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WindSwept Narrows: #22 Erika & Vianne

Page 7

by Diroll-Nichols, Karen

  Erika sighed and let herself cuddle into him, grumbling when she was tipped to the bed and left for barely long enough for several quieting breaths to seep into her before she felt him beside her.

  Zee moved behind her, his palm sliding down her arm and twining with her fingers. A soft, contented sigh broke from her lips and he saw the corner of her mouth lift.

  “Tell me you’re okay, Erika.”

  “Oh, Xavier Moore…I think I’m a wee bit more than just okay,” she wiggled back against him. “I don’t want to further inflate your ego but I’ve never felt that good ever.” She shivered when his lips moved along her shoulder. “Why did you ask, Zee?”

  “Because let’s say I had something much slower and more sedate planned,” he said with a hint of self-ridicule in his tone. “I don’t want to hurt you, Erika.”

  “Hmm…sedate doesn’t sound as much fun all the time, but I’m open minded,” she told him with a little laugh when he pulled her to her back. “I’m not a fragile crystal, Zee,” her arms lifted and circled his neck, her fingers drawing circles around one ear. “You wouldn’t want me to be anyone but who I am, you’ve said that,” she watched a strong edge of silver spark in his eyes. “I don’t want you to be anyone but yourself. I find your…enthusiasm…very arousing. I’ve never known someone who wanted me the way you show it.”

  “You’ve been surrounded by idiots, beautiful,” he murmured against her mouth. “So tell me why you wouldn’t let me taste. I bet you’re sweet…really, really sweet,” his tongue swiped over her lip, his head lifted just enough to see her cheeks flush and her eyes no longer meeting his. “You do know it’ll happen, Erika. I can smell the sweetness when you’re aroused.”

  Erika felt the moisture leave her throat. “You can smell me?” She wanted to whimper at the sensations he was creating anew. Another part of her wanted to jump up and run for a shower.

  Zee laughed, the hunger for her growing again. “It isn’t a bad thing, I promise. I could be tacky and ask if no one’s ever…”

  Chapter Seven

  “No,” she answered hastily, groaning at his chuckle. “I read a lot.”

  “I’m not complaining, this means I can introduce you to the best,” he whispered, returning his attention to the pert mound beneath his fingers. She was trying hard not to squirm, not to moan. “So tell me about the boys you’ve been around,” he asked casually, his teeth tugging and pulling on the nipple while his palm slid over her stomach, feeling the shivers from his touch. She was right. His ego soared.

  “Talk? You want me to think and talk? Now?” Erika groaned at his chuckle. It vibrated her nipple a little more and she was discovering all the parts that were connected in one long delicious ribbon. She exhaled slowly when he lifted his head and leaned on his palm at her side. She didn’t stand a chance, she thought, one palm rising and her fingers tracing the thin scar just beneath his jaw.

  “I was in the military,” he answered the unasked question in her eyes. “I have a few scars from it, not to mention a few from years of surfing.”

  “I’ve had boys chasing me since I was twelve,” she said after a long pause, considering his question. Wondering how much you could learn about a person and still be willing to be part of their life. Her parents had driven off a few nice guys in the past.

  “You’re looking sad, Erika…why?”

  “Thinking about the friends my father…decided weren’t good for me,” she shrugged. “Boys chased…some wanted to get close because of my family. Some…the usual reasons…bragging rights, is what a friend called their attention in chemistry one day. Mostly I watched and didn’t pay much attention to them. I had a boyfriend or two since high school but…”


  “One was friends a few years ago because he thought I could get him a job. Another was someone…” She sighed. “I don’t know…he was a lawyer. You didn’t find out until later that what you want or need isn’t important to the other person. I couldn’t live with that…and I…” she hesitated, inhaling deeply and turning to face him, propping herself up just as he was.

