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by Charlotte Bronte


  _Uniform with this Volume and Same Price._

  =Jack Sheppard.= HARRISON AINSWORTH.

  =Masterman Ready.= CAPTAIN MARRYAT.

  =Michael Strogoff.= JULES VERNE.

  =The Wide Wide World.= ELIZ. WETHERELL.

  This famous American novel has for many years been a classic in everyhome. It is a masterpiece of the best type of domestic fiction.

  =Hereward the Wake.= CHARLES KINGSLEY.

  This brilliant romance tells of the last stand of the great Englishleader, Hereward, against the advance of the Normans. The scene islargely laid in the Fen country, and every page is a record of fiercestrife. The fall of Hereward is one of the greatest death scenes inliterature.

  =David Copperfield--I.= CHARLES DICKENS.

  =David Copperfield--II.= CHARLES DICKENS.

  "David Copperfield" is, by general consent, Dickens's masterpiece,showing, as it does, all his peculiar merits in their highest form. Itis the most autobiographical of his novels, and the one into which heput most of his philosophy of life.


  "Jane Eyre" is Charlotte Bronte's first and most famous work. It was thefirst realistic novel, in the modern sense of the word, in Englishliterature, and its influence has been beyond reckoning. It ranks as oneof the great novels of the nineteenth century.

  =Verdant Green.= CUTHBERT BEDE.

  This is the humorous classic of Oxford life. Published more than half acentury ago, its humour is as fresh to-day as ever.

  =Pickwick Papers--I.= CHARLES DICKENS.

  =Pickwick Papers--II.= CHARLES DICKENS.

  Every year sees a new edition of "Pickwick," and the world still asksfor more. It is one of the world's greatest romances of the road, whereadventures fall to those who seek them. It is also a faithful and lovingpicture of an older England, from which we have travelled far to-day. Wemay become a wiser people, but we shall never again be so humorous.

  =Windsor Castle.= HARRISON AINSWORTH.

  The romances of Harrison Ainsworth need no advertisement. In this, as inhis "Tower of London" and "Old St. Paul's," he has taken one ofEngland's great historical sites, and woven around it an appropriateromance.

  =Peg Woffington.= CHARLES READE.

  "Peg Woffington" was the first of Charles Reade's romances, and wasfounded upon his comedy, "Masks and Faces." The story of the famousIrish actress who dazzled London in the eighteenth century, and withwhom Garrick was in love, has been made the foundation of a charmingromance.

  =Reminiscences of Scottish Life and Character.= Dean RAMSAY.

  The only book of jests that has ever attained an honourable place inliterature. Its wealth of genuine humour is a perpetual refutation ofthe old slander that Scots joke "wi' deeficulty."

  =Parables from Nature.= Mrs. GATTY.

  This is one of the great children's books of the world. It was a classicin our grandmothers' time, and possesses that imperishable charm whichmakes it as attractive to-day as when it was first written.

  =Lavengro.= GEORGE BORROW.

  The greatest romance of the road in English literature, telling of allthe byways and humours of that older England which is fast disappearing.

  =Little Women.= LOUISA M. ALCOTT.

  This delightful book has become a possession of childhood and youth. Ithas captured the affections of millions of young people in twocontinents, and is certainly the finest piece of work in the whole rangeof Miss Alcott's breezy, hopeful, genial, and tender writings.

  =Pride and Prejudice.= JANE AUSTEN.

  =Sense and Sensibility.= JANE AUSTEN.

  Sir Walter Scott was among the earliest to detect the merits of MissAusten's work, and of recent years her humour and her keen insight intohuman nature have been abundantly recognized, so that to-day she isprobably the most read novelist of her period. In Sir Walter Scott'sphrase she possesses "the exquisite touch which renders ordinarycommonplace things and characters interesting."

  =Toilers of the Sea.= VICTOR HUGO.

  =The Laughing Man.= VICTOR HUGO.

  =Les Miserables--I.= VICTOR HUGO.

  =Les Miserables--II.= VICTOR HUGO.

