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When Opposites Attract

Page 7

by Romina Valdes-Alsina

  The disgust showed clearly on her face.

  "How? Where?" I told her everything. It felt good to tell someone, but it felt gross to remember.

  "Wow, so when are you going to tell Pete?"

  "I don't know."

  "Poor Pete, he seems so nice."

  "He is."

  "You have to tell him."

  "I know, but I don't know how."

  "I see what you mean, you can't just go to Pete and be all like, ‘hey Pete I saw your girlfriend having sex with some other dude at her house and didn't tell you until like 3 weeks after, because I wasn't sure how.’"

  Then, as if by magic, Sakura and Pete appeared in front of us. Well speak of the damn devil. They were holding hands. I tried to hide how disgusting I thought she was.

  "Angel and Anastasia are you two on a date?" She sounded mad. Why she's mad I don't know and frankly I don't give a crap. Anastasia and I looked at each other. What are we going to make up this time?

  Chapter 15


  "We are working on our drama project." Angel said, while I just stayed quiet. I'm a horrible liar. Sakura seemed to calm down a little. If she is so obsessed with Angel why does she go and sleep with Derek? Blehh, she's disgusting.

  "Mind if we join you?"

  Angel and I looked at each other again. We both knew that if we said no they would get suspicious.

  Angel Shrugged, "sure," he said.

  "Perfect," Sakura smirked then sat down next to Angel. No fair! They were sitting closer than Angel and I were. I got really mad, but I kept it under control. I can't afford to lose my cool now.

  "You guys are working on a project, huh?" Pete asked smiling. I nodded.

  "Cool wh-," he started to say, but Sakura cut him off.

  "Then where are your papers?" She was staring daggers at me. I tried to look as innocent as possible. I can fake that.

  "We know it by memory," Angel said.

  "I thought I was talking to Ana." She said giving me a nasty look. Oh to hell with innocence I returned a look with ten times the venom she had. This little emo poser doesn't know whom she is messing with. I was about to say something when I felt a piece of paper in my pocket. I smiled at her my best bitchy smile and started to unfold the paper.

  "We wanted to see how well we knew our lines, but if you want to see it, here you go." I threw the paper on the table. "Why do you care anyways?"

  "Who said I did?" I looked down to keep myself from rolling my eyes. Oh monkey feathers! I broke a nail how the fudge did that happen? I didn't feel anything.

  "Well whatever," Sakura said returning the paper. I looked at Pete. He looked almost embarrassed for Sakura. I gave him a shrug and a wink, and he smiled at me. Angel gave me a look and looked down at his watch.

  "Anastasia, we have to get you home."

  "Right," I said going along with him. "Bye Pete, it was nice seeing you again," I said then got up.

  "Bye Anastasia," He said then Angel and I walked out of there, heading towards his car. Once we got in Angel looked at me.

  "How did you know we were going to need that?"

  I giggled, "I had no idea. I was rehearsing my lines this morning. I guess I put it in my pocket and forgot about it." He chuckled then looked at me.

  "So, beautiful, where to next?" I blushed.

  "Um, I'm not sure." I finally said after thinking about it for a minute.

  "Well then, I know the perfect place to go."

  "Okay," he drove out of the parking lot. The music filled the silence, so I looked down at my broken nail. I wonder how that happened? I felt the car going up. I looked up and I was right we were going up a hill.

  "Where are we going?" I asked.

  "You'll see," was all he said. I sat back and looked out the window. It was beautiful. When we finally made it to the top, he stopped the car and got out without saying anything. Weird. I got out and walked towards him, he was leaning against the hood of the car looking up at the beautiful sky.

  "It's beautiful," I said leaning next to him. He stayed quiet.

  "What's wrong?" I asked.

  "This was where we let my dad go, his ashes."

  "Oh," I looked around, "I'm sure he would've loved it."

  "He did," Angel looked up at me with a small smile on his lips. "We used to come here all the time and play. Ever since I was a little kid."

  I smiled, "what type of games?"

  "Everything from tag, to hide and seek, to football, or baseball it went with age."

  "Want to continue the tradition?" I asked with a sly smile.