  “You what, Erika…I’m not going to play games…I don’t intend to do anything stupid to lose you. Parents don’t scare me and I can see your eyes sparkle when you talk about your career choice,” Zee swore he could see his guy meter gain a few valuable points. His grin was cocky and he didn’t care.

  “I think my sex drive was much higher than his,” she confided, sidling closer and pressing her chest against his. She could feel his cock against her thigh and tipped her hips closer. “I think I was much more adventurous than he was, too.”

  “Adventurous, huh?” Zee was trapped watching her tongue come out and trace her lips. He felt his cock give a hearty lurch of approval when her palm slid from his shoulder, crossing his chest and going lower.

  “Maybe you’re not the only one who wants to taste,” Erika leaned over until he was flat on his back, her palm pressing heavily over his stomach and lower. She wanted to touch him. To feel the hard length that had brought her so much pleasure. And to give back as well as explore. If just her fingers were creating the shudder she felt, she couldn’t wait to see what she could do with her tongue and her mouth.

  “Erika…” Zee felt his throat constrict when her fingers tightened and stroked down the hard length of him, slender fingers loosening and caressing down and under, lifting the heavy sacks gently and running her nails over him.

  She loved the thrill that raced through her when she stroked him, the low vibrating groan that ripped into her senses. Pure male and hungry. And she was the cause. Blue eyes peeked at him through thick lashes.

  He’d hitched himself against the headboard, pale lashes narrowed and watching.

  “I should probably go start dinner,” Erika flashed him a teasing grin and slipped to the side, long legs unfolding while he was gaping at her.

  The stare lasted half a second before both arms snapped from his side and wrapped around her waist, pulling her back hard against him. His teeth bit into the soft hollow between her neck and shoulder.

  Erika felt her body melt. She’d never felt herself get wet like she did with Zee. Actually felt the heat and dampness; felt the soft feminine parts of her swell and make silent demands. And when he slid one strong palm over her skin, pressing across her stomach and into the tangle of tawny, very short soft hair she heard the low whimper from deep in her throat.


  “You really didn’t think that was gonna work,” he dragged his tongue hotly over her neck and bit her ear.

  “You didn’t seem at all interested,” she teased, trying to sound nonchalant and failing when his teeth once more grazed down her throat.

  “Hmm…feel how wet you are…and I’m hard as a rock from your teasing.”

  “Guess maybe I should see about easing that for you,” Erika felt his arm loosen, her body turning slowly. She met the fire in his eyes. “Sit against the headboard. No touching.”

  “And if I say no?” He was doomed. He’d already admitted to himself she was his.

  “Then I go start dinner,” she said simply, her head up and challenging him.

  “You could regret this later.”

  “I guess it depends on how good your imagination is,” she leaned forward, crawling over the surface of the bed while he positioned himself back against the headboard. “Somehow I don’t believe you mind indulging me, Zee.”

  “This is an indulgence?” Came the strangled question.

  “Maybe I should wait until later to confess…this way you won’t be nervous,” she whispered, her lips touching the side of his cock before sliding her tongue along the length to the drop of pre-come at the thick head. Again his low groan of pleasure tore through her with a striking tingle of sensation.

  Zee didn’t want to ask, his head thunking back against the hard wood of the sleigh headboard. She was enjoying her play. And he couldn’t exactly say he was suffering. The hot, moist feel of her tongue tracing along
the veins throbbing on his cock made his body tense with each stroke. The anticipation would shatter him long before he managed to sink himself in her heat again.

  Erika decided she wanted to feel him throbbing and wrapped one palm around him, sliding her hand down and watching his body tense with each new touch. Taking a deep breath she leaned closer, taking in his scent and feeling her own body react. She took him into her mouth, swirling her tongue around the thick mushroom head and deciding she loved his reaction.

  Zee knew he was watching the threads of his control breaking one at a time. When she suckled and took him deeper into her mouth, her tongue still moving along the length and around the ridge, his fingers tightened on the headboard.

