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Once Tempted

Page 19

by Laura Moore

  His eyes held hers for a long moment. She met his gaze squarely, and stiffened her spine so she wouldn’t tremble.

  It must have convinced him. He gave a sweetly crooked smile. “Okay. I think I can work with that.”

  He closed his fingers, kneading her breast lightly, sending lightning shooting through her. The moan that tumbled from her lips was caught as he covered them with his own. His tongue entered, rubbing, circling, arousing her beyond belief. With his free arm he drew her flush against the hard muscled length of him. Like a brand, he seared her, body and soul, marking her as his.

  She’d seen ample evidence of his clever and quick hands. It shouldn’t have surprised her when her blouse and skirt fell to the floor without her even noticing that he’d been working the buttons and fastenings. Caught in the raw pleasure of his kisses and the roaming caresses of his hands as he stroked her and fondled her, she simply accepted her extraordinary good luck at being with a man blessed with superior moves. She kissed him like she was starving.

  But then he stepped back, and the absence of his hands on her made her body shake from want. Her aching nipples, pebble-hard, strained against the lace of her bra, begging for his touch.

  He took his time, looking his fill. The bright gold glitter in his eyes told her he approved of the deep lavender bra and matching panties she’d chosen. Slowly his gaze traveled down her legs to the cowboy boots she’d elected to wear. She’d told herself that the boots would be super comfortable to cook in but as she’d pulled them on before heading to the main lodge, she’d acknowledged the truth. She was wearing them for him.

  His smile was wolfish. Hungry and ever so predatory. And for the first time since coming here she wasn’t in the least freaked out at being in the presence of a wild animal.

  “Very nice.” Even as he spoke his long fingers skimmed the valley between her breasts and found the bra’s front clasp. A click and it opened. Slowly his fingers trailed over her skin to drag the satin straps off her shoulders. The bra fell away.

  “Very, very nice.” His quiet voice was a husky rasp, low and thrilling. “You’re even more beautiful than I imagined.” His hands cupped her breasts, and, at his touch, she groaned aloud. His smile widened, white and wicked. Slowly he lowered his head, bringing his mouth to her aching nipple. He suckled, drawing it deep into his mouth, scoring its tight bud with his teeth, and then lavished the same exquisite care on her other breast. She arched, crying as pleasure pooled deep inside her, as her muscles quivered with arousal.

  As he drove her wild with his tongue and teeth, raining kisses over her, Ward’s fingers slipped inside the elastic band of her panties. Inch by inch he dragged the lacy material down her legs. Crouching, he guided the panties over her boots, held her as she stepped out of them, and tossed them away.

  Rocking back on his heels, he studied her. There was no way she could quiet her heaving breasts. Or stop her body from trembling, silently begging for the caress of his hands, the wet heat of his mouth. Impossible. She needed him so.

  He didn’t seem to mind. “You know, I think we’ve moved beyond nice to mind-blowing,” he said in a low-pitched voice that caressed like velvet. “We’ll leave the boots on … for now.”

  He walked her back to the bed, an erotic waltz in which the fabric of his clothes brushed her naked body. Each graze ratcheted up her arousal. Heat pulsed in her core as everything inside her tightened and throbbed in reckless want.

  The backs of her knees met the padded edge of the bed.

  Exquisite though it would have been to let herself fall backward and have Ward follow her down onto the mattress and continue his sensual torment, she stopped. “My turn.”

  For a second she thought he might continue with his expert seduction. Then he smiled a crooked, beautiful smile. “Far be it from me to argue with a naked lady.”

  She laughed, grateful that he was funny and smart. And, as she went to work on the serious mission of getting Ward even more naked than she was—because she was determined to divest him of every article of clothing—she added “completely gorgeous” and “outrageously sexy” to the list of things to be thankful for.

  Unbuttoning his shirt, she dragged it off him, then paused in hushed appreciation. There was something to be said for the country life. Muscles sculpted from ranch work contoured his broad shoulders, molded his chest, and created mouthwatering ridges down his abdomen.

