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Breaking Through the Wall (Guarded Hearts Book 2)

Page 8

by Noelle, Alexis

  “I told you that you’re mine, babe. Now I have proof. Where is my camera at?”

  “Jason, don’t you—”

  I leaned down and took one of her breasts in my mouth until I had sucked and licked every bit of chocolate off of it, then moved to the other one. By the time I was done, she was so worked up I could barely keep her still. This time, I picked up the whipped cream and drew a J in the space between her belly button and her clit. I slowly licked it off, taking extra time the closer I got to her spot.

  “Please, Jason!”

  “Please what, baby? Do you want me to enjoy my dessert somewhere else?”

  “God, you bastard, you know what I want!”

  I ran my hand over her and wasn’t surprised at how wet she was. “Is this where you want me?”


  I grabbed my faithful chocolate syrup and drenched her in it. Once I settled in between her legs she lifted herself up to me. “Mmmm, impatient, aren’t we?” I lowered my head to her and ran my tongue up her. The mix of the chocolate and her juices were fucking intoxicating. I grabbed her ass and dove in, licking, sucking, and biting until she came and screamed my name. I kissed my way back up her body. “I’m guessing you enjoyed that.”

  She smiled up at me, then rolled us both over. “My turn.” She climbed up on top of me and, before I could blink she sank down on me. When she looked back at me, the look in her eyes was so damn sexy. It turned me on to know that she wanted me so bad she couldn’t wait.

  “Fuck, Nic!” She lifted her ass up slowly. Then when she was almost at the top, slammed back down, screaming as she did it. This was fantastic, I loved when she took control, and I really loved seeing her on top of me. I grabbed her hand and guided it down her body. “Baby, I want to see you touch yourself while you ride me.”

  I let go of her hand and watched her. She started to stroke herself, although she seemed apprehensive at first. Then she started to get more into it. The faster she stroked herself, the faster she rode me. It was fucking beautiful. “Shit, J, I think I’m…” She collapsed on top of me, breathless and sweaty from her second orgasm of the night.

  I wasn’t done with her yet; I flipped her over and started driving into her. I couldn’t get close enough to her, it was crazy. Her nails started digging into my back.

  “God, J, I don’t know if I can handle another one.”

  I was almost there, and by all the little moans, I knew she would be too before long. I leaned down and took her nipple in my mouth, grazing my teeth over it as I pulled back.

  We both came yelling out. Thank God Holly and Christen were out tonight.

  Chapter Six


  I was waiting by my car for Maddy to get out of class, and I have to admit, I was nervous. I planned something for her today and I didn’t know whether she was going to freak out about it or not. I was taking her to a shooting range, because I wanted her to know how to use a gun.

  With everything that had happened with Chris, I had wanted to get a gun, but I also wanted her to know how to use one. My uncles hunted a lot, so I knew how to shoot. I’d just feel much safer about going to work, if I knew she could protect herself.

  “Hey, you daydreaming?”

  I couldn’t help but smile when I saw her. She was still the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her against me. “I want to take you somewhere today, but I want you to keep an open mind, okay?”

  “Okay, where did you want to go?”

  “I want to take you to the shooting range, and teach you how to handle a gun. I also want us to get one. It will just give me peace of mind when I need to leave you.” I felt her body go stiff, and I knew the idea scared her. “Please, Maddy, I promise that you will be fine, okay?”

  She nodded her head and then got into the car. I hoped I was doing the right thing here. I understood that the idea of guns scared her, but the thought of her alone and helpless scared me more. We didn’t talk the whole car ride over, I was trying to respect the fact that she was scared. When we pulled up to the range, I turned to face her and grabbed her hand.

  “You will be okay. I promise. I understand that the only experience you have ever had with one was that night, but you will be fine.”

  I got out of the car and walked over to her side. Once she was out of the car, she wrapped her arms around me. I think she might have actually been shaking. We walked in, I paid for our time, and we rented the guns.

  When we got to the lane we were assigned to, I put everything down and turned to face her. “Okay, this is not going to be as bad as you were imagining. I know that you are scared, but everything will be absolutely fine.” I picked up the 9mm and loaded it. “When you take the gun, you are going to extend your arms out straight, and grip the gun with both hands. Do not put your finger on the trigger, until you are ready to shoot.”

  She reluctantly took the gun from my hand and I could see that she was shaking. She turned to face the target that was in her lane.

  “Close your left eye and line the front sight in between the back sights.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “There is going to be a notch on the front of the gun and two on the back. You want to make sure, when you are aiming, that the front notch is in between the back two. Then, you are going to slowly squeeze back on the trigger. You want to squeeze it in between breaths, though, so that you are not moving when you fire. Do not anticipate or be scared of the gun kicking back, because if you do, it will mess your aim up. Are you ready?” She nodded her head.

  She took a big breath, let it out, then pulled the trigger. She got so scared from the kickback of the gun that she dropped it. Not only that, but my stupid ass was standing so close to her that when the casing was ejected from the gun, it hit my arm and burnt me. “Fuck!” I knelt down next to her. “Are you okay, babe?”

