Luca's Dilemma

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Luca's Dilemma Page 17

by Deneice Tarbox

  April stared at her, looking every bit the innocent caught in the crossfire.

  “And you want to make sure you turn the defrost on high if it starts snowing again. It works wonders to keep the windshield clear,” Sheila settled on saying, ultimately deciding to keep the peace.

  April gave her a “duh” look before replacing it with a broad smile. “Thanks, Sheila. I’ve been looking forward to seeing my husband again. I promise to take good care of your car, and I’ll be sure to fill it up before I give it back.”


  Five Days Later…

  Aiko sat patiently in the office chair of the economy rental unit, watching the roving dot on her computer screen. A low beeping sound emitted from its speakers, alerting her of the vehicle’s location. The sudden click of the supposedly locked door behind her didn’t surprise her or deter her from her task. Something had told her he would show up sooner or later. He’d always been good at picking locks, especially when they stood between the two of them.

  “Took you long enough,” she stated without turning to face the intruder.

  “I beg to differ. I would’ve been here sooner if some amateur hadn’t gotten the clever idea to drop a body in the Pacific Ocean,” Steven said from behind her. The intensity of his gaze and awful choice of bow tie reflected off the mirror hanging above the desk she occupied.

  “Perhaps your so–called amateur was simply trying to send a message.”

  “And that would be?”

  “Stay the fuck out of the way.”

  Steven’s eyes narrowed and his jaw visibly tightened. “Watch it. I don’t care how old or tough you think you are, you will address me in the manner in which you were raised.”

  It never ceased to amaze her how the man who’d purposely set out to make her the most dangerous woman in the world always had the tendency to balk at her colorful choice of words. At times like this, Aiko pined for the long ago days she’d spent hidden with her very British Aunt Sarah. She was more than sure that’s whom she’d inherited the occasional sass she exhibited from. Although both her British and Japanese cultures demanded she love and respect the man currently standing behind her, having been enlightened concerning his past deeds made it difficult to do at times.

  “Yes, Father.”

  “Much better.” Stepping away from her, he walked over to the bed, lifting his pants at the knees before sitting down. “So it’s true. You’ve taken on that rich girl assignment.”

  “And apparently it’s true you’re still the great detective everyone claims you to be.” Try as she might, she couldn’t withhold the disdain from her voice.

  Steven sighed. “Aiko, look at me.”

  Grudgingly, she spun around to face him, drawing her knees up to her chest. She took in the tired eyes of the man she’d once adored. Upon discovering her sweet mother wasn’t enough for him, that admiration had swiftly spiraled into the pit of animosity. The man was a whore, a pillager of lives, taking and doing what he wanted with little or no regard for how his actions impacted the lives of others. In that instant, she saw the deeds of his past may have finally caught up with him, stealing precious grains from the sandglass of his life. His normally robust face was now gaunt with a yellowish undertone. Had it really been that long since she’d sat with her father face to face?

  “I know I haven’t always set the best example for you. But, the way I see it, it’s never too late to start. Yes, I groomed you to help me destroy the Moriatti family. Things are different now.”

  Aiko stared at him, purposely keeping her face devoid of any emotion. “So, one meeting with my dear long–lost brother and we’re supposed to start acting like one big happy family?”

  “Not me. You. He’s your only other living blood relative besides me—”

  “And, according to you, that family is the reason why you are the only living blood relative I have left. Am I to simply forget about that, or could it be all you’ve told me is a lie?” she challenged, hoping to finally get the truth out of the man who would probably be dead before the green grass blessed this frigid state again.

  “—and you need to start bearing that in mind when considering some of your choices. Primarily some you’ve made lately,” Steven continued as though Aiko had said nothing. “Besides my son, I honestly give less than a damn about that family. However, when my time comes, I don’t want you to be left all alone in this world. And that woman is practically a Moriatti now. Perhaps you’ve forgotten the consequences that would undoubtedly ensue if something were to happen to her and they were to trace it back to you.”

  Aiko said nothing.

