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Red: What do you do when the rules cannot help you? (Rule Number 3)

Page 10

by Teya Tapler

  The news of the time and space travel side-effects spread among the criminal communities in the galaxy and the human representatives begun to capitalize on it. The 906 Inquisitors were among the greatest offenders. The destruction of Taharni had been requested from the Taharnian enemies some 25 years in the future. Their request was to clean the area for a new space factory at the crossroad of the trade routes of the materials and fuels.

  “You’ve been so silent since we came to the space ship, Emil?” Ranshen suddenly turned to Emil. Ranshen was sitting on the chair with his back to the window, facing his comrades. “I hope it’s not because you disapprove of our acts?” he added with a slimy smile.

  “Ranshen, why do you doubt the mastermind behind some of the brightest robberies during the last millennia? Hasn’t Emil proven his usefulness to us many times?” Telagh commented.

  “I was thinking about our next step actually,” Emil spoke slowly, measuring every word he was about to utter and watching the impression he was making on Ranshen. “We might consider threatening some of the Fearsome Nations.”

  “Are you inferring that we’ve been playing with the kids?” Zull raised his voice.

  “Not at all,” Emil continued calmly not intimidated by his leader’s remark. “I was simply suggesting that considering the already proven power of our weapon, our next move could deliver a greater impact and establish our name as a formidable group. We have several time traveling competitors but none of them had dared to challenge the Fearsome Nations yet.”

  “He’s wise, Zull,” Ranshen said with a thoughtful voice. Ranshen spread his hand on the table in front of Mort indicating that he has to listen. “If we are to dominate the Galaxy, we need to turn to the Fearsome Nations. Just think about it for a second. These nations have been menacing and looting the free trade routes for eons. Can you imagine the treasures they had amassed? Can you grasp how we will be looked at if we succeed in stealing from them even once? The initial material gains from this would be miniscule compared to the long term benefits and our improved reputation.”

  “In this case,” Zull interrupted his brother during the short breathing pause he made,” I have to record the observations, settings and results from today’s explosion and then analyze the data. It will take some time before the pearls calm down. Today was a very exhausting day for them.”

  Mort pulled a medium size, hard-covered, red notebook from his inside pocket and released the elastic band that was keeping it shut. He took the pen from behind his ear and started writing on the first empty page. The rest of the room didn’t matter for him. He was totally engulfed in the calculations and estimates he was doing in his mind mumbling quietly under his nose.

  “Excuse me gentlemen,“ Emil stood up preparing to leave. “There is something I need to tend to before returning back to New York City.”

  “You have done enough for today. See you in the residence in a few hours,” Ranshen said and turned back to Amanda for more wine.

  Emil left the deck and headed to his cabin. His face looked calm and impenetrable until he closed the door of his compartment and threw the heavy red winter jacket on the bed.


  When Evan entered the common area she found Mort, Ranshen, Telagh, Grakhun and Amanda. The four men were still celebrating with food and wine while Amanda was servicing the table. It had been their routine since the first successful test. Evan shivered remembering the day when Mort picked up the pearls from the mold and they glowed. That was the day when she had forever mixed her DNA with the pearls as well. Now she wasn’t sure whether the pearls power was coming from Mort or her.

  She entered the common area quietly and slowly. Those men were observant, cautious and very hard to fool, they should have noticed her by now. She leaned at the door, as if she was still feeling sick, and tried to smile. It wasn’t hard for her to pretend not feeling well; she was still struggling with the thought of what had happened.

  Mort waved her to join them at the table. He was drinking wine from his favorite pint. Evan trotted closer to the group and sat at the opposite end of the table. Glass of wine and a plate with food materialized in front of her. She felt Amanda’s hand on her back.

  “Eat, it will help you feel better,” Amanda whispered in her ear and rushed to pour more wine in Ranshen’s glass.

  Evan nodded in agreement.

