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When Opposites Attract

Page 9

by Romina Valdes-Alsina

I shook off her grip, got into my car, and drove away. I drove over to Pete's house.

  "Pete, I have to tell you something." I told him everything. He had suspected something was going on and was going to break up with Sakura anyways.

  "So, no hard feelings?"


  "Good, now I have to go."


  I got home and was still crying. This is bad I have never felt this bad after a break up. I felt my insides slowly collapse. I walked into the family room and everyone was there. I sat down and just let the tears fall even though everyone was staring and obviously worried. They let me cry myself dry, then I told them what had happened. They were surprised that I kept Angel a secret for so long, since I can't keep secrets about myself for the life of me. They kept telling me he wasn't worth it over and over again.

  "But that's the problem," I said between sobs and a hiccup, "he is. I liked him a lot."

  "Sweetie, why don't you go take a hot shower and go into bed to think this through?" Hanadi said putting a comforting arm around me. Still sobbing, I nodded, and she guided me up stairs. I took a long shower then put my fluffy pink robe and jumped in my bed. I was numb for a few minutes and then the tears started flowing. Gosh, I'm such a loser! There was a knock on the door.

  "I'm not in the mood!"

  "Just for a moment, I promise." Hanadi said from the other side.


  She came in and sat at the edge of the bed.

  "Sweetie, I know it hurts since it sounds like this Angel was your first great love, but they come and go."

  I sat up, "I guess that's true."

  "Do you want one?" She said offering me a plate of cookies she pulled out of nowhere.

  "Have you ever thought about cheating?" She looked caught off guard.

  "No, never, I have had boyfriends before and I loved them, but with your dad it's different. I don't know what I'd do without him."

  "But, you're away from him all the time. How do you deal?"

  "The same way you and your sisters do. I look forward to the next time I see him, because as long as he is out there I will always pray for his safe return."

  "Me too, and you know what? He is deeply in love with you although he still loves my mom."

  "I'm not trying to replace your mom. I could never-"

  "Hanadi, it's okay I never said you were," I said interrupting her.


  "I'm going to take a nap. All that crying wiped me out."

  "Okay, sweet dreams."

  "Here's hoping."

  Chapter 18

  I love Tuesdays! I don't know why I just do. I pushed all the crappy Angel drama deep inside me and got dressed in the happiest, brightest clothes I had. I grabbed a piece of toast and walked out towards my car; then sped towards Hailey’s house to pick her up. When I got there I had to wait so long, just because she didn't know what to wear!

  "Hailey! Just put on a skirt and a damn shirt and get your little butt in my car!" I yelled up the stairs.

  "I'm going!" She yelled from her room. Sounds like she had a shirt over her face.

  "Fine, I'll be in my car!"

  "Okay just don't leave without me!"

  "We'll see!"

  I walked towards my car and waited. When she finally came out, I nearly killed us both! We were really late. I have been late a lot of times, but it has never been this bad.

  "You know Mr. Adams is going to kill us," I said.

  "Not if you kill us first! Slow down! I mean, we're late as it is!"

  "Yeah you're right," I said slowing down. We walked as fast as we could. We were laughing at how stupid we looked. When we reached Mr. Adam's door we hesitated, but eventually walked inside.

  "Miss. Somerville and Miss. Foxx, since you can afford to be late could you tell me if what is one of the major components of acid rain?

  Hailey and I looked at each other.

  "No," we answered at the same time.

  "Miss. Foxx you may take a seat." Hailey squeezed my hand and sat down.

  "What about me?"

  "Could you wait outside for a minute, I have to talk to you." The class erupted in "oohs!"

  "Okay," I looked around the classroom, which was a big mistake. Angel was looking at me, and our eyes locked for a minute. I looked away to see Mr. Adams grab a letter, so I just walked out into the hall. When he came out, I was extremely nervous.

  "Am I failing?" I asked worried.

  "No, actually you are doing really well in my class."