  She nodded her head at me, but was still silent. “I really don’t know if I can handle anymore today.”

  I took her home after that, but this wasn’t the last time we would be here. I needed to know that when I wasn’t around, she would be okay. I think a big part of my fear was knowing that Chris might get away with what he did and be free.


  This week had been absolutely horrible. Play practice had been unbearable, especially with Aaron being so close. Everything he said to me was either a dirty or sarcastic comment. I knew it was pissing J off, too, that I had to spend so much time with him. I had my cousin’s wedding this weekend and she told me I could bring someone. I wanted to ask Jason, but I wasn’t sure it would be something he was into.

  I was meeting him for lunch now, so I guess it couldn’t hurt to ask. When I walked into the diner, I saw him sitting in our favorite booth in the corner. “Hey, stud muffin!”

  “Stud muffin? Really?

  “Whatever. Next time, I’ll call you ugly.” He laughed and I slid into the booth next to him. When the waitress came over to take our order, I looked up to see Alyssa. God, I hated this girl so much. Isn’t there a strip club or something she could be working at? I really don’t want her touching my food, who knows where her hands have been. After she took our order and left, I leaned back against J. I loved being able to be like this with him. It was so nice having him not be apprehensive about us anymore. “So, I have something to ask you.”

  “Okay, as long as it isn’t to watch another one of those ridiculous movies again. I mean, I liked what happened after it, but I’m not sitting through another one.”

  “No, I have to go to my cousin’s wedding this weekend, because I’m a bridesmaid, and I wanted to know if you wanted to come with me.”

  “A wedding? I don’t know, Nic, I have never been to one of those before. I wouldn’t really have any idea what to do. Do I need to wear a tux, like at prom or something?”

  I laughed. Jason really had no normal idea of things that you did when you were in a relationship. “No, you aren’t in the wedding, so you wo
uldn’t need to wear a tux. You could wear black pants and a button up shirt. I just thought it might be fun. There will be lots of food, an open bar, and a DJ.”

  “Um…I guess I could come.”

  I was so excited that he said he would go! I really didn’t think he would. I leaned in and kissed him. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, babe.”

  We finished lunch, then just hung out at his house for the night.

  “So, when you say you are in this wedding, what does that mean?”

  “I am a bridesmaid, so I am going to go over to Jess’ house tomorrow night. We will go get our hair done in the morning, then go to the church and get ready for the ceremony. I’ll leave you the invitation, so you can put the address into the GPS.”

  “Okay, sounds good. Is your dad or your stepmom going to be there?”

  I could tell by his face that he wanted me to say no. I didn’t think he was ready to meet my dad yet, and the longer I could keep him away from the wicked witch, the better. “No, my dad is out of town, and thankfully, my stepmother always goes with him.”

  “What is up with you and her, Nic? Every time you talk about her or she gets brought up, I can tell it pisses you off.”

  I knew this would come up eventually and if I wanted him to trust me, I had to be able to trust him. “She married my dad about two years ago. I could tell from the first day that she couldn’t stand me. I even caught her on the phone with one of her friends talking about it. She had said that she was happy I was older, because she didn’t want kids or any of the responsibility that came along with them. I guess I get it, in a way, but she is always such a witch to me. I swear it is like she gets pleasure out of my misery.”

  “What about your dad? Doesn’t he notice any of this?”

  “My dad is oblivious. He is so caught up in work that I am surprised he even knows I’m home half of the time.” An awkward silence settled between us and I could tell he was trying to process what I had just told him. “What about your parents? I mean, I know you have told me your mom left, but that is all you have really said about her.”

  “My mom was…she was great, until she left. She didn’t work and was always there whenever we needed her. I used to think she was perfect, but then I came home one day and she was gone. I get that what happened with Sara was hard for her, but it was hard for all of us. After she left, my dad just became really bitter. He is half the reason I was the way I was with girls. He always told me, ‘love ‘em and leave ‘em, before you get left’.” He wasn’t looking at me anymore. “That is why I kept avoiding you, Nic, I didn’t know how to handle not wanting to leave you. I wanted to be around you all the time and that was a first for me.”

  “I know, J, and I could tell from the start that there was something there. You’re lucky you are so cute, because if it was anyone else, I would have kicked their ass to the curb a long time ago.”

  He started laughing and looked up at me from his position laying down on the couch. He grabbed me by my waist and sat me on top of him, so I was facing him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he smiled at me. “I am so glad you didn’t give up on me. I know it wasn’t easy. The thing was, I knew I was hurting you, even though it was the one thing I was trying not to do. You better listen good, because I don’t say this very often, I’m sorry.”

  I leaned in and kissed him. My little kiss immediately caught fire. He grabbed the back of my head and held me in place, so I couldn’t move, not that I wanted to anyway. I loved how passionate things were between us and I hoped this feeling never went away.


  I was meeting Carter for lunch today. He had texted me last night saying that he needed someone to talk to. I didn’t answer until this morning, because I was a little tied up with Nicole. I swear that girl will be the death of me. She was everything I never thought I deserved and I’d do whatever I could to never lose her.

  I felt a hand slap my back and when I turned around, Carter was there. “You are in deep trouble.”


