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Cuckold's Voyeur Road (Book 3 of The One Less Traveled )

Page 10

by J. C. Wittol

  “Okay. Thank you. I can tell it means a lot to the girls, especially Jasmine, who really misses you when you’re gone.”

  She nodded, offered me a quick smile, and then walked out of the bedroom. I watched her walk away and said a silent prayer. I could tell that Jasmine missed her mom and this breakfast would mean a lot to her. I heard the girls talking with Nicole as I exited the bedroom.

  “Wow, Mom. You look fabulous,” Jasmine said as her eyes took in her mother’s dress.

  “You’re like movie star,” April added.

  “Aww. Thank you.”

  “You’re going to breakfast in the morning with us right?” Jasmine confirmed.

  Nicole checked her watch, and then nodded. “Of course, I’m looking forward to it.”


  She picked up her purse, her heels clicking purposefully on the wood floor, and walked out the door. The girls and I focused on the movie. A brief lull in the comedy allowed me to get pop some popcorn, and we scarfed on popcorn, chips and other junk food. As I munched, I realized I needed to get into better shape and I resolved to sign up for a gym membership. I tucked April into bed after the movie ended, and checked on Jasmine.

  “Hey.” I smiled as I took a seat at her desk. “Would you be comfortable watching April by yourself tonight?”

  “Sure.” She smiled at me. “You finally trust me enough to watch her.”

  “It was never about trust. I didn’t want to thrust that responsibility on you until you were ready for it.”

  “I get it. Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome, kiddo. I’ll just be gone for a few hours. April is already in bed, so she should be fine.”

  She winked and smiled at me. Damn, just like Nicole.

  “I will have my cell phone on me, so if anything happens, please call me. I’m only a few minutes away.”


  I gave her a quick hug and headed downstairs to change.

  Just a few minutes. I’ll only stay a few minutes.

  Fortunately, it was the same club as Wednesday night. I guessed it was a popular club with the rich and famous. Getting dressed only took a few minutes and I was out the door.

  The club was already packed when I arrived, but the door guy let me in immediately with a wink and few nods. Once inside, I found a waitress, gave her my name, and she led me to the bar. It wasn’t the same spot, but it was close and I still had a great view of the club and the dance floor. The second floor remained guarded by a bouncer.

  The bartender and I recognized each other, and she brought me a drink. “Hey, handsome. Here’s a Bookers on the rocks.”

  “Wow, you remembered.”

  “Of course! How many good looking guys order a small batch bourbon?”

  I laughed. “Probably a ton.”

  She pursed her lips into a little pout. “I’m mad at you by the way.”

  “What. Why?”

  “You didn’t call me. I gave you my phone number.”

  “I apologize. I was so tired after leaving last time; I just dropped my pants in the hamper and fell asleep.”

  “Riiiiiight.” She gave me a measuring look. “Well, at least that’s one I haven’t heard before.”

  “No. Seriously, I am sorry.” I sipped my bourbon and looked at her. “Honestly, I didn’t realize it was your number. I thought it was a receipt or something. So please believe me. I am sorry.”

  Another brilliant smile flashed on her face. “You’re forgiven.”

  I hesitated. “You should know though, I am married.”

  “I know. I saw the ring on your finger.” She leaned forward, over the bar, and whispered in my ear. “Think about it.”

  She settled back behind the bar, wrote her number down again, and passed it to me with a wink. I gulped my bourbon and accepted her number again. She made a phone with her hand, and then left to handle another customer.

  There’s no freakin’ way that just happened.

  I knew I wasn’t bad looking, but women like the bartender didn’t pay attention to me. She was simply out of my league, and in a club like this, she had to have plenty of other guys to choose from. I sipped my bourbon and made a mental note to throw her number away. Another woman in my life was a temptation I didn’t need.

  My eyes drifted over the crowd. I didn’t see Collin or Nicole on the dance floor. The VIP areas were full, but I thought I caught a glimpse of Nicole. A group of about six or seven people stood in the corner of a VIP area.

