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The Azure Kingdom (Skeleton Key)

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by Michelle Dare

  Where we live is not the only place where humans reside. There are other realms out there, too many to count. They are hidden and kept secret. I know this, because I’ve been to one. I even used to live there. It’s a place very different from our world. There are many kingdoms within. Kings and queens, knights, everything you’ve read about in fairy tales. It really exists and I want you to discover it as well. It’s part of who you are.

  You see, your father didn’t abandon you. I left him while I was pregnant with you. I had no choice. I needed to keep you safe. I’m sorry for never telling you this, but I did what was best at the time. I knew you wouldn’t understand until you were older. Please forgive me for holding onto this for so long.

  The key in this box opens a door to your father’s realm. To find the door, you must go to the back of the closet in my bedroom. Move all of the boxes and clothes aside. On the far right corner, you’ll see a handle in the wall. Pull it open and you will reveal the door to their realm.

  Ali, before you open this door, know that once you cross over, you might never be able to return. The key has a tendency of disappearing and reappearing as it sees fit. It’s even disappeared out of this box on occasion, but always came back. I think it’s waiting for you.

  The key has been around a very long time. If once you cross over you still have the key, then you should be able to come home, but you might not be able to return to the realm. There is no telling when the key will disappear. Also, every time the portal is opened, it allows pieces of our world into theirs. Their way of living is very different than ours. And we don’t want the key to get into the wrong hands.

  I’m sorry for not telling you this in person. I did what I had to for your safety and theirs. When I left their realm a great war was going on, and I didn’t feel it was safe for us. The key appeared and I knew it was a chance I needed to take. I only hope your father’s still alive, when and if, you go through the door.

  If you decide to go, it will be nothing like you’ve ever known, but tell whoever you meet that you’re the daughter of Rafe Pine. My hope is that whoever you find first will bring you to him. You must be on guard until you are safe with him or his people. Please, be very careful.

  I’m sorry I’ve left you, Ali. I love you more than I could ever express. Take care and trust in your heart, my daughter. It will never lead you astray.



  My mind is left reeling. Could everything she wrote be true? I feel someone shaking me and look up to find the elderly couple before me.

  “Dear, are you okay?” the woman asks.

  “What? Oh, yes. I’m fine.” I quickly fold up the letter and place it back in the box. I see the man is still holding the key and take it from him to put with the letter. If everything my mom said was accurate, then I need to guard this with my life.

  They are both looking at me with confusion. I plaster on a fake smile. “I’m sorry, but I need to close.”

  “We’re interested in this dresser,” he states.

  “I’m sorry. That’s no longer for sale.” I can’t sell it. What if there is more inside?

  I usher the irritated couple out of the store, turn the lock, and flip over the sign to “Closed.” Rushing back to the dresser, I root through every part of it. I take out the drawers, inspecting each one. I reach inside the frame and make sure I’ve covered every inch. Nothing else is discovered. The next place I’m going is the bedroom closet.


  I run up the stairs, taking them two at a time. I need to find out if what my mother wrote is true. Inside her closet, I shove everything aside. It’s one area I hadn’t completely gone through. Out of sight, out of mind. I keep saying I’ll do it another time, only another time never comes.

  When I have all of the boxes out of the way, and the clothes are relocated to the rods on either side, I look over the blank, white wall. Taking out her letter again, I skim it quickly. She said there will be a handle on the right side. There’s nothing visible, so I run my hand along the corner where the walls meet. All the way down the sheetrock to the floor I go and then back up, but much slower this time. When I’m about halfway up, I feel a bump in the wall. I use my nail and run it down the side of it. Sure enough, my nail pushes through what feels like paper, and I grasp a handle. Wrapping my fingers over it, I pull firmly on the wall. With a little effort it begins to move. Once I have the wall completely open, I see a door. It looks like any other weathered one. It’s a slate blue and the paint is chipping. I would think it’s been out weathering storms with the way it appears. There’s a piece of wrought iron crossing it in the middle, leading to a lock and knob in the same color as the wood.

