The Slave That I Am

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The Slave That I Am Page 11

by K A Young



  My footsteps resonate softly off the slate marble as I seal the door behind me with my elbow. I take long strides to the side of Annika's bed, my gaze dropping to the unconscious little hunter I clutch in my arms. The numerous bite wounds on various parts of her body are gradually closing. She doesn't need my help to heal her lesions, her innate healing ability through her blood magic is quite capable of handling that on its own.

  If she'd been a human, she would have required my blood, or she would have died.

  It still amazes me at her sheer determination to protect the worthless lives of the humans she set free, taking on their duties. I did not capture her to turn her into a blood slave, I already have plenty of those. It was a rather interesting spectacle seeing her in the place of others, those eyes of hers staring right back at me in a challenge.

  I gently set her on the bed, her blood-soaked outfit wholly marred. A soft moan slips past her parted lips, as her head comes to rest on the scarlet pillowcase. Lifting my hand, I brush away the stray hairs that fall across her delicate face, her eyes shifting under her eyelids. Looking her over once more, I think for a moment, wondering what life she would have had remaining with her parents instead of training with her grandparents.

  Shaking my head of those thoughts, I rise to my feet and turn to exit the slaves' quarters. I'm about halfway to the door, a sound breaking through the still silence when her small voice whispers delicately, ""

  Coming to an abrupt halt, I tilt my head in her direction, my eyes landing on her restless form.

  A chuckle leaves my lips...she talks in her sleep.

  "Your sister is long gone my little hunter," I murmur more to myself if anything and I'm also reminded, "along with my brother."

  I reach out, placing my hand on the cold metal door handle as I begin to prepare myself for the rest of the evening, my thoughts briefly flickering to Rynn and Killian as well. All those thoughts are but mere memories when Annika continues to speak as if talking back to me in her sleep.

  "I can't fight them...I never trained!" Annika blares out suddenly, crying out as if to rebuttal.

  My blood runs cold at her words, freezing to the spot as if stuck within a blinding snowstorm. Releasing the handle of the door very slowly, I turn to face her. I narrow my icy blue eyes, my white hair falling to the side of my face, taking five long strides toward Annika.

  Her hair had always been down, and I hadn't even bothered to look for it.

  It shouldn't matter...

  ...I shouldn't have to.

  But now...

  Gently, I move her body so that she is resting peacefully on her side. A second later, she whispers out with a sigh, "I'm not a me go..." her voice trails off, sounding pained. I hadn't even realized that I was still holding her as she spoke, those words ringing in my ears.

  With slight hesitation, I reach out and move her hair to the back of her right ear, exposing the skin for me to see with my own eyes.

  No mark...

  Slowly, her body slips away from my hold, allowing for her to fall back onto the bed with a very soft sigh.

  It makes entirely no sense whatsoever, especially factoring in her age, I should be staring at the tattoo of a cross.

  Folding my arms against my chest, placing my thumb and index finger around my chin in thought with one of my half-bent arms, I can't stop thinking about what this really does mean. From everything that I had studied from Enos, it was made known to me, always reminding me of their history that every hunter that accomplishes their training, goes through their rite of passage at the age of sixteen. After taking on this rite under the watchful eye of a ranger...if, they survive that is...they are then branded with the symbol of a cross behind their right ear on their neck to not only prove to the hunters that they are fully-fledged, but to the vampires that they are true killers.

  This little hunter never became a full-fledged killer.


  Turning your back on who you are, that makes absolutely no sense to me.

  Releasing a sigh, I turn away from her sleeping form, making way back across the room. Opening the door inward, I slip outside, closing it silently shut behind me. Tilting my head back against the wooden door, I lean against it, staring up at the ceiling as I begin to understand precisely who Annika really is.

  Does it bother me that she's not someone even worth killing at how pathetic she is?

  I expected a lot more from her, the daughter of Jared Larson.

