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Don't Tempt Me: A High School Bully Romance (Broke & Bullied Book 2)

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by Kai Juniper

  Don't Tempt Me

  Kai Juniper


  Books By Kai Juniper

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Note from Kai

  Also from Waltham Publishing

  Books By Kai Juniper


  Twisted Lies

  Twisted Sins

  Twisted Secrets

  Twisted Truths


  Don’t Try Me

  Don’t Tempt Me

  Don't Tempt Me

  By Kai Juniper

  Copyright © 2020 Kai Juniper

  All rights reserved.

  Published by Waltham Publishing, LLC

  Cover designed by Marisa Wesley of Cover Me Darling

  This book is a work of fiction. The characters, things, and events are fictitious, and any similarities to real persons (live or dead), things, or events are coincidental and not intended by the author. Brand names of products mentioned in this book are used for reference only and the author acknowledges that any trademarks and product names are the property of their respective owners.

  The author holds exclusive rights to this work and unauthorized duplication is prohibited. No part of this book is to be reproduced in any form without written permission from the author.

  Chapter One


  Today Dean and I are finally going to tell people at school that we're a couple. I'm nervous, but also excited. I'm excited we don't have to hide our relationship anymore but nervous about how people will react, especially other girls. There are girls here who have been trying to get Dean to go out with them for years, and then I come along and become his girlfriend after only a few weeks.

  I'm not going to worry about them, or anyone else. I don't want them taking away the happiness I feel right now. I'm in love, for real this time, and I'm not going to let anything, or anyone, ruin this blissful state I've been in since the moment Dean said he loves me.

  Hearing him tell me that brought tears to my eyes because I know how hard it was for him to say those words. He has such a kind, loving heart but tries so hard to protect it. He doesn't want anyone seeing that side of him, which is why I almost cried when he opened his heart to me last night and told me how he felt. He loves me and wants a relationship with me. It's something neither one of us was looking for, but sometimes it happens that way. Love comes along when you're not looking for it, or expecting it, or ready for it.

  Racing to my locker, I shove my coat in the tiny space, then quickly close the door.

  "How was your weekend?" Eve says, coming up beside me.

  "Amazing," I say with a dreamy sigh.

  "Let me guess." She rolls her eyes. "You and Dean proclaimed your love for each other?"

  I stare at her. "How'd you know?"

  "You have that love look on your face. It's the same one my mom gets when she thinks she's in love. Unfortunately the guy never feels the same way."

  "Dean does." I lean closer to her and whisper, "Last night he told me he loves me."

  "Seriously?" She rears back. "Was he drunk?"

  "No! Why would you even say that?"

  "He's not exactly the type of guy who talks about his feelings. And definitely not someone who says the L word."

  "Which is why I was completely shocked when he said it." I smile. "He also called me his girlfriend."

  "Was he trying to get sex?"

  "No! Eve, you're supposed to be happy for me."

  "I am. I'm just making sure it's real. Guys tend to lie to get sex."

  "That's not why he said it. He gets plenty of..." I look around at the crowded hallway, not wanting to say the word. "He doesn't need to say stuff to get me to do it."

  Dean and I have had sex almost every day since the first time we did it. He comes over to the apartment when my mom's at work, or we do it at his place when Jake's out of the house. I think Jake knows what's going on. He's always finding reasons to leave after our tutoring sessions, knowing I want time alone with his brother. Jake really wants Dean and I to work out. He keeps telling me he's never seen his brother this happy. I feel the same way. I didn't even know it was possible to feel this happy.

  Eve leans against the locker. "So where is he? Shouldn't you love birds be making out at your lockers before class?"

  "He doesn't usually stop at his locker in the morning. He's probably already at class." I feel that nervous flutter in my stomach that happens when I know I'm about to see Dean. "I need to go or I'll be late."

  "You still have two minutes. You just want to go see your boyfriend."

  I feel that flutter again hearing her call him my boyfriend. "I do kind of want to see him."

  She sighs. "Another friend lost to some stupid guy."

  "You didn't lose me. We're still friends. Can we talk at lunch?"

  "Aren't you going to sit with your boyfriend?" she asks, sounding annoyed.

  "Not today," I say, realizing she's right. I've been letting Dean have all my time and neglecting my friendship with Eve.

  "You might as well sit with him. If you don't, you'll just be staring at him, not hearing anything I say. I've been through this before. Guys always ruin friendships."

  "He's not going to ruin it. I promise. I'll see you at lunch."

  Racing to class, I burst through the door expecting to see Dean but he's not there. The bell rings as I make my way to my seat in the last row. It's odd not having Dean here, not having to step over his giant legs to get to my desk.

  "Everyone take their seats," the teacher says. "We're starting with a pop quiz."

