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Tied Down: He'll see to her needs, if she can tend to his...

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by Haven, Leila

  “Yes. I am a dom in need of a submissive. I have been searching for a long time for the right one. When I saw you… it seemed right.” His hands were in his pocket, and he looked like he’d just stepped out of a GQ magazine.

  Instead of scaring me like they should have, all the toys intrigued me. I had come to the city for an adventure, to stretch my mind and experience a plethora of new things.

  This… it was definitely new.

  Cooper was hot, extremely so. I would have gladly stripped naked and let him ravage me under other circumstances – like after three months of dating and doing nothing but hand-holding in the meantime.

  I needed to break free of my shackles and trust my instincts for the first time. Maybe I had a wild side after all and it was ready to be unleashed.

  “Will you explain to me what all the toys do?” I asked.

  Cooper nodded, a smile lilting on his lips. He looked even hotter when he did that. “I would love to show you more than tell you. I want to bring you untold happiness and more pleasure than you’ve ever had before.”

  My pussy pulsed below. Such an incredible man, and he wanted me. I was about ready to consent but there were more questions yet. “What does a submissive have to do exactly?”

  “You would be under my care and control. Whatever I tell you to do, you have to trust that I have your best intentions at heart and follow the command.”

  “You mean sexually?”

  “I mean while we are in this room. While we are outside, we are just a regular couple. Inside, you are all mine to do with what I want.”

  There was something scintillating about his proposition that I couldn’t place my finger on. It seemed absurd that I was actually considering it.

  I couldn’t help it, I laughed. The idea of having sex with this complete stranger and trusting him was just crazy. I was looking for a job, not an owner.

  “What do you find so funny about this arrangement?” Cooper asked, his voice tight and restrained. I’d made him angry, I could tell.

  “This whole thing,” I replied, gesturing to the room and then to both of us. “I barely know you, and you’re offering to dominate me? It’s just a little much to take in.”

  He pursed his lips together, turning his look into a sexy pout. If he kept looking like that, I was going to cave and give in to his every demand.

  “I’m going to take you home,” he announced. Panic quickly set in. I didn’t want to leave, I just wasn’t sure if I wanted to accept his offer yet.

  Cooper left the room and I trailed after him, trying to find the words I needed to backtrack. I shouldn’t have laughed when his offer was so serious. I’d screwed it up, and he couldn’t wait to get rid of me. Maybe he’d caught on to the fact that this wasn’t my world. I was a small-town girl, I didn’t belong in this… luxury.

  The ride back was quiet. Cooper only broke the silence when he asked for my address. I gave it to him and then we were silent once more.

  A car like his Audi was dangerous to own in my part of the city. He would only have to leave it for a moment before someone swiped all the tires – if not the whole thing.

  “I’ll walk you up,” Cooper said as he took his seatbelt off.

  I quickly unbuckled and leapt out before he could protest. My place was little more than a shoebox-sized shack compared to his mansion. “It’s not necessary. Thank you for the… afternoon.”

  He didn’t listen to me, following me inside and refusing to leave until he had shown me to the door. We had to walk up five floors before we reached my apartment. “This is me. Thanks again.”

  Cooper gestured for me to open the door. I really didn’t want him to see my place. The whole thing could have fit inside his bathroom with room left over.

  Still, he wasn’t going. I unlocked the door and let it swing open, jumping inside to close it again quickly. Before I could, Cooper’s hand shot out. “Give me your phone.”

  “What do you want that for?” I asked, confused.

  “Just give it to me.” He was impatient again, but God, I wanted to do whatever he said. I fished my cell phone out of my handbag and handed it over. He hit a few buttons before giving it back to me. “You now have my number and I have yours. You have three days to accept my offer. Just remember, I can look after you, Emily. I’m offering you the world. You are a beautiful woman and I want to share everything with you.”

  He turned and left, leaving me stunned. He was really serious about me being his partner. I slumped onto the couch, my mind numb.

  Chapter 3

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  The next day when I awoke, I was still wondering if Cooper was just a figment of my imagination. Only after I scrolled through the contacts on my phone and saw his name and number did I really believe it had happened.

  I tried to put him out of my mind, firing up my ancient laptop and sifting through the employment websites. Not getting the job at the adult store yesterday had really put me in a precarious financial situation. Any minute now, the landlord would be knocking on the door to remind me my rent was late.

  There were no new jobs. At least, nothing I was remotely qualified for. Everyone was looking for people with experience, and I had none. All I was good at was being the mayor’s son’s girlfriend. I could smile when I didn’t feel like it and be polite when I didn’t want to be.

  Perhaps I was perfect for being Cooper’s partner. It seemed to be the only position I was remotely qualified for. The requirements seemed to be female and breathing. But was he really serious? He’d known me for all of two minutes when he’d decided to cost me the adult store job.

