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Breaking Through the Wall (Guarded Hearts Book 2)

Page 4

by Noelle, Alexis

  When everyone said their goodbyes and started to leave, Jason turned to Carter and asked him if he wanted him to bring back some clothes.

  I took this time to speak up. I wanted him to be able to shower and change. I could also tell he hadn’t slept well since that night. “Carter, it’s okay, go home. I will be fine, but I think you should go get some sleep.”

  “If you think that I am leaving you alone in this hospital, you’re crazy. Maddy, I slept here every night while you were unconscious. I’m not going to leave now that I have you back.”

  I love him so much, and I was glad he wanted to stay, because I really didn’t want him to leave. Jason gave me a hug and told me he would see me tomorrow. I scooted over in the bed, looked at Carter, then patted beside me.

  “Maddy, the nurses have a sweet spot for me, but I don’t think I could get away with that.”

  “Please?” I saw him losing the battle with himself. He kicked off his shoes and climbed in beside me, being careful to avoid all of the wires. He tucked me under his arm and I laid my head on his chest. “I love you, Carter James.”

  “I love you, babe. Thank you for coming back to me.” He kissed my head and I closed my eyes, thankful for the escape that sleep would bring.

  Chapter Three


  When I woke up this morning, I was still in Jason’s arms, surprisingly. I was so used to him sneaking out before I woke up, but I guess, since this was his bed, he really didn’t have anywhere to go. These past couple days had been different, though. I felt like we were finally getting somewhere. This was the first time I had woken up before him, so I took this chance to really look at him. He was gorgeous.

  He had dark brown hair that was on the shorter side, but definitely not buzzed. When I could see his eyes they were mesmerizing, they reminded me of one of those chocolate fountains.

  I felt his arms tighten around me and he opened his eyes. “Hey.” I could tell he was uncomfortable and that ‘hey’ was the best I was getting right now.

  “Hey, J, I was just about to shower and see if you wanted to go see Mads with me.”

  “Um…yeah, I guess so.”

  I knew, at this point, he was starting to mentally freak out. I had been staying with him and had been a constant presence in his life these past few days. For me it felt normal, but for him I knew that it was anything but that. I understood he had issues, but my God, this was exhausting. After we both showered, we made our way to the hospital.

  We stayed and talked with Mads a little bit and I could already tell that she was starting to revert back into the girl who didn’t let anyone in. I knew this probably had a lot to do with Chris and losing the baby, but I was going to do my best to get her through it.

  “So, Jason, what are your plans this summer?” Maddy asked him, I thought in hopes that it would detract attention away from her.

  “I…uh…I’m actually gonna be heading home today. I just wanted to make sure that you were okay, and that you guys didn’t need anything. Do you want me to take you back home so you can get your car, Nic?”

  He turned to me expecting an answer, but at this point, I couldn’t form words. I nodded my head at him. He was leaving? I thought I had made some progress with him, but I guessed not. He was running home like a little child.

  We said goodbye to Maddy and Carter, then made our way out to Jason’s car. Once we were in and buckled, I turned to him and punched him right in the arm.

  “Shit! What the hell, Nicole!”

  “You’re leaving? No discussion, no it was nice seeing you, no warning? Ugh!” I couldn’t help myself and I punched him again.

  “Stop fucking hitting me!” He pulled out of the parking lot, turned the radio up loud, and started the drive toward my house.

  We were almost at my house and he still hadn’t said two fucking words to me. The most communication I had was him, was him turning on the Nickelback song Something in your mouth, and giving me a look. He was out of his damn mind if he thought I would let him touch me. I was done being his little plaything.

  I turned the radio off and turned to him. “Just so you know, I will not wait around for you, Jason. You either talk to me now, or understand that this is done. I refuse to let you use me anymore.”

  I was dreading his response. Especially since we were pulling into my driveway now. He stopped the car and didn’t even turn to look at me. This was fucking ridiculous!

