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Small Sensations

Page 11

by Crystal V. Rhodes

  “Hey, beautiful.” She could hear the smile in Justin’s voice.

  “Davia, I’ve got a question for you,” Leroy said at the same time.

  “Are you busy?” Justin could hear the sound of a voice in the background.

  “Hi, Justin, give me a minute, please, Leroy just came in.” Putting Justin on hold, she turned her attention to Leroy.

  On the other end Justin felt that tinge of jealousy that always seemed to plague him at the mention of Leroy’s name. He was certain that he was no threat to his budding relationship with Davia, but he had to admit that he couldn’t help feeling resentful toward any man who spent more time with her then he did. As a businessman he knew the value of a smart, talented employee, but the man worked her to death. He didn’t like it. Didn’t he ever give her a break? Yet she never seemed to complain. She was truly one of a kind.

  Davia wasn’t the kind of woman that a man could take for granted, that was for sure. Nor was she one of those little fluff balls his mother loved to fix him up with. Davia kept him on his toes. She challenged him and he loved every minute of it. Yes, Davia Maxwell was all woman, his woman. He was in love with her. There was no doubt about it. Frederick Zackary Justin Miles had found the one and he hadn’t even been looking.

  Her return to the telephone brought a smile to his face. “Hey, pretty lady, you were out of town on business last Saturday, so you owe me a date.”

  Davia could feel his gentle spirit through the telephone line. She grinned. “Oh, yeah? And what do you have in mind?”

  “How about having dinner with me at my home this weekend?”

  Davia’s grin faded. “Dinner? At your house?”

  “That’s what I said.” Justin could hear her anxiety. “Would you do me the honor?”

  Davia tensed. She hadn’t been in a house alone with a man since—No! She was learning to put the past behind her. This was another opportunity to take a step forward.

  She sighed. “All right.”

  “Are you sure?” Justin prompted. She sounded hesitant.

  Clearing her throat, Davia spoke with increased confidence. “Thank you, I’d love to have dinner with you at your home.”

  Her grin lit up the office. Stepping forward sure felt good.

  * * *

  After Justin introduced Davia to his housekeeper, Mrs. Holland, he gave Davia a tour of his house. It was a contemporary structure nestled in an affluent suburb; the four-bedroom house was a splendid stone structure with plenty of windows and skylights. The floor plan was spacious. Walls and doors separated the bedrooms, and his home office, but the kitchen, living, and dining areas were open spaces separated by furniture arrangements. Justin guided her through each of the rooms, ending the tour in the family room, where a beautifully crafted, wrought-iron staircase led up to a loft.

  “Your home is gorgeous.” Davia said, running her hand over one of the two soft leather sofas placed opposite each other before an adobe-style fireplace.

  “Thank you.” He was pleased at the compliment but even more pleased that she was here with him. He had delighted in the light dancing in her dark eyes as they toured each room. He wanted her to love his place as much as he did. Who knew? Maybe one day this might be her home, too.

  “I’m glad you like it.” He planted a kiss on her forehead.

  Immediately, Davia’s body warmed. Her body always seemed to respond whenever Justin was near. The touch of his hand, the sound of his voice, the kisses that he so readily shared with her were all exhilarating, but her apprehension still remained. Self-consciously, she moved toward the unique staircase.

  “What’s up there?”

  Noting her retreat, Justin grabbed her hand and led her toward the stairway. “Come on, I’ll show you.”

  The iron steps leading upward were covered in the same gold carpeting that ran throughout the rest of the house. The carpet was so thick that Davia’s feet sank into it as they climbed upward. To her surprise, Justin’s bedroom was at the top of the stairs. Like the rest of the rooms in the house, it was open and spacious. Decorated in various shades of gold, the space was dominated by a huge iron bed with a headboard that sported the same design as that on the winding stairway. Knowing it was best not to linger in this room, Davia moved quickly to a pair of etched glass double doors.

  “What’s in there?” She nodded toward the doors.

  “Open them.”

