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Legacy of Dreams: Freedom

Page 44

by Thomas J. L. Green

  “Say something dammit!” Luna barked at him angrily.

  “I am sorry there is sand around,” Raven tried awkwardly.

  “RRRRRRGGGGGGGHHH,” Luna snarled but let it be.

  “Why are you so mad? It’s just sand,” Raven tossed up.

  “BECAUSE I MISS YEN AND MIRANDA!” Luna screamed. She realized people outside could likely hear her and covered her mouth quickly.

  “We should arrive in the city soon,” Raven offered consolation.

  “I wish,” Luna complained.


  “Like in Cinderwell, good,” Luna smiled and went out to get checked.

  Redwall was exactly like the name suggested. The city had three levels, each of them had a big red wall around it. The back of the city was on the mountain, but much smaller than in Cinderwell. It was more of a stony hill than a mountain to be fair.

  “Monster? This little girl?” the Urushnii sitting on a great wolf asked suspiciously and the others turned around as well. They were eight, six on wolves and two on wyverns.

  I don’t have time for this.

  Luna took a deep breath to calm down.


  Ah… now I feel much better, Luna evaluated as she watched the wyverns throw off their riders and flee in panic, wolves run or drop to the ground and men fall from the walls.

  “Any other complaints?” she asked the Urushnii warrior lying on the ground under the corpse of his wolf. He was deathly pale and has clearly soiled himself.

  “No, madam,” he breathed. Luna leaped back to the top of the cage and went to count the score. Three wolves with a heart attack, over twenty wolves running for their lives, eight wyverns running for their lives and four... no, five men dead by falling from the walls.


  Come to think of it; this seems awfully familiar, Luna realized as she was looking at the army spraying around the city.

  “I will catch up later in the arena. I need to go check something,” Luna shouted and leaped off the wagon to head into the city. She went to the nearest accessible tower and looked outside of the city.


  Crouching Phoenix formation, exactly like how James used to show it to me.

  That means the fake general's tent is over here, real general’s tent is over there and James is in it!

  “I am here to see the general,” Luna announced to the guards at the large tent.

  “There is no one like that in here miss, you must be mistaken,” a large bald man told her softly.

  “JAMES! TELL YOUR UNDERLINGS TO FUCK OFF BEFORE THEY GET HURT!” Luna shouted. There was an awkward silence for a few seconds before a voice from inside of the tent cut right through it.

  “Let her in.”

  Luna smirked at the men and walked in. After two sets of curtains, she saw James sitting by a large table covered with maps.

  “Am I dreaming or has my sweetest daughter come to visit me?” he smiled warmly as he rose. Luna leaped at the table and hugged him strongly.

  “I missed you,” she whispered. He said nothing but returned the hug.

  “Care for a drink?” he asked gently after a long while.

  “Mmhmm,” Luna confirmed. James went to a steel box, unlocked it and pulled out a bottle.

  “How has life been treating you?” James asked as he went to open the bottle.

  “Kind of great. I have made a couple of friends, somehow pushed through the tournament and became a little rich,” Luna explained.

  “I got myself an army to play with… so not too bad either,” James evaluated.

  “Congratulations on the promotion,” Luna smiled warmly as she took the drink he offered her. It was strange. Completely different from any other alcohol she knew but delicious in its own way.

  “The drink… something from before The Upheaval?” she asked.

  “Yea, it’s becoming harder and harder to dig them up so this might be one of the last bottles of two hundred years old brandy we are having,” James revealed.

  “How am I supposed to like beer when you give me this?” Luna snickered.

  “You aren’t… how’s the wolf? Being a good puppy?” James tossed up.

  “It’s becoming a problem. I need to eat more than ever and most of it has to be humans. I can starve it, but then I need to feed it even more. I am also unstable, not in the losing control way but have to drug myself senseless to go into a larger crowd of people. Oh, and I am sometimes a total asshole for no good reason… but I am starting to have the feeling that it’s not the beasts fault,” Luna explained.

