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Restored Page 2

by Alexa Riley

  She’s looking so damn good and I can’t help but think about how much she’s grown. I remember knobby knees and a chubby-faced little girl the first time I saw her. She was bright eyed and smiled at me like I was the best thing she’d ever seen. She was so cute when she’d sit on one of the stools in the shop and watch me working on cars. But the older she got, the less she hung around and I knew it was for the best. She was starting to turn into a woman right before my eyes and my feelings went from brotherly to something else entirely.

  Once Mac died I knew that those feelings I once had needed to be buried deep. She deserves happiness and space to heal. I can figure out what to do with my own emotions and just be there for her in the best way I know how.

  She laughs at something someone says to her and I have to rub my chest to ease the ache. I grab a plate and decide I’m just hungry and if I put some food on it this feeling will go away.

  Chapter Three


  I peek over to see Bronx turning away from me as he goes back to working on the grill. I tell myself it’s because he thinks Mitch is going to burn the food. He’s got Roxy in his arms and they are kissing like long-lost lovers. I smile when Mitch openly squeezes Roxy’s ass. They’re so freaking adorable.

  Mitch would have gotten a broken hand a few months ago, but now Roxy loves those hands and has gotten used to his open displays of affection. How many times have I thought of doing the same with Bronx? What if I could run up and jump into his arms? I know it would never happen, not only because he doesn’t want me but I don’t see Bronx as the type of guy to want to be public about anything. He’s still so much of a mystery to me.

  “You hungry?” Joey asks as he takes a drink of his beer. I don’t know him as well as the other guys since he’s only been here a few months. He’s nice enough and welcomed me when I walked in. Everyone did except Bronx.

  “I’ll get something in a minute.”

  I’m not going over towards Bronx to make a plate. If he wants to ignore me I can ignore him too. I know it’s childish but I can’t help myself. I’m more hurt than anything. Why can’t he even give me the time of day anymore? I don’t understand it, and the only thing I can think is that I remind him of my dad. Maybe it’s just too painful for him to be around me. Maybe he’s only doing some of the nice things he’s been doing out of respect for him, but other than that he’s going to keep me at arm's length. He’s probably afraid I’ll throw myself at him again, but that's not happening.

  “You sure? Mitch makes the best burgers.” I glance back over to the grill where Roxy and Mitch are still going at it while Bronx takes the burgers off.

  “I’ll take a drink,” I suggest instead.

  “What will it be?” I follow Joey over towards one of the coolers and he pops the lid. “Let me guess, lemonade?” he teases as he reaches down and grabs one of the small bottles. I’m surprised they have it because the only other thing in the cooler is beer and a few bottles of water. I’m addicted to these little lemonades that are an off-brand and only sold at one gas station around town. I don't care if it’s freezing cold out, I still want ice-cold lemonade and this is the only one that I like. My dad used to tease me that we should buy stock in it because I single-handedly keep them in business.

  I take it from his hand and try to twist the cap. Sometimes they can be difficult to open and other times they pop right off.

  “Let me.” Joey reaches to take the lemonade back from me, but right as I begin to hand it to him another hand reaches out and grabs it from my hold. I don’t have to look to know whose hand it is. The tattoo that runs up his tanned arm gives him away.

  “I got it.” Bronx’s rough voice is so deep it sounds like a growl.

  “Hi to you too.” I force a smile.

  I really have no reason to be rude to Bronx. He’s good to me, just not in the ways I want him to be. That’s something I need to work on. It isn't his problem but it eats me up inside. He twists the lid and opens my drink easily.

  “Little overdressed for a barbeque,” he says and I stand there shocked, unsure if I heard him right.

  Bronx stares down at me and even in my four-inch wedges he towers over me. I snatch my drink out of his hand and wonder if the comment was really necessary. He could have just said hi and left it at that.

  “Gem—” He starts to say something but Roxy cuts him off with a hard punch to his shoulder.

