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WindSwept Narrows: #22 Erika & Vianne

Page 30

by Diroll-Nichols, Karen

  And Friday when she stepped into the condo, her stomach was doing flip-flops. It was the unknowing, the anticipation that was making everything female in her clench and beg for relief. His SUV was in the parking space so she knew he was in the condo somewhere. Or the work-out room across the hall, she thought, remembering finding him sweaty and wearing nothing but a pair of gym shorts. Another shot of lightning ricocheted through her at the image.

  Vianne left her shoes near the desk in the living room, along with the latest box of files and her purse. She’d faced warlords with more backbone that she was feeling right now, she thought, swallowing, squaring her shoulders and walking down the hall to the bedroom. Her eyes immediately fell on the made up bed and the…garment? She was pretty sure that word just wasn’t even right for what she saw laid out there. He’d warned her that he would be choosing her clothing for their visits to the club.

  The intellectual, self-possessed woman in her had done nothing but argue with her since she’d opened the whole new world of sexuality in a direction she’d never considered before. Until Tanner.

  She stepped up to the bed, her fingers lifting the extremely light and very see-through fabric. Her head tipped slightly to the side, eyes widening and heat flushing her cheeks. There was nothing inside the fabric. Nothing. No…foundation.

  Where were the stinking panties? The girl in her shouted.

  “You have got to be kidding me,” she whispered, looking over what was to be the top of the outfit, which connected down the center to the floor length shear skirt.

  “Definitely not kidding you,” Tanner said from behind her, his hands on each end of a towel draped around his neck. He’d finished up in the workout room and returned to their condo to shower and get dressed.

  “There’s no…where’s the panties?”

  “You won’t be wearing them at the club,” he said simply, watching the myriad of expressions and questions that never made it to her lips.

  He considered refusing. Seriously refusing.

  He did not want this coming between them. He liked what they were building. He loved her intelligence and her humor and the soft loving side of her that he’d glimpsed in some of her more human nature pieces through the years. But damn if her submission hadn’t sent the dom he’d submerged straight into the atmosphere.

  “I…you…well…” Vianne turned away and stared at the outfit that reminded her of the one the princess wore in Star Wars. It would rest on her hips and the slit on the one side began at the band on the hip and went to the floor. The top consisted of a bandeau strip of black with a thick ribbon in the center that looped around her neck. Beneath the bandeau ran another thick satiny ribbon that attached itself to the skirt where her naval was. It rode very low on her hips, but hell, everything she owned was going to be on display anyway. So what did it matter?

  “Second thoughts?” Tanner moved behind her and pulled on the loose band she used to keep her hair in a little bundle at the back of her head.

  “Trying to understand why it turns me on,” she admitted quietly. “I thought I knew me. God, after you spend so much time alone in places that I’ve been, you do a lot of self-reflection and inventory. When we started talking and emailing, I never realized how much I needed someone who had a brain that could jump all over the map and not be bored with me!”

  “I can’t even imagine being bored with you, Vianne.”

  He felt the shiver race through her when he chuckled and nipped at her ear. The tense part of him that was questioning his actions slowly began to unravel.

  “I have something for you to put on before you get dressed,” Tanner turned her to face him and began opening the buttons down the front of her blouse.

  “I…before I put…that….it’s completely see through,” she brushed his hands aside and took over, leaving the shirt open and reaching to the side to open her slacks.

  “I know,” he laughed, striding into the closet and bringing a box from the shelf. It wasn’t big, barely six inches square and two inches deep. He looked up to see her contemplating the garment on the bed and still wearing her bra and panties. “Strip, Vianne.”

  It was the tone, the deep resonating knowing voice that wouldn’t deviate from his path. She reached behind her and opened the two hooks on her bra. He’d seen her naked constantly in the last week, so why was she feeling shy now? Shoving the quaking aside, she let the thin straps slide down her arms. She dropped the bra to the bed and pulled her panties off, letting them join the bra before turning and facing him.