  He looked at me confused. "What do you mean?"

  "Well,” I dragged out the word, “tag you're it!" I pushed him slightly and started running. Due to the surgery, I couldn't run as fast as I normally could just yet. I heard him laugh. I looked back and he was closer than I thought. He was running at twice my speed. I squealed as he caught me from behind. He caught me by my waist and spun me around. I got a huge case of the giggles and I heard his laugh in my ear. When he finally stopped we were both dizzy and we fell to the ground, which made us laugh even harder. He started to fix his hair and beanie when I reached out and took it from him.

  "Hey!" He protested.

  "Wow, you've got some serious hat hair." I said still in my giggly mood. I let my hair loose and put it on.

  "Not bad." He said. He reached out, but hesitated for a minute, then he fixed my bangs. "Not bad, for a blondie."

  I smiled, pretty sure that was a compliment, "thanks."

  My giggles disappeared when I realized how close we were sitting on the grass. It's a good thing I'm not allergic. When he noticed that I stopped giggling he looked at me and saw how close we were. I smiled at him and started to lean in until our lips touched. It was the sweetest kiss I have ever had. It was soft and gentle. We both broke apart then looked at each other. I touched my lips, which were still warm from his mouth. I smiled at him and leaned in again. This time the kiss was more intense. My hands went through his soft hair and his were on my waist. I pressed myself closer to him and ended up sitting on his lap. I felt him getting a bit excited and smiled, but didn't pull away.

  "Wow," I said when we parted, slightly out of breath.

  "Yeah wow," he agreed. There was a short silence.

  "It's getting late and we have a long drive back."

  "Yeah," I said, but didn't move.

  "You don't want to go do you?"

  I blushed, "no"

  "Me neither," he said smiling. This time he leaned in for another kiss when my phone rang. I sigh; man I really wanted that kiss. Angel chuckled and leaned back on the grass, so I could reach my phone.


  "Hello Ana," my step mom's voice rang in my ears.

  "Oh, hey, Hanadi."

  "Ana when are you coming home? Can you come home now?"

  "Do you need me to?"

  "Well I don't, but it would be rude if you didn't since he came all this way to see you. Your dad's out with your sisters and I have to go to the hospital. I mean, I'm sure I can trust him here alone, but that would be rude."

  "He? Who's there?"

  "Just come home now."

  "Okay jeez," I hung up and looked at Angel.

  "I have to go." I said sadly.

  Angel smiled his cocky bad boy smile. He looks so cute when he does that.

  "I love it when you smile like that." I said.

  "I'll do it more often then. Come on let's get you home." He said getting up and offering me his hand. I took it and he helped me up. As we walked back to his car he put his arm around me. I took this opportunity to get as close to him as I could.

  When Angel parked in my drive way there was a familiar looking car in Hanadi's space. Huh, whose car was that again? Jake's? No. Damien's? No. Mike's? No. I can't put my finger on it, but I've been in that car before. It's definitely a guy's car. Oh well guess I'll find out. I turned towards Angel.

  "Want to come in?" I asked pointing at the house.<
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  "But isn't he waiting?" He muttered with a bit of an edge.

  "Angel Sanders, are you jealous?" I teased.

  "No," he snapped defensively, "I just thought you wouldn't want him to see us together."

  I giggled. "Come on."

  "You're going to have to explain me to him."

  "I know, just come on, you big sissy. It's just one guy. Plus, I have no clue who it could be. So, lying to someone I don't know can't be that hard."

  He looked up at the ceiling and let out a big dramatic sigh, "fine." He turned off the car. I got out and waited for him without shutting the door, in case he drove off. We stayed like that for a minute then he looked at me. "You're not going to let me leave, huh?"

  I shook my head. "Now don't make me carry you all the way into my house."

  He chuckled, "if you do that then we really have some explaining to do." I didn't move.

  "Fine." He sighed defeated. He got out; after he closed his door and came around I closed mine.

  "What if your dad is here?"

  "He knows about you, plus Hanadi told me he isn't here."

  "Wait he knows?"