  “I have seen that look on your face before, many times. I see it every time I look in the mirror, actually.”

  “Can you tell me what the fuck you are talking about, Carter?” He wasn’t making any sense right now.

  “You, my friend, are falling in love.”

  “Are you out of your mind? We have only been together a couple months, Carter. I think you have watched one too many of those chick flicks with Maddy.” He had no idea what he was talking about. There was no way I loved her, it didn’t happen that fast in real life.

  “Whatever you say, Jason.”

  “Did you want to have lunch so you could sit here and talk about things that aren’t real, or did you actually need something?”

  I saw his face harden, and I knew that whatever it was, couldn’t be good. “Maddy and I met with the district attorney’s office yesterday.” Shit, this couldn’t be good. “I am nervous that he is going to walk, J.”

  “How the fuck could they let him walk, Carter? He shot you, and kidnapped her.”

  “That is not the story that he and his scumbag father are trying to sell. They are saying that I attacked him and he shot me in self-defense. He is also saying that Madison came with him willingly, because she wanted to get away from me. Apparently, they have “proof” that she applied to NYU, because she wanted to go there with him.”

  “What about Maddy? No one cares what her side of the story is?” I slammed my fist down on the table, catching the attention of everyone in the diner. Just then, Alyssa came walking up. How did we end up in her section every friggin’ time?

  “Hey, boys, what can I get you today?” The entire time she was taking our order, she was all over Carter. I was trying to figure out how he had room to breathe, because she was standing so close to him. When she walked away, she was shaking her ass so hard back and forth, I was surprised she didn’t pull a muscle.

  “That girl cannot take a hint, dude. I mean, how many times have you told her to beat it?”

  “I have lost track by now, J. I swear, every time I turn around she is there. It is fucking exhausting. Anyway, let’s get back to shit that actually matters. The district attorney’s office believes Maddy’s story, but the thing is we don’t have to convince them. We need to convince a judge and possibly a jury if it goes to trial. I can tell it’s killing her, J, and I feel so fucking helpless.”

  I didn’t know how Carter was doing it. I could never handle this kind of shit. Chris was a sad excuse of a man and he deserved nothing more than to have died the night of the car crash. “If there is anything I can do, Carter, just let me know.”

  “I appreciate it, J, but I don’t think there is anything I can even do at this point. It is sad how far money and power will get you in this world. I took Maddy to the shooting range the other day.”

  “You did? How did that turn out?” I knew it would have not been a good experience. Maddy absolutely hated guns. Not to mention her anxiety had been high lately as it was.

  “She completely freaked out. I knew she would, though. She shot it once, dropped the gun, and collapsed on the floor. I hate that I am asking her to do something that scares her like this, but I need to. My dad gave me one of his guns and I am keeping it in the house. I just feel better knowing that if, God forbid, it came down to it, Maddy could protect herself.”

  “How does she feel about it?”

  “She hates it, but she is starting to accept it. How are things with you and Nic? Aside from you being in love.” He smirked at me and he was lucky I didn’t punch him in his smug face.

  “Carter, I told you I am not there yet. Not all of us can be like you and fall in love in a day. Then again, I am not a woman that cries at sappy movies either, like you. Things are okay. Actually, they are pretty fucking great. Nic is so hot, and I love how she will give my shit right back to me.”

  “Yeah, that’s what you need, too. Do you guys want to do dinner or something this weekend?”
  “I can’t. I told Nicole I would go to her cousin’s wedding with her.” I knew he was going to give me shit for this, so I braced myself. He looked up at me and started laughing hysterically.

  “Please make sure Nicole takes pictures, because this might be something that will cheer me and Maddy up!” I kicked him under the table. “Shit! I was just kidding, dude.”

  “Can I be honest for a minute, Carter?”

  He stopped laughing and looked up at me. “Yeah, what’s up?”

  “I don’t know how to do any of this shit. Weddings, meeting her family and friends. I have no idea how to act like a boyfriend, because I never wanted to be one.”

  “Listen, J, it really isn’t as hard as you think. Just be yourself.”

  “Have you met me?”

  He started laughing again, but then stopped and looked back up at me. “I get that you are worried they won’t think you are good enough, but let me ask you one question. Do you care what her friends or family think of you?”

  “No, I don’t give a shit about them. I just don’t want her to be embarrassed to be with me.”

  “If Nicole didn’t like who you were, then you know she wouldn’t have wasted almost a year waiting for your stupid ass to get a clue. So, just be yourself, but not too much.”

  This time, it was me laughing. I just hoped Carter was right. Now that I had Nicole, the thought of losing her scared the shit out of me.

  * * *

  Sleeping alone last night sucked. Nic always spent the night on weekends. I had to be at the church for the wedding at three in the afternoon today, and without her here to give me the wake up calls I loved, I slept till twelve.

  I ate a quick breakfast and then went into my room to get dressed. Nicole said I could just do a dress shirt and pants, right? I looked down at the shirt I had on right now, it was black and had the phrase “Cool story, babe, now go make me a sandwich” on it. This would definitely not be wedding appropriate.


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