  She did, and revealed a master bathroom that looked as if it came out of Architectural Digest. It was a world of black marble accented with gold. Even the fluffy black towels were trimmed in gold braid and embroidered with Justin’s initials in gold. A stained glass skylight was above a black marble garden tub with brass fixtures. Standing beside her in the doorway between the bedroom and bathroom, Justin swiped his hand and, like magic, a mirrored wall in the bathroom opened automatically to reveal a huge walk-in closet.

  “I’m impressed.” Davia was fascinated by the entire effect. “The towels are a bit narcissistic, though. Were they your idea?”

  Justin chuckled at her observation. “No, actually I really can’t take credit for anything in this house. Clark designed it and Vanessa decorated the rooms. All I did was move in.”

  Davia smiled at the mention of Clark’s name. From what CeCe had told her, Clark Gaston was an architectural genius. Of course, to CeCe everything he did was extraordinary. As far as her friend was concerned, the new man in her life practically walked on water.

  Justin guessed where Davia’s thoughts had taken her. “Vanessa decorated Clark’s house, too.” He winked. “I’m sure that CeCe has told you all about his place.”

  He knew that Davia’s best friend had become a frequent visitor to his best friend’s home. Clark had confided in Justin that he might be going down for the count. He had succumbed completely to the charms of CeCe Green. Meanwhile, Justin had no doubts that he had surrendered his heart to Davia. It seemed that the ladies were threatening to put two of Atlanta’s most eligible bachelors out of circulation, and neither of the gentlemen had any complaints.

  “Your sister has very good taste,” Davia replied as she took one last look around. Turning, she prepared to leave, but as she moved past Justin, he snaked an arm around her waist and drew her against his body.

  “Her brother has good taste as well,” he whispered. He placed a tender kiss on her lips. Then, to her surprise, he released her.

  “I don’t want you to think that I’ve invited you here to take our relationship to the bedroom,” he explained in answer to the quizzical look on her face.

  She swallowed and admitted the truth. “I was sort of nervous about that.”

  Justin stroked her cheek. “Don’t be. I’d be a liar if I said that I didn’t want to make love to you, because I do. But if or when we do make love, it will happen when it’s supposed to. As for now, all I want is to be with you and spend time with you, and I hope that’s what you want too.”

  Davia nodded, feeling somewhat disappointed that she didn’t feel more relieved about his gallantry, but recalling the reasons why this man was special. “Yes, that’s what I want, too.”

  Justin took her hand. “All right then. Let’s go eat.”

  He led her down the spiral staircase, through the house and into the dining room. There they feasted on a melt-in-your-mouth meal left for them by his housekeeper.

  After dinner, they retreated to the family room to listen to music. Their listening eventually turned into a songfest. Off key and loudly, they sang an eclectic mix of songs highlighted with a duo of Whitney Houston’s version of “I Will Always Love You.” At the song’s end they collapsed into fits of laughter.

  “You know I will, don’t you?” Justin asked, wiping tears of mirth from his eyes.

  “You will what?” Davia questioned, recovering from her own laughter.

  “I will always love you.” Justin looked at Davia thoughtfully as his manner and tone turned serious. “I am in love with you, you know.”

  Davia bre
ath caught in her throat, but she managed to give him the coldest gaze that she could muster. “Don’t be.”

  She made a move to get up from the sofa, but Justin stayed her with a touch. His gaze didn’t waver. He hadn’t meant to confess his feelings for her so soon, but it was done and he was glad. He was in love with her. He had no doubts about it. Her response wasn’t what he wanted to hear, but he was realistic. There was a reason for her reaction, and he was determined to know what it was.

  “Why don’t you want me to love you, Davia? Why do you want to deny yourself the joy of being loved?”

  Her answer was simple. “Because love hurts.”

  The look in her eyes was gut-wrenching. They were filled with a lifetime of sorrow. She shut them in an attempt to hide the pain, but he wouldn’t let her. Justin cupped her chin in his hands and held it until she was forced to open her eyes and look into his. It was then that he spoke.