  “Such wild defiance,” Tanner murmured, removing the lid from the box and lifting a long strand of gold links with some etched rounded wings in one portion. “Don’t move, Vianne.”

  Tanner took the first section and fastened it around her waist, checking to make sure it wasn’t too snug for her to move and for the piece to sway when she did. He moved behind her, one foot going to her bare feet and nudging them apart. He attached another section of thick gold links to the back, just about the cleft between her cheeks. He let the links fall naturally, chuckling softly when her body jerked just a little at the cold touch.

  Vianne closed her eyes and tried to think of anything in the world but his hands around her pussy. Fingers toyed with the full lips as he arranged something cold and metallic over the swollen sides, trapping them between the wings. Then he fastened the second chain to the front before tightening it and standing up in front of her. He held a small, flat control and tapped it lightly.

  “Oh! Oh, god…” Hazel eyes widened and her breathing caught and her hands moved to grab at the vibrations tapping at her clit.

  Tanner touched the controls and set the unit on the bureau.

  “I’m getting dressed. Put the flat shoes on and find a cloak or shawl to drape around you,” Tanner went into the bathroom, paused and stuck his head around the door. “Don’t touch it, Vianne. It stays just as it is,” he looked down at her crotch and sighed. “It’s gorgeous. Take a look in the mirror. Then get dressed and relax.”

  She took a step. A really cautious step, groaning softly as the metal rubbed over the already swollen and distended clit. Vianne stood in the walk-in closet, her eyes riveted on the gold links that circled her waist and split her down the center. It was impossible not to stare at the puffy outer labia and the wrinkled red inner lips. Moisture glistened at the very center and she took a step back, squirming at the feeling of the links riding between her ass cheeks as she moved.

  Vianne took one last long look at the sheer fabric before she spread the center and stepped into it, struggling to keep the groan inside. She raised it to her waist and arranged the bandeau over her breasts, the thick satiny ribbon positioned in the front. She had her hands up, tying the ribbons behind her neck and stepping into the pair of flats that had been resting beside the bed.

  “You’re beautiful, Vianne,” Tanner came up behind her, his mouth warm and caressing along her throat.

  “I don’t look like me. I don’t think I even feel like me,” she told him honestly.

  “I personally love the way you feel,” Tanner murmured against the side of her face, meeting the sparkling green eyes. “And smell…”

  Vianne laughed. “You spent long enough rubbing oil all over me last night! I’m honestly surprised I haven’t slid right out of my clothing.”

  “And that would be a bad thing how?” He stepped back and lifted the shawl she’d laid on the bed, draping it around her shoulders and settling his palm at her waist. “I have something for you in the other room.”

  “Something?” Vianne walked cautiously, twitching slightly when just the right spot rubbed against the metal around her labia and clit. “Not so fast,” she mumbled.

  “Is it hurting you?” Tanner looked into the faint flush of color filling her cheeks. “I’ll take that as a no,” he said with a grin. “As for this…consider it the club’s version of a wedding ring.”

  Vianne held her breath as he led her to stand by the breakfast bar, her eyes f
alling on the black leather and lace band. A stainless steel clasp was on one end and in the center, a mid-sized D-ring. Flashes of pictures she’d paged through on the internet came to mind, her eyes wide when Tanner put his palm beneath her chin and lifted.

  “I see you know what the center ring is for,” he lifted the collar and gently attached it to her throat, admiring his choice against her skin. “Perfect,” he leaned in from behind, his palms caressing up her ribs and taking a breast in each one. Fingers teased and pinched, her breathing telling him just the right pressure to make her pussy clench. “I have gems for these…maybe tonight…maybe another time.”

  Vianne felt all the words he’d caressed her with since they met with all the sensations newly aroused and colliding within her and discovered for the first time in a very, very long time, work was not at the top of her mind. But that wasn’t the only thing she felt shifting inside her. Maybe it had always been there, carefully hidden because of what she chose to do. Maybe this man wakened it in ways she never knew could exist for her. She wasn’t sure but she knew she didn’t want the new her to vanish.

