Offside: A Bad Boy Sports Romance
Page 35
I’ve had a lot of girls in my life, and a lot of sex, but little experience that compares to this one. Tilly is my step-sister, and I know there is a good chance we shouldn’t be doing this. I shouldn’t be doing this anyway because I’m sworn off it, but there is something about her that just makes it impossible for me not to. It could be the way she looks, or the way she’s sitting, or the fact I shouldn’t, or the fact she wants it but won’t admit to it, or that I’m falling deeper than I ever have before, or for all of those reasons and others that I can’t even comprehend, but whatever is happening, it’s happening right now, to both of us, and there is no way we can avoid it even if we wanted to.
“Alright, you asked for it.”
Tilly bites her lip. She holds her breath and I watch her pupils dilate. As I lock both thumbs into my waistband and peel my boxer shorts slowly over my rock hard dick, she can’t help but squeal with excitement.
I can’t believe this is happening, but it is. Oh my Christ it is. I know I have my hand over my mouth, and I know my eyes are as big as dinner plates. It is the biggest dick I have ever seen. The magazines didn’t lie, the column inches didn’t underestimate it, Landon Maddox is seriously well hung. Only it’s not hanging right now, it’s pulsing, like it has its own heartbeat.
I think I’m gurgling with excitement. It could be a squeal and it could be a mating call. Whatever it is, I’m horny, and I want that thing inside me so quickly, I don’t have enough time to regret it.
My eyes go from his dick across his chest and up to his face. He’s smiling proudly, but why wouldn’t you? One of the most talented, most beautiful, most arrogant men in the world just had to be given a huge dong, didn’t he?
My answer makes no sense, but I’m not really responding to the question he’s just put to me, more the question he’s been putting to me for the last four days. Yes. I agree. I can’t resist anymore. I want you. It. I want that inside me.
“You can do more than just look at it if you want.”
I nod.
“And when you’re done, you can show me yours.”
If you had told me a year ago, before Mom met Marvin, before they got married and before Landon became my stepbrother, that he would be stood at the edge of my bed, not only naked but hard enough to push a hole in the wall if he wanted to, close enough for me to reach out and pull him towards me, to place the head of his cock in my mouth and for me to roll my tongue over it, to taste him and pleasure him and allow myself to do anything I wanted, I would have looked at you like you were crazy.
I dreamt about all of those things, and I still do. I masturbate to fantasies of this exact scenario and now here I am, with him, alone, together, whatever you want to call it and I can no longer hold myself back, regardless of the consequences.
Suddenly energized, I jolt myself out of stun mode and edge towards the treasure. A moment later, I’m pressing Landon’s swollen crown against the roof of my mouth with a spade shaped tongue.
The Donkey. This is the man that has stolen the hearts of a thousand women, and here he is in a position of complete and utter sensitivity, at my behest and in my complete control. I rake his cock against my teeth, just to remind him that I can, if I want to, inflict both pleasure and pain. He likes it, of course, so I do it again, biting down gently on his tumescent meat, mostly because I can’t resist it.
I am one of those girls who could orgasm sucking cock. I read about them from time to time in glossy magazines and on forums and websites. It’s never happened, but not because I can’t do it, more because I’ve never sucked a good enough cock to allow it. Landon has all the qualities to make it happen and while I work his cock in and out of my mouth, my tongue licking and flicking and teasing and testing his secret zones of utter sensitivity, I feel tingles climb through my skin and my pussy pulse in greedy desire.
I look up to see Landon watching. This must be the ultimate fantasy for men, but it’s pretty good from my end too. He has his hands on his hips, but I wouldn’t mind at all if he put them on my head, pulled my hair a little bit or pushed me down onto his cock. I guess he’s playing the gentleman, keen not to push his luck too much, or ruin what he’s obviously worked hard to achieve in the first place.
I slap him against my tongue, run him against my lips until they vibrate so much they are itchy, and swallow him as deeply as I can manage, which feels deep to me, but turns out not to be all that deep at all.
His moans tell me exactly what he likes me doing, and the more that I do it, the more turned on we both get.
Landon finally moves one hand from his hip to run through my hair. He traces the vein down the side of my neck and then runs his fingertips over the top of my clavicle. When he gets to the strap of my dress, he flicks it casually across my shoulder.
“Take it off”, he orders.
I take his cock out of my mouth and look up to him with wide eyes. I give him several flirty flicks of my eyelashes and smile. Still holding him I bite my neck and then squeeze, hard, just to test his resistance, to channel my energy momentarily. Landon buckles forward and pushes me with him into the bed.
He’s coming for me, and the hunger I can see in his eyes tells me he’s not going to stop.
“I said, take it off.”
There is a zip at the back, but he’s not going to use it.
“You take it off.”
Strong arms push my legs wide at the inner thigh. I feel a tug while he gathers up a handful of fabric and lifts it up, across my belly, up to my chest. I’m still biting my lip, wondering how he’s going to de-robe me, enjoying every second of this battle to break me out of my clothes, like a young boy might a Christmas toy out of its sparkly wrapping.
