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One More Night_A Bad Boy Romance

Page 10

by Ruby Duke

  “That’s it.” His hips slam the inside of my thighs, his assault bruising as he grips my ass with insistent fingers. “Come for me, Corinne. Cover my cock with it.”

  I reach for him; hands grappling for something to solidify this is real as he pushes my body over the edge. My climax fades, only to be replaced with a toe-curling orgasm. My entire body tenses as he jerks his release into me, every muscle rigid.

  Jordan’s chest heaves as he watches me intently, slowing his hips to a languishing pace as our highs fade.

  The lust remains.

  “I’m glad you came back to me, Corinne.”

  “I am too.” My palm skims his thigh.

  “You could never be anyone else’s.” He runs his bottom lip between his teeth before adding. “Ever.”

  The look in his eye, the power his body exudes as he kneels before me… I don’t doubt that.

  I also get the feeling he’s the kind of man who’d go to some pretty extreme lengths to keep it that way, too.

  I’ve never felt safer.



  “How long have you done this for other people?”

  Corinne sits in my office chair, spinning it around with her toes to the floor, only my shirt covering her insatiable curves.

  We finished fucking on the sofa less than an hour ago, yet already I feel my cock stiffen at the sight of her so at home in my space.

  I could get used to this: her, those legs spread on my desk, no panties, while I finger her during a conference call.

  Yes. Perfection. I’ll make it happen.

  “I got offered my first deal while I was in college.”

  She stops turning to give me her undivided attention. Damn it. She just keeps getting better.

  “How do people even approach you about that sort of thing? Isn’t it a little strange, approaching somebody you don’t know to ask them to do something illegal?”

  “I knew him,” I correct. “We took classes together. He’d overhead his father talking about a business that they did contract work for. Asked me how hard it would be to override a security system so they could lift stock outside of hours.”

  “And you did it?”

  “For a new pair of hiking boots, yeah, I did.”

  “Is that all?” She laughs. “I thought you might have hustled something better.”

  “I’m active, not sporty.”

  She smirks at my raised eyebrow. “Why are you standing all the way over there, anyway?”

  “Same reason I wouldn’t look at you in the bar, Corinne.”

  Her eyes narrow as her smirk grows. “Is that so?”

  “What else do you want to know?”

  Her gaze drifts around my office, to the few touches of personality I have in the otherwise simple and understated room. A picture I took at a national park. A memento from a weekend in Vegas.

  “What are you working on now?”

  “Something big.”

  Her eyes light up. My mouth waters watching the slow, deliberate way she stretches her legs out one by one to rest her feet on the edge of my desk. Her bare pussy peeks from beneath my shirt.

  “How big?”

  I should shut her down, keep this confidential to some degree. But, baby wants to be a queen. And a queen supports her king, which means knowing everything.

  “If we pull it off, we each walk away with twenty-four million.”

  “Each?” She cocks her head, blonde hair falling over her shoulder as he does. “How many of you are there?”


  “The two men I saw you with in the bar.”


  She appears to think her next question over. “How do you manage that without being noticed?”

  “If it’s noticed, we won’t be here anymore.” I haven’t told her this part of the plan. I don’t know how she’d react. I feared she wouldn’t want to leave her family, her friends, but after how she blew her brother off to come here against his wishes… maybe she’ll surprise me?

  “Where will you be?”

  “We,” I stress, “will be in whatever country you want, baby.”

  “You’ll be a fugitive.”

  I cross from where I’d been hesitant near the door, and round the desk to her side. “I’ll be happy, if you come too.”

  “I think you know the answer to that.” She pushes off the desk with one foot, the other still firmly on the timber.

  I groan in the back of my throat at the sight of her wet and ready pussy, her legs spread wide as she props a foot on the side of my seat.

  “You’re trying to kill me.”

  “If I wanted you dead, I’d have other ways of doing it.”

  “I never said it was intentional.” I drop to my knees to worship the woman before me. “Do you trust me?”

  “Again, I thought that would be obvious.”

  Of course. She’s here, after everything we’ve had thrown at us this past week. “I want to play a little.”

  “You and your games…”

  “You’ll like this one.” I run a finger through her slick folds, relishing the cream that’s left for me to taste when I pop the digit in my mouth.

  Her breathing deepens, her tits magnificent in my shirt as her chest heaves. “I have no doubt I will.”

  Yes. Perfect.

  “But do something for me, too?”

  “Anything.” I push two fingers back inside her channel, scouring the office with my gaze for something, anything I can use to fuck her with while I slam that tempting ass again.

  “Talk to me while you play, Jordan. Tell me why I should come with you, live a life on the run.”