  The class groans as he hands out the quiz. I take a pencil from my backpack, my eyes watching the door, waiting for Dean to arrive. Why is he late? Maybe Jake's sick and he stayed home to take care of him. But Dean would've told me that.

  "Do you know if he's coming?" the teacher asks me as he stands by Dean's desk.

  "I'm not sure," I tell him.

  "I'll leave it just in case." He sets the quiz on Dean's desk, then hands me mine before walking back to the front of the room. "Ten minutes. Starting now. Eyes on your own paper and no phones. If you have questions, come talk to me."

  Looking down at my quiz, I begin filling in the answers. It's an easy quiz but takes me longer than usual because my mind keeps drifting to Dean. Why isn't he here? Did he change his mind about announcing we're a couple and is avoiding me so he doesn't have to tell me? I could see him changing his mind, especially since having a girlfriend is such a huge deal to him, but if that's true, he needs to talk to me, not avoid me.

  As the teacher picks up the quizzes I get my phone out and text Dean. You okay?

  He doesn't text back. I'm getting worried. He texted me this morning before school. He didn't say he'd be late or that he's staying home with Jake or any other excuse for why he wouldn't be here.

  Ten minutes later, I text him again. When I get nothing back, I send him another one.

When class ends, my worry mixes with anger because he still hasn't texted me back. I need him to tell me what's going on, or at least just send a text to say he's okay so I can stop worrying.

  Out in the hall I see Danny walking by.

  I race up to him. "Have you see Dean today?"

  Danny turns to me and smiles. "Hey. How's it going?"

  "Hey, have you seen Dean? He wasn't at class."

  "Haven't seen him. Maybe he's sleeping in."

  "He's not. He texted me before school."

  Danny continues down the hall, not seeming the least bit concerned. "He's probably doing something for Jake. Maybe it's one of those parent-teacher conference days."

  "He'd tell me if he was doing that. We had plans. Today we were supposed to—" I stop before saying it.

  "Supposed to what?" Danny asks.

  "Nothing. Could you text me if you see him?"

  "Um, yeah, I guess. What's your number?"

  I give it to him, then hurry to class. AP Physics is next and we have a test. I prepared for it but now I'm so stressed I feel like I forgot everything. I can't focus when I'm worried about Dean.

  "Nervous about the test?" Evan asks. I look over at him and see his eyes on the pencil I'm nervously tapping on my desk.

  "No." I stop tapping and set the pencil down. "It's Dean. I can't find him. He wasn't in class or at his locker this morning."

  "Did you text him?"

  "Yeah, three times, and I haven't heard back. I called him and it went to voicemail."

  "Maybe he went back to sleep."

  "Maybe, but it's not like him to not tell me that."

  "Why would he tell you? I thought you guys didn't get along."

  I told Eve not to tell her brother about Dean and me. It's not that I don't trust Evan to keep a secret. I just didn't want anyone knowing until Dean and I had decided we were a couple and were going to make it official by telling everyone. I thought we were doing that today but I'm starting to think it's not going to happen.

  "We're doing a group project together," I tell Evan to explain my concern about Dean. "We had something due today and Dean was supposed to give me his part of the assignment."

  Evan's brows rise. "And you're surprised he didn't show up?"

  "Yeah, I know he's not really into school but he promised me he'd be here today."

  "Dean's not the type of guy to keep his promise. If I were you, I'd just do his part of the assignment. You'll do a better job than him anyway."

  Class starts and the teacher hands out the tests. My mind goes blank seeing the first question. I remember reading the material. I spent a lot of time studying. The answer should be easy but it's not coming to me. All I can focus on is Dean. I'm getting more and more worried something happened to him. What if he got attacked on the bus? Or what if he got hit by a car walking to the bus stop?

  I'm overreacting, going to worst case scenarios when I'm sure he's fine. Maybe he was tired and fell asleep on the couch after he texted me. I could see that happening. We talked until late last night and he sounded tired on the phone.

  "Ten minutes," the teacher says.

  Shit. Ten minutes left on the test and I'm not even halfway done. I force myself to focus as I hurry to jot down answers. I'm still finishing the last question when the teacher stops by my desk.

  "Pencils down." He waits for me to lift my pencil, then snatches the test from my desk and adds it to the pile in his hand.

  I didn't finish the last question and we don't get credit for partial answers. That's ten points automatically deducted from my score. That'll give me a 90 assuming all my other answers were perfect, which I know they weren't. I was racing to write stuff down, barely having time to think. I'll be lucky if I get a C, and I never get C's on a test. Add that to my worry list. It's getting longer by the minute.

  Back in the hallway, I see Danny in the distance and catch his eye. He looks down at his phone just as mine dings with a text. I quickly check it and see it's from Danny.

  Haven't seen him, he texts.

  Have you heard from him? I text back.


