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The Azure Kingdom (Skeleton Key)

Page 7

by Michelle Dare

  I let out a breath. “Luke, this world is yours, not mine. Your father is talking about trading me to my father, like I’m nothing more than a tool to get what he wants, not a person. I don’t even know if I want to meet my father, let alone live in his kingdom. And what about Oliver? I’m just supposed to marry him if I’m made to live there?” I shake my head. “I don’t want to be forced into anything.” I’m trying to skirt the issue and not bring up the door or the key, although I have a feeling I’ll need to.

  His jaw tenses and his tone is firm. “You will not have to marry that…that poor excuse for a knight! You’ll stay here, in the Azure Kingdom, with me. I won’t let them take you away.”

  “What if you don’t have a choice? Your father is king, which means what he says goes. I should go back home. That would be best for everyone.”

  “That would not be what’s best. I don’t want you to leave, Ali. I just found you.”

  I place my hand on his arm. “Luke, this is your home, not mine. I don’t want you to have to fight with your father for me. We’ve only just met.”

  “You’re worth it.”

  “I’m not. I’m just an ordinary person who’s trying to find her way in life.”

  “And your way led you here. Everything happens for a reason, Alison. Our dreams, finding each other, we were meant to meet. Now it’s up to us to continue on that path.”

  “We can always alter the path, Luke. It’s what makes our lives our own.”

  He nods. “That’s true, but in the end we’ll end up where we were always meant to be.”

  No matter what I say at this point, it won’t do me any good. I know he means well, and he truly believes we were brought together for a reason. I’ve never put much faith in fate, or anything, for that matter. I’m going to have to take each moment as it comes. Deal with the blows today that I’m sure will come, one at a time.

  I stand and try to walk past Luke to go to the bathroom. I only make it one step before his arm shoots out to block me across my waist. He looks to me, piercing me with his blue eyes.

  “When you stepped into my path in the field of azure flowers, flowers of my kingdom, everything changed. The sky seemed bluer, the stars became brighter. True, when I first found out who your father is, it set me on the defensive, but once I read the letter, it all made sense. I feel like I have a greater purpose now. Yes, my job is to guard my people and land, but the high I got fighting is nothing compared to how I feel when I’m with you. When your hand touches mine, or you smile, it feels right. You’re my dream come true. I won’t let you go when I’ve been wanting you for so long.”

  “Luke, I –”

  Pulling me in front of him, he cuts of my words with his lips. This isn’t the quick brush of lips we had before. No, this kiss is heated, and I feel it down to the tips of my toes. His arms reach around me to pull me flush against his strong chest. All of the thoughts as to why I should leave this place, flee my mind. Luke is all that matters in this moment.

  My body relaxes in his hold, molding to him. His tongue caresses my lips, urging me to invite him in. I know once I taste him I’ll be addicted. The notion scares me and excites me at the same time. The more I let him in, the harder it will be to leave if I choose or am forced to.

  My heart overrules my head. My lips part, allowing him access. He wastes no time in his exploration of me. Tears threaten to escape my closed eyes. He’s perfect: his taste, his passion about wanting me, his vow to protect me. I don’t know what I did to deserve this from someone I only met yesterday. I’m afraid he will be ripped away from me in a matter of hours. This intense need and pull to him could be gone. I don’t know what the king wants with me, but I doubt it will be good.

  We stand kissing for a minute more before his mouth breaks away. I can feel how much he wants me. His hardness is pressing against my lower stomach, only making me wild in my desire for him. He holds me close, his breath tickling my neck.

  “Nothing will keep us apart. Not my father, not King Pine, and especially not Sage. There is always a way, Ali. We only have to find it.”

  I nod, however don’t speak. I will end up full on crying if I do. So much is up in the air. Most importantly, my future.