  "No actually a letter came to the school from the army base."

  "The army? Why would they send it here?"

  "Apparently it was urgent and they couldn't reach anyone at home."

  "That is very weird." I said as I took the envelope. I opened it with my stomach up my throat. I started reading the letter, and I tried to finish it but my eyes were locked on three little words. I couldn't get passed it. How can three little words turn my whole life upside down? The words "died in action" knocked the air out of me and I dropped to the floor. I felt my inside slowly dying and I started crying. I didn't care who passed by or the fact that Mr. Adams was just staring down at me. I was borderline hysteria.

  "No, no, no, he can't be gone." I whispered between cries. "He can't, he can't, no, no, no, no, no." My sobs became quieter. I was literally dying.

  "Is there anything I can do?"

  "Can you please get Hailey?" I asked him between hiccups and sobs. He nodded and went to get her. When he left I got up and started walking towards the exit.

  "Anastasia!" Hailey’s echo reached me, making me turn around to see my best friend running towards me. I opened my arms and she crushed me with hers.

  "He's gone," I whispered into her shoulder. "My dad left me alone! They took him from me! He'll never kiss me again! I will never be able to tell him I love him again. My world is over."

  "You still have people that love you." She said trying to comfort me.

  "It's not the same! It will never be the same.”

  "I am so sorry."

  "I want my dad! I need my dad... he can't be gone.... he can't." I started getting louder and louder not wanting to believe it.

  "I’m so sorry," was all she could say.

  "Anastasia!" I looked up to see Angel standing a few feet away.

  "I'm not in the mood." I said the tears still spilling out. Hailey looked at me confused.

  "Hailey can you get the make up work that I'm going to miss?"

  "Sure," I love Hailey for knowing when to ask about things. When she left I looked at Angel he was closer.

  " I am so sorry."

  "How do you know?"

  "I thought something was wrong, so I came out after you guys."

  "And you heard me." I finished for him. He nodded.

  "What are you doing here?" I asked.

  "I'm supposed to be in the bathroom, but I came here to make things right."

  "Not now, because I am now an orphan that is slowly dying inside," I choked out. He stayed quiet. I thought he was going to leave, but instead he pulled me into a hug.

  "I miss him so much!" I cried into his shoulder. "He'll never come back to me! He promised me! He promised me, but they took him away!" My feet gave out, and Angel supported my weight.

  "I am so sorry. I know how it feels. It's horrible, I know. I never thought I'd say this, but Anastasia I love you." He whispered in my ear, squeezing me tighter with every word.

  I pulled away and looked at him.

  "Are you serious?" I asked and looking into his eyes.

  "Of course," he said without hesitation. "I am here for you."

  "I... um... I can't do this right now." I stammered.

  "It's okay, I'm not rushing you." He said as he pulled me into another hug. His cool jacket felt so good against my wet cheek. I missed him. I took in a deep breath. I missed his smell. He smelled so good. His familiar scent calmed me down slightly.

  "I have to
go or they are going to think I'm constipated." A gave him a small smile, nodded and pulled away.

  "I'll call you."

  "Do you have my number?"

  He thought it over. "I'm not sure. We never really text or talk, I just usually pick you up. I think I might have it."

  I found a pen in my bag. "Just in case," I said as I wrote my number on this arm. I kissed his cheek and looked at him as he ran back to class. Tears slowly running down my cheeks.

  Chapter 19


  Anastasia has been dealing with her father's death this past month. She's a trooper. She wanted me there with her, so I was through most of it. I wasn't there when they went to see the body, but she told me it was horrible seeing her dad like that. I went to the funeral and it was sad, but no one seemed to cry. They were kind of honoring him. Anastasia did cry towards the end, so did her sisters and step mom. I was there for her then and all the times after. I even slept over a couple of times, but we didn't do anything and it felt wrong to push her so she just cuddled next to me and slept, but I didn't mind. In fact, I enjoyed it. I enjoyed being there for the woman I loved.