  Then she saw the scar. A jagged, puckered line, it ran down his side and toward his navel. It was thick and hideous looking and at the sight of it an invisible fist squeezed her heart. Reid hadn’t exaggerated. Had the blade from that hopped-up gang member sliced any deeper, this amazing man would probably have died.

  She traced the horrid thing with her finger. “This must have hurt.”

  His breath whistled as his abdominals jumped beneath the pad of her finger. “Like hell. But I was very brave.”

  She swallowed but couldn’t manage the same light tone. “No doubt. You got this when you came to Brian’s rescue, right?”

  “Someone told you, huh? Figures.” He gave a slight, impatient shake of his head. “Look, it happened a long time ago. I’m fine. I’ve even been told by Quinn that the scar lends character. The ladies seem to agree. They’re all quite impressed.”

  She recognized the distraction for what it was. After all, she was an expert at avoiding certain topics. But because she was feeling very indulgent, she decided to let him think he’d succeeded. “They are, are they?” She arched her brows.

  “Mmm-hmm, though I like to think that the scar’s not the only thing that impresses them.”

  She let her gaze travel over his naked torso. No, it wouldn’t be. For Pete’s sake, the trail of dark hair that began just below his navel and disappeared behind the waist of his trousers was enough to make her knees go weak. “Well, I guess I’ll have to take a closer look and see whether I can discover anything remotely impressive about you.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that. And, sweetheart, I think you’ll find it’s close at hand.”

  “Oh, yeah? Would that be this hand?” She let her fingers travel down the silky dark line that bisected his abs.

  “You’re on the right track.”

  “I think I’ll be the judge of that.” Reaching his belt buckle, she flicked it open and then drew the zipper of his trousers down, letting her knuckles rub the rigid length of his erection.

  Ward’s ragged groan was the sweetest sound.

  His penis was clearly delineated. Thick and long, it strained against the cotton of his black briefs. Her breath grew shallow. With a yank she pulled the waistband of his trousers down his lean hips.

  “Impatient?” he asked, a hint of laughter in his voice.

  “Yes. Do you have a problem with that?”

  “Can’t say I do. I’m feeling a little desperate myself. Here,” he said and began helping her, shucking off his boots and socks then his trousers and briefs with a speed that would have been comical if it weren’t so gratifying. So very gratifying.

  Eager and proud, his penis jutted out. In response her body grew wet and tight and needy. She wanted him inside her, deep inside her, filling her.

  She reached out to stroke him, but he stopped her with a rueful shake of his head. “Sorry, Tess, but I’m on a really short fuse here. Touch me and I’ll explode.”

  “Really?” She loved the idea that he was this aroused. “That might be fun.”

  “This will be a lot more fun, I guarantee.” He pushed her lightly and, as she fell onto the bed, followed her down. Their bodies met in a kiss of heated flesh that left them both moaning.

  “Hello, you,” he said as he settled his hard length over her.

  The alignment was near perfect.

  “So glad we could meet this way.” She wiggled just a little so his shaft pressed against the juncture of her thighs. He gave a strangled curse and closed his eyes for a moment.

  When he opened them again, they burned with intensity. “I th
ink it’s time we get to know each other better.” He lowered his lips to hers and kissed her slowly, thoroughly, as he rocked his hips, rubbing his shaft against her clitoris. “Lots better.”

  She ran her palms over the taut muscles of his butt, urging him closer. “That would be nice. Do you have anything particular in mind?” Lord, he had a really fine ass.

  His kiss turned rougher, a little wild with need, and that was really fine, too, she thought. When his hands moved to her breasts, cupping and squeezing, and teasing their tight sensitive peaks, she pretty much lost all ability to think. Except to acknowledge that she’d never felt so good before or wanted someone inside her so much.

  Trailing his mouth along the line of her jaw to her earlobe, he caught it between his teeth and nipped the soft flesh then licked away the sting.

  “Ward—” His name was a plea as her body convulsed beneath him.