  I’m dressed in the spare clothes I brought, a light blue t-shirt and a pair of jeans, when we exit Luke’s home and walk through the morning bustle of people to have breakfast with the king. We’ve caught the eyes of the locals again. I’m sure my presence here made for good gossip for all of them over dinner last night, especially since I’m holding hands with one of their princes.

  Luke is dressed in matching navy cotton pants and t-shirt. The way the shirt forms to him like a second skin had my breath faltering before we left. I couldn’t stop staring, which is oh so becoming. All I needed was to let my tongue hang out of my mouth. That would have solidified things with him. I mean, who could resist that?

  I also watched as he strapped knives to each leg, while I placed my bag on my back. He contemplated strapping his swords on his, but thought he might be perceived as more of a threat if he did. He was sure to stress that he wanted to be able to protect me if the need arose. While he said his father is a good man, he will put the well-being of his people above mine. I honestly wouldn’t expect him to side with me.

  I did ask Luke about how his father knew about where I was from. He was as confused as I was and said he did ask, but his questions were left unanswered.

  We reach the same room I first met the king in, but this time it’s decked out for a feast and smells of delicious food. Meats, spices, pastries, it’s overwhelming and leaves my mouth watering. As nervous as I am about what will happen, I know I need food to maintain my strength. I’ve never been one of those people who gets nervous and doesn’t eat. Quite the opposite. Nerves and food go hand-in-hand for me.

  The king is standing as we enter. The only other people in the room are his guards. I have no idea if I’m supposed to bow or curtsey, and I honestly don’t care. This man locked me up and released me, only to say he wants to trade me. I’m not a pawn nor will I be handled as one. I will not bow to him or anyone else in this realm.

  “Lucas, Alison, nice of you to join us,” he says, almost overly sweetly with a nod of his head. I respond in kind with a nod. That’s all he’s getting from me and because he did the same. “Let’s sit. We have plenty to discuss.”

  Luke pulls out a chair for me. He once again puts himself between the king and me. I don’t know the proper etiquette for eating with royalty, so I wait for Luke to eat before taking a bite. The food is as good as it smells. I could seriously get used to eating like this. I also would need to work out like crazy, because I can imagine the amount of weight I’d gain.

  We eat in silence for a few minutes when the king speaks. He looks to his guards and commands, “Leave us.” They bow and exit the room, closing the door behind them.

  “I know you didn’t invite us here simply for food. Shall we get started?” Luke asks. I pick up an edge of steel in his voice.

  “You were always confrontational, my son. It’s what makes you an excellent leader of my guard.” Luke nods in confirmation. King Azure turns to me. “Alison, we both have something the other wants. If you give me what I ask for, then I’ll grant your freedom. You may live in my kingdom and have our protection from any threat toward you, including your father. You will become one of us. No one will force you to leave, but if one day you choose to meet your father, we will send the Elite by your side to ensure no harm befalls you.”

  My eyes narrow. He needs something I have. I have nothing, but this gives me leverage to get my way. I have a bargaining chip at this table. “And what if I don’t want to give you what you seek?” Luke’s head snaps in my direction. His eyes are wide, like I just said something completely foolish. Maybe I did. Or maybe I just started playing the game.

  “You either accept my rules or I will have you escorted, with your intended husband, to the border of my land in exchange for my men that are
being held by King Pine. I also will have him sign my peace treaty in exchange for you and Sage.”

  “Okay, let me get this straight. You’re giving me an ultimatum? Either I give you whatever it is you want, or you’ll trade me to get something else you’re in need of. You win, no matter which I choose.”

  He smiles, but it’s not kind. He knows the ball is in his court. I was foolish to think I had a leg to stand on. Either way, I lose. Wait. What do I lose if I stay here? “What do you want from me in exchange for my freedom?”

  He leans forward, putting both elbows on the table and steeples his fingers. “You have a key that I would like.” The key. Of course! No wonder he went rifling through my bag. My mother warned me about keeping the key safe. She didn’t want it to fall into the wrong hands.

  “Why do you want it?”

  “That’s for me to know.”