  “You know what, J, I am so sick of your little bad boy act! FYI, being a dickhead doesn’t make you a bad boy, it just makes you a dickhead!” I threw the door open and turned around to look at him one last time. “Oh, and last time I checked, bad boys drove motorcycles not fucking Toyota Corollas!” I slammed the door and hurried into the house, before he could see me break down.

  Of course my stepmother, the wicked witch, had to be there when I walked in. “Boy problems, Nicole?” She smirked at me and I hated that she caught me like this.

  “Shut up, Barbie.” I pushed past her and headed straight for my room. God, I hated her so much. My dad married her about two years ago. She puts on a show in front of him, as if she wants to be my friend, but she isn’t fooling anyone.

  I started packing my bag, so that I could spend the rest of the summer with Mads. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and pulled it out, praying for good news. I saw it was Mads and I breathed a sigh of relief.

  Mads: Hey, Nic, I’m sorry about Jason. I have a proposition for you, though…

  Nic: Proposition? Damn, girl, you get tired of Carter already? ;-)

  Mads: Definitely Not! Carter’s sister Holly and her friend Christen are moving into a three-bedroom house. They want another roommate and asked me if I knew of any girls that might be interested…

  Nic: When can I move in?

  I couldn’t wait to get out of here. I loved my father, but spending the summer with the Barbie Troll from hell was just not appealing to me.

  Mads: They are moving in next week! You could always stay with us till then…

  Nic: Sounds amazing! Leaving now!

  I wish things would have ended different with Jason and me, but I couldn’t focus on that. I needed to focus on Mads and helping her get through this summer.


  This drive home was like torture. I usually loved the peace and quiet, but right now it was haunting me. I knew I was wrong for running, but it was done now. When I woke up with Nicole there this morning, it all hit me like a brick. I just needed some time and some space to be able to breathe.

  Knowing that Maddy was better and getting out of the hospital eased my mind. I knew Nicole had thought after the last couple nights that we were together, but I couldn’t right now. If I stayed, though, I wouldn’t be able to stay away from her. She was like a magnet for me and that was dangerous.

  We had definitely grown closer over the past couple days. I had opened up to her about my mom, which was not easy. She had ended up telling me a little bit about her family too. I felt myself growing attached and that is what made me leave.

  I hated that I hurt her today, and I didn’t walk away injury free. That girl could really throw a punch.I know that I’ll have to deal with it when I get back, but for now I will just hang out, get a summer job, and try to forget the girl that haunts me every time I close my eyes.

  * * *

  This summer had been the most uneventful yet. I worked my ass off, so I could have extra cash for the year. I had tried to go out with girls here and there, but nothing felt right anymore. I remembered Carter talking to me about this kind of feeling last year and I thought that he was fucking crazy.

  Every time I had talked to Maddy and Carter, I had avoided the topic of Nicole. I was scared they were going to tell me that she had moved on.

  Maddy didn’t do well the first month or so. Anytime I talked to her I could tell she was upset. It was understandable, of course, but lately it was like she had found her spark again. This year was going to be hard for her. Especially with all
the things that Chris and his father had been pulling.

  I don’t know how they did it, but they had to have paid someone off to get away with all that they were. The report from the night of the accident had no mention of Maddy’s mouth being taped shut or her hands being tied. Of course, Carter and I swore by it, but he was her fiancé and I was her friend. Apparently, we didn’t hold much credibility. They were going to be having Chris’s hearing soon and Maddy was scared that he’d get away with everything. This whole process was so ridiculous, and I knew it was killing Carter.

  Tonight, Nicole, Holly, and Christen were having a back-to-school party at their house. I was going, although I didn’t know how it was going to be seeing Nicole again. I was still undecided about our relationship, but I had missed her so much.

  I had to admit, too, that I’m nervous she won’t be alone. She had told me, when I left last time, that she wouldn’t wait around for me. I didn’t really know how I’d react if I got there and she was with someone else. All I knew was that if she was, it was gonna kill me.


