Luca's Dilemma

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Luca's Dilemma Page 18

by Deneice Tarbox

  “Is everything all right?” Sheila asked from her perch on Luca’s lap. Some might argue the appropriateness of her position with others in the room, but she was way too comfortable.

  “Yes,” Tina said. “I’m just happy you’re feeling better.”

  Sheila stared at her friend. Something was wrong all right; she was sure of it. But Tina wasn’t sharing. Richard was unnaturally quiet, convincing her even further that something was up. She sure hoped everything was okay between them. She opened her mouth to push for answers, but Tina quickly changed the subject.

  “So are you going to take our advice and go away for a while?” Tina asked with a weak smile.

  “Yes, I am. My fiancé finally talked me into it.”

  “That’s great.” Tina came closer and gave her a quick hug. “I think that’s absolutely fabulous. Make sure you call me while you’re gone. Richard and I are going to hang around and take care of the horses and look after your house so that you can thoroughly enjoy your time away.”

  “Thanks, you two.” Maybe time spent working together would resolve any rough patch they may be going through. Sheila sure hoped so. “When are we leaving anyway?”

  “Shouldn’t you be asking where we’re going?” Luca asked, amusement dancing in his eyes.

  “Nope. This is my chance to show that I have nothing but absolute trust in you and your decision–making skills. It’s my turn to compromise. As long as we’re together, I honestly don’t care where we go.”

  Images of lying in the sun and sipping a strawberry daiquiri while she watched Luca emerge from the crystal–clear waters of the Caribbean popped into her head. Clear, salty water ran down his defined torso, plastering the light trail of hair on his chest and chiseled abdomen to his tan skin. How she longed to see the look on those Barbie dolls’ faces when her gorgeous Italian prince bypassed them making a beeline for her. She knew it was juvenile, but hell it was her fantasy after all. A sudden heat began blooming inside her, and she felt the insatiable desire to be there already. Wherever there was.

  “When did you say we were leaving again?”

  Chapter 18

  Four hours later, Luca sat on the family jet deep in thought with Sheila tucked snugly beside him. Although the majority of her symptoms had subsided, she was still doped up on flu meds and thankfully had slept through most of the flight. He’d yet to inform her where they were heading or why for fear she might inadvertently tell the wrong person or go into an all–out panic. He was smart enough to know whoever was after Sheila would figure out their whereabouts soon enough. However, he seriously doubted they would be brazen enough to follow them.

  Tonight, his demons were descending in full force. He’d thought he’d been doing such a great job protecting Sheila by following her everywhere without raising her suspicion all this time. Now he’d been forced to sequester her under the pretense of a romantic getaway at the last minute. She’d kill him if she found out he’d actually been within yards of her every time she checked in to say she had arrived at or was leaving work.

  Feigning ignorance the night Damon had scared the daylights out of her was one of the hardest things he’d ever done. He had watched in annoyance as Damon set up the mannequin, resisting the urge to get creative with the mannequin and certain parts of Damon’s anatomy. In the end, he had to remember this was one of Sheila’s friends playing what he thought to be a simple prank, not unlike one he would be tempted to pull himself under different circumstances. Gag or not, he still wanted to kick the short man’s ass for messing with his woman.

  Taking out that jackass at the diner and the other one in the sleep lab parking lot had been all too easy. He should’ve known the parking lot chump had been up to something and should’ve checked the vehicles. Unfortunately, he’d become complacent and that had made him sloppy.

  Thus far he’d succeeded in protecting Sheila physically, but the death of her good friend, April, would definitely be a blow. The fact that it had occurred via Sheila’s beloved BMW made matters worse. The mere thought of telling her pained him. But, although he detested keeping secrets from Sheila, he feared losing her even more. That ever–present fear provided the bases for him to continue rationalizing his necessary deception.

  “So, bud, when are you going to finally tell me where we’re going?” Sheila asked, breaking into his thoughts while she stretched off the remnants of her slumber.

  Luca gazed upon the grinning face of his soon–to–be wife. The shimmer of excitement in her amber eyes suddenly took his breath away and caused his scowl to turn up into a smile, despite the turmoil roiling within him. “You’ll see soon enough.”