I refuse to lift my arms up to help him, because I love the attention he’s giving me. It doesn’t stop him for long. I’m twisted, turned, tickled, manipulated, caressed and cajoled into giving myself over to him, and when Landon has achieved what he came over here to do, the dress is nothing but a pile of fabric at the bottom of the bed, the present now firmly in his grasp.
Rough hands sweep over my body, testing the sensitivity of my smooth and delicate skin. Talented fingers of precision that dance their way from one rib to the next, pirouetting expertly around the bra I have worn especially to please him, never thinking I’d ever get the chance, up over my neck, where they brave a squeeze momentarily and I secretly desire more, out across my shoulders, down my arms to tickle my inner elbow and eventually back again, across and around my belly button, the waistband to the panties I’ve selected carefully for the moment I never thought would come and onwards, teasingly, telling me everything we both now know about exactly what it is we want.
Much like the dress before it, my bra and my panties are soon nothing but inert objects, gathered at the end of the bed like discarded sections of torn Christmas present wrapping.
Landon takes a moment to appreciate his gift, while I lie there in the bed before him, conscious of my nakedness, aware that I am baring myself to him, not just physically, but emotionally too.
“You look fucking amazing.”
“I bet that’s what you tell all of your step-sisters.”
Landon kisses. Landon caresses. Landon massages and explores and teases and touches. I am extremely horny, and even before he touches me with either the tips of his fingers or the flat edge of his tongue, I know I will not be able to stop him making me come.
‘The best fuck I’ve ever had’ was one of the comments I read in the gossip column of a glossy throwaway magazine, some super-rich, big titted TV celebrity that had somehow won him over. Definitely not his finest moment, even if the comments were true. The best fuck I ever had. I don’t doubt it.
He’s more considerate than I imagined he would be, less selfish with his demands. I’d imagined being made to feel like a slut, not a princess, forced into having an orgasm - enjoying it exponentially - but taken there under his control. I
don’t know how to describe this, but it’s not the lowered panties bathroom fuck or the stolen quickie in the front seat of a car. That may come later, and I hope it does, but that doesn’t mean I want it now. Each moment requires sex to match it, and it’s the real lovers who know the importance of that.
With my knees up high, the tips of my feet the only part of them still attached to the bed, and my thighs clamped around Landon’s ears, I know the importance of that. His tongue isn’t quite as big as his cock, but it’s deft and agile and thick enough to please me in parts not even his fingers can reach.
I could go on like this, melt into an explosive series of orgasms while Landon laps at me like a stray cat might lick at milk seeping from a broken bottle, but I need something more too, I need him to push me that little bit higher still.
I drag him away from me, even though he doesn’t want to come initially, not until he realizes what will naturally follow. I want him inside me and I’m not afraid to admit it. I want Landon Maddox and I’m not going to stop until I get him. I’m too far gone now to turn back. I’ve made my decision. I’m naked, wet, on the edge of a climax and The Donkey is here, prone, erect, ready to take me there.
Landon obviously has a condom in his wallet. I wonder for a moment if he’s brought it on the off chance, just in case a situation like this might arise, and I find him impossible to resist, or even throw myself at him at the first opportunity.
I expect more resistance to its application, more of a push to make me do it bareback, but he’s the one that suggests its use in the first place, perhaps softened by a previous experience, or terrified of the possible consequences. Imagine if Landon and I had a baby. There would be no hiding that from the family or the owners of his beloved football team.
I have little experience of sex, and fewer still of condoms. I would prefer not to use them at all, but if there has to be a barrier between us, better that it’s a thin layer of rubber than the fact that we are actually step siblings.
I wonder if he’s forgotten about it too, or just doesn’t think it’s even that important, which I guess in the grand scheme of things it isn’t really. We’re not related, so it’s not a problem in that respect, the only issue that might arise is whether we continue along this magical path.
It seems right to begin like this. Landon takes control now. He rolls the rubber over his cock, trapping the flesh inside the membrane, and then shuffles towards me, our distant future now protected, our immediate future ready to be made.
I expect it to hurt. I expect what I’ve experienced before, which is to say, a passionless volley of humps and thrusts culminating in pain and feelings of immediate remorse. It is neither of those things.
Landon, in complete betrayal of his personality, is soft, gentle, deferent and appeasing. He is sexy and masculine and absolutely erotic all at the same time, and I’m not entirely sure how he manages to juggle both.
I watch muscles tense across his neck and chest as he moves into position. With gentle but insistent nudges of his knees, he eases my thighs open, before nimbly placing his cock head at the entrance to my tender hole. With one hand at the base of his cock, the other holding me open, he slides himself purposefully inside me, pushing as deep as he can go in one unbroken movement.
I can’t help but explode in a stream of lustful moans, thinking at one moment he may have actually already made me come. Landon pulls out casually, the length of his cock significant enough that even at a distance that suggests he should be outside of me, he isn’t.
“Fuck, yes, again.”
“I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist me.”
He goes even deeper this time, so deep I have to arch my back up towards him like a hedonistic cat.
On his backswing, I level my eyes at him.
“Who said anything about me resisting you?”
Again he comes for me, this time so deep I feel his balls squash against me.