  I wasn’t going to deny how incredibly hot he was. If I had met Cooper at a club I would have accepted free drinks and a ride home all night long.

  I searched Cooper King next – the full name he had programmed into my phone. There were plenty of hits for him. He wasn’t just rich, he was a billionaire. The kind of rich that gets you on the Forbes Top 10 richest people in the country list.

  His mansion was only the beginning of all the properties and investments he owned. According to his company’s website, he was an entrepreneur with several different businesses, including resorts, restaurants, and telecommunications.

  He was only thirty-two as well. For someone so remarkable he was just a baby, really. His accomplishments were many. He must have spent his entire adult life working and doing little else.

  The next thing I searched on the Internet was ‘BDSM’. I had kind of an idea what was involved but I needed more information. I wanted to know everything I was getting myself into.

  Whips. Chains. Domination. Collars. Cuffs. They seemed to be the major theme in most of the sites I found. One more, buried deep on the third page of the search results, caught my eye.

  It was a blog kept by a submissive. She outlined the close relationship she had with her dominant and graphic details about their life behind closed doors.

  While I was reading details of this stranger’s sex life, something occurred to me. BDSM wasn’t really about the act of sex. It was something deeper. It was a relationship of trust and incredible intimacy. For both parties to truly enjoy the experience, they both needed to play their parts and revel in their role.

  Could I enjoy being a submissive?

  The thought sent a shiver down my spine and a pulse into my pussy. I craved an adventure and Cooper was offering me one. I wouldn’t have to worry about anything, no more late rent payments, no more ramen noodles for every meal, no more job interviews.

  He really was offering me the world.

  My finger hovered over his name in my phone just as someone knocked on my door. I crept over and checked through the peephole.

  The landlord.

  I silently slunk away from the door and stood motionless until he left. One second after that, I pressed Cooper’s name and waited for him to answer the call.

  Chapter 4

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  Cooper didn’t waste any time. Within an
hour I heard a knock at my door that wasn’t someone demanding money. It was a man, given orders to help me pack up and move me into the mansion.

  Everything happened so fast I didn’t have time to have second thoughts. I was whisked away with two suitcases of all my worldly belongings and the rent bill all paid up.

  My belly buzzed with the excitement and nerves of a bunch of butterflies. The guy Cooper had sent drove me straight to the mansion and showed me to my rooms.

  I was given a mini apartment in the house. There was a main room that led off into a small kitchenette, a large bathroom, and a sumptuous bedroom. My small collection of clothes looked pathetic in the huge walk-in closet.

  “When will Cooper be here?” I asked when my guide asked if there was anything else I needed.

  “He will be home approximately eight o’clock tonight, ma’am. Dinner will be served at six in the main kitchen.”

  “Can I eat with Cooper instead?”

  He gave a small bow. “Certainly, ma’am.”

  He left before I could really thank him. Cooper wasn’t going to arrive for hours, so I took my time looking around my rooms and then the rest of the house – where I got lost in the labyrinth of rooms.

  Finally, I relaxed into a hot bath and counted down the minutes until eight. I waited for Cooper in the dining room, but he never showed up. The house staff served my dinner at nine, taking pity on me for waiting so long.

  I went to bed without seeing my new partner.

  Some hours later, I was awoken by a noise. There was a weight on me. Someone was leaning over my body in the darkened room. My eyes flew open as I fully woke up.

  I could barely make out the shadow hovering in the darkness. “Shhh, it’s just me.” Cooper. I relaxed when I realized it was only him.

  I sat up as he settled beside me. He was still wearing his suit even though the clock was flashing almost two a.m. “Did you only just get home?”

  “I had a conference call with Japan. It was important.” He flicked on the lamp by my bedside. “I’m really happy you decided to take me up on my offer.”

  “I should be thanking you for taking me on,” I joked. Or at least tried to. I couldn’t figure out why I felt so comfortable with Cooper, even though I’d met him only the day before. It seemed like we fit together, with absolutely no logic behind it.

  He twined his fingers through mine. “I’m taking the day off work tomorrow. Meet me in the playroom at nine so we can get more acquainted. Do you remember where it is?”

  I nodded. “Gabriel showed me around. He even drew a map for me.”

  “Good. I’ll see you then.” Cooper sat up and kissed me on the forehead before leaving.

  How was I supposed to sleep when our first session in the playroom was the next day? I was eager to get started on the adventure.

  Chapter 5

  ҉ ҉ ҉ ҉ ҉ ҉

  The full-time cook served up a big breakfast the next day. I wondered if he had been ordered to give me a hearty meal for stamina. Maybe I’d need it in the playroom.