  “You need your seals redone. I did them so you could grow, but now you need the proper version,” James started.

  “I know… I found myself someone to do it, I just wanted to confirm with you that the person is right about it,” Luna concurred.

  “Haaa… who is the man?” James asked.

  “Elias la Grace from the Palai Order,” Luna admitted awkwardly.

  “You went into team Palai, heh? That’s gonna be fun; it's been a while since we had a proper fight… anyway, Elias is a good pick. He is one hell of a whoremonger, but I suppose you are keeping your legs shut when it comes to him, aren’t you?” James asked poisonously.

  “Of course, I am!” Luna confirmed angrily.

  “Good. He will need this,” James rose up, picked a book from a steel chest and tossed it on the table, “he will figure out how to translate it.”

  Luna looked at the thin book. It looked ancient and was written in runes.

  “Try to not lose it. I will need it if Elias kicks the bucket in the meantime and I need to redo your seals myself,” James announced.

  “Thank you… are you sure you aren’t mad I am on the other team?” Luna pried cautiously.

  “The hardest task of raising you was trying to stop you from becoming like me. That would have made you spend your entire life in my shadow and we would have both hated that. The last thing I want you to become is another of my underlings. So no, I am not mad. I am happy you had the choice of who you want to become and now I just hope you are willing to fight for it. Because I am still an enemy of the Order and will kill everyone from it I can.... if you want your friends from the Palai Order to survive this tournament, you will need to help them not get ripped to shreds by me. For the record, I have given my men no information about you, so it’s a fair game from this point of view as well,” James explained and took a satisfied gulp from the bottle.

  “I don’t know what to say. Saying thank you is just so not enough.”

  “Say nothing. How’s the pretty faced slave doing? Raven, I believe… he hasn’t tried anything funny on you, has he?” James probed softly.

  “He hasn’t,” Luna calmed James down. She knew this tone. James always spoke softly when he was considering whether he should murder someone now or later.

  “And have you?” James pressed.

  “No, of course not!”



  “Iowen,” Lucas announced his presence.

  “What do you want?” Iowen shot back instantly with a palpable disgust in her voice.

  “To wrap things up,” Lucas stated as he walked to the table where Iowen was sitting.

  “Here is the paper verifying you have been cleared of all crimes to this date, here is the one that grants you free passage and full rights status from all Palai forces. It should be recognized by all major cities as the grant general himself signed it. This is the eye changing makeup, put it on and your irises will have a matching color. It's resistant to water and lasts for a few days. Here is a recipe on how to make more of it. Lastly, this emulsion should help change the tone of your skin to a human shade. It’s mostly experimental, here is the recipe. Some skilled alchemist should be able to refine it. All substances are classified as secret and should not spread out to the public. Lastly, here is some gold, so you don’t have to start by stealing something,” Lucas expla
ined coldly as he lay the documents, substances and a large pouch on the table.

  “That’s it? You just come, throw the things at me, leave and never come again?” Iowen cut at Lucas.

  “Yea. That’s it. Whatever was or wasn’t between us is over.”

  “Well… at least you kept your word,” Iowen sagged down sadly.

  “I always do. Good luck in your life, Iowen, we will likely not meet again,” Lucas put on the featureless white mask and left.

  “I heard you had fun in Xona” Lucas greeted Luna as he found her on the city street.

  “Jack? First time I see you without a mask,” Luna tossed up in a friendly tone.

  “Let’s cut the nicknames. I am Lucas; Jack is the usual fake name I tell people I don’t know,” Lucas revealed and offered Luna a hand.

  “Pleasure to meet you, Lucas,” Luna nodded and shook his hand.

  “Got a mission for you. Ulognar, slaver boss here in Redwall. Kill time is the night in three days, you will know when. As payment I can offer either gold or favor," Lucas explained.

  “A large favor?" Luna asked.