  I made an undying promise to my brother that I would kill every hunter so we can prepare to take over this world, all the covens wishing me to preside over it. It was my brother's intention to see every hunter be wiped off this planet, especially after mother's death. this realization, you have no more strength than that of a human. Even though she's a hunter, can I have the satisfaction of knowing that if I eventually kill her, will it be equivalent to the life of my brother?

  I will not fail them.

  I can't fail them.

  "This changes nothing," after arguing with myself over her upbringing and heritage...

  I push away from the door and begin to make my way down the hallway, glancing out of the corner of my eye to see my brother's portrait hanging on the wall. There's still so much to do this night, and after I'd made a bargain with her, I can't bring out the blood slaves now that she's retired for the evening.

  Adam will need my help reigning in the midnight celebration, I only wish that Rynn was present for tonight as well along with the ever-vigilant Killian.

  Wandering back down through the hallways toward the top landing of the staircase, I pause a moment, leaning against the handrail. I see them all, enjoying the night, Emily opening the door once again for a new batch of human children come to gather candy to rot their teeth out. The parents encourage it, how cute.

  My gaze remains transfixed as Adam plays out the part my commander should be...tonight means something different for every culture, beliefs spanning to...many different reasons to have a concern.

  Many nights when Enos and I were much younger, growing up under my father's roof. He'd tell us stories, stories that Erebus once told him. Bedtime stories meant to frighten us into falling under control and believing that we were once slaves ourselves. Maybe that's why we, in turn, think it's our right to dominate those less powerful.

  My hand glides down the banister, walking toward the bottom step where I take my final touch to the bottom landing. I glance toward the lobby, many gathered close for the protection of one another, midnight fast approaching.

  Those stories, even though I believe them to be nothing more than myths and tales, something in me falters this time of year. As midnight strikes, the air about us shifts, almost like a fine line between the living and the dead, a barrier brought to nothing more than sheer fabric placed over our eyes comes to life. It's a haunting and chilling feeling, remembering every detail that father told us in those stories.

  Believed once that vampires belonged in the depths of hell, living as slaves to greater demons as we were once known as lesser ones. He made Enos, and I childishly believe that Erebus was the one to set us all free, living on this world now as we are about to fully claim it for ourselves.

  I can hardly believe that there could be anything else out there, beyond this realm of reality.

  Adam catches my attention, and I nod, walking toward him before I come to a halt. We all feel it, that slight shiver that runs down our spines, the feeling of a cold breath at our necks. It's a surreal feeling, but nothing you can ever explain.

  I restrain a chuckle.


  That's all they are.

  That's all they'll ever be.

  Chapter 8


  The sound of a massive thunderclap startles me awake. My eyelids snap open, gingerly sitting up while I place my hands firmly on either side of my thighs on the bed.
The covers are draped over my body, memories of the night coming back to me in fragments. The one thing I'm entirely aware of is... full strength has returned, though my head remains a bit dizzy.

  What time is it?

  My thoughts continue to wander while my eyes glance down and I inspect my body. With the covers pulled back, I can see the clothes I am still wearing are tattered, the maid uniform covered in blood though my skin doesn't appear to retain any stains left behind from the crimson liquid.

  Previous night?

  Glancing around again, I begin to wonder if I've been asleep longer than what my body is leading on. However, I'm one hundred percent sure that no one would allow me to sleep longer than I should...Emily crossing my mind in that split-second thought.

  Just as she comes to my mind, I peer out around the bubble sanctuary of my bed. I can see the shadows of the other two beds, narrowing my eyes to see the sleeping forms of both Emily and Carly. Their steady rhythmic breathing is easily seen from the way the covers rise and fall, their breath even.

  It must be daytime.

  Just as I come to that conclusion, another thought strikes me. If the entire coven, Emily, and Carly all thought I was too weak and left me here to sleep, probably assuming I will sleep straight through to the night...that means the Lovenox should be wearing off in a matter of hours.