  Erika shifted her position a little. Moving her head up and down and listening to the vibrating growl from his throat. She decided to try that, humming softly and swiping her tongue down as she backed up to the top. His body gave a slight lurch with each now sound radiating in her throat and against the hot shaft.

  Zee had no idea a tongue could be so…versatile and flexible. Tiny flicks; long, slow drawn out strokes and quick, teasing tastes fluttering along his cock like a hummingbird. His head hit the back of the bed and he groaned again.

  Think of recipes. Think of fishing. Nothing was working, his pitiful brain kept returning to the delicious strokes and the amount of control quickly being pulled from inside him.

  “Erika…babe, you don’t…Christ, if you don’t…” the growl that radiated from deep inside him sent his hips thrusting upward.

  She felt the thick pulses beneath her palm and was ready for him to move against her mouth when his body exploded. She held him, suckled and took him deep in her mouth until she felt his body fall back against the mattress. She offered one long, continuous stroke of her tongue as she let him slide between her lips before she started kissing her way over his stomach and onto his chest.

  A grin tilted her lips when one of those blue eyes peered at her. She had only momentarily dimmed the fires, it seemed and it made her grin a little wider.

  “I guess I did okay,” she teased, stretching out over him and rubbing her face against his chest.

  “You guess? I think they heard me in Canada,” he said with a long, contented sigh. “You do realize I can’t let you just walk away…”

  “There’s always tonight,” she told him, quickly moving from the bed and collecting clothes. She made it to the bathroom door when the wild grab snagged her up, her back against the wall. “Zee!”


  “After dinner. I’m starving,” she whispered sexily. “Aren’t you?”

  “Tonight, they’re going to hear you in the Arctic,” he promised before brushing his mouth against hers, savoring the slight tremor. His palms moved down her sides, holding her hips close to his before stepping back.

  She watched the somewhat feral grin on his lips as she sidled into the bathroom and closed the door behind her. Slim shoulders rested against the solid wood, her eyes closed.

  What have you gone and done, girl?

  Your life wasn’t complicated enough that you had to add a level?

  Would it be that simple to just consider all that belonged in yesterday and move forward? She knew her parents well enough to know they might try and interfere. She sighed as she dressed, washing her hands and drenching her face with cold water. Elbows leaned on the sink, staring into the mirror.

  Maybe interfere was too clean a word. She didn’t understand how she fit into anything that was connected with Adam and her parents. And she had a feeling asking questions would open doors for them to not only strongly protest but insert themselves into her life in a way she didn’t want. She also doubted they would give her honest answers.

  She went to the kitchen, sliding the lasagna into the oven she’d already had warming. She wandered to the small patio off the back door, leaned against the stones that made up the building and watched the rain moving in from the Sound. The multiple colors and shades of grey and blue formed a seamless array that was sweeping across the once still waters.

  Could they cause problems for Zee? She sighed and closed her eyes. She didn’t know. She doubted she’d get genuine answers, but she had to try to find out why they wanted to use her that way. She knew her father had considerable influence in politics in the area. Which meant having him on Ross Richardson’s side would be a major coup. But why was it so important that Adam’s sexuality be kept secret? Not only kept secret, but he was willing to present a completely lie filled existence. And given her father’s stance on politics, helping Adam made no sense at all to her. Based on what she knew of her parents, Adam’s choice of lifestyle should be something they adamantly pushed from their personal life.

  “That’s quite an ominous looking scowl,” Zee said quietly, leaning against the open door and watching her, his arms crossed over his chest. “What’s wrong, Erika?”

  Her head shook for a moment. Then she shrugged.

  “Job jitters?”

  “Not at all,” she knew how to answer that one. “I spent the last twelve months in a different major city hospital every month studying all the good and bad things in how they set up their pharmacies. We’ve got contracts with all the major pharmaceutical companies and it’s going to be amazing.”

  “You’re sparkling,” he told her, unfolding his arms and pulling her against him. “You don’t want to talk about it?”