  “Not my love. My love will never hurt you.”

  “Your words are the right ones, but…”

  His lips descended on hers before she could finish. The kiss was gentle, and they parted breathlessly. His mouth hovered above hers. “There are no buts. I place a high value on two things in life—keeping my word and pledging absolute loyalty to those I love. You have both from me. You have my word that I love you and the loyalty and devotion that come with that love. So, I’m asking you to trust me. I’m asking you to give love a chance.”

  Davia swayed. She could feel herself wavering. “If only I could.”

  Justin captured her lips again, this time with more intensity. His heart threatened to explode in his chest as he put everything that he felt for her into the kiss. Her heart beat with the same rhythm as his. Once again, he broke their connection to look at her.

  “I love you, Davia. Love me.”

  Love him? Davia closed her eyes, as she pondered what love could mean. Could she? Did she know how?

  Justin saw the conflict and the confusion on her face. “Open your eyes for me. Let me see what you feel.”

  She did, so that Justin could see the truth that she was unable to verbalize but was no longer able to hide. She loved him too, and it was Davia who took the lead this time. Drawing Justin’s lips to her own, she gave him a kiss that would seal their fate.

  When they parted, Justin mustered all of the self control that he possessed. “For the sake of self-preservation, I think we’d better go. It wouldn’t take much more for me to break my word about the intent of my invitation. So, as soon as I can walk, we’re out of here.”

  Davia smiled at his attempt at levity. He was right. This was all too tempting. She moved from his embrace, presenting them both with the opportunity to clear their heads.

  Rising, Justin reached his hand out to her. “We’d better get you home.” His hand remained suspended in midair as Davia ignored it.

  The night’s events had helped her to come to a decision and she made a quiet request. “Have a seat, please. I’ve got something that I want to tell you.”

  Justin complied. Davia took a breath to gain her composure and continued.

  “You asked me once if I had been abused. I never really answered you.” She paused, trying to gather the courage to say the words she had only articulated to one other human being in her life. She swallowed hard. “When I was a teenager, someone did hurt me…”

  “Who was it?” Justin’s jaws tightened. He looked as though he was ready to wreak revenge on the offender then and there.

  Davia’s heart was beating double time. How could she tell him? Would he ever understand? “You see, there was this…this…” She wanted to say the word. She wanted to tell him what had happened. She wanted to tell him everything, but the words wouldn’t come. It had been decades, and the memory was still too painful. Tears pushed past her valiant effort to stifle them, and a sob caught in her throat.

  Justin pulled her into his arms, unable to bear her distress. “It’s all right. If you can’t talk about it yet, you don’t have to.”

  “I know it’s just that…”

  “Baby, really. It’s okay.” He massaged her back soothingly.

  “I have to make you understand. I used to hide in the basement in the dark…”


  “It was safer there.” She choked as she swiped at her tears.

  The sound nearly ripped Justin’s heart from his chest. “Davia, please, I can see how hard it is for you to talk about.”

  She nodded against his broad chest. “Yes, it is. It’s just that it’s important for you to know that this is not your fault.”

  Justin’s brows furrowed. “What’s not my fault?”

  “My reluctance…” Her voice trailed off as she looked away in embarrassment.

  “My inability to love…to make love.”

  Justin gave her a sad smile as he turned her face to him. “Davia you don’t have an inability to love or to be loved. Your family and friends prove that, and the look on your face a few minutes ago when you looked at me tells me that you have an enormous capacity to love. As for making love, your reluctance is understandable. Sweetheart, you’ve never been made love to by someone who truly adores you.”

  Davia pondered his words as she looked into his eyes and saw the passion that lay there. He believed in her, and, miracle of miracles, he loved her.

  She shook her head slowly. “I guess you’re right.”

  “I know I’m right.”

  She sighed heavily. “Justin, I bring so much baggage with me.”

  He tweaked her nose. “Just call me your baggage handler.”

  It was so tempting. “So you’re Mr. Fix-It, huh?”

  He smiled. “I could be if you’d let me.”