  My escape doesn't seem so far-fetched any longer, a smile gracing my lips at the thought of a small ray of hope.

  This very well could be the only chance I have at an escape...I don't want to waste the opportunity and let it pass me by.

  Another thunderclap echoes from the outside of the mansion, reverberating through the walls and lingering in my chest. What surprises me...but really shouldn't come as a surprise...there is no flash of light, determining how far away the storm is. Instead, I'm reminded harshly that there are no windows within the small confinement of this room.

  Pivoting my legs around and allowing them to dangle over the side of the bed, I quickly catch myself to realize that the heels that should have contacted the ground don't. My heart pounds in my chest at how foolish the sound could have been, awakening the girls and with that the entire coven. While I pause, my feet suspended in the air, I let out a calm breath and lower my legs, carefully pulling one of my legs across the other, unstrapping the heel. Gently placing it soundlessly on the covers next to me, I mimic my actions with the remaining heel, making sure that not a single sound is emanated.

  A chill runs down my spine the second the bottoms of my stocking feet encounter the cold marble floor. Promptly, I depart toward the wardrobe that has been assigned to me, gripping the metal handle and opening it gradually until there is enough room for me to thoroughly access its contents. With the small space I give myself, not wanting the hinges to creak, I note the scarce sound that comes from pushing the door just a little further past the point of no return.

  I glimpse around the wardrobe, discovering inside the collective maid uniforms that are identical to the one I'm currently wearing. Rolling my eyes and breathing out a huff under my breath, I snatch a fresh uniform, leaving behind the heels, stockings, and the garter belt. The basics are all I need, just don't want to be running around the town completely naked, but apparently, this suffices as clothes, so...I'm not too worried.

  Swiftly and silently, I change out of the blood-soaked outfit, discarding it on the bed. My eyes trail over the dried blood while I change into the fresh uniform, narrowing my eyes when I realize how many times I must have been bitten and yet here I still am...alive. Glancing down at my finished masterpiece, I let a sigh surpass my lips, knowing even if the new uniform is scandalous, at least it doesn't look like a murder took place in it.

  In bare feet, I begin to tip-toe close to the edge of my bed, hugging tight to the corners as I don't want to make any more noise. However, A grimace appears on my face the second I feel a sharp sensation on the outside of my right calf. I bite down on my lower lip to prevent the unwanted scream from surfacing, gasping slightly and trying to breathe normally. My heart continues to beat fast after drawing blood, glancing down to see that there is a small, thin wire protruding from the corner of the metal bedpost.

  Blood oozes from the open gash, seeping onto the floor and running over the smooth surface like a river, branching out as it rolls by. I steady my nerves, vigilantly making my way around to Emily's bed and her sleeping form. She sleeps so peacefully, the one time she isn't a complete bitch.

  With nimble fingers, my movements are decisive and quick, extracting the key from the sleeping girl that she has hidden in her chest pocket. All the while I am taking the key from her, my thoughts go straight to who the moron is who even let her sleep in here with me with a key? I shake my head to clear the idea and turn to face the sizeable intimidating door before me, on the verge of tasting my freedom.

  Before I can breathe in once again, my hand is resting on the doorknob, inserting the key while glancing over my shoulder. Reassuring myself that they are both asleep, the faint click of the lock coming undone makes a dull sound resonate near the door. Holding my breath in once again, I momentarily hesitate for a second, taking in the serene sleeping forms of the girls I would never see again and wonder what fate has in store for them.

  Removing the key from the lock, I delicately pull the door ajar enough for me to slip out of the room quietly. I'm not concerned with completely shutting the door behind me and locking it...I feel the apprehension growing within me would do more harm than good if I acted on securing the room to what it once was before I left. Not wanting to create further noise, covering my tracks with silent footsteps, I remind myself that if I do manage to escape this place...they will promptly be aware of my unsanctioned dismissal.