  “Small, not giving anything good for a soft target,” Lucas contested.

  “I don’t wake up from the bed for small favors," Luna protested.

  “Medium favor then, last offer,” Lucas conceded.

  “I accept and will remember it. How’s Miranda by the way?” Luna agreed and pivoted.

  “Why would you care?”

  “We met in Xona; I am curious if she is around,” Luna explained evasively, noticing the change in attitude.

  “I will tell her you asked, it’s up to her if she gives you an answer or not,” Lucas retorted coldly.

  “You seem awfully sensitive to this… she isn’t your ex-girlfriend or something like that, is she?” Luna asked awkwardly.

  “No. But I can guarantee you one thing. If you hurt her, I will hurt you hundred times more before I kill you for it,” Lucas announced in murderous tone.

  “I will keep that in mind,” Luna nodded cautiously.

  “You should,” Lucas spun on his heel and disappeared in the crowd.



  That was weird. Weird and scary. Really scary.

  Thoughts ran through Luna’s head as Lucas left. Seeing someone care for Miranda like this made her even more precious. On the other hand, she was trying to not think of her as that was simply unbearable. Now she had a different purpose in mind though. She wanted to get better at the game they played with Miranda, but she didn’t know how. She also wanted to see Yen, badly. The only way to combine those was to go see Yen, piss her off and remember how Yen takes her revenge so she can replicate it for Miranda.

  The problem is, Yen is as vicious as it gets, so I need to piss her off just the right amount where she does feel vengeful but doesn’t completely destroy me.

  “I’ve missed you, Yen,” Luna exhaled as she found her and leaped at her for a hug.

  “I’ve missed you too. How have you been?” Yen smiled and kissed Luna passionately.

  “Let’s have a drink,” Luna proposed once they detached.

  “Sounds lovely,” Yen agreed.

  “You seem awfully nice,” Yen pried after a while of drinking and chitchat.

  “Well… I have sinned,” Luna admitted awkwardly.

  “Hmmm?” Yen’s posture turned visibly sharper.

  “I broke the belt you gave me and went a little wild afterward," Luna squeezed out carefully.

  “A little wild? How wild?” Yen asked sharply.

  “Heh… you see… you locked me up a bit too tight so I got overwhelmed with the sudden freedom and may have done a thing or two with Iowen,” Luna revealed.

  And Miranda, but Yen will murder me if she ever finds out about her… Iowen has been on Yen’s suspect list for a while and well, not unrightfully.

  “You cheated on me with Iowen?” Yen probed.

  “A little… I am sorry, I didn’t want to cheat on you… it just happened…. just a little though,” Luna described.

  “And you think you are just going to tell me that, say you are sorry and everything will be fine?” Yen inquired.

  “No, of course not. But I did feel really bad about it and figured it’s better I tell you than you find out later on your own,” Luna explained.

  “Then, you will surely understand if I am just a little bit vengeful about it,” Yen made a very poisonous smile.

  “That would be fine... I guess,” Luna smiled back awkwardly. Yen took out a vial and put it on the table.

  “Bottoms up.”

  “I’ve seen this one… that’s the orgasm blocking elixir from Hungry Daisy, isn’t it?” Luna asked weakly.

  The forty-eight-hour one to boost, Yen might be a bit more pissed than I had thought.”

  “Is that a problem? Cheaters deserve no pleasure,” Yen announced coldly. Luna took the potion and drank it all at once.

  “Bring it on,” Luna declared the challenge.

  “Let’s go to my chambers then,” Yen accepted.

  As soon as they entered the hallway, Yen pressed Luna on the wall and kissed her strongly.

  “I will enjoy this,” she smiled as she rose her right leg on Luna’s shoulder.

  “What’s that ring on your ankle?” Luna asked.

  Out of nowhere Yen pulled out a collar and attached it around Luna’s neck. Luna stared in surprise as Yen took the chain from the collar and attached it to the ring at her ankle.