  “Oh, but I don’t think it is. You know as well as I do from my mother’s letter, that the key has a mind of its own. I do have it, for now, and if you want this key from me, I want to know why.”

  His voice hardens. “Don’t test me. You may be a princess, but I am under no obligation to keep you well. King Pine asked for you alive. That’s it. He didn’t say you couldn’t be locked up and starved.” I gasp. Here is the hard side of the king again.

  Luke hasn’t said a word up until this point. Only watched our conversation like a spectator at a tennis match, his head going back and forth. His tone is placating. I’m not sure what he’s up to. “Father, may I have a word with Alison alone? I promise not to leave the premises. Grant us a few moments in another room. Your men can stand guard, but I want privacy.”

  “As you wish, but don’t push me, Lucas. A few moments and nothing more.”

  Luke nods and stands. He holds out his hand for mine and helps me from my seat. We leave the room with two guards on our heels and step into an adjoining room. Luke shuts the door and turns to me.

  “What’s going on, Ali? Why don’t you give him the key?”

  I turn from him and start to pace the room. At this point, I’m screwed either way. If I don’t give him the key then I’m going to be shipped off with Oliver to the other kingdom where I’ll be forced into marrying a man I don’t know and living a life I didn’t choose. He knows I have the key, but he doesn’t know where it is. I really should have hidden it better.

  I’m lost in my own thoughts when I hear Luke yell my name. “Alison!” I stop and look at him. His posture is tense. I instinctively take a step back. I get another glimpse of the tough side of him now. When he sees me step away from him, he visibly relaxes.

  “I’m sorry,” he says. “I didn’t mean to snap at you, but we have limited time. I need you to talk to me. I need you to tell me about this key. You have something my father wants. We need to be able to use that to our advantage.”

  “Luke, I’m putting my trust in you, and you need to do the same with me.”

  “Of course. I told you I’d protect you.”

  “I know you did, but this goes beyond that. My mother, she died of cancer a year ago.” I swallow the emotion clogging my throat, as it always does when I speak of her.

  “My mother died too. I was only a child, though.”

  “I’m sorry you didn’t have her growing up.”

  He shrugs. “I don’t really remember her. My siblings do, however.”

  I clear my throat and try to get back on topic, or we’ll be here all day and the king said we had only moments alone. “Do you remember the letter my mom left me?” He nods. “In it she mentioned the key has a mind of its own. It’s unpredictable. But she did say that if I still have the key when I cross over to your realm that I can use it to get back. There is no guarantee that I can ever return here. Once I go back home it could disappear forever. If I give the key to your father, not only would I never be able to leave, but he could bring his entire army through the door back to my world. He could release a small dragon. We don’t have them there! They are something only in books or movies.”

  “What’s a movie?”

  I shake my head. “Later. My point is that he could use it for malicious intent, and I would never be able to go back home.”

  “I see your point about not knowing what he wants it for. We don’t know for sure what he will do with it. I also told you that this is your home now. You don’t have to go back.”

  “We just met, Luke,” I stress, exasperated. “Would you give up your whole world, everything you know, for me?”

  With a completely serious look on his face, he answers firmly. “Yes.”

  “How can you be so sure about me? About us?”

  He closes the distance between us and cups my cheeks in his hands. Looking down into my eyes, he reiterates what he told me before. “You have come here for a reason and I found you. We haven’t only just met. We’ve known each other. No, we didn’t talk in our dreams, but we did establish a connection. One that I can’t deny nor can you, because if you could, you would have tried to leave and return home. You haven’t, though. Instead, you slept in my arms.”

  “My heart tells me to stay and be with you, but my head is saying to be logical, to think this through.” He’d give up everything for me. Could I ask him to, though? What if I could bring him home with me? He’s only ever known this land and he’s proud of it. Proud of who his family is and the fact he’s a fighter. He wouldn’t fit in back home. That much I know for sure. He doesn’t belong there. Do I belong here? Maybe, maybe not.