  I couldn’t believe school was starting in a couple days. This summer had gone by so fast. I had missed Jason so much and Carter had been sneaking me updates here and there. I hadn’t been interested in finding a new guy, although that might have been the smartest decision.

  It seemed like every time I tried to talk to a guy, I lost interest. I knew that my infatuation with Jason was only hurting me, but I couldn’t stop myself from wishing that things would be different.

  I was around campus today to sign up for the play this semester and meet one of my friends. Just then, I saw him walking across the campus in his tight pink polo and bright blue khaki pants. That boy and his fashion choices astounded me.

  “Hey, Jamie!”

  He looked up and smiled when he saw me. Jamie was in one of my acting classes with me last semester and I loved him; he was so outrageous and funny. He would be the perfect person to help me get to Jason and make him snap out of it.

  “Hey, hot stuff! What’s going on, mama?”

  “Listen, I need a huge favor if you’re up for it.”

  “All right, well, let’s go grab lunch and you can tell me all about it.”

  We went to eat at the coffee shop where Mads had been working. Once we ordered and got our stuff, we headed over to one of the booths. “Okay, spill, girl.”

  “So, you know Jason Smith, right?”

  “Ugh! Do I know him? That man could melt my panties in a minute with just one of those brooding looks!”

  I choked a little on my coffee and had to catch my breath. “Well, we have kind of been hooking up.” I saw Jamie’s mouth drop open. “We both want more, but he is scared to make an actual commitment. I feel like, at this point, I need to give him a little push. So I have an idea. We are having a back to school party at my house tonight and I want you to be my date.”

  “Your date? Girl, you do remember that I’m—” His face lit up like a Christmas tree when he realized what I was suggesting. “Oh! This is going to be so much fun, bitch! You better put on something sexy for me. I like a lot of skin.” He winked at me and now I couldn’t be more excited for tonight.

  * * *

  “Damn, girl! You look bomb!” Christen was standing in my doorway and laughing. “This outfit wouldn’t have anything to do with a certain bad boy who is coming back tonight, would it?”

  I laughed at her as I slipped into my heels. Christen, Holly, and I had been getting along great since we moved in together. Holly and Christen were your typical gorgeous blondes, except Holly’s hair was long where Christen’s was more shoulder length.

  The dress I had on tonight was bright red, the straps tied around my neck. I loved this feature, because it seemed to make my boobs look at least a couple of cup sizes bigger. It dipped down low in the back, coming to a stop just above my butt and it was short enough to show off my legs that Jason always said he loved.

  “If you must know, I have a plan tonight.”

  “Oh, really?”

  I heard the doorbell ring and started to get excited. “Let the games begin, girl.”

  When I went downstairs, I saw Carter, Mads, and Jason. He looked sexy in his low slung jeans and tight T-shirt. I hoped this worked tonight, because I missed him and his incredible body. When he looked up at me I could see the sharp inhale of breath he took. Christen leaned down to whisper in my ear, “I hope you brought the boy oxygen, girl.”

  I walked down the rest of the steps and gave everyone a hug. When the doorbell rang again, I had a feeling it would be Jamie. I answered it and couldn’t believe my eyes. He was dressed in a tight black T-shirt and faded jeans. He looked so different, and when he saw me, he winked. He walked in, scooped me up in a hug, spun me around, and planted a kiss right on my lips. I swear to God, I think I heard Jason growl behind me. When I turned around to introduce him to everyone, Jason was fuming.

  “Everyone, I want you to meet Jamie. Jamie this is everyone. Jamie and I have started dating!”

  The faces of everyone around the room were priceless. Christen, Holly, and Mads all had smirks on their faces, because they knew exactly who Jamie was. Carter’s mouth was hanging open in surprise, and Jason looked murderous. I loved this plan!

  Jamie was standing behind me with his arms around me. He leaned down so his chin was resting on my shoulder. “How about we go get a drink, gorgeous?”

  “Sure, babe! Come on!” Once we got in the kitchen, Jamie and I busted out laughing. “Did you see his face? I thought he was going to blow a blood vessel!”