  “Here’s an idea.” His whisper fanned the shell of her ear. “Why don’t you lift those long legs of yours and put those cowboy boots right here?” With her legs gripping his waist, he jacked his body up to kneel on the bed. “Mmm-hmm, yeah, very nice,” he said, looking down at her naked and open to him.

  Wrapping an arm beneath her hips to support her, he rubbed the broad head of his cock against her, gliding ever more easily as she coated him with wet heat. His brilliant gaze never left hers and he held her fast even as she writhed and bucked in need.

  “Please, Ward, I want you. I want you in me now.” Her voice was frantic and she was beyond caring.

  His smile was primitive. “How about this?” He pressed an inch forward.

  She hooked her boots together to draw him closer. “I have it on good authority that these are kick-ass boots,” she warned.

  “Then, in the interest of self-preservation—”

  With a single powerful thrust he embedded himself. Crying out with pleasure, she arched off the bed, drawing him even deeper.

  For a second neither of them spoke. She knew he, too, was absorbing the incredible sensations rolling through them.

  “Better?” he whispered, brushing her lips slowly.

  “Oh, yes.” It wasn’t just better, it was magical. On fire for him, she shimmied her hips and clenched him tighter.

  “Christ, Tess. You are incredible.” His sensual teasing was at an end. His face, all hard planes, was stamped with fierce arousal. With a flex of his hips, he withdrew and then rocked into her, penetrating her more. He did it again, driving deeper still.

  She moaned as her core began to contract helplessly about him, her entire body trembling with need. “Ward, please, I—”

  He grabbed her hands and pulled them above her head. Linking their fingers together, he whispered hoarsely. “I’ve got you. Hold on.”

  He moved with a controlled force that thrilled, fulfilling every sensual promise of his strong athletic body. Each surge had her moaning in ecstasy, her body arching beneath his, her toes curling inside her boots as her hands clutched his fiercely, frantically; each withdrawal had her whimpering at the loss.

  His kisses, wickedly plundering, as irresistible as the barely leashed wildness of his body driving into her, consumed her with equal passion. He took her higher and higher, filling her with undiluted ecstasy.

  Together they climbed, coming ever closer, their whispers turning to broken moans and helpless gasps.

  “Ward?” she managed to gasp.

  “Yeah, babe?”

  “Whatever you do, don’t ever stop.”

  He brushed his lips over hers. “Never, Tess.”

  He was as good as his word.

  Much, much later, Ward removed Tess’s cowboy boots, too.

  Naked, they slept as they’d made love, bodies pressed together and entwined. Breaths mingling, hearts matching beat for pounding beat.

  WARD AWOKE A happy man, a very happy man.

  Hard not to be when Tess was sleeping half-draped over him, her bare leg sandwiched between his and her breath sending her long, dark bangs tickling his chest with every exhale. He lay with his arm looped possessively about her, listening to the nesting birds stir outside his still-darkened window and herald the March dawn with energetic chirps. Spring was sweeping winter away. Change was in the air.

  Ward definitely approved of the changes that had occurred last night. He shifted, drawing Tess even closer against him, and smiled when her nipples pebbled against his chest. She was so beautiful and so incredibly responsive.

  It came as no surprise that the sex between them had been fantastic. The sight of Tess with her long legs and deliciously lush curves clad in nothing but the cowboy boots he’d bought for her, had nearly blown his mind. The pleasure they’d found in each other’s bodies had been equally stunning. Tess was a passionate woman, generous and uninhibited.

  But there’d been something else he discovered. When he’d been deep inside her body, their gazes locked as she trembled convulsively around him, he’d felt somehow like they belonged to each other. It was a sense of connection that went beyond the merely physical. The memory made him shift slightly so he could press a kiss against her head and breathe in the scent of her sleep-warmed skin.

  Whether Tess would admit what had happened to them was anything more serious than a long, thrilling bout of five-star sex was another question. Actually, he was pretty sure she’d deny it with her usual tough-cookie sass. Now that he’d begun to put together the pieces of the puzzle that was Tess Casari he understood why she might be even more commitment shy than he was. Though there were still some gaping holes in the picture, certain details were becoming clear. The most troubling one was how hurt she’d been by her late husband.