  At precisely nine o’clock I turned up at the door to the playroom. It opened before I had a chance to knock. Cooper ushered me inside.

  For the first time since I’d met him, he wasn’t wearing a devastatingly dashing suit. Instead, he’d donned a pair of loose black jeans with a white polo shirt. He still looked incredibly sexy and hot.

  I hadn’t been sure what to wear, so I’d slipped on a dress and hoped for the best. If everything went to plan, we wouldn’t have our clothes on for too long anyway.

  “Your promptness is appreciated and expected,” Cooper started. “When I call you to the playroom, I expect you to always arrive on time. Tell me your sexual history.”

  Talk about cutting to the chase. “I’ve only ever been with one man and he was my boyfriend for three years.”

  “What positions and toys are you familiar with?”


  “That’s it?” One eyebrow quirked upwards. I nodded. “We will start slowly. I will never force you to do anything you don’t want to do. But I will push you to your limits. I want you to try new things, get acquainted with situations you might currently find embarrassing or uncomfortable. There will be no secrets between us. When I ask you a question, you must answer it honestly. Is that clear?”


  “While we are here you must address me as ‘sir’.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Cooper smiled and nodded, his eyes smoldering as he looked at me. “I will see to it that you have a closetful of new clothes. When you meet with me in here I will expect you to wear lingerie. Sometimes I will be specific; other times you may use your discretion to choose an outfit.”

  “Yes, sir.” So many things to remember, but I wanted to please him. I could be good at this. I wanted to have the kind of relationship the girl with the blog had. Whatever it took, I would do it.

  “Good. There will be plenty more rules but we will go over them as time progresses. Right now all I can think of is tearing off that dress and fucking you.”

  My belly exploded with a million butterflies. This was the moment I had been waiting for. The time when I would finally be ravaged by the gorgeous billionaire.

  Cooper closed the gap between us quickly as he took me into his arms. My head tilted backwards so his lips could press onto mine. He kissed me deeply and thoroughly before I opened my mouth to his. His tongue delved inside, meshing with mine until I lost track of everything else around us.

  The only thing that existed in the world was the two of us as everything else melted away. Cooper’s hand slid around my body before rubbing my back. His fingers deftly undid the zipper of my dress until it was open enough to fall to the ground.

  I had put on the nicest underwear I owned, which was still only basic white cotton. I was certain Cooper would provide me with the lingerie of his choosing; I couldn’t wait to wear silk and lace of all colors.

  Cooper broke contact with our lips so he could step back and take in my body. I wasn’t carrying any extra pounds thanks to my cheap diet and constant walking to interviews, but my breasts were still larger than my frame.

  He smiled his approval. “You’re even sexier than I imagined.”

  “Even in this underwear?” I joked, loving the desire evident in his gaze. Cooper really did want me. He was really as attracted to me as he claimed. There was no way to fake that kind of heat.

  “Baby, you would look sexy in anything. But I bet you would look even better naked.”

  I didn’t have time to answer before he was on me again. Cooper pulled me into his arms and then carried me to the bed, where he carefully laid me down. “I’m going to be gentle with you today, but know that I like it rough and hard.”

  “Yes, sir.” Rough and hard sounded like fun. More fun than I would admit to anyone.

  Cooper hovered over me before leaning down and kissing my stomach. He kissed upwards until he reached my bra. Instead of taking the garment off, he pulled the cup down so one boob was popping out. The lights were still on but I didn’t care about him seeing me, I belonged to him now. Cooper could do anything to me and I would let him.

  He kneaded my breast between his fingers before he covered the nipple with his mouth. Cooper nipped at the hard bud, sending waves of pleasure through me to pulse deep in my pussy.

  I wanted his tongue everywhere. If he nibbled on my clit in the same way, I would last exactly two seconds before climaxing. I was ready for it already, almost desperate enough to beg him for it.

  His tongue swirled around my nipple as I completely relaxed and allowed the sensations to take over my body. Cooper was taking his time, making sure I was warmed up before he took any pleasure for himself.

  My nipple fell from his mouth before he kissed it and repeated the same process on the other boob. They were both pulled out of their cups and treated to his mouth. My back arched up into him, letting him know how much I enjoyed it.

  Cooper continued his
kisses along my collarbone before creeping up my neck. Little dashes of lightning shot out from the places he touched as my skin was subjected to all the wonderful sensations it could get.

  Finally, his lips made their way to mine again. Cooper leaned down so that his body covered mine, rolling me gently toward him so he could unclasp my bra. He removed the item from my body, throwing it over the end of the bed.

  “Hmmm. Your breasts are magnificent, baby.”

  “I’m glad you like them,” I replied. It was all I could say because even breathing normally was taking great effort. He was taking my breath away with every kiss and I was finding it difficult to keep myself composed.


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