  “You’re very quiet,” Tanner said as they drove to the club.

  The owners had chosen the industrial district for several reasons. One of the chief ones was parking availability. Another was the fact that there were no neighbors to disturb and no likelihood of children wandering by and seeing someone dressed in less than street legal clothing. Tanner had been a big part in its creation and then bowed out, trying to figure out some things inside his own head. And now Vianne had brought it all to the forefront. The very woman he’d walked away from the lifestyle for.

  “I feel sexy,” she said simply, staring at the chamois lined black leather and lace cuffs he’d put on her wrists after he had lifted her into the SUV. Cuffs. A woman who advocated every freedom known on the planet, was wearing cuffs.

  He heard the puzzled confusion in her voice and kept his chuckle inside.

  “You are sexy. I think you’ve always been sexy, even when you were getting shot at,” he told her honestly. “Sexy, smart and open-minded. The things you’re feeling have been debated probably by most women or men who find submission erotic.”

  “I know. I read a lot this morning, trying to understand what I was feeling.”

  “That’s my sweet little reporter.”

  “I don’t know if I fully understand the need or desire on either side, but it’s a very fascinating dynamic. Very…powerful. I think I believed it was one sided…probably like most people. But it isn’t.”

  “No, beautiful, it’s not,” Tanner lifted her palm from her thigh and carried it to his lips. Touching her was something he’d never tire of as long as they lived. Seeing her quiver in his arms, begging for more was an image of Vianne he’d only hoped to view in the real world.

  “You’re strong character and personality…you’re protective nature…the way you always…I’ve never been touched the way to touch me, and you don’t seem to mind. It isn’t about…about jumping right into the bed. It stretches on for hours.”

  “Isn’t that what loves does, pet? The power you hold in the sounds you make, the scents you share with me, the passion you return…” He reluctantly released her fingers and parked off to the side of the building. An owner slot he’d never used before. “I honestly never believed I’d come here once I helped them create it.”

  “You’re one of the owners?” Vianne looked at her husband in amazement, recalling something he’d said before that hadn’t quite registered.

  “One of three,” Tanner admitted, slinging a backpack on his shoulder after tucking the keys inside. He crossed the front of the SUV and opened her door, lifting her to the concrete. He wrapped the shawl carefully around her, shielding her from the few non-club people who might be passing by. “Are you ready?”

  “Yes…oh, yes, Sir,” she corrected softly, taking a deep breath and pushing her shoulders back.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Georgi honestly admitted to herself that this was the very last thing she expected to see, not only on a Friday night, but on any night. Oh, she’d asked questions, discretely of course, after all he wasn’t just one of the owners. He was a well-known Master and Dom in the lifestyle. And he’d simply vanished from the lifestyle once the club was up and running.

  “Master Tanner? Oh, my god!” Georgi was off the stool and around the high counter before stopping herself with an almost screeching skid. “Oh, I am so…I…” she lowered her eyes to the floor and twisted her fingers. “Welcome back, Sir.”

  “It’s okay, Georgi,” Tanner offered a crooked grin and lifted her chin. “Really,” and he hugged her warmly. “Thank you for the enthusiasm. It’s…it’s good to be back,” he stepped back and put a proprietary arm around Vianne’s waist.

  “Yes, Sir,” she quickly moved to her seat. “People have asked about you. Should I let Master Gabriel or Master Colin know you’re here?”

  “I think I’ll surprise them. This is my wife, Vianne. Georgi doesn’t have a Dom but she’s always searching,” Tanner said with a friendly smile. “The sign in sheet?”

  “Oh, yes, Sir, sorry…I think I’m in shock,” she admitted handing him the pen and sign in clipboard. “Welcome to the club, Vianne.”

  “Thank you,” Vianne couldn’t remember the last time she’d been any place where she felt like she was walking on ice. But this was definitely one. She’d read so much that it was still swarming inside her mind.

  “Subs speak freely to one another unless their dom has forbidden it,” Tanner said quietly.

