, and the James Avery ring caught my eye. I was happy that she was wearing it, but I still felt a little let down, because I was back to being a third wheel. I took a deep breath, and reminded myself that this was part of the agreement. I also reminded myself that we were here tonight, because of the compromise that I suggested.

  Suck it up and deal with it.

  The waitress came by and I ordered a diet coke. No more alcohol for me tonight, especially since I was driving. The couch was comfortable, and I settled in to watch the two lovebirds. They held each other close during the slow songs, and kicked some ass on the fast ones. Fun to watch, they fit well together, and obviously enjoyed each other’s company. It was nice to see my wife this happy. I even got a few waves from her when our eyes met.

  On my way back from the restroom, I noticed Cassidy behind the bar. Our eyes met as I approached, and a wide beautiful smile lit up her face. She came from around the bar, and wrapped me in a hug. She smelled amazing, and I couldn’t help noticing her body felt firm and curvy.

  “Where have you been?”

  “Uhhhh,” I stuttered. “I’ve been a homebody lately.”

  “No kidding,” she replied. “I didn’t drive you away, did I?”

  “Not at all,” I replied with a small shake my head. “In fact, you’re the reason I’m here tonight.”

  Not a true word in the sentence.

  “Ahhh,” she gushed, and then hugged me again. “It’s good to see you.”

  “Same here.”

  “I’m closing tonight, so feel free to stop by and keep me company.”

  “I’ll try. Thanks.”

  She kissed my cheek, and then whispered. “Please do.”

  A quick pat on my chest, and then she slipped back behind the bar. I didn’t understand her attraction to me, but it sure was nice. A deep breath to steady myself, and then I moved towards our section.

  A gorgeous, young woman stepped in front of me, and I damn near ran into her. Red hair, striking blue eyes and dangerous curves, I stuttered an apology and started to step around her. I’d always found beautiful women intimidating and disconcerting at the same time.

  Don’t ask me how I landed my wife.

  She stepped in front of me again, not letting me pass, and a big friendly smile lit her face. “I saw you sitting over there by yourself,” she said, and then leaned forward to whisper in my ear. Her hand slid over my chest. “You look like you need some company.”

  My mouth dropped open and my brain emptied at the same time. Reckless abandon is something I’ve never inspired in women. First Cassidy, and now the gorgeous woman in front of me, I checked my surroundings to see if I was being Punked. I know I’m not bad looking, but this young woman was beyond smoking hot.

  She grabbed my hand before I could respond, and pulled me onto the dance floor. With no other option, I surrendered. This wasn’t an emergency and one dance wouldn’t summon the Hurricane Nicole. I felt safe enough. I think I’ve mentioned that I’m not much of a dancer, and I usually just sway from side to side.

  In this case, I barely moved at all.

  She immediately put her back to me, and starting rubbing her body against mine. I’m not sure if this was actual dancing or not, but I went along with it. Hey, she was hot. My face heated up, and so did other parts of my body. I searched for Collin and Nicole, but they’d disappeared.

  When she bent over and pushed her ass into my crotch, I started to worry we’d be ejected from the club. She threw me a smoldering glance over her shoulder, arched her back, and then slowly straightened. A slow, heated smile grew on her face when she saw my expression. This woman used her body and her looks with devastating effectiveness. Her arms circled my neck as she turned, and pressed herself into me again.

  “You’re cute.” It was loud in the club, but we were close enough that I could hear her easily. A perfume I didn’t recognize, but that smelled expensive, filled my nose. Her sweet, minty breath coated my face. “What’s your name?”

  “Nick. And thank you.”

  “Nick,” she repeated with an inviting smile. “I’m Ginger.”

  “Nice to meet you, Ginger.”

  She pressed herself against me again. “Likewise, Nick.”

  We swayed back and forth, our bodies pasted together. She held my eyes, and ran her fingers through my hair. Sexual tension filled the air, hot, sticky, and growing fast. Just when it couldn’t get any hotter, I started to push back from her; she leaned forward and planted a light kiss on my lips. Another heated smile appeared, and she spun and pressed her back against me again.

  A deep, cleansing breath filled my lungs, and I took the opportunity to look for Collin and Nicole. They were sitting together, Nicole on Collin’s lap, and they were staring at me.

  Staring….at me.

light smile sat on her lips, and she winked when we made eye contact.

  At least I’m not in trouble.

  Collin and I made eye contact, and he made a slicing gesture across his throat. He shook his head deliberately from side to side. Ginger captured my attention again, and we danced a few more songs, before she pulled me off the floor.

  “Here,” she said and grabbed my hand. A pen appeared from somewhere, and she wrote her name and number on my palm. “I’ll be here for a little while longer, but if you decide you want company tonight, or any other night,” she said with a smile. “Call me.”

  “Umm, okay. Sure,” I replied.

  She kissed my cheek again, before sauntering over to the bar. Within a few seconds, several men were vying for her attention. Still uncertain about what just happened, I shook my head and made my way toward Nicole and Collin. My steps might have been a bit unsteady as I walked.

  “Did you have fun?” Nicole asked as I sat down.

  “Uhhh. Yeah I did, but baby she asked me to dance,” I assured her.

  “It’s okay. I’m not mad. I didn’t expect you to just sit here.” She took a sip of her drink, and a little twinkle flickered in her eyes. “Besides, I don’t think she’s any competition.”

  Collin laughed and she slapped his knee. Clearly, there was an inside joke.

  “What’s the deal, guys?”

  This time they both burst out laughing. Collin saw my frustration and threw me a bone. “That young lady is a working girl.”

  He used his fingers to make quotation marks around the words working girl.

  My mouth dropped open. “No way.”

  “True story, man.” He nodded in her direction. “She’s smoking hot, but she’s definitely a hooker.”

  “I don’t believe that.” I glanced at Ginger again. Sure enough, she was already deep in conversation with another guy. The same smile she flashed at me now shined on him, and by the look in his eyes, he’d fallen under spell just like me.

  Still, it was a big leap to say she was a hooker.


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