  “Well, can you at least tell me if it has a temperate climate or not?”

  “Not,” he stated impassively, relenting some of the heaviness in his heart to tease her. He had to restrain himself from laughing outright when her beautiful broad smile faltered.

  “O–kay. Is there a beach?”

  “Nope. No Mai Tais and no cabana boys either.” He couldn’t help but chuckle when those last words caused her face and shoulders to slump.

  “Luca, where the hell are you taking me?” Sheila demanded, placing a hand on each of her ample hips.

  He laughed harder. “Be patient, babe. You’ll see.”


  The plane had landed ten minutes ago. Luca’s front was pressed snuggly to Sheila’s back with his arms wrapped tightly around her waist. This was a position he envisioned taking her in on many occasions. However, using all his strength to pry her hands from the back of a plane seat was not what he imagined doing to her.

  The woman was strong. The last thing he ever wanted to do was disappoint her, but for the time being, her safety outweighed both their desires. He would have to make this up to her as soon as the danger passed, granting that he’d ever be able to get her off the stupid plane.

  “Come on, Sheila. I believe your exact words were, ‘As long as we’re together, I honestly don’t care where we go,’” he threw at her while continuing the effort to dislodge her firm grip without hurting her. If it had been anyone else, he would have knocked them out by now and gone on about his business.

  “That didn’t include Oklahoma City or staying with a bunch of people I’ve never met before. You said so yourself that my last venture was a working vacation because of family. What makes you think spending time with yours is going to be any different? My first vacation in nine years and he brings me to goddamn Oklahoma City. Fuck that.” The last bit was muttered irately under her breath.

  “Trust me, Sheila, my family—” Luca was cut off by the shrill ring of his cell phone. “Hold that thought.” He released his hold on her to answer the call and found himself shaking his head when Sheila let go of the seat, crossing her arms over her chest in defiance. Damn, did he have a hellion on his hands.

  “What, Dre?” he barked into the phone, absentmindedly rubbing his temple.

  “Well, hello to you too. Are you planning on debarking any time soon or do you enjoy fucking around on planes all night?”

  Luca raised his eyes to the ceiling to alleviate his mounting frustration and the impact of his cousin’s crass words. Simply put, he wasn’t in the mood for this shit. “Only you, Dre. Where are you?”

  “Out on the tarmac, waiting for you. What’s taking so long?”

  “I’ve run into a bit of a snag,” Luca said, frowning down at Sheila, who boldly rolled her head and eyes.

  “Well, handle it later. We need to get out of here. This isn’t exactly the safest place for her, or any of us for that matter.”

  “I know, I know. Look, man, give me five more minutes.” Luca hung up before Drago could bitch about the five–minute allotment. Blowing out a breath, he placed the phone back in his pocket and decided to try reasoning with Sheila. He began in his sweetest voice, the one that seemed to always make her melt. “Okay, Sheila. I’m sorry I wasn’t upfront with our destination. But you’ve gotta trust me. I really wanted you to meet my family
and maybe even spend Christmas with them. I’ll make it up to you later. I promise, babe.”

  “Or we could head on down to Jamaica now and meet your family on the way back.”

  Damn. It wasn’t working. “Sheila, you’re being unreasonable!” he shouted, his frustration level reaching its peak.

  “I just had a near–death experience. I deserve to be unreasonable!” she shouted back.

  Luca blew out a harsh breath. This was getting them nowhere.

  “What the fuck, Lulu?” Dre’s voice suddenly came from behind him.

  With a groan, Luca whipped his head toward his cousin, who was closing the short distance between them from the door of the plane. This was not what he needed right now.

  “We need to move before someone starts wondering what the hell we’re doing out here. Not to mention it’s cold as sin out there.”

  Luca threw his head back, his patience completely drained. “I said I know, Dre,” he bit out through clenched teeth.

  “Who the hell are you?” Sheila demanded, glaring at Drago from over Luca’s shoulder.

  “Oh, pardon me,” Drago said, plastering on a genuine smile. “I’m Drago, Luca’s cousin.” He extended his hand to Sheila.