  “You don’t have much time to do that. My father expects an answer when we walk back in, or you will be leaving here. You’ll be leaving me. I will fight for you, but I can’t say what will happen. If I’m hurt or killed, I won’t be able to protect you. With me gone, I fear what would happen. You have a decision to make, my princess. Will you stay here, with me? Will you follow your heart? Or will you take your key and flee back to the cottage? Will you leave me behind?”


  Where the hell is a crystal ball when you need one? How am I supposed to make this decision? My problem is that I know what I want to do. I’m afraid I’ll regret the decision; that it will be the wrong one, and I won’t be able to go back, because even if I go home, I might not be able to come here ever again. If I give the key to King Azure, who knows if I’ll ever see it again. There is the slimmest of chances that it could return to me, but what if it decides to stay with him or finds someone else? Stupid key. I wish I had time to weigh everything.

  A loud knocking makes me jump, followed by a gruff voice, “Your Highness. The king is requesting your presence along with Princess Pine.”

  “That is not my name!” I screech.

  Luke chuckles. He walks to the door and holds it open for me. “We must go. You have until we walk next door to decide.” No pressure. None at all.

  We walk back into the room where the scent of breakfast engulfs me once again. Taking our seats, I look at my plate and try to steady my breathing. In the time it took us to walk from one room to the next, I’ve become extremely nervous. If I think about it, I should be one big ball of raw nerves by this point.

  Every day we’re faced with choices in our lives. Do we go this way or that? Drive down one street or the other? Do we take a leap and jump into the unknown? Or do we stay on the steady and safe course? Every day you make choices that have the ability to alter your life. You have the choice to trust your head or follow your heart. They don’t always align, but when they do, you need to follow them, because it’s rare.

  “Do you have an answer for me, Princess?” the king asks.

  I lift my head to look at him. Luke is watching me intently, however showing no emotion. “I do have an answer, but it comes with a question that must be answered first and a few conditions. If you don’t agree to this, then we’re only left with one option.” I’m silently hoping he agrees, because everything is depending on this. I know how badly he wants the key and the peace treaty. He can’t have both, though. At least not rig
ht now.

  “What’s the question?”

  “No bullshit. No games. I want a straight answer.” The king’s mouth lifts ever so slightly into a smile, which surprises me. “Why do you want the key?”

  His mouth settles back into his version of showing no emotion. I’m getting zero read off of it. “I want it to find my love.”

  “Your love?” I inquire.

  “Yes, the only woman I’ve ever loved. She’s in your world. Every moment without her my soul aches.” His fist tightens and he brings it to his chest to punctuate what he’s saying.

  Luke’s head whips around to face his father. “What? What about Mom? I know she’s gone, but did you love her? Doesn’t her memory garner more respect than this? I can’t believe you had someone else.”

  King Azure lets out a long breath. “Lucas, I would never disrespect your mother. The truth is, she didn’t die. She fled our realm, and she did it with Eliza Wescot.” The room starts to spin, and I place my hands onto the arms of my chair to steady myself.

  “She’s…she’s alive? Mother’s alive?” Luke questions, barely above a whisper.

  “Yes, my son, she is. At least as far as I know. Alison’s mother and yours were very close friends, even though King Pine and myself forbade it. They found ways to stay in touch with one another and spend time together. They trusted each other. We knew, of course we knew, but they were our wives. How do you say no to the person you love most in the universe? Especially when you see how happy having a friend who understands all they are going through, makes them.”

  My mind reels with the information. It also starts to put things together. I remember my mom having a best friend, someone who she only saw once a year, but who she spoke of fondly. “Rya,” I whisper.

  “What?” It’s Luke who asks. The surprise evident in his voice.

  “My mom had a friend who she saw only every once in while, but they spoke often. Her name was Rya.”

  “That’s my mother’s name.”

  “Alison, is Rya alive?” the king asks.


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