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Scent Of Uncertainty (The Venus Pack Series Book 1)

Page 6

by Riley Cross

Cursing at how easily I had gotten lost in his touch.

  I’m an Alpha for god’s sake, I do not have time for acting like a schoolgirl with her childhood crush.

  Slamming the door closed to the truck, I hold the steering wheel, taking a few deep breaths, needing to calm down before anyone catches a whiff of my arousal. All it would take is one of my wolves to tell how wired I am, and I wouldn't hear the bloody end of it.

  Good. My wolf chuffed.

  What the hell do you mean good?


  Stupid wolf. That male is not ours. We cannot mate a human. He would constantly be challenged.

  That fact only causes my wolf to whine.

  The buzzing of my cell phone is enough to pull me out of my internal struggles.

  Pulling the device from my back pocket, I swipe to answer the call without bothering to check the caller ID.

  "Good morning Alpha." Greets a robotic voice.

  Frowning, I pull the phone away from my ear to check the number.

  Unknown number. Whoever I was speaking with, obviously wanted to remain anonymous.

  "What do you want?" My suspicion runs deep into my voice as I try to mentally compile a list of who could have my number and know I’m an Alpha. I have the number of every single one of my pack mates. Could this be someone from Greyson’s pack? Or even a human?

  "Did you enjoy my gift?" The way he says the word gift has an unsettling feeling creeping up my spine.

  "Who is this?" I ask, adding a healthy dose of my Alpha pull into my words.

  Chuckling. "Nice try, but that little trick doesn’t work through the human’s technology and I'm afraid I'm not ready for you to know me yet. Soon, though. Very soon."

  The line goes dead.

  What the fuck just happened?

  Seconds after the call ends, the phone chimes with an incoming text message.

  Unknown number.

  Opening the message.

  "Oh, my god."

  It was hard to tell what I was looking at, but once you saw it. It became impossible to unsee.

  A pair of werewolves. Mutilated and positioned perfectly around the living room like they were having family night. One was even caught mid shift.

  "Shit." Michael, her younger brother.

  This was bringing up too many memories. Charlotte’s missing bartender, Samantha, was sitting on the couch with something clutched in her hands. What the hell is that? A bouquet of bluebells? No. Wolfsbane.

  My wolf lunges for the surface, determined to hunt down the maniac and make him pay.

  Well, it looks like I can’t run from the house now.

  Fuck sake. Why did Dominic need to be here now? Cursing my way back towards the house. I fire off a quick text to my Beta ordering him to meet me at the house.

  Picking up on his Alpha murderous mood, Cam is already waiting by the front door.

  "What's happened?" His concern clear in his voice.

  "Office. Dorian is on his way." My voice is rough, as

  I desperately try to keep my wolf from forcing the change. Barging through the door, I march towards my at home office. Spotting Dominic coming down the stairs, I pay him no mind. Keeping my voice low so my words stay between me and Cam. "Keep him away." Acknowledging my words, Cam veers towards Dominic. "Hey man, where you headed?"

  Only interested in keeping myself together, I dart inside the office and lock the door.

  Once inside the soundproofed room, I grab the first thing I can and launch it across the room. Needing an outlet for my fury. The picture along with my childhood memories are still raw in my mind. Driving my wolf insane with the need for blood.

  When I hear three patterned knocks at the door. Thank god for secret codes. I rush over to let my Beta and Enforcer enter.

  When they spot the broken chair against the wall, they give me a questioning look. Their own wolves shining through their eyes as my rage feeds them through the pack link.

  Without speaking, I hand them my cell with the picture message already open.

  "Fuck. This is the scene from the other day." Dorian confirms. "How did you get this?"

  I recall the phone call. Repeating the same conversation, I had with the caller.

  Squeezing the bridge of his nose, Cam is the first one to speak. "You got a call from the killer."

  "Way to point out the bloody obvious." I growl. My voice turning rougher with the presence of my wolf.

  "Rae, you need to shift and run. We cannot work on this with her splitting your attention." Dorian mentions. With my wolf flashing in my eyes. I can only nod my agreement. "Where's Dominic?"

  "Out. You can hunt in the surrounding land." Cam assures.

  Shoulders tense, I leave the office and dashes into the back garden. Barely making it into the surrounding woods before my she-wolf explodes out of me. Bones crack, muscles morph in the fastest shift I have ever done.

  When all four paws hit the floor, the wolf takes off deeper into the woods.

  Twigs snap, birds break through the tree lining, animals jump into their burrows sensing the furious predator among them.

  I try to soothe the animal to no avail. My she-wolf’s mental scars of that night are still too fresh in her mind.

  Pumping her legs as fast as she can, the wolf breaks through the other side of the tree lining. Halting beside the massive lake. She howls in a mixture of pain and rage. The sound echoes off the tops of the trees. No doubt being heard for miles around. I cry out along with my animal. Eventually our shared pain settles, returning to that little box at the back of our mind.