  This past month has been the worst month of my life. When we went to see the body it was so surreal. He had three bullet wounds on his chest right on top of his heart. That image is engraved onto my mind. I have been crying most days. I just can't believe it. I knew that this could happen, but I never thought that someone would dare to takeaway the last parent I had. I cried and cried and cried, but I knew that wouldn't make a difference. Sometimes at night I can't sleep, so I call Angel over and he comes and sleeps with me. I am really grateful he's here. I have told him that I just can't say I love you yet and I don't know why.



  Anastasia called me yesterday telling me she wanted to see me today. She sounded strange on the phone. I parked in front of her house, which was empty as usual. I knocked once and she opened the door like she had been waiting on the other side.

  "I'm so sorry, you are worth the trouble."

  "What are you talking about?" I asked confused.

  "I love you," was all she said then she hugged me so tight I couldn't breath.

  "You love me?"

  "Of course, the way you acted this month it was great, and I am so grateful, and I love you. I don't think I would have survived this month without you." She started to tear up. "My dad never got to meet you." I wrapped my arms around her.

  "Anastasia, I am so sorry."

  "You know my dad always said that he didn't want me crying for him if he died in action. He said it was an honorable way to go." She said smiling and wiping her tears, but it was useless more would spill over.

  "I remember what my mom told me when my dad passed away."


  "Her favorite quote, still is; she lives by it. She used to tell me, 'death leaves a heartbreak no one can heal, but love leaves a memory no one can steal.’"

  "That's pretty." She said into my chest.


  I looked up at him and kissed his cheek.

  "Thank you, for everything."

  "No problem," he smiled down at me."

  "Crap!" I said remembering something.

  "What? What's wrong?"

  "Our drama project is due in 3 days and we have no costumes!" He looked down at me surprised.

  "Shopping makes me happy and it's costumes, so it's even more fun."

  He sighed, "okay."

  "Come on," I said dragging him towards his car.

  "Fine," we got into his car and drove towards the mall. It was quiet, so he turned on the radio and let the music kill the silence.

  "Which store?" He asked when we got there.

  "Romeo and Juliet, so vintage, or costume stores? Let's just walk around." We walked around for about an hour and a half and Angel started whining.

  "Okay fine," I said. We left the mall with no costumes.

  We sat in silence again and I was thinking of possible stores.

  "Oh! I know what store we should check out!" I said jumping in my seat.

  "Ugh I'm tired," Angel complained.

  "One last store, I promise."

  "Okay. One last store."

  "Yay! Okay turn left here." Angel followed my directions until we got to the store that I remember from when I was a little girl.

  "I can't believe it's still here. My dad used to bring me here for Halloween and I loved it." I told Angel as we walked inside. As soon as I entered the store my eyes landed on the perfect dress. It was love at first sight.

  "Why don't you sit down here while I try on dresses, okay?"

  "Fine by me," he said and walked towards a chair. I grabbed the dress and went into a dressing room. The lady helped me into it and tied the corset. I thanked her and she left me to examine it. It was gorgeous! The dress was a cream color with white details. A heart shaped corset that was cream with a white pattern of intricate designs. It made my boobs look pretty good. The skirt was the same cream color and cascade around me down to the floor. Very simple, classy, a very Juliet party dress. It was perfect. I stared at myself in the mirror. I wish my dad could have seen me in this dress. He's proud Anastasia, I repeated in my head over and over as I blinked away the tears. I hope Angel likes it.

  Angel's P.O.V

  I really hate stores. They make me dizzy, tire me out, and I usually end up dragging my, ten pounds heavier, body towards the exit. After looking around, the place had some pretty cool costumes; I sat down in a chair in front of the dressing room. When Anastasia came out I was speechless. Wow!

  "What do you think?" She asked spinning around.

  "Um, wow, you, you, you look amazing." Nice, I can't even form a sentence.