  Slinking my way through the halls, reminding myself of How The Grinch Stole Christmas, I feel exactly like the green villain taking what I want and making my grand escape. The coven is fast asleep, the sun outside forcing them to sleep during the day only to awaken at the first night's star. My eyes dart back and forth, anxiety rising within me as I delve closer to the entryway of the building.

  Suddenly, I come to a halt. Fear builds inside of me, my blood pounding hard in my veins while it rushes to my ears.

  What will Locaine do if he catches me?

  I can't think like that...I'm getting out of here...period.

  I take off once again down the hallway, my movements small as I continue to weave my way through the maze of halls, coming near the portraits of the pass coven members and leaders. Right as I pass the portrait of Enos, I can't help myself...I flip him off while glaring daggers as if I can kill him one more time over.

  Too bad looks can't kill...even if they could, he's already dead.

  Inching forward into the main entrance, the two massive white double doors glare back at me dubiously. The ominous feeling that surrounds me as I approach sends another chill down my spine, freedom at my fingertips. Anxious, my feet take a few steps of their own accord to close the gap between the doors and me, placing a hand on the cold metal handle of the door. Withdrawing the key, I'd stolen...I mean borrowed...from Emily, having let it rest between my breasts as this outfit does not accommodate for pockets, I insert it smoothly into the lock.

  Is this a master key?

  It didn't strike me until now that maybe this key was only for the slave room. My heartbeat continues to pound widely in my ears, realizing how pointless this all is if I'm wrong about this key. My blood pressure goes back down the moment an audible sound of the lock opening meets my ears like the most classical symphony of all time. Steadying my breathing, I pull down on the handle and haul it inward.

  Thank God...

  The warmth of the sunlight kissing my frigid flesh breaks goosebumps out across my skin. Peering up and having to squint my eyelids closed a bit, I see that only a few clouds are lingering in the sky now, the thunderstorm having completely passed us by while I had been a ninja through Locaine's coven.

ning ear to ear like a kid on Christmas morning, I step out into the fresh air for the first time in days. Abandoning the key onto the ground, I no longer require this instrument, knowing I'll have to seek out others in my escape. I'm not free yet...not until I can put some distance between this place and me. My bare feet touch the wet stone, taking a few steps down the path that leads up to the house...mansion...

  I turn back around and stand awestruck at how beautiful the place is. Taking in the beauty and stature of the mansion, I can understand why the coven within these walls has grown accustomed to their lifestyle, shaking my head at the thought of humans getting by with far less and remaining happy.

  My eyes slowly widen, realizing something I hadn't known until now, "I'm in California...this is Hollywood."

  The only reason I even recognized the place, as I had come to this area on a school trip back in elementary school...when I still lived with my parents and the promise of a dream unfulfilled. My skin crawls at the many thoughts and events that happened before me standing here in this moment and the innocent child I once was, thinking that taking out vampires is merely a walk in the park.

  How wrong I was...

  I'm a million miles away from my grandparents' home in Florida.

  Where the hell am I even going to go? I don't have any money and trying to make it on foot...I'll never make it.

  Instead of reminiscing on the what ifs and what coulds, I don't waste another minute, taking off at a break-neck pace down the path and turning onto the sidewalk. My bare feet sting when they collide with the damp pavement from the recent rain. There must be someone who can help me...there just must be, human kindness...please let me have renewed faith once again in humanity.

  It isn't long that I've been running when I find myself passing by a second-hand store. My cheeks instantly color when I see my reflection in the store windows, ultimately having it slip my mind that I am still sporting the maid uniform I'd taken from the mansion. When I flick my head from side to side, shaming myself for the way I am dressed, my eyes meet with that of soft chocolate brown ones from the man leaning behind the counter at the cash register. The man is older, appearing to be in his mid-forties to early fifties. His hair is shaven, wearing jeans and a black and green sweater as he looks me up and down from the other side of the glass.


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