  “I’m glad to see you here,” Mort said. ”You should have come earlier. The explosion was fantastic. The colors, the shock wave, pure joy,” he looked content and his smile showed most of his perfect teeth. The red notebook lay open on the table with his favorite pen on top.

  “I felt the shock waves,” Evan started with a weak voice. “Congratulations,” she added with a half raised glass in her hand, “it must have been really impressive,” she said and sipped from the wine. The taste was bitter and tangy at the same time. It had nothing in common with the wine she had tried during her college years. Either the grapes were not the same in the 25th century or those guys didn’t know what to buy.

  Mort and Telagh raised their glasses with her, while Ranshen squint in suspicion. Evan knew that expression well. It caused Ranshen’s scar to pulsate and was an indicator that something was simmering in his mind.

  “I am still not feeling very well,” Evan said slowly. “It must be my reaction to the environment, the cabin pressure or something,” she touched her head to show that she was dizzy all the time focused on Ranshen. The danger wasn’t over until he was convinced in her sincerity. ”I’m glad that everything went as I saw it,” she said and sipped from the wine again. After she swallowed she heard her stomach starting to complain. The second sip helped her look sicker.

  “You have seen our success much earlier,” Mort said. “If it wasn’t for your readings. To Lin!” Mort raised his pint followed by Telagh, Grakhun and Amanda.

  “Ranshen, aren’t you going to drink to Lin?” Mort asked his brother.

  “To Lin!” Ranshen finally raised his glass.

  Evan bowed her head for a quick second acknowledging the appreciation. Then she raised her glass in return. “To the 906 Inquisitors!” she said still speaking with a weak and quiet voice. The men around her liked her response. They repeated her words and drank to the bottom. Evan took a much bigger sip than intended. The bitter wine irritated her throat and tears showed in her eyes.

  “Do I notice traces of tears?” Ranshen said focused on her face. His voice still showing discontent.

  “You know that…you’re the closest I have to a family,” Evan changed the topic. “Your successes make me feel,” she didn’t finish; if she could control the blushing it would have been perfect. Instead Evan lowered her head pretending that she would blush any minute.

  Ranshen bought it and laughed. He stirred at his place and his cape swept the floor.

  The conversation at the table gradually moved away from Evan in the direction of their forthcoming confrontation with the Fearsome Nations.

  Evan decided she had spent enough time there and rose to leave the room.

  “Why don’t you stay a little bit longer?” Telagh said. Afraid from her predictions he rarely talked to Evan. The wine must have loosened his inner restrictions. Evan had one more hurdle to jump before being free to leave.

  Standing up she leaned at the table pretending she was fighting her nausea. It worked better than anything she could have said.

  “Don’t you see she’s still not feeling well?” Amanda said with her inviting voice. “The shock waves must have made her sickness worse. Poor thing!” Amanda stroke Evan’s back, ”I’m happy you came to celebrate with us, now take your time and relax.”

  “She’ll relax after we finish the documentation,” Mort changed the direction of the conversation. With pen in hand he had just written something in the red notebook. “We’ve a lot of work to do. Go ahead and dismount them from the accelerator, then we’ll return to the lab.”

  Evan put one hand on her stomach and dragged herself out of the comm
on area. Her visit was noticed, appreciated in the typical way and now she was free to go. She headed to Emil’s place.


  Back in his cabin Emil pulled a bottle from under the pillow and poured part of its content in a self-cooling triangular glass. Ice cubes formed slowly as the liquid covered the bottom of the glass. It rattled when his trembling hand lifted the glass to his mouth. He sat on the edge of the bed and rested his elbows on his knees trying to steady his hands. His blank eyes stared at the wall in front of him. His stomach was protesting too. The recent events had been too much for him.