  The hidden wall is real. The door, leading to who knows where, is real. I bend at the waist and start to hyperventilate. How is all of this possible, and I never knew? I have more questions than answers, and there is no one here to answer them for me. The next question is, do I want to go through it? She wasn’t lying, at least not so far. I can’t even wrap my head around that there could be a whole other world just beyond that door.

  I sit on the floor once my breathing steadies and stare at the door for hours. I read the letter again. My mother was always down to earth, never an airhead. This could be real, not a wild goose chase. Although, why she would send me on some off the wall adventure, I don’t know. That leads me to believe it’s not a fairy tale. I could meet my father on the other side. If he’s still alive.

  The longer I sit here, the more I want to go through. If I go through, I might not be able to come back. She said the key might disappear. What the hell kind of key is this anyway? How does something inanimate disappear?

  I have to be sure I really want to see the other side. I also can’t disregard the thought that once I’m there, I might not want to leave. Although, what if they’re still at war? I’m going to sleep on it. Yes, that’s the smart thing to do.

  I eat dinner and go back to stare at the door. Watch television, door. Brush my teeth, door. I keep waiting for something to happen or someone to come crashing through. Shaking my head, I climb into bed.

  An hour goes by and I’m still awake. I pick up the book I’ve been reading and flip the bedside lamp on. Two hours later and my eyes are finally starting to close. Then I enter my dreamland again.

  It’s the same as it was the night before, and all of the other times, except for two things. The cottage doesn’t disappear when I emerge from it, and the man on the hill is pointing toward the door. The same door, I realize, as the one inside my closet.

  The door is weathered, but what surrounds it is beautiful. It’s the same ivy I’ve seen before, but it’s brighter now, with beautiful hues of pink, purple, teal, and even the azure color of the flowers I usually see. The only things it doesn’t completely cover are the windows and door.

  My gaze bounces back and forth between the man and the cottage. He seems insistent that I need to go to the door by the way his hand keeps pointing at it, which doesn’t make sense since I just came through it. His dragon is rearing up, front legs off the ground as it kicks toward the sky. It’s angry, I can sense it. What’s going on? I need to get to him, no matter what he’s pointing at. As I start to run, the dream fades.

  I wake with a start and immediately go to the closet. Flipping on the light within, I walk to the wooden door and run my fingers over it. My decision is made; I’m going through.

  The clock by the bed reads four in the morning. The sky is dark, except for the occasional strike of lightning, and I can hear thunder in the distance. I change into a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt with lace on the edges of the sleeves. It’s the first one I find. In every dream I feel comfortable with regard to the weather. Just in case, I grab a backpack. Who knows how long I’ll be gone? Sweatshirt, change of clothes, extra bra, panties, and socks. I also pack some protein bars and a few bottles of water. I even shove a small pocket knife inside, just in case.

  Walking through the apartment, I make sure
all of the lights are off and the door is locked. I know I locked up the store before I came upstairs yesterday. I highly doubt anyone will try to break into my place, but you never know. In reality, I’d be surprised if anyone notices when I don’t open the store today. I have no real friends here. There’s no one to miss me. This thought helps solidify my decision.

  I find the new pair of sneakers I bought a few weeks ago and put them on. For all I know I’m really going to have to run when I get to the other side. With the bag thrown over my shoulder, I pick up the pewter box and withdraw the glass skeleton key. I don’t want to leave the box and letter behind, so I slip it into the bag.

  Standing in the doorway of the closet, I take a few deep breaths. At the last minute, I grab the framed picture of my mom I keep on my dresser. Tucking it gently inside the bag amongst my clothes, I finally feel ready to leave this world behind.