  “Nice to meet you, Drago,” Sheila stated with saccharin sweetness while keeping her arms crossed at her chest, “but Luca and I were kind of in the middle of something.”

  “Damn, man. You got a feisty one for real.”

  “Who the hell you calling feisty!” Sheila demanded, both fists shooting to her hips.

  “Handle your woman, Lulu,” Drago calmly stated, moving his eyes to Luca and decidedly ignoring Sheila.

  “Sheila,” Luca started, garnering his most authoritative voice. Of all the times for her to jump bad and show her ass, this was not a good one. “We gotta go.”

  “You want me off this plane, you pick me up and you carry me off of it.”

  Before Luca could make a move, Drago reached around him and touched the sensitive spot between Sheila’s neck and shoulder. Luca turned, catching her as she slumped forward.

  “What the fuck did you do that for?” Luca wasn’t sure if he was more pissed because Drago had put his hands on his woman or because of the massive headache he knew she would have upon waking up. He glared at his cousin, leaving no doubt that if he wasn’t currently supporting Sheila and if time wasn’t a factor he’d be doing his damndest to kill him.

  “Calm down, Lulu,” Drago said, lifting both hands in surrender. “Your ass should be thanking me, knowing damn well you couldn’t have done it. There was no way around it. Now tell me it wasn’t for her own good.”

  Luca blew out a breath and nodded, his rage quickly dissipating.

  Drago shook his head, his look of urgency shifting to one of amusement as he gazed upon an unconscious Sheila. “Damn. Is she always like that?”

  “Only when she’s really tired,” and when her hormones are out of whack, he silently added. Dre didn’t need to know everything. Luca smiled down at the sleeping form slumped against his chest, now resembling an angel instead of the feisty hellion who’d just been giving him such a hard time.

  “I guess that’s good to know.” In an instant, Drago’s amusement reverted to earnestness. “Come on, man. We need to go.”

  “I know, damn it! I’m moving,” Luca said as he effortlessly swooped Sheila into his arms and began carrying her to the door. “But your ass is gonna have to deal with her when she wakes up.”

  Drago chuckled. “Whatever, man. I think I can handle it.”

  Chapter 19

  The second week of January brought light snow to Oklahoma City. After nearly a month as guests in Tyler and Evy’s mansion, the two new additions to the Moriatti mesh appeared to be adapting nicely. As Luca had suspected, his family instantly fell in love with Sheila and vice versa.

  However, the relationship between Sheila and Drago was a different matter. Although the two of them eventually reached a truce, it didn’t happen before Sheila had given Luca the best Christmas gift ever. Not long after awakening from her Drago–induced slumber, she’d unleashed a string of obscenities so potent they had made the ever–knowing, ultra–suave Drago Moriatti blush like a Tea Party politician at an NAACP meeting. On that blissful day, Luca had literally trembled with pride for his woman. Adding to the blissful state was the fact that, weeks later, Drago still hadn’t healed from the sting of Sheila’s words.

  “I still can’t believe that woman uses that foul mouth to kiss little kids.”

  Luca shook his head, the corners of his mouth turning upward in amusement. “Dre, man, get over it. I warned your ass.” He patted his cousin on the back to console him.

  Sheila, Evy, Rie, and Fredrick had stopped by Moriatti and Swallow Real Estate to drop off lunch and were now in the conference room setting up an elaborate array of good, home–cooked food. Somehow, Evy had mastered the art of cooking Italian cuisine, which tasted just as good as Luca’s mother’s. Of course he’d never admit that to his mom’s face, but he had to give credit where credit was due.

  However, Evy’s cooking came in second when compared to his Sheila’s southern culinary skills, which she proudly boasted learning from her maternal grandmother. Her oven–fried chicken and beef ribs were to die for, and he now carried an extra five pounds to prove it. She still balked at his refusal to eat pork, but no manner of persuasion was going to change that.