  “Thank you, Sir,” Vianne said gratefully, giving up her lead in anything for the night.

  Tanner held the heavy curtains to the side and almost stopped breathing as Vianne stepped inside the club for the very first time. He had been having raging arguments with himself since they began talking about this type of lifestyle choice in a relationship.

  It wasn’t something he’d ever imagined he’d return to. He’d learned a great deal about himself and didn’t regret the time he spent in it at all, but Vianne was worth so much to him he wasn’t willing to risk her. And still his stomach jumped as she stood without moving, her eyes widening and taking in the huge chamber for the first time.

  “Let me have the shawl, Vianne, and your shoes,” Tanner gently took the covering and wasn’t sure she realized she’d let it go. She stepped out of her shoes and bent to lift them from the floor, all the while her eyes devouring the people and layout of the club.

  This first level held the dance floor that spread to the right with the restaurant at the far end. To the left, spread a comfortable lodge type setting with several fire places, large comfortable chairs and sofas and plenty of thick pillows for the subs. That section had warm carpeting and small tables for drinks. Bars were located on four points, the biggest one next to the social area where subs in very skimpy clothing took orders and served.

  Behind the wide open chambers began the scenes and equipment that spread and extended to the second floor. The third was for private use and rented by guests to play in specific role-play scenarios. Monitors with bright red bands around their arms watched all levels at all times.

  Tanner handed things over to the young woman in the cloak room, tucking their ticket into the pocket of his jeans.

  “Are you alright, pet? How about a drink?” Tanner put his arm on her waist, leading her toward the far end and away from the music. He set the pack he carried on the floor at his feet, perching on the barstool and pulling Vianne back between his thighs. “Do you remember the protocols?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she whispered with a hasty nod, quickly dropping her gaze to the floor when a man approached them.

  “Tanner Clayton,” Colin Whetstone held out a palm, his gaze going over his friend and the pretty blonde he held protectively close.

  “Colin,” Tanner grinned and took his palm. “You can look up, Vianne, this is a long-time friend, Colin Whetstone. Colin, my wife, Vianne.”
/>   Vianne watched the shock play over Colin’s face, one hand up and raking the dark blond hair back from his face.

  “Married. You?”

  “He usually is much more polite than this, pet,” Tanner chuckled, his palms circling her from behind and pulling her against his cock, letting her know just how she affected him.

  “I…” Colin extended his palm. “He’s right. I am usually the epitome of manners. I’m pleased to meet you. And you,” he shifted his gaze to Tanner. “Are one damn lucky guy.” He kept his eyes on Vianne, her eyes on the floor, hands clasp in front of her. “May I?”

  “Please,” Tanner opened his arms and felt Vianne tense. “No one will hurt you here, Vianne.”

  Colin raised his palm and lifted her chin before taking her hand and urging her to step forward. “Beautiful, Tanner. How’d you manage to find such a gorgeous sub? Congratulations.”

  “Thank you,” Vianne answered, her body responding to the gentle twirl he wanted from her.

  “We need to talk, kid,” Colin guided her back to Tanner with a shake of his head. “The last I’d heard, you hadn’t gotten over that…” he stopped at the sudden coughing fit from his friend, one brow raised and glancing from Tanner to Vianne. “Vianne…Summers?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she answered, keeping her gaze down. That was a struggle for her. She was accustomed to staring into the eyes of people, not at the floor. But this was the new world she had stepped into with Tanner and she wasn’t going to disappoint him.

  “I’ll be damned,” Colin whistled softly. “Welcome back. Gabe know yet?”

  “Haven’t seen him. We just arrived and were going to order drinks when you came up,” Tanner gestured to the bartender. “I’ll have one of the dark ales. Do you want something, pet?”

  “Orange juice, please, Sir…with vodka.”

  “Orange juice with vodka,” he repeated to the bartender. “We’ll go over and sit for a while.”

  “I’ll keep your secret. I’m on third floor monitor tonight for a few hours,” Colin tipped his head and walked off toward the stair case.


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