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Knight (Chess Chronicles Book 1)

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by Riley Walker

  “Good morning, Miss Jones. I’m Brian, the manager of First Trust. If you could just follow me, I will get all the paperwork for you to sign and your account ready for use.”

  I stare at him, wondering what in the world he is talking about. We follow him to his office, which strangely smells like fish, and wait while he gets the paperwork together. When we leave the bank and the weaselly Brian an hour later, I have a new bank account, debit card, and $80,000 at my disposal. Bless you, Gretchen.

  Our next stop is the Oxford Mall. Never having been to such a place, I am in heaven. Who knew you could drive to one place that houses a hundred different shops to explore? Everything I could think to want is here. Especially after Mary introduces me to Macy’s. I purchase a mound of clothes, at least a week’s worth, a new pair of Chuck Taylors and a few pairs of flip flops which were quite a surprise. We don’t have footwear like this in the Fey Realm and I don’t quite understand why. However, now I know why Mary insisted on a pedicure before all the shopping! After a quick bite to eat in the food court, we head to Victoria’s Secret. I haven’t a clue what her secret is, but mine is that I’m obsessed with boy shorts and push-up bras. These things are seriously amazing!

  After our shopping success, we head back to the apartment since it’s close to dinnertime and Gerald will be home soon. We devour a yummy pot roast, then he and I make plans to go to the university in the morning. I need to get registered and really want a good look at the dorms.

  Mary says she and I will go shopping again to get all I will need to outfit my new home.

  It takes three long, long hours of standing in line before I am officially enrolled at the university. I don’t declare a major, because really, what do I know about Earth Realm careers? And Gerald says I should just take classes that might pique my interest, reassuring me there is plenty of time to do so later. For now, I will be studying all the basics, plus a photography and art class.

  I also signed up to take Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) two days a week.

  Afterwards, Mary and I head back to the mall for a new comforter, throw pillows, a shower caddy, a rug for the chilly concrete floors, and lots of school supplies. I also pick out my very first backpack. It’s purple with a glitter tiger on it. It is the most beautiful backpack ever.

  I am ready for my first day at university.

  Morning comes early and it is finally moving day. I beat my roommate to our dorm room inside of Miller Hall and take a few moments to study my new home. There is a small kitchenette and sitting area as soon as you walk in. A door on the left leads to a shared bathroom with our suitemates and a door straight ahead that leads to where our beds and desks are. It is small but cozy and know I am going to love it here.

  I take my time unpacking all the new bedding and supplies Mary helped me purchase. My bed is covered with a new pale yellow comforter and pillows are piled on top of it. My towels match the bedding and Mary even had my name embroidered on them. For the first time, everything I have was chosen by me.

  I am completely unpacked, laying on my new bed reading when the door to our bedroom is suddenly thrown open. A pixie of a girl blows in like a tornado. She is the same height as me, but tiny everywhere else. Even her ears and her nose are tiny. Her striking turquoise eyes are the first thing I notice. She is sporting a bleach blonde faux-hawk with black sides and is dressed pretty wildly: short ripped shorts, a hot pink tee that says, “I Fart Glitter,” and some monstrous, black combat boots.

  This is my roommate?

  “Hi, honey. I’m home!” she yells at me. “I’m Shelby and I am so excited to meet you.”

  Her decidedly southern accent comes with a distinct twang to it. Despite the weirdness of the situation, for me at least, when she throws her hand out, I reluctantly take it.

  “Hi Shelby, I’m Franchesca Jones. It’s nice to meet you as well.”

  “Oh my gawsh. Aren’t you just the politest thing ever. I can already tell we’re going to be the bestest of friends, Frannie.”

  Frannie. She called me Frannie. No one but my dad has ever called me that. For some reason, hearing Shelby call me Frannie brings me comfort. I decide then and there that we will be the bestest of friends.


  Discovering Coffee

  Most of my classes seem pretty uneventful. Luckily, Shelby is in both my English Lit and World History classes because both are ridiculously boring. I am sure I would have fallen asleep if it were not for Shelby’s knees bouncing up and down right next to me. Hopefully tomorrow’s classes will be more exciting.