  ='Ninety-Three.= VICTOR HUGO.

  Victor Hugo took the romantic novel as invented by Sir Walter Scott andgave it a new and philosophic interest. All his great romances have apurpose. "Les Miserables" exposes the tyranny of human laws; "TheToilers of the Sea" shows the conflict of man with nature; "The LaughingMan" expounds the tyranny of the aristocratic ideal as exemplified inEngland. But being a great artist as well as a great thinker, he neverturned his romances into pamphlets. Drama is always his aim, and nonovelist has attained more often the supreme dramatic moment.

  =The Heir of Redclyffe.= C. M. YONGE.

  This is a reprint of Miss Yonge's most famous tale. It has been said ofher that she domesticated the historical romance, which owed its originto Sir Walter Scott, and her characters were for long the ideal figuresof most English households.

  =Wild Wales.= GEORGE BORROW.

  This book was the result of Borrow's wanderings after the publication of"Lavengro" and "The Romany Rye." He tramped on foot throughout thecountry, and the work is a classic of description, both of the sceneryand people.

  =The Cloister and the Hearth.= CHARLES READE.

  There are many who think this the greatest of all historical novels, andit is certain that there are few better. It is not a story so much as avast and varied transcript of life. It is also a delightful romance, andGerard and Margaret are among the immortals of fiction.

  =Romola.= GEORGE ELIOT.

  This is the only novel of George Eliot's in which the scene is laidoutside her own country. It is a story of Florence during the time ofthe Renaissance, a marvellous picture of the intellectual and moralferment which the New Learning created. With amazing learning andinsight the author portrays the souls of men and women, and her study ofa weak man and a strong woman has rarely been surpassed in Englishliterature for dramatic power and moral truth.

  =Silas Marner.= GEORGE ELIOT.

  This, the shortest and the most exquisite of George Eliot's tales,represents her great powers at their best. In the picture of the heroshe shows a profound understanding of human nature, and the feelingswhich were then moving rural and industrial England.

  =The Abbot.= Sir WALTER SCOTT.

  One of the Waverley novels which has always been deservedly popular.

  =Bride of Lammermoor.= Sir WALTER SCOTT.

  The story is a tragedy on the lines of Greek drama, and the ending hasbeen pronounced by great critics to be the most moving in proseliterature. In the Master of Ravenswood, Scott has drawn perhaps hisgreatest tragic figure, and in Caleb Balderstone one of his mosthumorous creations.

  =The Black Tulip.= ALEXANDRE DUMAS.

  This was the last of Dumas' great stories. It is a veritable _tour deforce_, for in it the reader follows with consuming interest thevicissitudes of a tulip, and the human element in the story is quitesubsidiary. Nevertheless, it contains such strongly-drawn characters asCornelius van Baerle, the guardian of the tulip, and Rosa, the jailer'sdaughter.

  =Tom Cringle's Log.= MICHAEL SCOTT.

  A brilliant story of West Indian life by an author who combined abundantpersonal experience with keen observation, sprightly temper, anddelightful humour. "Tom Cringle's Log" has been many times reprinted,and has lost nothing of its popularity and power to please.

  =Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare.=

  Tens of thousands of readers have been led to Shakespeare by thecharmingly told stories which Charles and Mary Lamb, about a hundredyears ago, extracted from the plays of the greatest dramatist of alltime. Though produced by Lamb at the very outset of his literary career,these stories betray that unique and finished art, that delightfulfreshness and rare sympathy, which are the characteristics of his maturework.

  =The Scarlet Letter.= NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE.

  This is one of the most powerful and affecting stori
es ever conceived.On its first appearance, in 1850, it immediately leaped high into publicfavour, and attained the distinction of an unmistakable classic. Thetragedy of Hester Prynne and Arthur Dimmesdale is wrought out in themidst of an austere Puritan community, which exacts the bitterestexpiation for sin.


  _Uniform with this Volume and Same Price_.