  “I’m okay and our dinner is done,” she pulled a bright smile to her lips, kissing him and taking his hand, leading him to the table she’d set up for them.

  “I might have to steal you away to cook for me,” he teased, watching the steam rise from the melted cheese and pasta she placed on the table.

  Zee would be the first to admit he had no idea time could pass so quickly. Or so pleasantly. No, beyond pleasant, he corrected as they cleaned up the kitchen two hours later. They talked about anything that popped into either of their heads. Except her parents, he realized when she wandered from the kitchen and yawned, his eyes shooting to the clock.

  He wasn’t used to sharing his evenings with anyone and after a few days he couldn’t see sitting there alone reading news or working on books incessantly. Zee went through the large apartment, checking locks and alarms before heading down the hall toward the light. Inside his bedroom.

  Erika finished in the bathroom and dropped a soft, short baby doll gown over her head, something she realized might have been a silly thing to do. She turned the light off behind her and stepped into the room. Zee stood in the doorway to the bedroom, just staring.

  “Am I in the wrong room?” She asked coyly, laughing when he broke out in a grin. He really did look like a surfer. Tanned, wearing an open flowered shirt, cargo shorts and no shoes. The only out of place thing was that really short cropped blond hair.

  “I don’t know if I have a safe answer to that one, Erika,” he admitted, taking in the soft looking gown that barely topped her knees and seemed to shimmer in a pale blue; the top was a low scoop with tiny puffy sleeves. And from the angle he stood, he was positive there wasn’t a thing beneath it but Erika. And that was just fine with him.

  She looked down at her bare toes and then over at him. He still hadn’t crossed the room, just stood staring. She could barely make out the numbers glowing on the clock without her glasses on and moved forward, her hands pushing the shirt off his shoulders. She dropped it on the chair before turning and crawling onto the large bed.

  “I want the window side,” she declared, arranging the blanket and laying back, waiting. “Bedtime, Zee. Tonight would be good, since it’s almost midnight.”

  “I…yeah…right…be right back,” he said after taking in a deep breath, disappearing into the bathroom.

  The blankets were at her waist and she lay facing the large window, a softly tidal scented breeze sifting inside the room. Zee slipped beneath the blanket, his fingers running up the long bare arm and giving the elastic in the puffy sleeve a pull.

bsp; “Pretty.”

  “Thank you,” Erika had her eyes closed but her smile was in her voice. She was doing alright breathing until she felt that large palm slide down her hip to where the hem was. “I debated on whether to wear it or not…”

  “Oh, babe…I love unwrapping pretty packages,” he chuckled, his body pressed against her from behind, his cock pushing for attention. It tightened when she giggled and pushed back against him.

  Chapter Eight

  It was eight before Erika raised her head from the pillow, scowling through the thick blond curls. Zee groaned at her side and she countered with a move that had her stretched sideways over his back, staring at the clock.

  “We are seriously talking about this late night stuff, mister,” she grumbled, letting her head fall as she exhaled and enjoyed the warmth from her new mattress. “Do I have your attention?” She pressed her breasts against his bare back and listened to him groan. “Not sure if that was a yes or no.”

  Zee felt her breasts against his back. Yeah, concentrate he told himself. You had the girl twice during the night and while the tired level is higher, the hunger for her was greater. He’d never met a woman who swept into his blood stream like Erika had. And he liked it.

  Zee managed to slowly move his arms until they were flat on the bed and he was using his strength to do a push up. This had two things happening. He’d cleared the pillow so he could speak. And Erika’s arms went around him when she found herself a foot and a half up off the surface of the mattress.

  And she squealed. Like a girl, he was glad to note, but his eyes crossed none the less and he laughed.

  “I can hear you and I’ll offer an apology for the night. I’m not used to sharing my time with anyone and tend to forget that my day is a little off because of weekend hours.” He waited but only heard little pants coming, her hands around his chest and hips shifting just a little. “You okay up there?”


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