  In a few long strides I’m in front of the door. I reach out with a shaky hand and insert the key into the lock. With a gentle turn, I hear a click. I don’t want anyone to follow me and pull the wall closed when I open the door. I take one step out the door and bring the wall completely shut behind me. Once I’m fully through, I retrieve the key and the door closes on its own with a whoosh. I note that the key is still in my hand and place it in my pocket. I can go home if I want to. It didn’t disappear yet, anyway.

  I’m almost nervous to turn around. What if what I find looks nothing like my dreams? What if I made a huge mistake? What if the realm doesn’t exist and I’m standing on a ledge outside of my own apartment? I watch too many movies.

  Closing my eyes, I turn and feel the sun against my skin. That’s a good sign. The sun is always shining in my dreams and it was dark when I left home. I open my eyes and before me is the field of azure flowers. Lifting my hand to block out some of the sun, I notice the flowers go on for as far as I can see. I’m here. I’m really here.

  Looking behind me, I see the cottage covered with vibrant ivy. I can’t believe this. I pinch myself to make sure it’s real.

  “Ouch!” I call out. Maybe that wasn’t the smartest move.

  I take hesitant steps and adjust my pack to rest evenly on my back. In front of me, in the distance, is the hill, but there is no man or dragon on it. I look around and realize that the cottage is at the edge of a forest line. There are dense trees behind me and the sunny field in front. Not wanting to go into the dark forest, I step forward into the field.

  The miniature blue sunflowers brush against my jeans as I walk. Their brilliant color makes me smile as I remember seeing them in my sleep. I even bend down to touch them to make sure they feel the same. Silky, just as I recall. If the man were here, it would be better than the dream, because I know I won’t wake up soon. This is my new reality. Another realm, but reality all the same. Looking back, I notice the cottage still stands. It hasn’t disappeared like in so many of my dreams.

  I hear a shout in the distance. Looking around, I don’t see anyone, only the forest and the azure field. I move further into the flowers, scanning the area as I go. Then I feel the ground shake. First it starts off as a gentle vibration moving from my feet up into my legs, but soon becomes a full on rumble. The ground is moving to the point that I’m having a hard time standing.

  I’m too busy trying to maintain my balance to notice the men on horses charging toward me, until they are rushing past as if I’m invisible. I scream out and cover my head with my arms in an effort to protect myself.

  There are so many of them. When it finally seems like they have all gone past, I put my arms back by my sides and watch the large group charge toward the forest. Then I hear a voice. A deep masculine voice.

  “Are you lost?”

  I turn around and see a man on top of a beautiful black horse. He’s wearing a long-sleeved, black shirt with matching black pants and boots. Do I know him? It’s more of a feeling than a recognition. I think he’s the man from my dreams. No, I never saw him close up, but I know the way he made me feel when I was running toward him. I know deep within, this is him.

  He seems to be studying me as well. With wide eyes, he asks on a whisper, “Is it really you?”

  “I’m sorry?”

  “You’re her. The woman from my dreams. I can’t believe it!” He drops down from the stallion with ease and steps until we are almost toe-to-toe.

  “You…dreamt…about me?” Could he really have been dreaming about me like I have of him?

  “Yes, it’s the craziest thing. Every night you were in my dreams. Except Tali was always by my side. And we were never this close. Always a distance away.” He lifts his chin toward the hill.

  “Tali?” I ask.

  “My dragon, of course.”

  “Of course.” Sure. Tali. He says it like I should have already known it. As if dragons are common place.

  “Where is Tali?” I ask while scanning the skies.

  “She’s back at the castle. Today is a hunting day so she wasn’t needed.”

  This has got to be the weirdest conversation I’ve ever had. You don’t need dragons on hunting days. You use horses. Yup, I knew that.

  “What were you hunting?” I inquire.

  “A fix.”

  “A fix? Do you mean a fox?”

  “No, fix. It’s a small creature with red fur and green eyes and a short, stubby tail.” He cocks his head to the side. “You’ve never seen one before?” I shake my head.