  1. A Tale of Two Cities. 2. Tom Brown's Schooldays. 3. The Deerslayer. 4. Henry Esmond. 5. Hypatia. 6. The Mill on the Floss. 7. Uncle Tom's Cabin. 8. The Last of the Mohicans. 9. Adam Bede. 10. The Old Curiosity Shop. 11. Oliver Twist. 12. Kenilworth. 13. Robinson Crusoe. 14. The Last Days of Pompeii. 15. Cloister and the Hearth. 16. Ivanhoe. 17. East Lynne. 18. Cranford. 19. John Halifax, Gentleman. 20. The Pathfinder. 21. Westward Ho! 22. The Three Musketeers. 23. The Channings. 24. The Pilgrim's Progress. 25. Pride and Prejudice. 26. Quentin Durward. 27. Villette. 28. Hard Times. 29. Child's History of England. 30. The Bible in Spain. 31. Gulliver's Travels. 32. Sense and Sensibility. 33. Kate Coventry. 34. Silas Marner. 35. Notre Dame. 36. Old St. Paul's. 37. Waverley. 38. 'Ninety-Three. 39. Eothen. 40. Toilers of the Sea. 41. Children of the New Forest. 42. The Laughing Man. 43. A Book of Golden Deeds. 44. Great Expectations. 45. Guy Mannering. 46. Modern Painters (Selections) 47. Les Miserables--I. 48. Les Miserables--II. 49. The Monastery. 50. Romola. 51. The Vicar of Wakefield. 52. Emma. 53. Lavengro. 54. Emerson's Essays. 55. The Bride of Lammermoor. 56. The Abbot. 57. Tom Cringle's Log. 58. Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare. 59. The Scarlet Letter. 60. Old Mortality. 61. The Romany Rye. 62. Hans Andersen. 63. The Black Tulip. 64. Little Women. 65. The Talisman. 66. Scottish Life and Character. 67. The Woman in White. 68. Tales of Mystery. 69. Fair Maid of Perth. 70. Parables from Nature. 71. Peg Woffington. 72. Windsor Castle. 73. Edmund Burke. 74. Ingoldsby Legends. 75. Pickwick Papers.--I. 76. Pickwick Papers.--II. 77. Verdant Green. 78. The Heir of Redclyffe. 79. Wild Wales. 80. Two Years Before the Mast. 81. Jane Eyre. 82. David Copperfield.--I. 83. David Copperfield.--II. 84. Hereward the Wake. 85. Wide Wide World. 86. Michael Strogoff.


  Transcriber's Note:

  Variations in hyphenated words have been retained as they appear in the original publication.

  Changes have been made as follows:

  Page 30 with some inpatience _changed to_ with some impatience

  Page 48 very bravely mantained _changed to_ very bravely maintained

  Page 120 Sudgen, his staff; and Sudgen arrest him _changed to_ Sugden, his staff; and Sugden arrest him

  Page 166 The old atticed _changed to_ The old latticed

  Page 175 Let as have _changed to_ Let us have

  Page 185 Mrs. Gill, my houskeeper _changed to_ Mrs. Gill, my housekeeper

  Page 224 by a downward gave _changed to_ by a downward gaze

  Page 242 gently invired him _changed to_ gently invited him

  Page 245 a smiling Melancthon _changed to_ a smiling Melanchthon

  Page 255 Sentinels of Nunwood _changed to_ Sentinels of Nunnwood

  Page 260 only the profiters _changed to_ only the profiteers

  Page 274 dark gray irids _changed to_ dark gray irides

  Page 297 alight and alow _changed to_ alight and aglow

  Page 380 my old accupation _changed to_ my old occupation

  Page 492 not without approbrium _changed to_ not without opprobrium

  Punctuation has been changed as follows:

  Page 119 Mr Moore, we lived _changed to_ Mr. Moore, we lived

  Page 145 stones on the road? _changed to_ stones on the road.

  Page 393 "Shirley, my woman _changed to_ 'Shirley, my woman

  Page 540 _reward_ her!" _changed to_ _reward_ her!'"


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