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Myth (Book 1)

Page 29

by Angela K. Crandall

  “And between those times, what do you want me to do?”

  “Keep your friends safe, we’ll contact you, after the dance. Now try to shift before Molly has showered,” she instructed.

  I laid down placing my head on my paws conjuring up my own, image.I’m a girl, short, medium built, strawberry blonde hair and hazel eyes. I’m infatuated, with Jenson. I’m not sure if it’s love, but warm tingles are nice, so foxy you have to go. Let me go. I thought of Jenson’s warm arms, his kisses, and bit by bit felt myself return to human form.

  The door to the bathroom sprung open.

  “You know, coming out of the shower, I hoped you’d put clothes on,” Molly stammered, turning away.

  “Sorry, it took a bit longer turning back. Can you grab me my jeans, a shirt, and ah, you know?” I stammered.

  “Of course, I just try to stay clear of naked people. You know seeing your best friend nude is awkward. I’m sure Jenson would find you striking,” she teased.

  I grinned at her, muffling a laugh.”Are you going to leave me huddled here?”

  “I could... Nah, better not.”

  Molly opened my dresser drawer searching for an outfit. She held up a pair of old, ratty jeans with a gray sweatshirt.

  “Here,” she said setting them beside me.

  I picked them up. Scrambling to the bathroom before any more embarrassing comments were made.

  Standing in the shower, Jenson filled my head. Truth, be told I needed to go on another date. This hero stuff had been pretty spectacular, but a real date that included a movie, hand holding, popcorn, and maybe a bit of kissing. If things happened, clan things, no you’ve already committed yourself; I thought as I banged my hand against the shower wall. Nayla had promised me, down time. Plus, I could pick up a few of those books now, at the library on Wicca and magic! I finished rinsing the conditioner from my hair. Then turned off the water and grabbed my towel that hung over the shower curtain. Soft, fresh and wonderful! I stepped out onto the mat. The mirror covered in steam. I wiped it free staring at myself, the fox or the girl?

  “Nice of you to join us,” said my mom, putting down a plate of food in front of my father. “Sit down, eat something. You have that test you need to take for Jones anyway. He called you’ll go, after, this.”

  “And Denny’s, am I going back to work?”

  My mom laughed, “Yes, but not today. You don’t look up to it.”

  “Are you sure the test can’t wait?” asked Molly. “We were up all night catching villains. Jones knows this right, given that he helped Eva at the park.”

  “Yes, but he’d feel better if you’d just get it over with. You only have two more before the end of the semester. Then you’ll be prepared,” boasted my father.

  “Are we going into battle again? Because the bandits have been captured.” Jenson questioned holding his fork in midair.

  My father cleared his throat as my mother pulled out the chair beside him. She seated herself rather close and held his hand.

  “No, first of all, we still need to interrogate the bandits, find out which one of them killed Du-Vance. Unless, the entity that held Nuria and Cal was the culprit. However, the dance is in a few weeks. I want you kids to focus on that. Jenson, afterward the clan would like to give you an assignment if you choose to accept it. Starla will need to complete her guardian process before joining us. Can you handle being on the board to locate the scientists?”

  “What!” I slammed down my fork like an angry child.

  “Now, you’ll be training dear. We need all the aid we can get,” said my mother.

  “We?” asked Molly.

  “Yes, your father and I believe it’s best to gradually intertwine ourselves back into the tribe, especially now that the threat is contained.”

  “I think it’s great! Does this mean you and moms are getting back together? Do I get to be a part of this now?” blurted Megan.

  “One thing at a time. Jenson, Molly, are you game?”

  “Me?” spoke up Molly.

  “Yes, you’re a good healer, and not only Starla’s best friend. Now your family,” added my dad.

  “I’m a bit confused,” Molly replied.

  “You’ve proven to us you can be trusted. Both you and Jenson. I’ll speak to Nayla and Cavin. You’ll be official members.”

  “Finish up, Jones will be waiting,” urged Tri.

  Jenson and Molly helped me to clear the table. Afterwards, I turned to get my coat and noticed my dad standing beside me.

  “I’ve grown rather fond of Jenson. I know it didn’t start out that way.”

  I nodded at my dad.

  “Did he ask you to the Dance yet?”

  “Yeah, I think I’m old enough to say yes, right?”

  “Right,” said my dad hugging me.

  “Come on, let’s jet,” Molly interjected. I pulled away from my dad, and she handed me my coat. I put it on ready to face my new reality.

  Author’s Note:

  Thank you for reading Myth book 1. If you enjoyed this installment in the series, please leave a review at or the site at which this book was purchased. I’m currently in the process of writing book #2 in this series. As a new author, I appreciate helpful feedback from my readers. I look forward to continuing writing for as long as the world will permit me.


  Angela K. Crandall




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