  If that was a normal assignment he would have gone to the gym and punch the lights out of the first boxing bag he saw in the room, then spar with the three best boxers until he could barely stand on his feet. It was not an option there. Emil's assignment was to obtain that notebook and bring back the secret that will help destroy the pearls. When his undercover mission with the 906 Inquisitors started nine months ago, he was well aware he had to witness some of their atrocities before there were enough entries in Mort's red notebook. Until then he had to be part of the Inquisitors.

  Thanks to Lin, Emil had been accepted in the group and received the unofficial position of tactical adviser. Remembering that process and his initiation into the group made him feel sick. Cold sweat covered his forehead and for a split second he got dizzy. That was all history now. He was where he had to be, he was part of them, and he was closer to his target than ever before. He spit on the floor and took a long sip from the amber liquid in the glass.

  A knock on the door notified him there was someone standing outside.

  “Come in,” Emil pressed the button next to his bed to open the door.

  After making sure that no one had followed her Evan entered the cabin. Her burgundy lab-coat had three undone buttons showing off the black t-shirt underneath. For some reason she was periodically exempt from having every single piece of clothes on her back being red. Evan stood at the entrance and remained silent until the door closed, then quickly sat on the bed next to Emil as if the weight in her bulky pockets pulled her down.

  “Are you okay?” Evan said quietly.

  Obviously he wasn’t okay, but she needed to start the conversation somehow. His slouched shoulders, bowed head and staring eyes were good indicators of his sinking mood. She wanted to tell him she was sorry and she would like to make him feel better if he only hinted what she could do.

  He didn’t respond or look at her; he only took a bigger sip from the reviving liquid trying to keep the ice steady. He was pressing his hands against his knees trying to control the tremors which were coming in unexpected waves.

  “What are you going to do?” she asked ignoring his choice of medication.

  “I don’t know yet, Lin. I don’t know,” he sipped from the glass and looked down. His expression was blank with mix of disgust and fear slowing creeping in. Evan put her arm around his shoulders trying to hug him despite of her smaller frame and rest her head on his arm.

  They had become close friends after he discovered they had common enemies in the face of the two brothers. Emil hasn’t told her the whole truth about his mission but suspected she had seen enough in her visions. The only thing he was completely honest with her about was that he needed Mort’s diary and all his notes about the pearls so that he and his friends could destroy them. Lin hadn’t told him much about herself but had been there helping him in a kind and gentle way to assert his position in the gang.

  Today after an attack Emil didn’t feel right. His assignment was going to be a success but personally he felt stained. His moral values were not agreeing with his latest actions and his guilt was taking front stage.

  They remained silent for a while, everyone in their own thoughts: Evan with her eyes closed, Emil staring blankly ahead. She had followed his advice to stay away from Mort and avoid being dragged to witness the mass execution, away from the explosion, away from the desperate screams of the dying Taharnians.

  “They agreed to go after the Fearsome Nations.” Emil said.

  “He’ll document everything and get ready for the next attack.” She knew that would be the perfect opportunity to get the notebook. “I better go back. Mort will call for me soon. It’s the two of us who dismantle the accelerator after each usage and then document the findings. He must’ve started taking his notes.”

  “You know him well,” Emil said.

  “Once we have everything written down, I’ll bring you the notebook,” Evan headed to the door, “take your time and rest for a while.”

  “Be careful! You’re the only person than him who has access to that precious information. Don’t endanger yourself because of me!” His eyes clearly forbade her to do anything stupid.

  “Don’t worry about me,” Lin disappeared through the door.

  “What would I do without you?” Emil tried to smile for her. His smile didn’t come up right and he took another big sip from the glass. The hard alcohol was slowly numbing him, making it a little bit more bearable to live.

  Chapter 13

  Evan entered the weapon’s hall to dismantle the accelerator. The look of the device brought to her mind the images of a shredded chair and a limping mouse. That day, she had followed Mort’s orders to arrange the pearls into a pile then place a chair on the red X mark on the floor ten feet away from the pearls. She didn’t remember how Mort had ignited the pearls and made their glow turn into a ray of light, but she remembered seeing a tiny mouse approach the chair at the same time. She had screamed, trying to scare the mouse and save its life and had forever been banned to enter the lab during the subsequent experiments. She was only allowed, better said forced to, take the pearls off and pack them away. That approach lead to the ensuing trials and tests becoming far more successful and destructive than the ones performed with her help and convinced Mort he should not let her touch any of the pearls before the ignition.