  "Thank you," she smiled making her look even more beautiful. I just stood there staring at her. The dress was a little darker than her skin and with her light blond hair she looked like a goddess, and she's mine! Seriously, I'm the luckiest guy on earth. Can't wait till we make love together.

  "I also found a costume for you." She said as she pushed me towards a different dressing room. I walk inside and the first thing I see were some baggy pants thing that reached my knee and tights. Tights? She's got to be kidding me. It looked right out of the 16th century. Right down to the necktie. I didn't say anything and put it all on. When I was done I looked in the mirror and burst out laughing. I look hilarious.

  "You're kidding?" I said to Anastasia as I walked out.

  "You look awesome!" She said pulling me towards a mirror.

  "Perfect," she smiled at our reflection.

  "We actually look good together." I was surprised.

  "I think we always look good together."

  I looked at her, "you know what I mean."

  "Yes, we are dressed under the same category."

  "I can't believe we have to come dressed like this in front of the whole class."

  "The whole school," she corrected as she smoothed out the shirt around my shoulders.


  "Mrs. Dawson made it like a play we all recite our parts of the play, but don't worry we are going to be great."

  "Right..." Holy crap this is horrible!

  Chapter 20


  All the people in the "show" were supposed to come early. I picked up Anastasia.

  "Careful with the dress!" She yelled at me as I put it in the backseat. I put it down and turned towards her.

  "Baby, I know you're not a morning person, but would you please calm down and work with me?" I asked.

  She crossed her arms, "fine."

  "I'm not going to ruin your dress."

  After we were all ready we headed towards the school; all this trouble for a stupid class.

  "We are a lot like Romeo and Juliet." Anastasia flipped through our lines.

  "Yeah, I hope we have a happier ending."

  "Well if you ever fake your death try to let me know in person."

  "And if you ever see me dead wait a few days before killing yourself."

  "Who said I’d kill myself?" Anastasia smirked.

  "You know, that really hurt." I joked.

  "Oh, poor baby." She leaned over a placed a sweet kiss on my cheek.

  'Forget it," I said as I parked. She smiled at me and then got out. I followed her out to her side and opened the back door.

  "Oh look who it is, the worlds most infamous couple." Said a voice from behind us, as I was about to get Anastasia's dress out. We turned around to see Sakura.

  "What the hell do you want?" I asked her.

  "Mrs. Darwin said I could host."

  "Dawson," Anastasia corrected her.

  "Whatever, just came to say, break a leg, and that this show will be amazing!" Sakura said then left. I looked at Anastasia.

  "What's up with her?" I asked.

  "I have no idea, but we'll find out sooner or later. Come on help me out with the dress."

  "Okay," I helped her with the dress then we walked towards the school. We walked together, but didn't really touch; sucks though. As we walked in Mrs. Dawson jogged towards us.

  "Now I know you two don't get along very well, but please promise me you will try your hardest to act like you're honestly in love," she pleaded.

  "We promise." Anastasia and I said together. She smiled.

  "Good I see you two have gotten closer. She told us, and then left to check on other students. As she left Anastasia's friend came up to us.

  "Ana! How are you feeling?" She asked her very worried.

  "I'm fine, Hailey, I need to tell you something." Anastasia looked at me. I nodded getting that she wanted to tell her friend about us. We told Pete, so Hailey should know too.


  "What's up?" Hailey asked.

  "Hails, Angel and I are going out." I blurted out looking down at the floor. She was silent. Crap that's never a good sign. I slowly looked up; she was staring at me with a blank face.

  "Are you mad? Disappointed? Disgusted? Ashamed?" She stayed quiet, no distinct expression on her face.

  "Yes," she finally said. I looked up at her with huge sad eyes. "Ana, I am mad, disappointed and ashamed that you didn't tell me." I smiled in relief. I just avoided so many problems.

  "So are we okay?" She spread out her arms and wrapped me up in a huge bear hug.


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