  Could you send him a text and let me know if you hear back?

  Just did. Didn't get anything back. I'll let you know if I do.

  I look up from my phone and see Danny going into a classroom.

  Who else might have heard from Dean? He has other friends, but they don't usually text or call each other. Danny's his only close friend.

  I could try texting Jacob but I don't want to worry him.

  By the end of my next class, I'm desperate. I still haven't heard from Dean and Jake's the only person I can think of who might know what's going on.

  Hey, Jake, I text, trying to keep it casual so he doesn't worry. Just wondering if you've heard from Dean. He has an assignment I need and I can't find him.

  I hit send, then wish I hadn't added that last part. Telling Jake I can't find his brother might make him worry.

  He's not at school? Jake texts back.

  He could be but I haven't seen him. Have you heard from him?

  No. Last I saw him was this morning. He was acting weird.

  I don't know what that means but I need to find out.

  Are you in class? I text.

  No. Early lunch.

  I call his phone.

  "Hey, Brook, what's going on?"

  "What do you mean Dean was acting weird? Weird how?"

  "He was getting all mushy with me. Saying he loves me and shit. And he made me promise to come right home after school. He wouldn't even let me leave until I promised."

  "Did he say why?"

  "Something about robberies in the neighborhood."

  The bell rings. "Jake, I have to get to class but would you let me know if you hear from him?"

  "Yeah, okay."

  I end the call and race down the hall to Spanish class. I walk in late and take my seat near the back. The teacher starts talking about something but I'm not listening, my mind still on Dean.

  When I talked to Dean last night, he was panicking about his dad being let out on work release. That's why he made Jake promise to come right home after school. It's also why he told Jake he loved him. Dean thinks his dad will show up at the house, but why would his dad do that, knowing it could get him more prison time? Maybe Dean went to see his dad at work to tell him to stay away. But why wouldn't he tell me that?

  "Brook, why don't you translate it for us?" the teacher says.

  I have no idea what she's talking about.

  Sitting up straighter, I smile at her. "Sorry, I didn't hear you."

  "Today's reading. Please translate the first paragraph for us."

  This is third year Spanish, but more like first year Spanish at my old school. I was almost fluent in Spanish when I left my prep school so translating today's reading will be easy. I open my book to the right page and quickly translate the first paragraph.

  "Excellent job," the teacher says when I'm done.

  "Suck up," the girl next to me mutters.

  As the teacher continues her lesson, I get out my phone, hiding it under my desk as I text.

  Dean, I'm worried. Please respond. Let me know you're okay.

  Next, I text Danny. Anything?

  No, he texts back.

  At lunch, I go to the cafeteria and find Eve. "I still haven't heard from him. I'm starting to freak out."

  Eve's at our usual table, eating a container of pink yogurt that matches the pink in her hair. She got bored with the orange and switched it out with streaks of pink.

  "You could go check his house."

  "I could, but I'll miss my next class. It takes forever to get there on the bus."

  "Hey." Danny comes up beside me. "Did you hear from him?"

  "No." I turn to Danny. "I'm getting really worried. Has he ever done this before? Not shown up to school and not told anyone?"

  "Not that I can remember. Did you check with the office?"

  "Yeah, just now. The lady said he hasn
't called in."

  "I checked with Coach and he hasn't heard from him either. Dean wouldn't miss practice without telling Coach."

  "What about the other players? Have they heard from him?"

  "No. Nobody has. What about Jacob? Have you tried texting him?"

  "I called him. He hasn't heard from Dean since this morning."

  Danny rubs his jaw. "Okay, now I'm starting to worry."

  "Go to his house," Eve says, opening a bag of chips. "He's probably just sleeping, but at least you'll know and can stop worrying."

  "Would you take me?" I say to Danny. "The bus will take too long."

  He looks down at his full tray of food. "Yeah, we can go."

  Setting his tray down, he picks up his burger and takes a bite, eating a third of it all at once.

  "Could you take it to go?" I ask. "I'm kind of in a hurry."

  He grabs the rest of the burger and his bottle of water. "Let's go."

  "Could you take his tray?" I ask Eve.

  "Sure." She smiles, but behind that smile I can see she's worried. She thinks something's wrong. She didn't this morning, but I didn't either. I assumed Dean was just late. Now an entire morning has passed and nobody's heard from him, not even his brother.

  Something's wrong. I know it in my heart and know it in my gut. Something happened to Dean. Something bad.

  Chapter Two


  "Can you go any faster?" I ask as Danny drives down the street. I've gone beyond worried to a state of pure panic, my mind imagining every possible bad thing that might've happened.

  "There's a cop behind us," Danny says, nodding up at his rearview mirror.

  I glance in the side mirror and see the cop car directly behind Danny's truck. "How much farther?"


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