  Exhausted, the wolf curls up on the edge of the lake, pawing at the water. Letting the silence around her settle her mind.

  We will avenge them. I assure the animal.

  The wolf lets out an agreeing yelp.


  The sound of the twig snapping echoes around the relaxed wolf.

  Immediately putting her on high alert.

  Scanning the trees behind her. It doesn't take long to spot the dark shadow trying to hide.

  With a low growl, the wolf moves silently away from the water and back into the trees. Her focus locked onto the peeping tom trying to hide himself.

  We are so far off trail. Why are their humans out here? Be careful. It could be poachers. I relay my suspicions to my animal. Poaching on private land is illegal, but some people still attempt to get away with it. The last thing we need right now is for one of our wolves to be shot or have a dead human on our hands.

  I pull back a little, letting the wolf focus on what she needs to do. Unable to shift back to my human form with witnesses about, I can only wait and see what happens next.

  Once the wolf has made it around to the spot, the human was watching her from. She prowls closer, trying to catch a scent. Anything that would give the humans motives away and let the wolf know how to act. Oddly enough, there was no scent being carried in the air. The closer she gets to the human, the fewer things she can smell. This puts me and my animal on edge.

  How is this even possible? There are definitely ways to cover someone's scent, but to remove it completely?

  Keeping low to her belly, the wolf peers out of the bush. Trying to catch sight of her prey.

  Spotting the broad back of a male peering around the trunk of the tree. No doubt trying to figure out where his prize snuck off to.

  With a low growl silently rumbling in her belly. The wolf launches herself from her hiding place. Tackling the male to the ground. Landing on his back, the wolf’s teeth go straight for the kill.


  That voice.

  No, it can't be.

  My she-wolf removes her teeth from the throat of her prey. Glancing up, both of us freeze.



  We think in unison. How? Cam had said he left the area.

  As his hazel eyes bore into the golden eyes of the wolf. The animal pulls back. Removing its weight from his body.

  Shit, shit, shit. What
do we do? I panic.

  My wolf gets over her shock at finding the male out in the middle of nowhere quickly. And boldly nuzzles the human sitting in front of her.

  Will you stop that! Hussy. I growl.

  Mine. Mate. The wolf responds with a happy yip.

  He is not yo- wait. Did he just shout’ Kitten?

  Sitting back on her haunches, my she-wolf regards the male in front of her. Dominic murmurs something under his breath. Cocking her head to the side, curiously.

  The smells of spices and ages brandy assault the wolf’s nose, causing her to growl in pleasure.

  Dominic smiles at the animal, before reaching out and scratching behind her ear.

  “You like that kitten?” He chuckles as the animal pushes herself against his body. Covering herself in his woody scent.

  I can’t help but watch the scene playing out in front of me, completely dumbfounded. Unsure of how I’m supposed to handle this kind of situation.

  “How come you never told me you were a wolf?” He asks.

  My she-wolf yips happily at him, rolling onto her back. Giving him her belly. Amused, Dominic rubs his fingers through her undercoat.

  “Even in this form you are breath-taking.”

  Another yip.

  Alright, enough is enough!

  Fed up with my wolf, embarrassing me. I push forwards, taking control. My body compacts in on itself, hair retreats into smooth skin, paws change into hands and feet. Slower than the last change, eventually I’m kneeling in my wolf's place.

  “I was wondering how long you were planning on taking.” Dominic chuffs. Standing, he removes his t-shirt and drapes it around my naked body.

  “Thanks.” I mutter, as I do up the front buttons to give myself a little modesty.

  Standing, his shirt falls down to mid-thigh. Being very aware that I’m currently going commando, I make a mental note to keep my arms by my sides so I don't give Dominic a free show.

  Well, this is awkward.

  Standing in the middle of the woods with my childhood crush wearing nothing but his t-shirt while he watches me bare chested. Thank god he doesn't have a wolf's sense of smell because it doesn't take long for my arousal to heighten when I take in the sight of the male before me.

  Keeping his stance casual, Dominic regards me as I stand in front of him.



  We speak at the same time.

  Smiling, Dominic motions for me to continue speaking.

  “What are you doing out here?” I question. Not the one I wanted to ask, but it was the simplest.

  “I wanted to know why you looked like the devil had just come knocking for his pound of flesh. I went outside and waited for the others to leave. Lucky me. I spotted you making your escape out the back door and followed.” He answers honestly.

  “Now how about you ask me what it really is you want to know.” He smirks.

  Taken aback by his bluntness. I remain silent for a moment.

  “How did you know?” I whisper, concentrating on his heart rate and body language in case he intended to lie to me. Not that I thought he would, but this is a delicate situation. One I have no idea how to handle.

  “You know the answer to that already, Kitten.” He tells me. As he moves a little closer, I backpedal intending to keep some distance between us. Balls. So he knew it was me the previous night at the gathering. Did he know about the others?

  “My turn.” Dominic announces, taking another step closer.