  “Fine. Wallow in your stubbornness. I hope to dickens you know what you’re doing because your little signal just stopped flashing.”

  Chapter 17

  “Of, Fwina. Ee’s or–ri–ble.”

  “Would you please stop trying to talk around that thermometer? I’m trying to get an accurate reading. And no. Luca isn’t horrible. I’m with him on this one, lady. You don’t need to be going out when you have the flu,” Tina sternly lectured as she poured more water from the cool carafe into the glass beside Sheila’s bed. At the sound of the beep, she removed the thermometer from under Sheila’s tongue and nodded approvingly as she studied the digital display. “Much better. But you’re still hitting ninety–nine.”

  She traded the thermometer in her hand for the glass of water she had just poured and handed it to Sheila. “Drink up. I, for one, am glad he called me in to talk some sense into you. You know the twins filed a complaint against you for threatening them.” She reclaimed the small bistro chair she’d dragged from the kitchen, wrapping the thick comforter draped over it around her tall frame.

  Sheila propped her back up against the headboard to drink, thankful that the room no longer twirled when she moved. “I’m not too worried about that. It’s not like I showed up sick on purpose,” she started in between gulps of the cool water. “Yeah, the congestion and sore throat had been bothering me for a couple of days, but the fever, dizziness, and achiness bum rushed me mid shift. Now I know what it feels like to be a member of the WTF.”

  Tina laughed hysterically. “I think you mean the WWE, as in the wrestlers. You make it sound like you were dying or something.”

  “No, I meant the what–the–fuck–just–hit–me club. I ain’t even lying, girl.”

  Tina almost fell off her chair.

  “And, hell, for a while there I felt like I was dying. I’ve never thrown up that much in my life. And then to have one of those asinine heifers try to get me to check on her patient, knowing I was running a fever and about to go home sick…” Sheila’s words trailed off as she shook her head at the self–centeredness of her co–workers.

  “Dummies were giving each other manicures again. My head was pounding, stomach churning from the fumes. You should’ve heard them when I told the big one to waddle her indolent ass on in there and do it herself. ‘Our nails are wet, we can’t go in there,’” Sheila mimicked in a high–pitched whiny voice that sent her into a coughing spell and Tina into a laughing one.

  “I simply made good use of my vomit–riddled breath to help their nails dry faster. If they consider that a threat, so be it. The sweet memory of their nasty faces scrunched up when they started gagging is more than worth a write–up. Not my fault the twits are so sensitive. Evil bitches,” she finished in a strained voice.

  “You know you’re going to hell for that, don’t you?” Tina managed to get out while still laughing her ass off.

  “If it’ll keep me from having to deal with their foolishness, bring it. I’m tired of those two.”

  “Sheila, you’re a mess.” Tina dabbed the corner of her eyes as she tried to sober. “So, tell me something. Now that you’re engaged, why do you insist on living in this shack? The unpredictable heating system alone is reason enough to move out.” She visibly shuddered, despite the thick comforter wrapped around her. “It’s freezing in here.”

  “Where else am I going
to live? You and Richard missing my voyeurism, or what?”

  “Oh, stop! It only happened that one time, and you know it was an accident.” Tina smacked Sheila’s thigh through the mile–high pile of comforters. “You know what I mean. Why haven’t you moved in with him yet? I haven’t had a grand tour or anything, but I’m sure it’s gotta be nicer and warmer than this place.”

  “Well, I happen to like my shack.”

  “Yeah, right. Last year you had us running the heat at seventy, and that was before winter officially hit. And I know this beat–up furniture doesn’t suit someone who practically comes from royalty. I’ll admit I don’t know Luca as well as Richard does, but I’m sure he’s a far cry from your last egotistical loser.”

  “Oh, most definitely,” Sheila readily agreed. The truth of Tina’s comment caused her to simper and snuggle deeper under the covers. “But I want to exercise my freedom for just a little bit longer. It seems like I’ve always been under somebody, my parents, my brother, Ahmed. As much as I’m in love with Luca, he can be a tad controlling.”

