The Slave That I Am

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The Slave That I Am Page 10

by K A Young

  "Good evening," Locaine's voice echoes off the walls as he suddenly enters the parlor.

  He not only draws my attention but that of the vampires awaiting his presence. My eyes flicker briefly to his figure, noticing the way his own dress clothes hug his body perfectly, his frosty white hair spiked up in the back while the rest falls across his right eye in the front. Once I realize how I am staring at him, I quickly check myself and lower my eyes to stare directly down at my lap. My fingers fidget with the lace on the hem of the barely wearable skirt, my heart continuing to beat steadily while attempting to hide my uneasiness.

  Locaine has the floor, all eyes on him while he moves to the center of the room, "As you are all aware, tonight is all hallow's eve."

  Is it really Halloween already?

  The hair on the back of my neck stands on end while the entire room's tension could be cut with a butter knife.

  It somewhat surprises me when Locaine warns, "I caution you to be respectful of all the little ghosts and ghouls that appear here tonight," he flashes them a fanged-smile when I briefly raise my eyes to see the way his coven members admire the way he leads. He continues, "We are on the brink of announcing our full presence to the world, but that will not happen tonight."

  His next words are directly shot in Carly, Emily and I's direction, "Slaves..." his voice trails off while I allow my face to remain expressionless. I don't want him to know what I think because he might very well use it once again against me, "You'll be taking turns with your masters and the members of the coven in handing out candy to the children trick or treating."

  Are they really going to leave me by an open door?

  Almost as if Locaine's mind strikes the same thought as mine, he informs me, "Annika, you'll be serving the coven and me during the celebration."

  Crestfallen, all I can do is nod at the task I am given for this night.

  I guess I'll be going to fetch this or that...

  It surprises me when I hear a soft moan escape Carly's lips, my gaze lifting off Locaine and gazing at her. Adam sensually trails his fingertips over her thigh, gliding them closer to her core. He is nibbling lightly on her earlobe when her glassy eyes meet mine, an expression one of complete submission.

  Is this really what it means to be their slaves?

  These creatures take what they want just because they can?

  An ominous doorbell ring reverberates through the main lobby, sending a shiver down my spine as silence ensues, carrying throughout the room and into the rest of the mansion. Michael's arm leaves Emily's waist while she immediately stands from her seat on the armrest, making her way over to the massive double white cherry wood doors.

  I can no longer see her, but I hear the door open and a cheerful, "Trick or treat!"

  "You all look adorable!" Emily's sugar sweet voice exclaims.

  All the while she is greeting the children, my eyes are locked with Locaine's. He stares directly through my being, analyzing me as if he is searching my thoughts. The only idea running through my mind at this moment is...I can't escape, not dressed like this and surrounded by the entire coven.

  "I love your maid outfit!" Comes the voice of a pre-pubescent boy, almost hearing the grin in his words as he admires the revealing outfit the vampires feast their eyes on every second of the night.

  "Awe, well thank you!" Emily replies with that same sweet demeanor, "have a safe night! Happy Halloween!" The sound of a bowl being placed down, and the door closing meets my ears. Her musical heels sound her presence as she enters back into the doors of the parlor, keeping to the side wall as her eyes fall on Locaine.

  "On that note," Locaine continues as if the children hadn't been here just a second ago, "please make your way to the lobby for refreshments," he outstretches an arm in the same direction Emily was standing near.

  The hustle and bustle around me stir the vampires to life, the coven dismissing itself at Locaine's words. A few members linger behind to chat among themselves, while others are already talking about random topics in the next room. Michael rises from his chair, making his way toward where Emily stands before he leans down and says, "Let's go my pet."

  Emily follows Michael out into the lobby and leaving the parlor doors open. My gaze lands once again on Adam when his voice sounds a bit uneven, "Lord Locaine," I can see the way Carly's legs are spread apart, while he caresses her gently. She moans louder, arching her back against him at the slightest of touches as he continues, "If you don't mind, I would like to take my slave upstairs and enjoy my own celebration of all hallow's eve."

