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AA Anti-Aircraft
AAF American Air Force
ACS Archivio Centrale dello Stato (Rome)
ACTS Air Corps Tactical School
ADAP Akten zur Deutschen auswärtigen Politik (Documents on German Foreign Policy)
AEAF Allied Expeditionary Air Force
AFB Air Force Base
AFHRA Air Force Historical Research Agency (Maxwell AFB, AL)
AHB Air Historical Branch, Northolt (UK)
AI Air Intelligence (UK)
ARP Air Raid Precautions
BA-B Bundesarchiv-Berlin
BA-MA Bundesarchiv-Militärarchiv, Freiburg
BBSU British Bombing Survey Unit
BC Bomber Command
BIOS British Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee
BN Bibliothèque Nationale (Paris)
BUFT Bufton papers
CamUL Cambridge University Library
CAS Chief of the Air Staff (UK)
CC Coastal Command
CCAC Churchill College Archive Centre, Cambridge, UK
CCO Christ Church, Oxford
CCS Combined Chiefs of Staff
CD Civil Defence
C-in-C Commander-in-Chief
CIOS Combined Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee
CLSC Camden Local Studies Centre, London
Cmd. Command Paper (Fourth series, 1918–56)
CoS Chiefs of Staff
DBOps Director of Bombing Operations (UK)
DCAS Deputy Chief of the Air Staff (UK)
DDBOps Deputy Director of Bombing Operations (UK)
DRZW Das Deutsche Reich und der Zweite Weltkrieg
DVA Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt (Stuttgart)
EDS Enemy Document Section
FCNA Fuehrer Conferences on Naval Affairs
FDRL Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, Hyde Park, NY
FHL Friends House, London
FIAT Field Intelligence Agencies Technical
GCI Ground Control Interception (radar, British)
GL Generalluftzeugmeister (Air Force Quartermaster-General)
HHC Hull History Centre, Hull, UK
HMSO His/Her Majesty’s Stationery Office
HQ Headquarters
IAC Italian Armistice Commission
IWM Imperial War Museum, London
JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff
JIC Joint Intelligence Committee (UK)
JPS Joint Planning Staff
JSM Joint Staff Mission (Washington DC)
KTB/OKW Kriegstagebuch/Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (War Diary , OKW)
LC Library of Congress, Washington DC
LCC London County Council
LMA London Metropolitan Archives
LSE London School of Economics
MAAF Mediterranean Allied Air Forces
MAP Ministry of Aircraft Production
MD Milch documents
MdAe Ministero dell’Aeronautica
MEW Ministry of Economic Warfare
MH Ministry of Health (UK)
MHS Ministry of Home Security (UK)
MO-A Mass Observation Archive
MoI Ministry of Information (UK)
MP Metropolitan Police (UK)
MPVO mestnaia protivovozdushnaia oborona (Main Directorate of Local Air Defence)
NAAF Northwest African Air Forces
NAM National Archive of Malta, Rabat
NARA National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, MD
NC Nuffield College, Oxford
NFPA National Fire Protection Association
NID Naval Intelligence Division (UK)
NIOD Netherlands War Document Centre, Amsterdam
NSDAP Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (National Socialist German Workers’ Party)
NSV Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt (National Socialist People’s Welfare)
OEMU Oxford Extra-Mural Unit
OKW Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (High Command of the German Armed Forces)
ORS Operational Research Section
OSS Office of Strategic Services (US)
OT Organisation Todt
OTU Operational Training Unit
PArch Parliamentary Archives, London
P/w Prisoner-of-war
PWB Psychological Warfare Branch (USA)
PWE Political Warfare Executive
RAFM RAF Museum, Hendon