  “The fuck?” she snaps at him before I can. “Why are you being a dick? Maybe she’s got a date later.” She grabs my arm and pulls me away from Bronx.

  “Well, he looks pissed,” I tell her as we make our way over towards the food table. I don’t have to look over my shoulder to know he’s still watching us because I can feel it. “You can’t hit your boss,” I remind her. “Even if he’s being a dick.” What the hell is wrong with what I’m wearing?

  I’m dressed up a little more than normal because of the interviews I had today, but it isn't uncommon. I enjoy doing it and it’s the way I make a living. My dad always told me to do what I love and that’s what I’m trying to do. Bronx’s words hurt more than I should allow them to, but I can’t help it.

  “He had that coming.” Roxy glares back to where Bronx is standing, not giving a crap that she’s giving her boss an evil death glare.

  “It’s fine,” I lie, because it isn't fine. This was a mistake.

  I was going to come over here and show Bronx what he was missing and then move on. I want to facepalm myself that I thought I could do it. I’ve wanted him since I could understand what that meant and he’s been the only one I’ve ever had eyes for.

  “I needed this.” I’m not sure if I’m reassuring her so she’s not mad, or myself. There’s never going to be a Bronx and me, and I have to come to terms with that.

  “Did you have to tell him I had a date? I think he’ll know it’s a lie unless I pretend to leave my place later.” I half laugh because my pride would probably make me. What would I do? Go roam around the mall and catch a movie by myself? Wow, that sounds pathetic.

  “I’ll get you a date.” Roxy’s voice is determined and I almost choke on my lemonade. Roxy’s been holding a torch for Bronx and me to get together from the first time she met us. Now she’s all for setting me up with someone else? “Gemma, come on. There isn't a single guy in this shop that wouldn't take you on a date.”

  She rolls her eyes at me as I look at all the men milling around. Some are cute and maybe even hot, but Bronx is the only one that ever caught my attention. That might be the problem. I should be looking elsewhere, but my eyes go to Bronx. He looks livid as he stares at me. Mitch is standing in his path to us with his hand out. It looks like he’s trying to stop him from coming over here.

  If I own half of the company, that means I get a say, right? If he does try and fire Roxy I could put my foot down. But I think he’s only pissed right this second and he’ll get over it. He’s a dick and I’ll tell him that if he does try and come over here and start crap with her. Not that Roxy would care. She’ll go head to head with anyone.

  “Here.” I look back to Roxy and she’s handing me a plate with a giant burger on it. I take the plate and follow her over to an empty table.

  “So,” Roxy says before taking a giant bite of her burger. “Maybe we should try you with a clean-cut man.”

  Her mouth is full of hamburger as she says it and I have to decipher the words as Mitch comes to sit down next to her. A few others join our table but I don’t dare look around to see where Bronx is. I’m not going to chase him around like a lost puppy. He knows I had a thing for him and I wasn’t exactly good at hiding it when I was younger. I was always watching him because I couldn't help myself. I didn't know it was kind of pathetic but now that I’m older I see it and I won’t go after him. In fact, I’m going to keep my distance and pretend he isn't here at all.

  “A suit?” Mitch laughs from next to her before wrapping an arm around her and pulling her close.

  Roxy shrugs. “Or
Joey. He’s not bad on the eyes and he’s nice.”

  “Roxy,” Mitch warns her. I fight a smile at his jealousy as she turns her head and kisses him quickly.

  “I like Joey. He’s a good guy,” Mitch finally agrees.

  Joey’s sweet but he’s a little bit a of ladies’ man and he’s never made a move on me. I don’t think he’s into me just as I’m not into him either. He likes the car show girls I’ve seen come and go around here.

  “I’d rather him not die,” Mitch says, and I stop mid-bite of my burger.

  “Die?” I look at Mitch, wondering what the hell he’s talking about.

  “The rules.” Mitch shrugs as Roxy and I stare at him, having no idea what the hell he’s talking about.