  "I don't keep things from my dad, especially since I don't know when will be the last time I'll see him."

  "Fine, I'll give you that and Hanadi would be?"

  "My stepmom."

  "Ah gotcha," I smiled then fished my keys from my bag and opened the door. When I saw the guy in my living room a huge squeal came out of me. I ran towards him and almost killed him when I threw myself on him.


  Once Anastasia saw the guy she screamed so loud that my ears popped. I felt a little sorry for the guy as they both fell on the floor after Anastasia threw herself on him. Then my sorry disappeared, and I hate to say it, but I felt so jealous. I just stood there awkwardly as they laughed.

  "Oh my gosh! How did you get here?" Anastasia said crying with happiness.

  "I swam here." He said sarcastically. She slapped him playfully.

  "Seriously, I've missed you so much!" She hugged him again. He was her type, I guess. He looks way better with her than I do. Then he looked over in my direction. Anastasia followed his gaze to me then rolled her eyes and slapped his arm, scolding him.

  "He is off limits." He pouted and whined.

  "You always get them all." She giggled then walked towards me grabbed my hand and pulled me forward.

  "Angel this is Bryton, and vice versa." We shook hands.

  "So you're the famous Angel I have been hearing so much about."

  I shrugged, "I guess."

  "Well I love her more, and I'm ready to fight for her." He tried to intimidate me. What the hell?

  "Shut up!" Anastasia laughed. "Don't listen to him." She told me. "We're like Will and Grace." I thought it over. My mom used to watch that show. Oh, I get it.

  "So you're," I didn't know how to say it without being offensive.

  "Yes, Angel, I am gay and proud, but I can beat you up if you ever hurt Anastasia."


  Anastasia giggled.

  "Oh you think that's funny?" Bryton turned to Anastasia. He was taller than her by a good 5 inches then again we all are.

  She stood on her toes and tried to look tough.

  "Don't make me hit you again, honey." She said trying to be intimidating. When he realized what she meant he stepped away. He may be gay but he's still a guy. We all have that one weakness.

  "That's what I thought." She stated victoriously. "Uh huh." She crossed her arms, in a girl’s rule sort of way. He rolled her eyes then swooped her into a huge bear hug. They really did look like the perfect couple. I felt really out of place.

  When he let her go and he said, "now go give your boyfriend some sugar. He looks like he feels lonely." I don't know where Anastasia and I stand, relationship wise, but neither of us corrected him. She just turned towards me and opened her arms.

  "Come on, I don't bite." She walked closer and added, "that hard." I smiled the smile she told me she loved, and then pulled her close to me taking in her scent and the feel of her in my arms.

  "Come on lift her up! Spin her around!" Bryton yelled, but it sounded far away to me. I still did what he said. I picked her up and spun her around hearing her giggle in my ear.

  "Awwww!" Bryton sighed in the background. "You guys are my favorite! Perfection!"


  Angel and Anastasia left, leaving Pete and me alone.

  "You think they're dating?" Pete asked with a smile.

  "No," I snapped realizing that I sounded way too desperate. "I mean she's a prep, Angel would never fall for her. He's just doing it to pass."

  "You never know," Pete announced looking at the menu. "Angel looks pretty happy with her." He looked at me and starting to lean in for a kiss, but I moved my head so he ended up kissing my ear.

  "What's wrong with you lately?" He asked, anger in his tone. I could tell he was mad at me. I know him too well.

  "Nothing, I have to go." I got up.

  "But you were the one that dragged me over here!" He complained.

  "Bye Pete," I said then started walking towards the exit. No way Angel would go out with that preppy princess when I'm right in front of him. If I had known Angel likes preps I would have never changed.

  First day of school; 6th Grade

  "Good luck, honey. I'm sure you will make lots of new friends." My mom said trying to make me feel better. She pulled up in front of my new school. I looked at the school; it was really big. Ugh, this is going to be tough.

  "You know I hate it when we move, but I will have to make the best of it. Oh and remember cheerleading tryouts are today so pick me up at around five." I told her through the window after I got out.