  “How long have you known you were a wolf?”

  His question surprises me. Come to think of it. Why is he not freaking the fuck out right now?

  Frowning. “I’ve known all my life.” I answer with the same honesty he had shown.

  “Why did you never tell me?” He questions.

  “Because it was not my secret to share. It is forbidden for humans to know about our existence.” Confused by the hurt in his voice.

  “I’m not just any human to you.” He tells me, advancing again.

  My back hits a tree trunk behind me. Halting my retreat. Dominic quickly cages me in. Keeping me from getting away from him. Looking up into his eyes, I quickly find myself at a loss for words.

  No, Dominic had never been just any human to me. I had once planned on telling him everything. But then that night, my parents were killed, and he vanished into thin air. Leaving me heartbroken and alone to face my new reality.

  While my wolf might preen at having this male taking up my personal space so completely. I was having a hard time understanding why he is now acting so weird.

  Jutting out my chin, I continue. Not letting Dominic intimidate me. “No, you weren't. You were my friend.

  Once. Then when I needed you by my side the most you disappeared off the face of the planet. Why don't we talk about that?” My voice stays deceptively calm, even as my insides rage at the reminder.

  No emotions cross his face as I lash out. Using my words as sharp as a whip.

  “Well, Dominic?” Arching a brow at him, expectantly.

  Stilled trapped between the enormous tree trunk and the silent sentry in front of me.

  “What's the matter, Dom? Wolf got your tongue?” I taunt. Childish? Yes. Fucks given? Not a bloody one.

  A spark of life ignites in his gaze as he regards me.

  Rapidly losing patience for the now quiet man, I huff and push past him.

  I make it a couple steps before my feet stop responding to my mental command to keep moving away.

  Confused, I stare at my now stationery feet. Nothing was holding me in place or blocking my way. But still, I couldn't make my legs move. My she-wolf brushes against my skin, longing to escape her mental prison and take us away from the danger the animal could now sense.

  Movement to my left catches both the attention of the woman and the wolf.

  Dominic moves like a grateful predator around us. Firmly planting himself back into our line of sight.

  “We are not done.” He tells me, calm as a fucking cucumber.

  Suspicion burns in my eyes.

  “Don't give me that look, Kitten. You're not the only one with tricks up their sleeve.” His smirk both heats my lower belly and pisses me off at the same time.

  Accepting that I’m not going anywhere until he releases me from whatever mumbo jumbo, he has me trapped in. I cross my arms, waiting for him to make a move.

  “Why are you out here? What happened back at the house?”

  His sudden subject change almost gives me whiplash. So, he didn’t want to shed some light on his little magic trick, but had expected me to share my secrets with him? Pfft. Fuck that.

  Chapter Five

  Who fired first?

  I can almost see a wall go up behind her eyes.

  Stubborn female.

  Standing immobile wearing nothing but my shirt in the middle of the woods. Shit. How badly I wanted to reach out and stroke her soft skin. How desperate I am to eat at her mouth, to consume her taste. She was a walking, talking temptation.

  “Rae.” Her name ends up sounding like a prayer.

  Setting her jaw stubbornly, the she-wolf regards me as I stand in front of her.

  “I’m going to release you but make no mistake. We will discuss this later.” I tell her in an authoritative tone.

  I’m willing to let her off the hook for now.

  Whispering in an ancient tongue. I feel as the magic holding my kitten in place snaps.

  After testing each leg was free of my hold. Rae doesn't turn and run like I thought she would.

  Surprisingly, she yells at me instead.

  “What the fuck Dominic!”

  I feel my lips curl slightly at the edges. Amused by her outburst.

  “Hundred and one?” I ask. Reminding her of the game we used to play as kids. Our own spin on twenty questions. Basically, I made up a bunch of rules in order to get information out of her.

  “I’ll start.” I continue without giving her a chance to back

  “Was your first shift before or after your parent’s deaths?”

  There's a subtle tick in her jaw.

  “Before.” She answers begrudgingly.

  Pleased that she was willing to play our little game, I motion for her turn.

  Watching the cogs turning behind her eyes. I wait patiently for her to think of her question.

  “When did you know you could cast magic?”

  “Just after my dad left with Dani.” I answer her honestly. A time my mother refuses to speak of, even to this day. It was only recently I found out why my father had taken my older sister and left us.

  Shock flashes across her beautiful face.

  “You were six?” She gasps.

  “Tsk tsk. It’s my turn, kitten.” I say, waving a finger between us. As the rules state, trying to ask an additional question means you forfeit your next turn. Giving me the opportunity to ask her another one.

  Crossing her arms in a huff which only helps push her breasts up and momentarily short circuit my brain.

  Shaking my head clear of the filthy thoughts that bombard me. I barely manage my next question.

  “The guys?”

  Not needing me to elaborate, Rae answers with a simple, yes.

  Well, that explains a lot. So, my best friends were also wolves. Interesting.


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