  “What rules?” Roxy demands.

  “No one’s allowed to date Gemma.” Now he’s looking at us like we’re the crazy ones and we should know this.

  “Did my dad make this rule?” I ask.

  Mitch pauses and I can tell he’s thinking about what he’s just said since we clearly didn't know about it. Roxy elbows him in the side.

  “No,” he finally answers.

  I put my burger down and place my hands on the table. “Who made this rule that no one working around here can date me?” I stare at Mitch as I feel myself getting pissed because I have a good idea who made this rule.

  “Not just at the shop.” Mitch closes his eyes as if he can’t believe he’s given me more information than needed.

  “You’re the worst with your mouth,” Roxy hisses.

  “You didn't think that this morning.” Mitch smirks at her and she elbows him again as her cheeks turn pink.

  “Spit it out,” I say before the two of them get off track. He’ll end up on top of her in the middle of the cookout if I don’t intervene.

  “No one is allowed to date you, Gemma. It’s Bronx’s rule and it applies to everywhere around town.”

  My mouth falls open. What the hell? Who does he think he is? Is this something he’s trying to do for my dad and fill the role as the protective father figure? Either way it’s bullshit and I don't have to sit around and take it. I stand up from the table and look at Roxy.

  “Text me later. I’ve got a date to get to.”

  Okay, maybe I don't have a date, but I’m leaving. Only now I’m determined to get someone. Not only am I going to get over Bronx, but I’m going to show him I’ll do anything with anyone I damn well please.

  Chapter Four


  By the time I’m calmed down enough to apologize to Gemma I realize she’s gone.

  “Where did she go?” I scan the room again just to be sure and I hear the hesitation in Mitch’s voice. “Tell me.”

  I glare at him for all of two seconds before he folds.

  “She was upset. She wanted to know why no one would ask her out and it sort of slipped that you’ve got your rule about—”

  “Fuck.” I run my fingers through my hair as frustration takes hold. “Did she go home?”

  “Um, about that.” Mitch takes a big step back and suddenly my hackles are rising.

  “Spill it.” I clench my fists at my side as I prepare for the worst.

  “She said she had a date and took off, that’s as far as I got.” The last few words are rushed out as he holds his hands up and backs away even farther. Mitch is smart because I feel like hitting something right now.

  “Goddamn it,” I mumble under my breath, stomping from the back yard into the shop.

  When I burst through the metal door I look over to see Chunky lazily lift his head up from his bed. We’re not sure how old he is, but he’s half deaf, which works great in the shop. He wandered up one day like he owned the place and lay down on a pile of old towels in back and never left. He was well fed but had no collar. We all know just about everyone in this town and we put up fliers all over to find the owner but never got a single hit. All I could think at the time was someone dumped him while passing through, and their dickhead move was our good fortune.

  “She’s got a date!” I shout and he looks at me and cocks his head to the side. “I know, can you fucking believe it?” He sits up as I pace back and forth. “She can’t have a date; everyone knows the rule.”

  He smacks his lips a few times and I walk over to the table and grab him a bone. I bring it over to him and he takes it before he lies back down.

  “You’re right. I just need to go get her.”

  Chunky makes a grumble of approval as he gnaws on the bone in perfect contentment. I’ve always thought of him as the shop mascot, and he is since he belongs to all of us. That’s also another problem because he acts like he hasn’t been fed in a week so everyone is always giving him food.

  “Wish me luck,” I say over my shoulder and grab my keys. Chunky lets out an old man bark just before the door closes behind me. I swear that dog pretends he can’t hear just to get more treats.

  I spend the next half hour driving to all the places I’d take Gemma on a date. Not that I’ve thought about it nonstop for the past however many years. The first place I go is by the lake where they have paddle boats and a place to feed the swans. When she’s not there I breathe a sigh of relief because I think I’d feel almost betrayed if she was there with another man. After that I go to the old picnic movie theater where people bring blankets and watch the movie outside. I always pictured us laid out on a blanket under the stars and cuddled up while laughing at some comedy together.