  “Frannie, do you mind if we stop in the quad for coffee? I need a pick-me-up.”

  I wonder what this coffee is? We walk towards the counter with the word Starbucks across the awning.

  “Shelby, what is a Starbucks?”

  She stops so suddenly I almost run her over.

  “Surely you’re kidding,” she says. I shake my head no and she clutches her chest, looking appalled. My crazy roommate abruptly turns and orders “Grande White Chocolate Mochas” for the both of us.

  “Frannie, what rock have you been living under?”

  I take a minute to think and reply, “The Netherlands? We don’t have coffee there.” She hands me the warm cup and I carefully take a sip. Oh, stars! This is amazing!

  “Shelby, I think I am in love!”

  She just looks at me and shakes her head, half amused, half exasperated, “You’re too cute Frannie. But remind me to never visit the Netherlands.”

  As we walk back to our dorm room, I realize I never have asked Shelby about herself.

  “Where are you from, Shelby?”

  She looks down at her cup and frowns.

  “My parents died in a car accident when I was young and, as far as I know, I have no other family. I’ve been in foster care ever since, so I’m not really from anywhere.”

  Well, no wonder she never asks about my past. Fine by me, we can help each other while we both begin a new life.

  “Do you wanna go to a frat party tonight? I noticed a flyer on the student bulletin board. It might be fun, and we can meet some of the other students.”

  I just nod yes because I don’t want to admit I have no clue what she’s talking about. She already thinks I am weird for not knowing what a coffee is. And who knows? I might like this party thing as much as I like Starbucks. But I can’t help fervently hoping it is nothing like the parties Mother hosted back home.

  As soon as we enter our dorm room, Shelby instructs me to go shower while she plans our wardrobe for the night. By the time I’m done in the shower, she has picked everything out and is waiting on me with some evil-looking pink wand in hand.

  “Girl, come sit down. Let me style that hair of yours. After I dry it, I’ll put some magic to work and tame that frizz. Then we can straighten it for the night.”

  I am reluctant to let Shelby, with her faux hawk, anywhere near my head but I am determined to try new things at least once. If letting her straighten my hair with a pink wand will make her happy, then I guess I can deal. I sit cross legged on the floor while she tackles my hair.

  I am astonished when I look in the mirror about an hour later. My once frizzy hair is now sleek, shiny, and hanging straight down to the middle of my back. It is so smooth and sways when I move. How did I not know what such a pink wand was capable of? I definitely need to ask Mary to take me shopping again soon.

  Dressed in a new pair of jeans, powder blue v-neck tee that matches my eyes, and my new Chucks, I’m ready for this adventure. Shelby looks adorable in her distressed jeans, pink combat boots, and a hot pink t-shirt that says, “Blink If You Want Me.” Shelby hesitates, but after adding some chunky jewelry that she says makes my outfit, we are ready to party.

  We walk the few blocks to the frat house and see people pouring out onto the front lawn. Everyone seems to be holding red plastic cups, something Mother would never approve of.

  Shelby looks over her shoulder to me, saying, “Come on, slowpoke! Let’s go mingle.”<
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  And the next thing I know, I am being dragged inside by a bouncing pixie into a front room full of students dancing, yelling, and a few couples making out in various corners.

  This is crazy and I love it!

  We make our way into the kitchen where a large group of people surround a giant metal tub with a spout attached. We are immediately handed a red plastic cup each, filled to the top with yellow froth. I take a hesitant sip, only to spit it right back into the cup.

  “What is this horrible drink?” I ask Shelby.

  Shelby takes a big gulp from her cup and answers me, “It’s beer. Don’t tell me you’ve never tried it before. First coffee and now beer?” She eyeballs me suspiciously, “Are you sure it’s the Netherlands you are from? Because I’m pretty sure beer’s a thing there.”

  She takes my drink and walks it over to the sink, pouring it down the drain. I watch her down her own, then throw both cups in the trash.

  “Come on, Frannie, lets go dance.”