  Wearing three pairs of gloves to avoid any physical contact with the pearls Evan started the procedure of taking the pearls off the accelerator and putting them away. Even though they were 15 pounds each, she had discovered the perfect way of carrying them: one hand underneath the pearl and another one around it, lift it gently with two hands and then hug it closer to the chest. The layer of the gloves and her clothing was a sufficient barrier to prevent any contact between the pearls and her skin and expose their little secret.

  Evan stretched her hands to grab the first pearl. It looked like a student’s art project with yellow, purple, pink and baby blue paint poured over it … and as her second hand touched it, the pearl started to glow. That was not supposed to happen when she handled it with that many gloves on. Startled Evan pulled away and inspected her hands. There were no holes on any of the three pairs of gloves she had layered. Her eyes checked her surroundings to verify if anyone else was watching. Then she lifted the pearl the same way and pressed it against her chest to make the few steps to the transportation cart. Once more the pearl responded with a multicolored light much brighter than the way they shone when Mort was handling them. During those times their light was bright red, just like the color of Ranshen’s hair. When Mort used the pearls the color of their light beam was crimson red and when Evan carried them to the cart that day they shone with a bright pastel colored calming light.

  She quickly carried the pearl to the cart and carefully placed it on the specially shaped bed. The shine turned to glow as the pearl distanced from Evan’s chest and the pearl went dark as she lifter her hands.

  Evan stretched her fingers and headed to the second pearl. It was speckled with powder green, blue, yellow and purple. As she put her hands on it and prepared to lift it, the pearl started to glow. The mellow light made Evan feel safe like a little kid watching the nightlight while falling asleep. She carefully carried it, away from her body to prevent it from shining like the first one. The glow stopped the instance the pearl touched its temporary resting place.

  One after another Evan moved the pea
rls from the accelerator to the cart and every time she touched them, they emitted a calming glow. Her thoughts started moving from her past to her present life, from the family she once had to the group she was now living with. She thought how those five pearls had brought her most happiness and sadness from anything else in the whole big world. How they had brought her together with the love of her life and how because of them she was not sure whether she would see him ever again.

  “Join me in the common area. We’re going back to the lab,” Mort’s voice tore the canvas of her daydream. “I need you to record some things for me in the notebook and then help me with the analysis,” Evan almost dropped the pearl she was carrying. Her breathing stopped for a few seconds as she awaited Mort to roar about the glowing pearl in her hands.

  One, two, three…

  She counted in her mind then nodded in agreement with Mort and swiftly but very carefully placed the fifth pearl on the cart. He didn’t notice anything.

  Just breathe…

  “D’you want to take them with you?” Evan turned towards Mort and pointed to the pearls. The colorful bunch was lying still and dark.

  “Put them here in the closet. This is the safest place for them.” Mort roared and left.

  Evan signed with relief and pushed the cart towards the far corner of the weapon’s hall. That was close... What would have happened if Mort had seen the glow? Maybe she had to use fourth pair of gloves the next time.

  With trembling hands Evan cautiously opened the cabinet door and quickly put the pearls inside one by one. They gave the calming glow from the moment of her first touch, during the move to the cabinet until they gently switched off when she left them on the shelves. When all five pearls were in the storage, she looked at the ledges and closed the door. As she locked the padlock she felt that the pearls won’t share her secret with anyone.


  Mort paced in the corridor before the common area, becoming angrier and more impatient with every step. He had a transcaster gun in one hand and a suitcase in the other. “D’you need to take anything with you?” he said. ”I don’t plan coming back for a while.”


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