  “Is that…?” Luna started a question, but Yen interrupted her.

  “Cheaters don’t get to walk straight,” Yen sneered and spun on her heel while taking her leg down swiftly. The chain pulled Luna to follow the leg and she planted her face into the ground. Yen made a step forward and pulled on Luna’s collar. The chain was too short for Luna to walk, so she had to go on all fours behind her.

  Ignore the staring people, ignore the staring people, ignore the staring people…

  Luna kept telling herself as she kept going behind Yen like a dog on a leash. The path to Yen’s chambers was easily among the most embarrassing things Luna ever went through. In them, Yen attached the chain from her ankle to something and it pulled up into the ceiling. That made Luna hang up in the air. Yen went to her and half removed; half ripped the clothes off from Luna until she was naked.

  “Come on Yen… that’s a bit overdoing it,” Luna protested softly.

  Yen had the chain go a bit lower so Luna could stand on the tips her toes.

  “Let me introduce you to my favorite toy,” Yen announced as she cracked a whip in her hand.

  Whipping? That doesn’t really work for me, but I guess it’s a good way for Yen to release the anger.

  Yen swung her arm and hit Luna with the whip. Luna braced for the pain, but it didn’t come; instead, strong pleasant heat shot from where the whip hit her. It went through her body and hit Luna in the crotch like a guided missile. She shouted out a moan.

  “It’s called a pleasure whip. I was sure you would love it,” Yen smirked and went on to hit Luna again, again and again.

  I take it back; this whipping is very effective.

  For the rest of the night, Yen switched whipping Luna with the pleasure whip and fucking the hell out of her with her magical cock. Luna shouted, screamed, pleaded, begged, then just whimpered.

  “That was refreshing,” Yen summarized in the late morning as Luna just lay under her, completely devastated.

  “Uuuuuugggggggghhhhhh” Luna tried to speak but couldn’t.

  “Now, time to get some sleep. I will see you tomorrow,” Yen announced, then picked up Luna and threw her out of the room. Luna tried to soften her landing, but her knees were shaking so hard they were useless even for this. Her clothes landed on her a second later, just before Yen slammed the door in front of Luna’s face.

  I regret my decision, pissing off Yen is never a good idea.



  “This is a trap and you
know it,” Katherine told Salazar sharply while they were reading the letter. Lord Alkambra of Redwall had invited him over for a dinner.

  “It is too obvious to be a trap,” he replied.

  “Most city lords are stupid, I wouldn’t write this one off as a smart one,” Katherine contested.

  “In that case, I will turn his castle into a pile of blood and rubble,” Salazar smiled.

  “What about the others? We are splitting the team the evening before our match. That does not feel like a correct move,” Katherine protested.

  “We will fortify the house and camp the evening out. Plus, our house is across the local Slaver Union headquarters street, where Mr. Ulognar is living. He will be at a high risk of getting caught up in any problems, should there be any,” Mark evaluated.

  “I still disagree,” Katherine cut him off.

  “But we are doing it. I am not tucking my tail the day before the match,” Salazar announced.

  “Don’t do this Sal, it is rash and you know it,” Katherine pressed on.

  “I am sorry, Katherine, but I have not gotten where I am by being cautious. I do not intend to start now. Prepare the fortifications of this house and get ready for the dinner,” Salazar commanded and that was the end of the discussion.

  “The party is rather dull, I admit,” Salazar sighed as they got a bit away from the crowd with Katherine.

  “We should head back to the house,” she contested.

  “We can’t, at least not yet. There is the midnight event for which I need to be present,” Salazar revealed.

  “I just can’t stomach the idea of sitting around without knowing if anything’s happening,” Katherine sighed.

  “Well, we can do more than sit around… I saw a nice empty room with a reasonably large bed,” Salazar mused.

  “What are you implying, count d’Ielle?” Katherine narrowed her eyes.


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