  “Um, I can see that. But I also see that he does it out of love, unlike the last one.”

  Sheila grinned at her friend’s refusal to mention Ahmed’s name. After meeting him once, Tina had taken an instant disliking to the man and had never called him by name during the whole time he and Sheila had dated. However, her good friend had never put her down for being with Ahmed and had always been there when Sheila needed to vent about him.

  “Or maybe you’re just being stubborn, Shi.”

  “Maybe. But you haven’t witnessed him in action. I thought he was going to double back to the lab and run poor Damon down after I told him the story behind the headless mannequin. He wouldn’t stop grilling me during the ride home until I told him all the details. I practically had to whip out the girls to keep him from turning the truck around. Even then, he still tried to get me to call Damon on his cell so he could cuss him out.

  “And my illness seems to have driven him absolutely insane. April still has the Beamer, which as I told you, he loaned her without discussing it with me first. Instead of letting me use one of his vehicles, he insisted on driving me to and from work just because I had the sniffles. I do have to admit I enjoyed the detour to Belinda’s Diner the other day, but I think that side trip was a consequence of guilt. And the oddest thing happened while we were there. I went to the restroom, and when I came out, Luca was nowhere to be found. The bill had been paid so I headed out to the parking lot to wait by his car. A few minutes later, he came strolling up from the docks. His clothes were slightly disheveled, yet he looked the epitome of cool and collected.”

  Tina scrunched her face in bemusement. “What do you think he was doing back there?”

  “That’s just it. He wouldn’t tell me. He just kept looking around as though he hadn’t heard me when I asked and then practically shoved me in the truck once he got the door open. He kept kissing my hand as we drove away and telling me not to worry about it.”

  “Wow. That is weird. What was the guilt trip to the diner for?”

  “When he picked me up that morning, I was wheeling one of my elderly patients out to meet her family. Luca had the nerve to laugh uncontrollably after the old woman asked me for a hug then proceeded to grab both my butt cheeks and thank me for all the great loving I’d bestowed upon her during the night. In front of evvverrybody! I never felt mo the ho than at that moment.”

  Tina doubled over in laughter, her long, blond hair engulfing her face as her entire frame succumbed to the hilarity of the situation.

  “But it’s not only that, T. He’s looked so apprehensive the last few days, barely leaving my side, even to use the bathroom. Thank God he’s so damn good looking since this is the first time in five days I’ve gone more than fifteen minutes without seeing him. Sometimes I swear he feels remorse because I’m sick. Like he’s responsible.”

  “I’m sure it’s just empathy, Shi. Let the man love on you like you deserve. I also think you should honestly consider his suggestion to quit the lab.” Tina held up a hand, staying any chance of retort. “Before you start arguing, hear me out. You’d probably be much happier and healthier if you were to follow your dream of being an artist and volunteering at the community center.”

  “Okay, what did he promise you? Riding lessons? A cruise, maybe? How about a weekend in New York?” Sheila scrutinized her friend in hopes that doing so would reveal an answer to her inquiry.

  “He didn’t bribe me,” Tina stated in mock defense. “You know Luca’s not the only one who cares about you, right?”

  Sheila sighed. “I guess.”

  “Then you guess right. If I had my way, you’d be one of the VPs at the hospital because I know how dedicated you are toward making a difference. But I also know where your heart is. I really do wish you’d stop being afraid to share your artistic talents with the world. You’re a great artist who could easily make a living off of it, not that you have to. Those kids at the center could benefit from someone like you, and working with them would probably give you the fulfillment you crave. No need to keep killing yourself, Shi. ”

  A warm glow spread through Sheila’s chest from the touch of her friend’s earnest words. Maybe it truly was time to reconsider her role in the great scheme of life. Now that she had Luca, working nights was only serving in taking precious time away from him. Nocturnal loneliness no longer played a factor in her decision. The more she thought about it, she realized Tina was probably right about volunteering at the center.