  "See you then, sweetie." My mom wished me good luck again then drove off. I went straight into the school looking for the girl's bathroom. After asking three security guards I finally found one. I dumped my book bag on the freshly cleaned floor and looked at myself in the mirror. I was wearing the middle school uniform all black pants and shirt. Gosh, I hate black! I fixed my red hair and walked out when I saw a guy dressed very dark reading something. He was the most gorgeous guy I had ever seen. His hair was straight with bangs in his face and the back spiked up. I quickly ran back into the bathroom wet my hair to make it look less curled looking. I fished my eyeliner from my bag and applied ten times more than I'm used to. Lucky for me the uniform helped. I walked outside again and walked straight towards him. I cleared my throat and looked up. Oh, he had brown eyes with some red that just made me melt!

  "Hello?" He examined me. His voice still hadn't changed completely, but it wasn't too high. That's good.

  "Hi, my name is Sakura and I'm new here," he gave me a look which made me more nervous so I started stuttering.

  "S-so I was thinking m-maybe you could show me around?" slowly a very hot bad boy kind of grin appeared on his face. I didn't know if it was a good or bad thing.

  "I'm Angel," wow ironic, his image did not match his name at all. I like it.

  I smiled at him, "I'm Sakura."

  "I know," I looked at him confused.

  "You already told me that." He said with a chuckle.

  I blushed, "right."

  I knew right away that I would fall for Angel hard, if I didn't already, how dorky. At lunch I looked for Angel. He was sitting with yet another dark looking guy. I took a deep breath. How can I walk up to him again? I'll probably start stuttering again. Angel put an end to my worries since he waved me over to his table. I walked across the cafeteria smiling at him.

  "Hey," I sat down next to him.

  "Hey Sakura, this is Pete and vice versa," Angel introduced me to the other guy sitting in front of him.

  "Hi," I said shyly.

  "Hey," he said then they both fell silent as a blonde girl walked past our table, gave Angel a look, then kept walking. Angel couldn't stop looking at her.

  "Who's that?" I asked suddenly very jealous she got Angel's attention
so easily. The worst part was that she was gorgeous. It's not fair; she looks perfect! Of course Angel would like someone. What was I thinking? Angel came out of his trance to answer me.

  "Anastasia Somerville," his voice and face both had no emotion any more. "Cheerleader captain and preppy snob. Hates us and thinks she's all that." He spat out the words as if they tasted like acid.

  "Oh, so you hate her?" I asked, my jealousy subsiding.

  Angel thought about it then said yes. Well if Angel hates her then I do too.

  "Can I ask why?" I noticed Pete was quietly looking at me.

  "Long story," Angel muttered dismissing my question.

  Present Day

  I pulled up at my house expecting it to be empty as usual, when I almost ran over someone.

  "Holy crap!" I yelled then ran out to see who it was. "Oh," I sighed when I saw who it was.

  "Oh? You almost kill me and all I get is an oh? Wow Sakura." Derek complained from the floor.

  "Keyword: almost." I stepped over him.

  "Aren't you going to help?"

  "Nope," I said over my shoulder as I opened the door and went in. I waited for him, when he did knock I opened the door, making him wait a little, of course.

  "Yes?" I asked.

  "I want Anastasia," he declared.

  "Good for you, tell her not me." I tried to close the door, but his foot got in the way. I sighed, rolled my eyes, and looked at him. Waiting for him to talk.

  "I know you like Angel."

  "What does Angel have to do with this?" I asked nonchalantly.

  "Can I come in?" He asked. I thought about it, shifting my weight from foot to foot.

  "Fine," I stepped to the side and let him in. Anything about Angel I want to know. I walked upstairs, playing it cool.

  "Follow if you want to talk and maybe have a little fun." I said with a wink and pretty soon he was following me. I walked into my room and he sat on my bed.

  "Angel has everything to do with it, dummy." I just stared at him ignoring the dummy part.

  "Elaborate," I demanded.

  "Well Ana likes Angel and there is something going on between them. Trust me I would know I have been following her."

  "You have?" I asked suddenly interested and just noticing that Derek is a little on the creepy side.

  "Yeah except for last night, I lost them after ice cream."


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