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The Azure Kingdom (Skeleton Key)

Page 12

by Michelle Dare

  “Why didn’t they clean you better when they stitched you up? And why didn’t they put a bandage over the stitches?” I ask.

  His eyes bore into mine with an intensity I haven’t seen yet. “I didn’t want another woman touching me, only you. I didn’t want you to think I cared for her and that’s why I let her touch me.”

  “She’s there to help you, Luke. She needs to touch you to fix you up. If I was there I would have embraced her for doing her best to mend you.”

  “And she did what she needed, no more. The stitches were done and I left. I wanted to find you and make sure you were okay. My men wouldn’t let me come here first. I tried, but I was quickly overpowered in my weakened state.”

  “You needed to get that wound closed. I’m glad you got it taken care of. I just wish someone would have told me you were all right.”

  He chuckles, surprising me. “This,” he says, sweeping his arm over his chest, “is nothing. I’ve been hurt much worse.” He lifts his left leg from the water, droplets splashing down, and points to a long scar on the side of his muscular left thigh. I trace it with my finger.

  “What happened?”

  “The last war was rough on us. A lot were injured, some killed. Someone got the jump on me with their sword and, well, you see the result. It was much deeper than the one on my chest. Walking was not fun for a while. Luckily, it happened at the tail end of the battle, so I didn’t miss much of the fight.”

  “I can imagine you fighting through the pain and continuing on until you fall over.”

  His lips quirk up on one side. “That’s exactly what happened. Elliott had to pull me away from the heat of it and throw me on Tali to get me home. I barely remember the days after. I lost a lot of blood. Elliott said poor Tali looked like she was the one who was stabbed.”

  I shake my head. “I’m glad I wasn’t here to see it. This is bad enough. I was so scared, Luke. I thought…I thought I wasn’t going to see you again.” My bottom lip starts to tremble. He reaches up, placing his hand on the back of my neck and pulls me close until our foreheads touch.

  “It’s going to take a lot more than this to take me away from you. The only way I won’t return to your side after a battle is if I’m dead. Hasn’t it sunken in yet that I’m yours?”

  Placing a gentle kiss on his lips, I pull back and offer a small smile. “It’s starting to.”

  “Finally,” he groans. “Your neck. Are you okay?” His fingers trail along the edge of my bandage.

  “I’m fine. I didn’t need stiches or anything.”

  “I hate that I couldn’t protect you better.”

  “You did just fine.”

  I finish cleaning him off and help him get out of the tub, careful to keep my eyes above waist level. Sure, I want to see all of him again now that he’s standing up, but I need to behave. He’s hurt, exhausted, and in pain. While he won’t admit it, I see his mouth pinch tight when he moves.

  Finding him shorts, I bring them into the bathroom, and quickly shower while he gets ready for bed. Elliott and Oliver must have left. The house is completely quiet. We both settle into the cool sheets after I draw the damask closed around us, tucking us into our own little cocoon.

  He tries to pull me close, but groans in pain, so I gently nudge him onto his back and lay beside him. My leg rests atop his and my fingers settle on his bicep. I don’t want to hurt him further.

  “Closer,” he murmurs groggily.

  I scoot as close as possible to his side. “There.”

  “Not good enough.”

  “You’re hurt and tired. This is as close as I get.”

  “I hurt more without your body against mine. Now move closer.”

  I prop myself up on my elbow and try to figure out how to get closer to him without touching his chest. I settle on moving down and placing my head on his stomach while my arm drapes across his hips.

  “Not what I had in mind, but much better.”

  I gently tap his stomach with my hand. “Behave.”

  He laughs, but then tenses beneath me. The pain must be bad. I tried to get him to take some medicine the healer gave him, although he refused it. I wish he wouldn’t be so stubborn. He’d feel better and probably be able to sleep easier.

  His body starts to relax beneath me. I take in his warmth and close my eyes. I still don’t know how someone I’ve only known a couple of weeks has gotten under my skin so fast. The fact that I could have lost him today was enough to scare me into thinking of a life without him.