  Perched on the corner of Drago’s desk, Luca followed Sheila’s every move. His heart did a weird somersault as he watched her squat down low and slowly stalk toward Fredrick, her hands coiled beside her head like claws. Fredrick shrieked and attempted to get away but was halted by Sheila’s swift lunge. A squeal pealed from him when she lifted the little fellow into her arms, raising him toward the ceiling. With a loud growl, she twirled in a circle, before exposing his little tummy and bringing it to her lips to blow raspberries on it. Laughter from the wild–haired toddler bounced through the entire office as Sheila continued her assault on his exposed dark tanned skin. The scene was surreal.

  This was a different side of his fiancée. Without warning, Luca’s mind began to conjure a picture of him as a father and the beautiful woman he now watched from a distance as the mother of his child. She would become more beautiful as their little boy or girl grew within her. Their kid would probably sport the same curly black hair and possibly the same skin tone as Tyler’s boy. But the child he envisioned had Sheila’s amber eyes as opposed to little Fredrick’s dark blue ones.

  “Wow. Is that what I look like whenever Evy occupies my thoughts?” Tyler’s words and sudden appearance snapped Luca out of his daydream.

  “No, man. You look worse,” Drago offered, teasing his brother.

  “You should talk. I’ve seen how you respond when the girls are sparring, especially when Rie pulls out the daggers. Is there some kinky shit you want to let us in on?” Tyler asked, one thick eyebrow arched toward his hairline.

  “Pfff. As if I’d share it with you guys,” Drago muttered, suddenly finding extra interest in a file on his computer screen.

  “Anyway,” Tyler started. “How are things going with you and Sheila? Not to pressure you, but Evy’s starting to ask questions… not that she’s put out about you staying with us,” he rushed to add, raising his hands palms out as a symbol of peace. “She can only guess at what’s going on, but she and Sheila have become quite close. Evy’s concerned about her.”

  “Yeah, so’s Rie. And I think you know how I feel about keeping stuff from Rie,” Drago added.

  “And Nita,” Tony, Drago and Tyler’s partner, said in a low voice as he joined the three other men in the office. “I have a feeling you’re not ready to share this conversation with the women. Perhaps you’ve all forgotten how good my wife’s hearing is.”

  All eyes moved toward the large conference room where Nita and their toddler, Katrina, were now greeting the others. Almost instantly, the women huddled together and began speaking in hushed voices.
r />   Luca leaped from the desk and closed the door. “Jeez. Has she ever considered working for the CIA?” he asked, barricading the door with his back.

  Tony chortled. “She very well could.”

  “I don’t know, Tony. That temper and thick Rican accent, which only gets thicker with said temper, would probably blow her cover every time,” Tyler offered with a shrug of his shoulders.

  Drago interlaced his fingers behind his head and began leisurely swiveling his chair side to side with his foot. “Well, Nita may be good. But, bottom line, she’s only going to know what Luca has told Sheila. Am I right, Lulu?”

  The room suddenly became hot as all the others turned their keen focus on Luca. “Right,” he mumbled, barely able to hear his own voice. Shame was a bitch of a dance, and she was doing quite the mambo on him lately.

  “What’s that, Lulu? I didn’t quite catch it,” Drago pressed, crossing his arms on his massive desk.

  Drago’s stare was all knowing and unyielding. Luca couldn’t figure out for the life of him why Dre was suddenly pressing him for details in front of the other men. Confused, he met Dre’s stare with his own signature what–the–fuck one he reserved specifically for his long–time friend and family member.

  “This matter requires maximum safety precautions. It’s bad enough the women aren’t privy, but I didn’t think it would be fair to ask my brother to take you in not knowing the potential danger it entailed, let alone exposing Tony’s family as well.”

  Luca nodded. “You’re right. That’s more than fair. I just wasn’t able to think beyond Sheila’s safety at the time.”

  “I think we can all relate to that,” Tyler offered. “But some advice, man. You really should tell her what’s going on. I made the mistake of keeping similar information from Evy, and it nearly cost me my family.”

  Tyler’s deep blue eyes still harbored guilt. Was Luca looking at his future through the eyes of his cousin? After living with them for the past month, Luca had no doubt Tyler would be lost without his wife, just as he would be without Sheila.


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