  I turn away, my face red with second-hand embarrassment for her. Apparently, Locaine notices this and arches a brow before sighing, "If you must," he pauses a moment as if contemplating his decision before he concludes, "I do require your presence at some point tonight. Be back before midnight."

  Locaine doesn't need to tell him twice, Adam rising from the couch with Carly in his arms before he unceremoniously slings her over his shoulder like a trophy of war. Carly appears utterly unfazed by Adam's actions, her muscle lax as they leave through the parlor doors.

  It's only when Locaine and I are left entirely alone does my skin begin to crawl again. I hate his presence and what it does to me and being alone is worse...

  My legs are growing numb from sitting on them in this awkward position. Just as I shift slightly to gain some comfort, Locaine strides toward me before halting directly in front of me. My heart skips a beat when all I can stare at are his shoes, his voice startling me when he says, "Slave."

  The newly branded name still stings my ears, "Yes master," and the words still taste awful in my mouth. Slowly, I raise my chin to meet his gaze while he stands with his hands in his pockets, much like when we were in the ballroom together.

  "You will be accompanying me to the lobby, so I can oversee the festivities while keeping an eye on you," he states, and I realize he really is unease about what might happen if I am left alone, "you may stand."

  A part of me knows I'm only allowed to stand because of his command, but I'd instead feel my legs once again than have them go entirely numb on me. As I rise to my feet, my legs wobble for a moment, the feeling rushing back to them as I gather my bearings. Once I am much more stable, I take the hint from Carly and Emily, waiting patiently for Locaine to lead the way.

  I am taken aback when he roughly grasps hold of my upper right arm, spinning me around on the spot and leading me out to the lobby. His grip tightens as we pass through the entrance hall, crossing it to get to the main lobby of which he has been speaking about. However, the second we enter the room, shock overtakes my body and I completely stop dead in my tracks, Locaine running directly into my back.

  I hardly feel his touch as my gaze falls on the women who were once treated as mere cattle down in the dungeon...however, they are the center of attention in the middle of this room tonight. Each one of their ankles is held tightly by an iron shackle embedded into the marble floor, wearing the same white cotton pants and t-shirts while their feet remain bare.

  Their cheeks are red and stained with tear trails, many vampires have already helped themselves to the 'refreshments.' I hardly move of my own accord, my subconscious taking over my body once again as it had when I was threatened by Locaine in the dungeon. Defiant...wanting to rise above him again, a challenge lurking in his eyes when I tug my arm hard and he suddenly releases his hold on my arm.

  My mouth is dry as I try to form the words, "How often does your coven drink fresh from the source...master?"

  "I try to provide them a fresh meal as often as I can, considering we are expanding our network," Locaine shrugs off the question as though I was asking about a drink of water. A small gasp leaves my lips when he grasps my arm once more, starting off in the direction of a red leather chair. When I see this chair, I instantly pull back and attempt to wriggle out of his grasp.

  Locaine sighs in annoyance and whirls me around to face him directly, taking hold of both my upper arms, "You have two options
tonight," that dangerous gleam in his eyes begs for me to disobey him, to take on the challenge, "option one, you march yourself over to that chair and sit with me for the remainder of the evening and behave like a good little slave."

  Scowling at him with disgust, my revulsion obvious. He shoots me a fang-toothed grin and continues, "Option two, I can chain you to the floor, and my coven can feed off you tonight-"

  "Why would I ever choose that option?!" I snap back while interrupting him and there is this looking lingering in his eyes I notice before I add in, "master."

  "Don't interrupt me again," he warns, narrowing his eyes on me again, "Option two, I can chain you to the floor, and my coven can feed off you tonight, and I will let all the girls go back to the dungeon for the evening," Locaine finishes.

  He's testing me...

  I can take their pain away...