  When things started going downhill with my ex, prior to me catching him cheating, my mother confessed she never thought the two of us made sense. I asked her why she never voiced it previously. She asked if I would have listened to her before my wedding day and not gone through with it. I told her no, of course not, and that I loved him regardless of what she had to say I would have married him. Right then I had my answer as to why she never told me.

  So, here I lay on a bed, in a house in a faraway land, where dragons fly through the sky, and there is a field of azure flowers. Maybe Luke had a point when he said everything happened the way it did for a reason. If I had dreamt about him earlier in life, would I be where I am right now? Would I have crossed through the portal that day, and if so, would I have given the key to his father so he could go after his mother?

  Those questions, and wondering if I’m finally on the right path in life, keep bouncing around my head well into the night. The nap I had earlier didn’t do me any favors.

  I lift myself from him and lie at his side with my hand on his stomach, so I can feel every breath he takes. I hear his groans of pain when he tries to roll over. I feel his hand seeking me out, attempting to pull me close. Eventually, sleep overcomes me, but I’m left with awful dreams of the battle earlier and the way the blade felt on my neck. Every time I wake gasping for air with my hand flying to my neck. The sting of pain is still there. Each time I close my eyes again, I’m immersed back into the nightmare to relive all over again.


  Three Weeks Later

  Luke has been very persistent in trying to get me naked and beneath him. It’s been the worst struggle not to succumb to his advances. I keep telling him that he needs to heal, and when we finally are together, I don’t want to have to be careful and watch how I move or what I do. Not that I’m rough in bed or anything, but I know if I see him wince I won’t be able to keep going. Plus, I wouldn’t mind it if he was a little rough with me.

  The first week after the confrontation with King Pine, we remained inside Luke’s home, much to his dismay. He wanted to be out there doing things, although what, I don’t know. There was nothing important he had to tend to. Elliott came by often to check on him, and I grilled him about what was going on, so I could put Luke’s mind at ease that he wasn’t needed at the moment. However, it only seemed to piss him off that his men didn’t need him. I’m quickly learning that he always has to be doing something. Being sedentary doesn’t work for him, injured or not.

  Week two we went outside in the courtyard a lot. We had a few meals with his brothers and sister. We did some shopping and visited with different people who live in the kingdom, mostly Elite members and their wives.

  The third week we got adventurous since Luke was feeling better. We took out his horse and he showed me around the land. We had a picnic near the old cottage where I entered this realm. I could see the look of longing in his eyes. He wanted to see his mother again. We aren’t sure if they’ll return. For all we know, the key could have disappeared when he went through. Or he couldn’t get ahold of his wife. There are so many things that could go wrong. I wish there was a way we could find out, but the only thing that happens when I open the door to the cottage is me ending up in a dirty, old space. Only with the key in the lock and turned can you open the portal back to my apartment.

  Right now, I’m lying in bed in nothing but a pair of panties. I showered and threw on one of Luke’s shirts, the only thing I’ll wear to bed. As
soon as I heard the water in the shower come on, I stripped out of it. I left the damask open on the side of the bed facing the bathroom. I’m lying on my side, waiting for him to emerge. I only hope he finds me irresistible when he does. He’s been all but begging me to let him touch me outside of some heated make out sessions. It hasn’t been easy, but I think the wait will definitely have been worth it. He has no idea he’ll find me like this when he opens the door. I want to surprise him.

  While I wait for him, my mind wanders back onto all of the sweet moments we’ve had. He does always find ways to touch me or hold me close. He will kiss me no matter where we are or who’s watching. I love how attentive he is, and how much he wants everyone to know I’m his. Not that I think any of the local men would be fighting him to have me. There are some people who still look at me as a traitor, even though I’ve never given them reason to believe so. I guess being the daughter of King Pine is enough for them. The only competition Luke would have is Oliver, and we haven’t seen him since he left the night of my father’s death.