  Then the ground starts rumbling again. A flash of red comes at us, and I instinctively move closer to the man. The animal stops a few feet from us. It’s the oddest looking creature. The face of a house cat, but the body of a fox minus the tail. Its eyes are a bright, emerald green, and then it’s gone, off with speed that could rival a cheetah.

  “That was a fix.”

  “I’ve never seen anything like it. Why are you hunting it?”

  “You haven’t?” He must think I’m from here. “He keeps stealing the fruit that our people work so hard to grow, so we decided to hunt him down. It’s been quiet lately, so I thought it would be fun to get my men out. We’re making a sport of it.”

  The vibration strengthens, but this time I know what’s coming. I step even closer. I’m only a few inches from him now.

  “Don’t be afraid,” he murmurs against my ear. “My men won’t harm you. You’re safe with me.”

  The men and horses rush past us, leaving my hair blowing around my face. Surprisingly, the man’s horse doesn’t move as the others race by. I can’t imagine them catching the fix as fast as it is. I gaze up at the man by my side and get a good look at him. He’s got dark brown hair and light blue eyes. He has a mustache and beard that are trimmed short. He must feel my eyes on him, because he turns to look at me.

  I’m on the taller side and tend to shy away from dating men shorter than me. My ex-husband was about even with my height. The man before me is a few inches taller, which I appreciate.

  “What’s your name?” he asks.

  “Alison Wescot.”

  He smiles and I notice his straight, white teeth. “I’m Lucas Azure. Tell me, why have I only seen you in my dreams and never in my kingdom?”

  “I’ve never been here before. Well, not really. I’ve dreamt of this place, and you.”

  His eyes widen slightly. “You have?”

  Nodding, I add, “I only just came through the door.”

  “The door?” he asks.

  “Yes, the door to the cottage.” I turn and point to the slate blue door on the ivy covered structure.

  “You live in the run-down cottage?”

  “No,” I smile, shaking my head. “I’m from another place. When I went through that door, I appeared here.”

  “That’s impossible.” He walks to the cottage in long strides and opens the door. Stepping inside, he’s only gone for a few seconds before he returns. “There’s nothing in there but some broken furniture, cobwebs, and a lot of dust.”

  “Maybe to get through you need the key,” I mum
ble, thinking to myself.

  “What’s that?” he calls.

  “Oh, nothing.” I decide to keep the key to myself for the moment. Besides, what if he takes it from me, and I can’t ever go home?

  He comes to stand before me again. “Come, I’ll take you to my home,” he says with an extended hand.

  As much as I want to go with him, I need to find my father. Plus, I don’t know him. “I’m actually looking for someone.”

  “Who?” he asks tightly. His body tenses, his shoulders square.

  “My father. Could you help me find him?”

  I watch him visibly relax. Was he jealous? He doesn’t know anything about me, but then again I do feel this strange connection to him that I don’t want to analyze at the moment.

  “If you’ve never been here before, how do you have a father here?”

  “It’s a long story. One I can explain, but I’m really hoping my father is alive and I can meet him.”

  “What’s his name?”

  “Rafe Pine.”

  With wide eyes, Lucas takes a few steps back. “That can’t be,” he stammers.

  “What? Is he dead?” I’m starting to tremble. Did I make a huge mistake? What if I went through the door only to find out he’s gone?

  “No, he’s alive.” I let out a breath and relax. “But you can’t be his daughter. You look nothing like him.”

  “I’m a mirror image of my mother. Everyone used to always say that we could be sisters.”

  “Your mother?” He looks at me like he’s trying to piece things together.

  “Yes, I look just like my mother.”

  “What was her name?”


  His face hardens as does his voice. “I need you to come with me. Now.”


  I don’t like the look on his face and start to retreat from him. What happened to the kind, warm man? He’s faster than me. The second I turn to run, he grips my arm and pulls me toward his horse. His fingers bite into my skin. Maybe he’s not the man I was hoping he’d be.


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