  Beautiful people.

  All of them were standing, talking, and laughing together. The in-crowd. I watched them for a while and when some bodies shifted, I finally saw my wife. She stood next to Collin, her arm inside his, laughing with another man who was talking with them both. He looked like the same guy she’d let fondle her and then kissed. Her eyes were lit up with laughter and humor as she listened, while Collin looked on, a little smile playing over his face. If I had to guess, I’d say it was a story that Collin had heard before, but was new to Nicole.

  I tore my eyes away from the party and scanned the crowd. I didn’t want to get caught staring. A smorgasbord of beautiful women filled the club. Flesh glistened under the club lights, scantily clad women competed for attention, and men stared hungrily. When I looked back at the party, Nicole was talking with a woman, smiling and whispering like old friends. They put down their drinks and left the VIP area together. Arm in arm, they strode towards the bathroom; and throughout the club heads swiveled in their direction.

  The urge to follow them was overpowering. I set my drink down at the bar, and indicated to the bartender that I would be right back. The crowd was thick. I made my way through the throng of bodies towards the restroom. There was no way I was going to follow the girls into their restroom, but I wanted to be a little closer to Nicole. I wanted to see her up close and maybe eavesdrop on her conversation.

  I can’t explain the compulsion; I just needed to be closer to her.

  A small corner stood empty. Dimly lit, it was right at the end of the hallway that led to the bathrooms. I leaned up against the wall and waited. A steady crowd of people flowed to and from the restroom and I started to think that there was no way, I’d see her. I stood even less of a chance of overhearing her as well.

  Fortunately, I was wrong.

  A loud shriek of laughter echoed in the hallway, and I glanced around the corner. Nicole and the other woman were holding on to each other and laughing hysterically. I pulled back and listened.

  “He’s big?”

  I didn’t recognize the voice.

  “Huge and he knows how to use it.” I recognized Nicole’s voice and her giggle. “His body is amazing, like black granite. Fuck, I’m getting wet just thinking about him.”

  “Wow,” she said past a giggle. “Easy there, you little slut.”

  “That’s exactly what I am for him.” Her voice turned serious. “I’m his slut and I fucking love it.”

  “You’re lucky. He is gorgeous.”

  “Thanks.” Her voice dropped to just above a whisper. “And keep your hands off, bitch.”

  She said it jokingly and they both laughed.

  “Don’t worry. I’m only interested in Tyrone. He just signed with Atlanta and the contract is insanely big. He’s the one for me and just for the record, he’s also huge.”

  They both laughed and muttered something between them.

  “Hey, what’s going on with his attorney?” Her friend asked. “Am I crazy or did I see sparks flying between you two?”

  “Ugh. You’re not crazy. I think his attorney is hot,” Nicole’s voice replied. “We kissed the other night.”

  “No way!”

  “Yeah. It was spontaneous, but it was soooo nice. If I wasn’t with Collin, I think I’d have fucked him already.”

  “You are a slut.”

  “Shut up!”

  “Relax, baby. I get it.”

  “Anyway, I haven’t seen it, but he felt as big as Collin, but thicker

  “Wow. You are so bad.”

  “I know, I know. I told him I was with Collin, but that I was flattered.” A deep sigh echoed along the corridor. “He agreed.”

  “Maybe you could have both of them.” She giggled. “Does Collin share?”

  “What?” Her voice was shocked, but intrigued. “No, well, I don’t know. We’ve never talked about it.” Silence echoed in the hallway, before Nicole’s voice shattered it. “Do you think he would?”

  “I don’t know, but some guys like that sort of thing. You should talk with him about it. Wouldn’t that be a fun night?”

  They both started laughing and I heard their footsteps approaching. I pressed myself into the corner. Fortunately, they didn’t see me and continued back to the VIP area. As I leaned up against the wall, I took deep, slow breaths. The idea of her being with two men was overpowering…and shocking. When we’d started on this roller coaster, she only wanted a boyfriend, now she was clearly considering two men at the same time.