  Two nights ago he took me to where the dragons sleep at night and walked me to Tali’s stall. I thought he was going to take me for a ride on her, but boy was I surprised. Tali came walking out and nudged me with her big, horned head, careful not to hurt me. Then right behind her appeared a smaller dragon, whose color reminded me of a storm cloud on a hot summer day. It seems Tali was busy. She and Elliott’s dragon were found sound asleep inside her area one morning. Luke had said she was a loner, but I guess she got sick of it, and there we were with a baby dragon. Who knew how long the other dragon had been visiting her for? Elliott and Luke both decided he would become mine. My own dragon. What the hell I need a dragon for is beyond me. They both insisted, though. Even Addison had one.

  I couldn’t help but fall in love with the little guy. Little being the wrong word, really. He was bigger than a full-size SUV. He came right up to me and ran around me in circles. I named him Storm after the first thing I thought of when I saw him. The name seems to fit. He’s been a terror with the other dragons. Teasing them and trying to get them to play with him. Fortunately, they all put up with him really well. Of course, I think it helps that Tali would harm any of them that hurt her son. She is the most powerful dragon of any they have and none test her.

  There are days I still can’t believe I’m here and living this life of fantasy. Luke alone is a man that only my dreams could conjure up, yet he’s very real. Add in seers, that dragons really exist, and all kinds of other things I have yet to see for myself.

  Luke tells me stories of other creatures beyond the woods and the other kingdoms that exist in this realm. He says one day we can travel and see everything. It seems the only kingdom the Azures had warred with is Pine. The other kings all have a peace treaty and no battles are fought between them, nor would they back either Azure or Pine in war. They designed the treaty to avoid bringing conflict to other borders. We still don’t know what’s going on with the Pine leadership. Luke assumes Reid has taken over.

  The doorknob turning with a click draws my attention back to the bathroom and the man I’m waiting for. He steps out shirtless in all of his chiseled glory. The muscles on his stomach form little mountains that I can’t wait to explore with my tongue. They lead down to the V at his waist, like an arrow pointing where I should go, and oh, will I ever. His hair is damp and sticking up haphazardly. Navy, cotton shorts hang low on his hips. There is jagged scar running across his chest that makes my heart hurt every time I lay eyes on it.

  One step into the room and he freezes. His eyes widen and his mouth forms an O. He takes a moment to let his gaze rake over my body. His eyes burn a path from my toes to my chest with each inch he takes in. When he gets to my bare breasts, he stops. His tongue snakes out to lick his bottom lip. My legs squeeze together to try and ease the ache that’s forming.

  His eyes meet mine and they smolder with intensity. He walks to me like a jungle cat on the prowl. As he approaches the bed, I start to move over giving him room. With speed I don’t know he has, he’s by the bed and climbing on top of me before I can move. His arms brace on either side of my head, locked tight to keep his weight off of me. He’s kneeling, straddling my legs. My breath is coming out in pants at the anticipation of what’s to come.

  Before he touches me, he asks, “Are you sure? Once you give yourself to me there’s no going back.”

  “We’ve already crossed that point the night you were hurt. I don’t want to go back, only forward. And only with you.”

  He leans down to feather a kiss over my cheek. “My princess,” he whispers in my ear. Goosebumps break out over my skin when he begins to kiss a trail from the spot just below my ear, down my neck to my shoulder. He doesn’t stop there, only continues a path until he reaches my breast. His tongue flicks over the sensitive peak, drawing a moan from deep within my throat. How I’ve wanted his mouth on me; how I’ve craved this very moment.

  He takes my nipple between his teeth and gently bites down. My back arches off the bed as pain and pleasure mix, fueling the fire building inside me. His hand finds my other breast and kneads it with his strong fingers. I want more of him. I want all of him.

  Releasing my breast, his lips journey south past my navel to the juncture of my thighs. He hooks his fingers inside my panties, drawing them off so slowly it’s torturous. Gentle hands skim up the inside of my legs, only to stop short of where I want them most.

  “So beautiful,” he murmurs. “All mine.”