RCAF Royal Canadian Air Force
REDept Research & Experiments Department, Ministry of Home Security
RG Record Group
RGAE Russian State Archive of the Economy, Moscow
RGVA Russian State Military Archive, Moscow
RI Reichsgruppe Industrie
RLB Reichsluftschutzbund (Reich Air Protection League)
RLM Reich Air Ministry
RVK Reichsverteidigungskommissar (Reich Defence Commissar)
SAP Securité Aérienne Publique
SGDA Secrétariat Générale de la Défense Aérienne
SHAA Service Historique de l’Armée de l’Air, Vincennes, Paris
SHAEF Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force
SIPEG Service Interministériel de Protection Contre les Événements de Guerre (Interministerial Protection Service against the Events of War)
TNA The National Archives, Kew, London
TsAMO Central Archive of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, Podolsk
TWA Tyne and Wear Archive, Discovery Museum, Newcastle-upon-Tyne
UEA University of East Anglia
USAAF United States Army Air Forces
USAFA United States Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs
USMA United States Military Academy
USSBS United States Strategic Bombing Survey
USSTAF United States Strategic and Tactical Air Forces
VCAS Vice-Chief of the Air Staff (UK)
WMRC Warwick Modern Records Centre
WVS Women’s Voluntary Services for Air Raid Precautions (UK)
YCA York City Archives
1. AFHRA, 519.12535, Fifteenth Air Force Operations (Bulgaria), Nov 1943–July 1944; Wesley F. Craven, James L. Cate, The Army Air Forces in World War II: Vol 2 (Chicago: 1949), 584; Marshall L. Miller, Bulgaria during the Second World War (Stanford: 1975), 166; Rumen Rumenin, Letyashti Kreposti Nad Bulgariya (Kyustendil: 2009), 94–5, 204.
2. BA-MA, RL2/8, German Air Ministry, aircraft deliveries to neutrals and allies, May 1943–Feb 1944.
3. Martin van Creveld, Hitler’s Strategy 1940–1941: The Balkan Clue (Cambridge: 1973), 109–13, for a full account of the negotiations.
4. Miller, Bulgaria, 48–55, 62–8.
5. Richard J. Crampton, Bulgaria (Oxford: 2007), 272, 275–6.
6. TNA, PREM 3/79/1, minutes of CoS meeting, 19 Oct 1943.
7. From a leaflet reproduced in Rumenin, Letyashti Kreposti, 335.
8. NARA, RG 165, Box 11, Report by the JCS, ‘The Bombing of Sofia’, enclosure B.
9. Ibid., Ambassador Kelley, Ankara, to State Dept., 18 Oct 1943.
10. TNA, PREM 3/79/1, CCS to Eisenhower, 24 Oct 1943.
11. Ibid., telegram Eden to Churchill, 23 Oct 1943; Eden to Churchill, 29 Oct 1943.
12. Frederick B. Chary, The Bulgarian Jews and the Final Solution 1940–1944 (Pittsburgh: 1972), 129–32; Miller, Bulgaria, 102–6.
13. TNA, PREM 3/79/1, Churchill to Eden and Deputy Prime Minister Attlee, 25 Dec 1943.
14. Akten zur Deutschen auswärtigen Politik, Ser E, Band VII, Ambassador Beckerle to von Ribbentrop, 23 Jan 1944, 349–50.
15. TNA, PREM 3/66/10, War Cabinet JIC Report, ‘Effects of Allied Bombing of Balkans and Balkan Situation’, 29 Jan 1944, 1–2; FDRL, Roosevelt papers, Map Room Files, Box 136, HQ MAAF to War Department, 10 Jan 1944; Rumenin, Letyashti Kreposti, 107–9.
16. Miller, Bulgaria, 167–8; Walter Warlimont, Inside Hitler’s Headquarters 1939–1945 (London: 1964), 399. Warlimont was in Bulgaria to discuss Operation Gertrude, a contingency plan for the capture of European Turkey if the Turks joined the Allies.
17. Crampton, Bulgaria, 273–4.
18. TNA, PREM 3/79/1, Roosevelt to Churchill, 9 Feb 1944.
19. FDRL, Map Room files, CoS to Eisenhower’s HQ, 9 Mar 1944; TNA, PREM 3/79/1, CoS, ‘Air Operations against Bulgaria’, 27 Jan 1944; Churchill to General Wilson, 27 Jan 1944.