  She gave Tina a tiny smile. “I’ll think about it.”

  “Good. Now get some rest. Hopefully, the fever will be completely gone when you wake up again.” Tina’s voice was like honey. Projecting her motherly persona, she pulled the covers up to Sheila’s chin and proceeded to literally tuck her in.

  Sheila looked at her friend, suddenly feeling sad that Tina hadn’t been able to have kids. She let the feeling go, remembering how resilient her friend was and how she’d taken the news in stride. It wasn’t long before the warmth of the covers and the affection she felt from those around her prompted her to fall into a contented slumber.


  Sheila woke to the warm familiarity of Luca’s hand resting on her forehead. Darkness shrouded the sole window in the room, and the small bedside lamp cast a glow across his somber features.

  “What time is it?”

  “It’s a little after five,” Luca responded in a soothing tone. “You’ve been asleep for four hours. Are you feeling better? Your head seems cooler.”

  “Yeah. I feel much better, actually. I guess I really needed the rest.”

  Sheila didn’t miss the relief she saw resonating in those deep blue eyes. He stared at her for a long moment before hastily pulling her onto his lap and into a tight embrace, the intensity of it bordering on painful. Fiery lips pressed to her forehead, cheeks, and lips respectively in a manner that bordered on desperation.

  “I love you so much. I’ve waited too long to find you. God only knows what I’d do if I ever lost you.” His arms momentarily tightened around her more, crushing her into the heat of his broad chest.

  “Goodness, Luca, it was only the flu,” Sheila said with amusement. “True, I’ve never had it before, nor frankly do I ever want it again. But it’s not something the average, healthy person my age dies from.” Sheila placed her palm to his cheek, bringing his loving eyes to meet hers. “Thank you for loving me like you do and taking time away from your busy schedule to care for me. And, Luca… I love you too.”

  The blue of his eyes deepened. “I know… but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t glad to hear you say it.” His face lit up like a child at Christmas before he seized her lips in a passionate kiss. He rested his forehead on hers, his lips turning up in a lazy smile. “You don’t know what those three words have done to me.” He ran his finger along her jaw. “You’re gonna be my wife soon. Taking care of you is not something you have to thank me for. You’re more imp
ortant than anyone or anything else in my life.”

  “You’re so sweet.” Sheila applied a chaste kiss to his nose.

  “Sweet enough to make important decisions for you, right?”

  Oh, God. This can’t be good.

  “Decisions like what?” Sheila forced herself to maintain her beauty–pageant smile and remain calm, at least until she heard all the details.

  “You’ve been stressed lately, which is probably why you got sick. I’ve already discussed it with Tina and your boss, Sharon. We think a leave of absence would be beneficial for you.”

  She gave him a stare meant to challenge his degree of sanity.

  “Now hold on. You’ve mentioned yourself how nights are getting to you, and the illness didn’t help. Picture how easy it would be for you to have a relapse. And when’s the last time you had a real vacation? You and I both know that last trip to your parents’ was more work than pleasure. I want to take you away from here, somewhere we could get to know each other better. Please, babe, just take a moment to consider it.”

  Sheila relaxed. Everything Luca said was true. Nine years was a long time to go without a great getaway. “Okay. I’ll do it.”

  Luca jerked his head back in surprise. “Seriously? No fight? You’ll do it?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Yes, baby, you’re right. I could use a long vacation. I never took time off to recuperate after running from Atlanta.”

  “I know. I wish you had. But I’m also grateful for the opportunity to spend some time with you.”

  Sheila kissed him, enjoying the feel of his mouth as her tongue forced his lips apart for her exploration. Luca eagerly joined in, heightening the desire she felt for the first time in days. They were interrupted by a knock at her bedroom door.

  “Come in,” Luca said, pulling back from her and granting the unwanted intruders permission to enter.

  Tina and Richard entered the room, his arm wrapped snugly around her shoulders. The low lighting may have been playing tricks on her eyes, but Sheila swore her friend’s eyes were swollen.


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