  Shelby grabs me by the hand, pulling me into the middle of the makeshift dance floor. The music is so loud I can’t even hear myself think. I have never danced to anything like this but, following Shelby’s lead, I raise my arms in the air and begin to swing my hips to the rhythm. Before long, I feel a pair of strong hands land on my hips. Looking over my shoulder I come face-to-face with an Adonis. He towers over me with brilliant gold eyes, shaggy red hair, and a wide smile lighting up his face. I turn my head back around and see a wide-eyed Shelby mouthing, “You go girl!”

  The Adonis and I dance like this for two more fast-paced songs before the music turns slow. He turns me around, pulling me to him and we start swaying back and forth. I wrap my arms around his neck and lay my head on his shoulder. After the song ends, he reaches for my hand and guides me out the back door where we take seats at a close by picnic table.

  Running a hand through his shaggy hair, he looks at me saying, “I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m Colton. Sophomore, Aquarius, and Engineering major.”

  And I am nervous. This is my first real encounter with a guy from the Earth realm besides Gerald. I barely get out, “Franchesca. My name is Franchesca. Freshman, I have no idea, and undecided.”

  “Do you live on campus, Franchesca?”

  “Yes, I live in Miller Hall. Where do you live?”

  “I live here at the frat house.” After which, we just sort of sit there in awkward silence, staring at one another, until Shelby suddenly appears waving frantically at me.

  “Frannie, come on! The five-o are here!”

  As I scramble up from the picnic table, I wonder what the heck that means and why we have to leave. I turn around and wave at Colton, yelling, “Nice to meet you!”

  Shelby and I race from the fraternity house and head straight for our dorm. We practically fall into our room in a fit of giggles.

  “Oh my gosh, Frannie! You hussy! Who was that ginger hunk that was hanging all over you on the dance floor?”

  I catch my breath, thinking about Colton and the way he made me feel. I have never felt so free, so alive.

  “His name is Colton and he’s a sophomore. You interrupted before we got any further than introductions.”

  “He was a tall drink of water and you looked thirsty, plus he seemed interested in you. You should totally go out with him.”

  “Shelby, I have never had a boyfriend, much less been on an actual date.”

  “Are you kidding me? How have you never been on a date before?”

  “Well, I have very strict parents. There is this one guy, Edrik. He has worked for my parents for years. It started out as a childhood crush, but became more to me as I got older. Unfortunately, he treated me like a little sister.”

  “That really sucks. He has no idea what he’s missing out on. You are one hot tamale.”

  I can feel my face getting red. I grab the closest pillow smacking her right in the face while laughing so hard I snort.

  “Did you just snort?” Shelby asks doubling over with tears streaming down her face.

  It has been so long since I was able to laugh this freely. I had pretty much forgotten about my crazy snort laugh.

  “Don’t you make fun of me, Shelby! I can’t help it,” I say, ducking my head in embarassement.

  I must be the only eighteen year old that never grew out of snorting when they laughed.

  “Aw, come on. It’s precious that you do that! You almost sound like a little piggie snorting.”

  We finally stop laughing long enough to get ready for bed. While I am laying there, looking up at the ceiling and replaying my night, Shelby asks, “Frannie, did you get Colton’s phone number?”

  I tell Shelby that I don’t have a phone. I jump, startled by the loud gasp my roommate lets out at this statement.

  “You don’t have a phone?!?! How can you not have a phone? First thing after class tomorrow, we’re going to fix that problem.”

  Thankful for my new friend laying across the room, and the memories I’m getting the opportunity to make, I close my eyes with a smile on my face for the first time in a long time. Of course, that’s the moment my mind chooses to drift back home. To the parents I left behind and to Edrik, my first love. The smile slips from my face as I think of him. I wonder where he is, if he is still looking for me. Or is he happy now that I’m gone and no longer his responsibility?

  Blessed be, what is that noise? Make it stop! I bolt upright looking for the culprit of the offending sound. Shelby is holding a pillow over her head while ignoring the loud beeping.

  “Shelby. Shelby! Wake up!” I scream at her.