  When she isn’t there either another knot in my stomach loosens and I keep on looking.

  I drive by the skating rink, the putt-putt place, the bowling alley, the paint-your-own-pottery clay studio, and a dozen other places I’ve dreamed of taking her. But there’s no sign of her car or anyone that’s seen her and I’m starting to get worried.

  Then it hits me. If she’s with some douchebag in town that doesn’t know the rule, then they’ve probably taken her to some trash bar like Shakers.

  Sure enough, when I drive to the outskirts of town I see her car parked out in front of the dive bar. My protective instincts kick in like a lion in the savannah and I stalk into this shit hole to get my girl.

  When I walk in I see the place is crowded, but it’s late on a Friday night so I shouldn’t be surprised. I don’t recognize many people here and it’s probably because it’s so far out of town that it’s closer to the next county. I show my ID to the bouncer and he barely glances at it before he waves me in.

  Good to see the security in this place is tight. I roll my eyes as I push through the crowd and scan around me at the same time. It’s wall to wall people and the live band is playing at the absolute loudest level they’ve got.

  Why would anyone bring a date to a place like this? The place is filthy and smells like old piss. There’s a haze of smoke all around and it’s hot as fuck. Any man who would think this is a great place to bring Gemma doesn’t know a goddamn thing about her. She’s sweet and delicate and not made for a place like this.

  There’s a loud cheer coming from the bar and I turn around in time to see Gemma standing on top of it.

  “Shit,” I say, but it’s not like anyone could hear it over the music and men whistling for her.

  She’s standing on the bar with her hands in the air and wiggling her hips. A couple of other women join in and that’s when I realize the band is playing “Pour Some Sugar on Me.”

  Over my dead body.

  I’m a big guy so I use my size to get me through the crowd. By the time I elbow my way up to the front there are so many women on the bar Gemma is having a hard time keeping her feet from slipping off the wet wood top.

  Just as I’m about to reach up and pull her down, her ankle turns in her wedges and she comes tumbling down.

  I’m right there to catch her, and with a sudden “oomph” she’s cradled against me and looking up into my eyes.

  “Well, look what the cat dragged in,” she says, with glassy eyes and the strong scent of tequila on her breath.

“Thanks, man, I can take her from here,” some skinny guy wearing a CrossFit shirt says as he reaches for Gemma.

  “What you can do is back the fuck up.” I narrow my eyes at him and he pauses. “She’s mine.”

  “Not according to my bar tab.” The little shit must be blind because I’m almost twice his size.

  “This is Ronnie. He let me try tequila,” Gemma slurs and I roll my eyes. “It’s pretty gross but it’s less gross with limes. I had two whole shots.”

  “Well, Ronnie is about to get his teeth knocked out.” I see his eyebrows pull together like he’s calculating if Gemma is worth the fight. She is, but he wouldn’t make it out alive.

  “Whatever,” he finally tosses out when he decides he can’t take me. He turns to walk away but even over the noise of the place I can hear him. “Bitch can’t handle her liquor anyway.”

  I’ve got Gemma on her feet and behind me in a flash as I grab Ronnie by the scruff of his neck and slam his face down into the bar. There’s a loud crack and the crowd backs up a little as he slides down in a crumpled heap on the floor. The bartenders rush over and the bouncers close in on us to see what’s happening.

  I take my wallet out and throw some cash on the counter as everyone starts shouting. “Don’t worry, we’re out of here,” I say, grabbing Gemma and throwing her over my shoulder fireman-style.

  “I don’t think the world should be upside down right now, but tequila knows best,” Gemma says mostly to herself when I get to the door.

  I glance over to her car and realize I can’t leave it at this shit hole overnight and not have it broken into. I recognize one of the bouncers because I did some work on his BMW last year.

  “Caleb, can you hold on to these for me?” I fish Gemma’s keys out of her pocket and toss them to him.


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