  Tess was the sort of woman who should be looking for the warmth, joy, and love she’d enjoyed in her marriage. It was becoming terribly clear that her marriage had provided few of those things. Her words to him the night before had made it plain her marriage had destroyed the hopes she’d carried in her heart entering it. The evidence had been there, audible in the strained catch of her voice, visible in the shadows lurking in her eyes.

  It had made him want to draw her into his arms and kiss away the hurt, soothe her with murmured words.

  But then she’d continued her speech, informing him that she didn’t need his pity, nor did she want promises of forever. And another part of him, the part that, ever since Erica had returned his engagement ring with a “Thanks, but no thanks,” was determined to avoid emotional entanglements, had heard Tess’s words with a surge of relief. He was off the hook, messy emotion–wise.

  What man determined to remain single wouldn’t feel like he’d been given a prettily wrapped gift were a beautiful, desirable woman to tell him she wanted only to have sex with him, no strings attached?

  Guilty as charged, he’d been more than willing to agree to a plan that so neatly meshed with his own MO.

  But after last night he didn’t think that what they’d shared could simply be described as two people having a bang-up time scratching each other’s itches. Sex with Tess went way beyond that, into a new territory.

  In case he needed yet another sign that whatever had happened last night wasn’t nearly as simple as Tess had decreed it should be, he wasn’t remotely ready to utter the words “Thanks for the great time last night. Let’s do it again sometime.”

  He wanted more with her.

  It was still early but Ward, taking care not to disturb her, rolled out of bed and pulled on his jeans. In the kitchen, he flipped on the coffee maker and then decided to go one better and fix her some toast from a loaf of seeded whole wheat.

  As he waited for the coffee to finish dripping and the toaster to ding, he looked out the window. There was just enough light to make out the roof lines of the barns, the fences demarcating the corrals, and the jagged outlines of the mountains in the distance. His home. His life.

  Ward would be the first to acknowledge what a great life it was. He lived in one of the most beautiful places in the world. He loved the people around
him. His family was healthy, supportive, and remarkably nondysfunctional. He could handle their bouts of nosiness and interference knowing they were fueled by love.

  Perhaps that was the reason he’d been able to resist Erica’s demands, her however-many-step plan to transform him from a rancher and hotelier into someone who tended his financial portfolio and God knows what else. After Erica moved on to far greener pastures, he’d taken stock and recognized that, all things considered, he was still one lucky bastard.

  He wondered whether he would have come to the same conclusion had it been Tess who walked out of his life.

  A few days later, Tess was in her office, clicking through the sample wedding portraits the photographer-videographer had sent to showcase her talent. Tess had already booked an appointment with Liz Reading, the photographer, so that Liz could meet Carrie and Brian, but as their visit approached—they were due to arrive Friday midday—Tess was compulsively double-checking all the vendors and merchants she’d preselected for the couple.

  She felt fairly confident about Liz Reading, though. The photographer used settings to great effect in her pictures. That would mean a lot to Carrie and Brian, since their wedding would be held in such a beautiful place. Tess clicked on a night shot. Locked in a tender embrace, a bride and groom stood at the edge of a lake where a flotilla of votive candles bobbed in the blue-black water. Liz Reading had caught the moon’s reflection so that its path led across the water, waiting for the couple to take their first steps together.

  How lovely, Tess thought a little mistily.

  A lot of things were striking her as lovely, and it was easy to pinpoint when she’d shed her disenchanted attitude. It coincided with the hour she’d removed her clothes for Ward and stepped into his arms, naked except for the cowboy boots he’d given her. Funny that a man she’d labeled as proud and rude should be the reason for the glow that now seemed to touch everything around her, illuminating herself as well.

  Her cell rang and she answered with a distracted “Hello?,” her gaze still fixed on the computer screen in front of her.


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