  “Jesus, Frannie, it’s just the alarm on my phone,” she groans, rolling over and finally doing something to make it stop. We both fall out of bed, groggy, and looking seriously ragged with bedhead, and begin getting ready for class.

  “Don’t forget, we’re meeting at the quad for lunch, then heading over to get you a phone today. We also need to grab a coffee pot for our dorm. I’m tired of trekking across the quad every morning for Starbucks.”

  I instantly perk up at that. My first phone. Suddenly that blasted noise doesn’t sound like such a bad thing to wake up to. And a coffee before my shower every morning? That sounds deliciously divine.

  After my shower, I grab a clean pair of yoga pants, my university hoodie, throw on my chucks and run out the door. I have a full morning of classes and I am trying so hard not to be my usual late self.

  After my morning classes end I head towards the quad. I have decided Algebra is likely going to be my least favorite class. Two hours of math is enough to make any sane person crazy. I find Shelby already sitting at a small round table, two salads with respective cups of coffee in front of her. I grab the offered cup, sipping the hot liquid that instantly revives me from the math coma I was in.

  “Thank you so much,” I tell Shelby.

  “So, how were your morning classes?”

  “Ugh, I hate Algebra! Seriously, when am I ever going to have to know what the heck ‘x’ means after this semester is over? Is that even a thing? Finding a job just looking for random letters?”

  She just laughs at me.

  “I swear, Frannie, you kill me. On a more exciting note, are you ready to go buy your first phone? I think you’re probably the only person in the world who doesn’t own one.”

  “Yes! I am totally ready!”

  We finish our salads and coffees, then head off to the phone store.

  We walk the five blocks it takes to get to the mall, Shelby more eager than I am about me purchasing a new phone. The only people I talk to are her, Gerald and Mary. We already have dinner with the two of them every Sunday. The idea of needing a phone is crazy to me but my roommate can be very persuasive.

  I have changed my mind. I would rather sit through a two-hour Algebra class every day than ever go through the experience of purchasing a phone ever again. I swear, I have never felt so dumb in my life. I mean, what’s a Candy Crush? I have these things called apps that I don�
�t even understand, and Shelby is already downloading games and bookmarking shopping sites. Whatever that means. On the plus side, at least for her, she has a potential date out of this horrible experience. The poor guy stuck trying to teach me how to turn on this contraption hasn’t been able to keep his eyes off of her.

  Once I am finally able to drag Shelby out of the store, we remember there is a bit more shopping we need to do before heading to the gym. We have already decided a coffee maker of our very own is needed. Who wants to deal with the hassle of having to wait in the long line every day? So we purchase a Keurig, which Shelby declares is the only way to home-brew coffee. It’s the most beautiful device, all red and shiny. I almost don’t even care what it does, it is that pretty.


  Learning to Fight

  Frannie, are you ready for our first MMA class?”

  I nod yes as we enter the building where the gym is located. My bag is packed with a pair of new yoga pants, a tee courtesy of Shelby that says ‘Will Exercise for Wine.” Also in my bag are a pair of tennis shoes and a ridiculously large sports drink Shelby made me grab. Apparently “electrolytes” are important for this sort of thing. I may be here because learning to defend myself was one of the few requests Gerald made when I moved into the dorms, but I soon realized I really did need the self-defense classes. Back home, I always had Edrik there looking out for me. Alone in the Earth Realm, I need to be able to stand on my own two feet. That means taking care of my own safety. Plus I am still determined to lose my baby fat!

  The gym is a large, open space with blue mats covering the entire floor. In the center is a short Japanese man, wearing a white Gi tied with a purple belt, sans shoes. Shelby and I walk up to the counter to check in, then head to the locker room to get changed. When we walk over to the mat, the man we saw earlier is introducing himself to a fairly large circle of students. Noticing us off to the side, he states we must bow before we are allowed on the mat. He then continues on, saying his name is Joseph and he will be our instructor for the semester. We bow and walk to the center of the mats where I am greeted by a pleasant surprise. Colton is standing in the circle in a black Gi and orange belt.


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