  The bartender had a fresh drink for me when I returned. She sensed that something was on my mind and left me alone. I wouldn’t have minded some conversation, but how the hell do you tell someone about our lifestyle. No one would understand, no one would be sympathetic, and I suddenly felt very alone.

  My eyes sought out Nicole again and I saw her standing with the other woman talking and laughing. Collin smiled at the two conspiring girls, then turned back to his attorney, and gave a quick motion with his head. His attorney smiled, clapped him on the shoulder, and walked over to Nicole. He walked up behind her, laid his hands on her shoulders, and slowly ran them along her sides, before resting them on her hips. Nicole closed her eyes and leaned back into him; clearly she thought it was Collin. The attorney folded his arms around her stomach and whispered into her ear.

  Surprised, her eyes opened wide. She stepped forward and turned around, her hand going to her mouth. She looked over at Collin and he laughed at her surprise. In typical Nicole fashion, she slugged the attorney in the arm and then marched over and did the same thing to Collin. She set her drink down, glared at her boyfriend. He kissed her and she melted into his arms. He held her for a few minutes, talking at her, and then let her go. She cocked her head at him, but he motioned for her to go, so she pulled the attorney on the dance floor with a big smile.

  He does want to share her!

  It was a repeat of Wednesday night, except no kiss, and Nicole did a better job of controlling herself. The attorney did as well and it appeared that things had settled between them. Collin spent most of his time talking with some of the men in the VIP area, but when he did watch them dance, a hungry expression filled his face.

  Several songs passed, before he switched places with his attorney and started dancing with Nicole. Her eyes lit up and she pasted her body against his, moving slowly and rubbing herself over him while her hands played over his shoulders and chest. I’d never seen her act so sultry, slutty, so wanton and seemingly controlled by sexual desire.

  The scene pegged my cuckold husband meter.

  I glanced back at their party and found everyone’s eyes on Collin and Nicole. Even I had to admit, they were a striking couple. Watching them dance had become a spectator sport, and the club could have charged admission for people just to watch them. Mesmerized and painfully erect, I had difficulty controlling myself. The now-familiar ball of lust, anxiety, worry and desire all combined in my stomach to produce a high like no other. Like being addicted to cocaine, or alcohol, and once addicted, nothing else would suffice.

  I needed a fix.

  The fix was all that mattered.

  I needed it regularly now.

  The lusty couple finally made their way back to their VIP area and their party applauded. Nicole blushed and Collin hugged her close to him. Someone made a joke and everyone started laughing. Her new friend hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Collin kept his hand on her back, rubbing it gently for several seconds, until his hand rested at the top of her ass. She leaned into him, they kissed slowly, passionately, and I saw her fold herself against his body. Her friend smiled knowingly. The other men, including his lawyer, stared at Nicole jealously.

  The ice in my glass of bourbon had melted, and the bourbon turned warm. I decided it was a sign. I wanted to watch Collin fuck my wife badly, but it wasn’t going to happen tonight. I needed to get some sleep. I knew Nicole was going to be exhausted tomorrow, but as long as she didn’t overdo the alcohol, she should be fine for breakfast.

  I thanked the bartender. She put her fingers to her ear, mimicked a phone, and mouthed ‘Call me.’ I didn’t know what was going on with her, but I knew I’d never call. My world had already been turned upside down and I didn’t need to add a double somersault flip to it.

  Besides, I knew Nicole would never share me.

  The house was quiet when I got home and both kids were asleep. I locked the doors and dropped my clothes in the hamper, but not before digging my jeans out from the other night and shredding the bartender’s phone number. I couldn’t begin to imagine Nicole’s reaction if she found that in my pants.

  My alarm clock went off at 7:00 am.

  I was alone in bed.

  What the fuck?

  Where the hell is Nicole?

  Table of Contents

  Cuckold’s Voyeur Road

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven




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