  If she would let him. Davia held Justin’s eyes, and in them lay the love that he had confessed for her—love that she needed so badly. The load was so heavy, and she had been carrying it alone for so long. How would it feel to have it lifted?

  “Prove it.”

  Justin drew back in surprise. Was she saying what he thought she was saying?

  “Prove what?”

  Davia swallowed all of the doubt that she felt. “Prove that you can fix it. Make love to me.”

  Justin looked at her, dumbfounded. Was she serious? “I’m not a child to be toyed with, Davia. I told you, I didn’t bring you here to make love.”

  Her eyes widened in bewilderment. “You don’t want me? But you said earlier—”

  Justin would have laughed aloud if he hadn’t seen that she was serious. If he thought she was ready for it, he would let her feel just how much he did want her. “Then if you remember what I said earlier, you know the answer to your question. But I have one for you. Are you ready for this? How can you be sure that the time is right here and now?”

  “I know that you value honesty, and I’d be lying to you if I said that I am sure.” She moved closer to him and laid her head on his solid shoulder. “But I do know that the only man I want to be with is you. I have no doubt about that.” This man had turned her whole world around.

  Justin swallowed his emotions as they threatened to turn into tears. Her words meant everything to him. She was letting him know that she trusted her heart to him. What more could he have asked? The kiss that he gave her held all of the love and gratitude that he felt for her and the gift that she was about to bestow on him. He wanted her to know that that her gift would be cherished.

  Scooping her up in his arms, Justin carried her up the stairs to his bedroom and placed her in the center of his large bed. He rained kisses on her bared flesh as he slowly undressed her, caressing away her fear and anxieties, determined that she would soon be trembling with want and desire.

  Inflamed, Davia lay pulsating as Justin stripped her of her undergarments. Then, removing his clothing to his briefs, he rejoined her on the bed. The sight of his chiseled body was a pleasant surprise. She’d had no idea that he was so beautifully built. He had mentioned working out at the gym, but she had never expect
ed this. Tentatively, she reached out and let her hot fingertips touch his bulging biceps. Justin stilled as she trailed a finger across his chest and encircled a nipple. Justin quivered. Uncertain, she tried to withdraw. He caught her hand and with his eyes alone, he urged her to continue.

  Emboldened, Davia traced a finger down the length of his muscled torso, pausing at his intake of breath. Her eyes traveled downward until they came to rest on the large bulge outlined in his black briefs. It was intimidating. It had been years since she had been with a man sexually, and the experience hadn’t been a pleasant one. Would this one please her? Could she please him? Was she capable of satisfying Justin’s needs?

  In one brief move, she lay beneath him as he hovered above her. Looking down at her, his mouth lifted into a lazy smile, and instantly another far more sinister expression flashed through Davia’s mind. Money! She clamped her arms tightly across her bare chest. Her eyes widened in alarm as tension raced through her body.

  Justin saw the panic. He felt the tension. Neither came as a surprise. He drew back to his knees and, with exceptional tenderness, he uncrossed her arms. Taking her hands into his, he kissed each palm with a reverence that nearly brought tears to Davia’s eyes.

  “We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do,” he assured her. “Say the word and we both walk away right now.”

  Davia lay still for a moment digesting his words. It was now or never. It was Justin, or there would be no one.

  She rose to her knees and faced him. “I want to touch you.”

  He nodded. “Be my guest.”

  Guiding her hand, Justin helped her explore his body. It glided across his broad chest, stopping to tease each nipple to turgid rigidity. She flickered her tongue across each hardened nub, eliciting a moan of pleasure from him. Her hand plowed through the hairs on his chest, descending to his flat stomach, past the elastic band of his black briefs to rest on his burgeoning desire. It was there that her hand took on a life of its own, stroking and kneading, clumsily at first, then gradually acquiring an intensity that brought Justin close to release. Grasping her errant hand, he stopped the wayward exploration he had helped initiate. His tremulous body was a testament to how successful their trip had been. Now it was his turn to do some exploring of his own.


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