  My thoughts swirl around in my head when I debate what I should do. It's decide that not only you will be affected by, but others also await the outcome of the choice you make.

  I couldn't protect myself, but...

  "I don't have all night," Locaine's tone is harsh, the irritation rising in his features as I linger on my decision.

  I can protect them, even if it's just for one night.

  I hastily whisper out, "I will take their place."

  Locaine's eyes bore into me, raising his eyebrows in utter confusion as if expecting me to have gone with the first option. He expected me to go with the easy way out, especially after the way our first challenge ended, but I'd instead be bitten and fed off than to sit for a second on his lap as the rest of the slave girls.

  He misjudges me.

  His voice is somewhat haunting when he says, "So be it," he then snaps his fingers, and Michael is instantly beside him, "unlock them," is all he says, his eyes never leaving mine for a second. My face remains expressionless, continuing to throw him for a loop, not understanding the true me that is buried down deep inside, the innate hunter blood coursing through my veins that wants nothing more than to end their worthless lives.

  Michael carries out Locaine's orders, the vampires abruptly stopping, backing away from their meals as eyes fall on Locaine and me. I can hear the chains being unlocked, the shackles falling apart while the girls are led away from the torment they had just been placed in. The one thing I can that Locaine keeps true to his word, allowing the girls to be brought away from this horrid evening and able to rest.

  Locaine takes three long strides away from me while letting go of my arm. In the heels I stand in, I attempt to steady myself, frantically pulling down the hem of my skirt now that everyone is staring at me. I am surrounded by the crowd of vampires; the questioning looks in their eyes going unanswered while silence remains as our friend.

  "My slave has offered herself up as your personal refreshment tonight. Considering the absence of the multiple stations you had, please keep your drinks very short," Locaine announces, something inside of me sparking again at those words. He doesn't want me dead...not yet. As my gaze sweeps the room, I can see the bloodlust tinting their eyes, colors fading and replaced by a crimson red in their irises'.

  Beside me, Michael kneels and hooks a shackle around my right ankle. What I am thankful for, is the stockings that keep away the sharp cold metal that restrains me. He locks it into place and rises to his feet, slowly backing away so that I am left standing alone in the center of the room. Locaine saunters back away from me and to his chair, his gaze leaving me briefly while my heart continues to beat erratically, knowing everyone in the room can hear the thumping of its rhythm.

  Locaine lowers himself into his chair, sitting with his back against it and folding his arms in front of his chest. His eyes fall on me again, my own becoming nervous as the silence passes us by.

  I stand before him, nervously twiddling with the hem of my skirt as I inhale slow and deep breathes. It isn't long before the coven resumes their idle chatter, some louder than others while I remain as silent as possible. It takes less than a minute for the hair on the back of my neck to stand on end as I feel an arm encircle my waist from behind.

  In a split second, I can tell it is one of the males, feel him press himself against my lower back while drawing me close against his firm chest. He careens my neck to the side, momentarily skimming his fangs against my skin and making me shiver beneath his touch. However, in the next second, my breathing stops altogether while I anticipate the feeling of being bitten once again...I feel those fangs puncture through the top layer of my skin and through my pulsing vein.

  A faint yelp passes my parted lips as his fangs bury deeper into my flesh, blood filling his mouth.

  Another touch and I realize it's a feminine hand that takes hold of my wrist. Her lips brush the inner part of it, flicking her tongue over my skin before she too sinks her fangs into my flesh, another cry leaving my lips.

  The pain makes me clamp my eyelids shut, this time crying in pain while tears fall pass my closed lids. Just as soon as the male had started feeding off me, he releases his hold, his fangs dislodging from my neck. However, my moment of relief is only for a second, his fangs are replaced by another female nipping my skin on the opposite side of my neck. It isn't long before she begins to drink down my blood, the warmth leaving my body.

  Tears continue to slide down my cheeks, reaching my chin before they bead off and onto my chest. I slowly attempt to open my eyelids, and once I do, my eyes meet with Locaine's...