  By the time this little game of “How full can I stuff Corinne” is over, she’ll be begging me to board that plane.



  “Do you have everything you need?”

  I look into the concerned eyes of my extremely wealthy man and smile. “Yes. You wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  He spoils me. Absolutely rotten. And although I know that the money he uses to buy me everything I need and desire has dirty origins, I don’t harbor one ounce of guilt about it.

  I guess that makes me as bad as he is. Which is probably why we make such a perfect pair.

  “Are you sure we need to do this today?” I run my fingertip along the delicious channel between his abs. “It was such a long flight; I think I need rest.”

  “Rest is the last thing you’ll do if we stay in this bed.” He captures my hand at the waist of his shorts. “We do this today.”

  I lament the loss of his body beside mine when he slides from the bed of our hotel room and then slips his shoes on. Pride wells within me as I admire his strong form. He did it. He pulled off the job to end all jobs, and here we are now, planning our perfect future together.

  “Corinne,” he growls in warning, his back still to me. “Move that ass of yours before I strip you off and make good on that promise.”

  Oh, how I want him to. “I packed something fun for later,” I tease as I slink past to retrieve my sandals. “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll make this outing quick.”

  “You’re unstoppable.”

  “I have lost years to catch up on.” He grins against my lips as I capture his mouth in a kiss. “Now show me what this is that can’t wait until tomorrow.”

  My jaw rests in my lap as Jordan pulls our rental car to a stop outside the most palatial house I’ve ever seen. Beautiful palms line the driveway, a tropical garden spilling from the beds around a white stone architectural dream.

  “It’s beautiful.”

  “It’s yours, if you want it.” He kills the engine, and twists in his seat to face me better. “Forty private acres, a gardener, a cook if you’d like, and a pool that overlooks the coastline. I think this will suit my queen’s needs just fine, don’t you?”

  “It’s sounds like heaven. But…” I feel so ungrateful fo
r even mentioning it. “What if I get bored? I’m used to having something to do.”

  “Start a charity. Volunteer. Or…” He grins wickedly as he reaches for his door.

  I follow him out into the sunshine, and take his hand as we walk toward the house.

  “You could help me,” he finishes.

  “With what?” I narrow my gaze on the handsome devil.

  He doesn’t get a chance to answer before the estate agent greets us. The two of us are taken on a whirlwind tour of the house by an over-enthusiastic, and rather voluptuous, woman who insists that the asking price is an absolute steal.

  Jordan negotiates for less anyway, and within the hour we’re left with the keys to what is our new house subject to completion of the legal documents tomorrow.

  “Well?” I throw my arms around his neck, thrilled when he places both hands to my ass and lifts me into his arms.

  “Where do you want to celebrate?”

  “Tell me what you were saying when we arrived first.” I kiss his nose. “I could help you with what?”

  Jordan walks us to one of the empty rooms that overlook the pool area, tsking when I push him to answer.

  “This,” he says, setting me on my feet, “will be our office.”

  My shoulders drop. “I thought the whole idea was that you wouldn’t do this anymore?”

  “I won’t,” he says. “But we’ll employ people who do.”

  “You’re using scapegoats to do your dirty work now, Mr. Millionaire?” I lift an eyebrow.

  He shrugs. “We remain anonymous, and we never have to worry for a thing.”

  A sigh escapes me as I walk toward the bi-fold doors. They slide open easily, the warm coastal breeze caressing my heated skin. “Maybe you should find a legitimate job? Something under the radar?”

  He grumbles. “Like what? You want me pulling shifts at the local gas station?”

  I give him a no-nonsense look over my shoulder. “No, smarty-pants.” My gaze returns to the crystal-clear, inviting pool. “You could be my yard boy.”

  He grins, sliding his arms around my waist and resting his chin to my shoulder as he stands behind me. I relax into his hold, settling my hand on his forearm, so strong and sure.

  “You’d rather I did more… manual labor?” he teases.

  “I like the idea of you shirtless and in the sun,” I explain. “Those muscles hard at work, sweat trickling down the valley of your back…”

  “Careful, baby.” His lips skate my ear. “You’ll get yourself all hot and bothered thinking about it.”

  “Too late.”

  He chuckles darkly, stepping away from me and through the open doors. “How would it look?” His hands find the hem of his T-shirt and he removes it in one deft movement. “Something like this?”

  The sun hits his skin, highlighting the swell and dip of his athletic build. My heart kicks at the sight, my mouth suddenly eager to be put to work.

  “You’d need to lose the pants too,” I tease. “I like my pool boy to work in nothing but a pair of very fitting, very revealing trunks… should he get wet, of course.”