“Right. So I’ll stop then shall I?”
I have to compose myself before I can reply.
“You can stop when you’ve made me come.”
“That’s why I like you, Tilly. You’re funny.”
I fold myself into it, but there is no escape anyway, Landon is all over me. His cock pushing every single button I think I have, his hands on my thighs, or on my tits, or on my neck pulling me into him, his balls riding up against me, his God like perfection wherever I look.
We change position several times, and I do my best in each one to hang on, to not let myself go too soon, to deny Landon the pleasure of knowing he’s doing what he is to me, but I can only cope with so much, and Landon is, after all, in his words and several others, the best fuck I’ve ever had.
It is better than I could have imagined. Better than I dreamed it would be too. Landon is a man of superlatives, as much as I hate to admit it to myself, and would never admit to him, he is a God amongst men.
I didn’t even know it could feel this good. I didn’t even know there were parts on my body that created sensations within me like the ones he seems to be able to make me experience with little other than a twist of his body, a carefully placed hand, or a kiss where I least expect it.
I come, multiple times. I come so much I can’t remember when it begins. I am on top of him rolling my hips forwards and jerking him up inside me, I’m in front of him, facing away, his hands gripping my hips tightly as he drives his way inside me, never brutally and never without care, and I’m by his side when he comes, both of us facing each other, my leg swept across his body, tucked into the gap between his ribs and his hip bone.
We lay like that for a long time, neither one of us knowing quite what to say. We’ve done it. We’ve been unable to resist, and now we need to face the consequences. What happens from here on, I have no idea.
I have to laugh. “What is it with you and that jacuzzi?!”
“What’s there not to like? A hot tub full of water in the middle of nowhere with views out over the rolling hills.”
“I didn’t think you liked rolling hills.”
“I can appreciate a good view, Tilly.”
I wonder if this is what it’s going to be like between us always. Incredible sex and good humored banter. Or whether this is a one of. Whether after today, now that he’s got his release, Landon will just forget about me and move onto the next big thing. Part of me doesn’t want to even think about it. If that was the first and the last, I want to hold on to the sensation as long as possible.
“By the way, if we can’t get a cell phone signal, how are they meant to contact us?”
“Hopefully they won’t.”
I can’t tell if he’s playing around or not.
“I’ll have to drive out to somewhere I can pick one up. At any rate, they won’t be coming back tonight, unless Dad makes a miracle recovery. In all honesty, I doubt they’ll bother.”
“How on earth are we going to cope?”
“Look, Tilly, I know you’re used to getting your meals cooked for you, but don’t worry, I’ve lived alone for a while, so I know how to survive.”
“Ass-hole, I know how to cook.”
“I guess we could be here alone for a few days at least. We’ll have to make sure we’ve got enough supplies.”
“Mom brought a whole load of food, way too much probably. I wouldn’t worry about that.”
“Oh, I wasn’t talking about food, I was talking about condoms. That pack of three isn’t going to last us long at all.”
“I guess we’ll just have to manage without. You know, heavy petting and nothing else.”
The look Landon gives me is priceless.
“Let’s see how long you last like that.”
“I bet I can last longer than you.”
“You didn’t even last an hour.”
“I was worried we’d miss our opportunity.”
“And here I was thinking you were just using me.”
I’m the
first to get up. I’m hungry, I want to shower, and I don’t want Landon thinking he owns me. Ok, we fucked, it was incredible, I wanted to do it, I want to do it again, but I’m not going to make it easy for him. If Landon wants me, he’s got to earn it at every turn. He’s got to prove he’s serious.
“Admit it.”
I’m at the door, my modesty covered up by his shirt.
“Admit what?”
“Admit that was the best fuck you’ve ever had.”
I laugh. “That wasn’t the best fuck I’ve ever had.”
“You’re lying, I can see it in your face.”
“If that was the best fuck I’ve ever had, what would be the point in doing it anymore? Is that what you were planning to achieve?”
I’m out of the room before I give him a chance to respond, but not before I see him chewing it over.
I’ve just made Landon Maddox mine, and I’m going to try as hard as I can to make it stay that way.
They say he isn’t for keeps, well maybe it’s just that they don’t know how to handle him. Maybe I don’t know either, but I’m going to give it a damn good go.
Even if it doesn’t work, I’ll always have that. The best damn fuck I’ve ever had.
Well, that worked out way better than I expected. I knew Tilly was going to be dynamite in the sack, I just didn’t realize how good. She covers herself up a lot during the day, even when she’s supposed to be out sunbathing on the decking, so I had no idea just how gorgeous she would be under all of those different threads, but man, that body is mind blowing.
She knows how to fool around too. She gives the impression she’s totally innocent, but based on that performance, I wouldn’t be so sure. One long term boyfriend maybe, but she doesn’t get that technique by holding out. Tilly obviously knows how to please her men, and this one is very pleased right now.
Convincing her to do it in the first place took less than an hour, which was way less time than I was expecting, although maybe the previous three days was what she needed to make up her mind. I’ve got to hand it to my dad, fingers crossed everything’s alright, but without his dramatic exit, I doubt we would have ever got a chance to do it at all.