  ...he hadn't once glanced away, sitting in his chair and observing me.

  Did I choose the wrong option?

  My mind is slightly hazy as the two women release their hold on me, hearing the pounding of my blood in my ears as it rushes through my veins. I'm light-headed, not even realizing I have collapsed onto the floor until the feeling of the cold marble greets my knees. I try to steady my breathing, keeping it as even as possible while I hear voices in the distance.

  Faintly, I can hear the voice of children yelling, "Trick or Treat!" at the entrance to the mansion.

  "Look! They're dressed as vampires!" One child points toward us, the women who had recently fed off me licking their fangs and wiping their chins delicately.

  "Their dressys are perty," a small girl also notes, the awe in her voice so innocent.

  Another child exclaims, "They are beautiful!"

  Don't let the beauty fool you...

  ...they're heartless and merciless monsters.

  "Let's get going!" The sound of a parent's voice comes next, followed quickly by a lot of, "awes."

  I whisper, "Wa-W-Wait..." but I understand that no one can hear my voice, not even recognizing it as my own in this moment of weakness. What the children and adults’ thought was a dress up in truth a nightmare of reality; one reality that these humans may all face remarkably soon.

  The sound of the door closing reverberates throughout the room, a haunting silence following before chatter once again picks up where it left off. The sound of my heart pounding in my ears blocks everything else out, wanting to fade away into black. I am grabbed harshly by many...bitten numerous times over that I lose count, not knowing exactly how many vampires feed off me.

  Tears mix with the trails of blood tracing down over my body, rivers running with my crimson life force as I attempt to hold onto life itself. It becomes too much for me to handle and with a weak gasp, I release a screech of complete and utter pain, my eyes rolling to the back of my head as my eyelids slide shut. That one particular bite is excruciating, and the pain radiates through my entire body, my voice gone as I feel like my limbs are about to lose all control and become limp.


  That one word...I hear it as mercy, something I thought a vampire incapable of.

  Locaine's voice rises with that one word, and instantaneously, I am released and dropped to the floor, the air having been knocked from my lungs. My vision blurs when I try to open my eyelids, groaning while breathing in and out shallowly.

With almost no awareness of anything around me, I do feel warmth when two strong arms lift my broken body from the cold marble floor. Peering through the slits of my eyes, the feeling of the shackle falling away from my ankle renews the tears in my eyes, releasing a shaky breath as I let the emotions that had been building up inside me crash over.

  Above me, I glimpse the dark silhouette outline of Locaine. He holds me close to his chest, able to feel his steady heartbeat through his chest while I rest my cheek against it. His grip tenses when a cry leaves my lips, the determination in his steps drawing me away from the loudness of the lobby. It all fades away, blending into the distance as he carries me through the hallways.

  His voice greets my ears once again. However, he doesn't speak to me, "Adam," he calls, and I know we must be passing him because I can make out a horrified gasp from Carly.

  "Please take over for the midnight celebration," Locaine finishes his order.

  "Annika..." Carly's voice trails off, the smallness in it reflecting as she can hardly raise her voice above a whisper.

  Leaving the two of them far behind, Locaine resumes his steps away from the festivities. He picks up his pace, my breathing becoming shallower as pain rips through me once again and I can't help but clutch one of my hands against his chest. I draw the fabric of his shirt between my fingers as they curl, gripping something to give me a sense of reality.

  Locaine glances down at me, but all I can see now is the shadows dancing off the lights from overhead. With a sigh, he's almost regretful of allowing me to make my decision when he states, "Damn stubborn little hunter...would it have been so bad to sit with me?"

  You have no idea what giving in means to me...

  "I hope you learned something tonight...Happy Halloween, slave," Locaine's voice fades to black and so makes the rest of my sense as I let go, my muscles becoming lax and my hand sliding down his chest to land on my lap.


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