  Leaning down, his tongue sweeps between my folds, drawing a cry from my lips. Zaps of electricity race through me from that single touch.

  “So sweet,” he speaks against me.

  He presses firmly against my clit and alternates between sucking and licking. I try to squeeze my legs shut and lift my pelvis from the bed. The sensation is too much, and not enough at the same time, but he’s relentless in his pursuit to drive me to ecstasy. His hard as steel body is between my thighs, and one arm is over my stomach to hold me down. His pace quickens. He moans against me. I begin to writhe beneath him, my orgasm imminent. When he inserts two fingers inside of me, I crash over the edge, helpless to hang on any longer.

  My body spasms as my orgasm tears through me. Luke doesn’t stop. He wants to pull every bit from me that he can. I’m calling out his name over and over. I’ve never experienced anything like this. I’m hot all over, sweat beading on my brow. As soon as I start to come down, he picks up the pace, pushing me toward the brink again. I can’t take much more. I want him inside of me. Need him there like I need air to breathe.

  My fingers grip his hair to pull him from me. He stops after my fourth attempt at doing so. I’m left weak, but ready for more.

  He’s over me again, lowering himself to me. I feel the head of his cock at my entrance, and I lift my hips to bring us closer faster. As he’s about to push in he stops. “Ali, have you been drinking the tea Stephanie left for you?” Seriously? He wants to talk to me about tea right now?

  “Ummm…I have, but I don’t quite understand why you’re asking me about that at this very moment.”

  He chuckles. “She didn’t tell you what it was, did she?” I shake my head. “It’s a tea to prevent you from becoming pregnant.”

  “What? They make a tea that does that? Get the hell out.” Who would have thought? I wonder why it’s not used back home. “Wait. Why didn’t she tell me what it was for? She said to drink it daily to keep me healthy and to talk to her before stopping it.”

  “I don’t know. She probably knows something we don’t. That concerns me a little.”

  “Let’s have this talk another time. Right now, you’re here. I’m here. And I want you badly.”

  Reaching down, I grasp his length in my hand, causing him to suck in a breath. I watch him close his eyes as I slowly stroke him. He’s hard in my hand and I need him to be inside of me. Lifting my hips again, I bring him to my center. His eyes flutter open when he touches me. He gazes down and we lock eyes
as he enters me.

  My body tenses at first, then stretches to accommodate him. He’s large, and I haven’t been with anyone in quite some time. Once he’s fully settled into me, he sags against me and shudders.

  “You feel so good. So right. So perfect,” he rasps.

  He kisses me, and the second our tongues touch, I wrap my legs around him. Slowly he moves, but I want it faster, harder.

  “More,” I plead against his lips.

  He picks up the pace, then brings his arms around me to pull me into a sitting position with him. His legs are beneath me and we’re face-to-face. I love this connection I have with him. I’ve never known anything like it. It was something I felt since I’ve first met him, but now it’s like everything has aligned, and we’re where we’re meant to be. The whole fate thing he speaks of is resonating now.

  Tucking a hair behind my ear, he speaks softly, “My princess. My heart.”

  I kiss him deeply and hope it conveys the depth of what I’m feeling. He holds me tight to him. I start to move up and down. We break the kiss. My head falls back and he kisses along my neck. His hands grip my hips, his fingers biting into my skin, moving me the way he wants. I’m happy to relinquish control. I want nothing more than for him to possess every part of me.

  Leaning back further, I brace my arms behind me and Luke finds my nipple, sucking it into his mouth. His thrusts, his tongue, my orgasm is quickly building. I lay all the way back, while my hips still rest in his lap. He rises to kneel on the bed, holding my lower body in the air. With a strong grasp of me, he quickens his pace and powers into me. I’m dizzy with sensation.

  His thumb finds my clit and starts rubbing in small circles. Within minutes I’m crying out his name, convulsing in his hands. He rides me through and doesn’t join me until I start to come down from my high. With a few strong thrusts, he tenses, then covers me with his body to release himself inside of me.


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