  Jordan’s hands find his shorts, his eyes holding mine as he drops the clothing to his feet. He steps free of the fabric, his powerful legs bringing him toward me. “It would only be fair if you were in a bikini too.”

  “It could be arranged.” I slip the straps of my sundress down my shoulders and let the cotton pool at my feet. “This will have to do for now.”

  His eyes rove my bra and panties, his bottom lip caught between his teeth as he makes a low growl of approval in the back of his throat. “I can work with this.”

  “And I can work with this.” I cup his growing erection through his boxers, lifting one eyebrow as I do.


  I drop to my knees while Jordan widens his stance. He sets both hands on his head, the swell of his arms in such a position a visual treat. My mouth waters as I pull the band of his boxers over his hips, allowing his thick erection to spring free. My hands shake with anticipation, the feel of his velvety shaft already on my tongue.

  A long, low groan escapes him as I take his cock as far as I dare. The sweet taste of his precum urges me on, the throb of his length in my mouth enough to make my panties wet.

  I love knowing how deeply I satisfy him.

  I love knowing that it’s only me that he wants this from.

  Only me, always.

  “God, Corinne.” One hand finds my head, guiding me, setting the pace. “I can’t decide what’s better? Your cunt choking my cock, or your mouth working damn magic like you are now.”

  If I could have both, I would. Goddamn, I would.

  I increase pace, bobbing my head while I cup his balls with one hand. He hisses between his teeth when I give them a little squeeze, adding a touch of pain to the mix. His length pulses, warning me that he’s near. Normally I would pull off, let my partner come on my tits, or switch so that they finished inside me.

  But the feel of Jordan’s strong thigh beneath my hand as I steady myself, the little groans and growls he makes as I noisily bring him to climax… Warm cum hits the back of my throat, his leg tensing as he roars with his release. I gulp around the restriction of his pulsing length, drinking every last drop of him with nothing short of pride and satisfaction.

  I did it, just for him. Only for him.

  “Baby…” He sets his hands on my neck, coaxing me to stand.

  I rise to my feet, my own arousal damp on my inner thigh. If he doesn’t finish me I’ll have to do it myself. It would be insanity to work myself up this far only to let it go.

  “That was perfect.” His lips find mine and he kisses away any lingering trace of his taste. My core flutters with the sweep of his tongue, the satisfied sounds he makes as he tastes himself on me.

  Jordan pulls back, his eyes dark as he still holds my face in his hands.

  “There’s only one thing that could make this more perfect.”

  “What would that be?” I rub my thighs together to ease the ache.

  He catches the movement and huffs as he reaches between my legs. “Fucking dripping.”

  “For you.”

  Two fingers plunge into my pussy. The relief is immediate and my legs quake with the bolt of pleasure the assault shoots through me. I grip his wrist, insanely turned on feeling his hand at my core.

  “Feel better, baby?”

  “God, Jordan. Yes.”

  He thrusts his fingers in and out, working my pussy until my arousal runs down his hand and touches my own. I grip his shoulder with my free hand, saving myself from dropping to the tiles in a boneless heap.

  A gasp falls from my parted lips as he withdraws his fingers. His eyes light up while he licks the evidence clean.

  “As I was saying…” I’m lifted into his arms and walked to the nearest wall. “Only one thing could make this better.” My back hits the brick, the rough surface scratching at my flesh. “Four letters, Corinne. I want to call you a name that has four letters. Can you guess it?”

  My thoughts are scrambled by the body that holds me to the wall, the hands that support my weight as Jordan moves to kneel below me. My legs fall over his shoulders while I try to work it out, his careful hands pulling my panties aside and then bringing me to the edge once more.

  “Worked it out yet?” he asks before sucking my swollen folds into his mouth.

  I pull a sharp breath, the pressure his action created leaving me desperate for more. “No. I can’t… I can’t think when you… oh.”

  His tongue darts out to flick my bundle of nerves while his fingers ply my cunt. “Wife, Corinne. I want to call you my wife.”

  He... oh my God.

  “Marry me,” he mumbles against my pussy. “Take my name so every goddamn asshole out there knows who you belong to.”

  “Yes,” I cry out, equally to agree to his unconventional proposal, and also to urge him to continue with his fingers.

  My orgasm tears through me as t
he moment overwhelms my emotions. I cry while I laugh, my legs quivering on Jordan’s shoulders as he laps up every last drop I have to offer.

  “Yes, Jordan. Yes.”

  He sets my feet on the ground carefully, and stands. “My queen.” His kiss is hot and searing, laced with both the taste of me and the promise of forever. “Right where you belong.”

  “With you.”

  “With me.”

  “My king.”

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