  “You look damn sexy tonight, girl! If this doesn’t do the trick, I don’t know what will!”

  We got our drinks and went to sit on the couch. I was just about to sit next to Jamie, when he pulled me down onto his lap. I leaned down to his ear. “You’re a very bad boy.” We laughed and I felt my hairs stand up at the back of my neck.

  I looked across the room and saw Jason. He looked like he was barely able to keep it together. Mads came and sat next to us, while J stormed off to the kitchen. “What the hell are you two trying to do, give the poor guy a heart attack?”

  Jamie and I started to laugh, but that died down once Jason walked back in the room. “What can I say, Mads? Jamie is just amazing.” Jason threw himself into the Lazy-boy and slammed his beer on the end table. I really didn’t know how much more he could take, but I was interested to see. “Hey, babe? Do you wanna just stay here with me tonight?”

  Jamie squeezed my hips and I let out a squeal. “Mmmm, that sounds good, babe.”

  I leaned down and gave him a peck on the lips. “I’m gonna run to the bathroom. I’ll be back.”

  I walked upstairs, through my room, and into the bathroom. When I looked in the mirror, I laughed at the huge grin that was on my face. It was only a matter of time, at this point. I’d have him by the end of the night. I walked out of the bathroom to find Jason standing right in front of me. He was breathing heavily and staring at me like he didn’t know whether to scream at me or rip my clothes off.

  I hope he takes the second option.


  When I came to the house tonight, I thought it wouldn’t be that big of a deal seeing Nic. Then she walked down the steps in that short little dress and those high ass heels. I was ready to take her upstairs as soon as she came down. Then that tool showed up and he had his hands all over her. I was about ready to rip his fucking hands off. When I saw her walk up to the bathroom, I knew this was my shot.

  I couldn’t fight it anymore and now I was determined to make her mine tonight. When she came out of the bathroom and saw me standing there, she smirked at me. I walked over to her, grabbed her hand, and walked her over to her bed. She opened up her mouth to speak, but I crashed mine into her before she got the chance. I pushed her down onto the bed and settled myself on top of her. I was going to remind her exactly why we were so good together.

  I reached down and hiked her dress up to her hips. She moane
d when my hand brushed over her, and I knew I had her. I hooked my fingers into the little piece of lace she had on and ripped them off. When I ran my finger over her, I was surprised at how wet she was already.

  “Mmmm, baby, you are always so ready for me.” I pushed two of my fingers into her and she moaned. “Did you miss this, baby?” I stroked her inside and played with her clit with my thumb.


  “I know you’re already close, baby. You are always so ready and into it.” I lowered myself and positioned my head between her thighs. I ran my nose up and down them, while she grasped my head and tried to push me toward her. “Do you want me to kiss it, baby?” I ran my tongue up her pussy, stopping just short of her clit. “Do you want me to make you come?”

  “God, yes!” She was grasping at the bed sheets and I knew it wouldn’t take long to get her there.

  “If you want me to do that, baby, you need to tell me whose pussy this is. You seemed confused tonight, so I just need to make sure you still know who it belongs to.”


  I licked her again just to prove my point. “Tell.Me.Whose.Pussy.This.Is.” I emphasized each word with a thrust of my fingers deep inside her.

  “It’s yours, Jason! Please, baby!”

  That was all I needed. I started to move my fingers in and out of her while I licked and sucked her pussy, so hard I might just leave a mark. When I moved up to her clit and sucked it into my mouth, she came, screaming my name at the same time. She tasted so fucking good, that I lapped it up until nothing was left.

  When I moved back up to her, she looked so pleased and relaxed. “I’m not done with you yet, babe. Ever since you walked down the steps all I could think about was being inside of you. This is going to be quick, though, because with all the buildup and watching you come while you screamed my name, my dick is about to explode.” I pulled my pants down just enough to free myself, pulled back, and rammed into her. “God, I missed this!”


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