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Redemption (The Restoration Series Book 1)

Page 20

by Christina Simpson

  “That’s what I’m afraid of. I don’t think I can face it.”

  “Well, our parents and Davis will be there, along with all the officers of course. We’ll be safe, Evie. They won’t let anything happen to us.”

  She nodded and took a deep breath. “I know.”

  “We still have a few weeks before we have to face that, though. So let’s get through tonight and we’ll face the rest together, okay?”

  She pulled me into her arms and sighed. “Thanks, Nova. Love you.”

  “Love you too, sis.”

  We stepped out of the bathroom and all everyone stopped talking. Mrs. Matthews walked up to Evie and pulled her close, whispering words of calm and love to her before pulling her into the kitchen to brew some tea.

  Mrs. Palmer rested her face in her hands on the couch and I slid beside her. “It’s all right. It’s going to be okay.”

  “Nova, she’s just so lost. I mean, she lost her spark.”

  “We’ll find it again, I swear. It won’t be easy, but she just needs time and all the support we can give her. She needs to feel safe and accepted. We’ll make that happen. I swear.”

  “I hope so.”

  After we had finished our tea, we spent the next hour chatting with Charlie and a few other friends of Mr. and Mrs. Matthews. Eventually, Evie and her mom packed up and left. Shortly after, the party dwindled and a good amount of people started leaving. Those who were still around started building the bonfire in the backyard. Others pulled giant logs around the exterior for seating. Davis pulled me with him to an open spot and we took a seat, letting the warmth of the fire cover us. I was still a bit cold, so he ran inside and got a blanket, wrapping it around my shoulders when he returned.


  “You’re welcome, beautiful.” He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on my temple. I couldn’t help but lean into him, letting the scent of leather and pine fill my senses as I took in the scene around me. I felt normal. For the first time in a long time, I felt like I the past was finally where it belonged. In the past. And I couldn’t help but think that my future was sitting right next to me in dark jeans, flannel shirt, and cowboy boots.

  We spent the rest of the evening cooking s’mores over the campfire and listening to one of the Matthews’ ranch hands play the guitar. When it was nearing midnight, Davis pulled me up and headed toward the truck.

  “I think it’s about time to get you home.”

  I yawned and stretched my arms up high. “Yeah. I think so.”

  He chuckled, wrapping his arm around my back, and his other quickly went to my knees, lifting me into his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck and burrowed into him as he carried me to the truck and placed me gently inside. “Let’s go, sleepyhead.”

  Chapter 20


  The drive was quick. We pulled up to the house to find the porch light off and the house dark. It was odd. Even if her parents had gone to sleep, they would have left those lights on for us. I quickly glanced around, taking measure of the scene before me.

  “You think everything is okay?” I questioned, wondering if the scene before us was normal.

  “Umm, yeah. Probably.” Nova clenched her seat belt, but the nervousness wracked through her muscles as she tensed. I stepped out and walked around the side to open her door.

  “All right, gorgeous. Let’s go.” I gripped her hand and took cautious steps toward the porch.

  “Thanks for tonight. It was fun. And thanks for calling Evie. I miss her.”

  “I know you do.”

  We heard a small creak of the screen door swinging on its hinges as we approached the porch. It was dark, keeping us from seeing anything more than a few feet around us, causing the unnerving feeling to grow in the pit of my stomach.

  “Nova, I want you to walk back to the truck and shut the door, okay? Let me just check everything out, and I’ll come get you in a second.”

  “Davis, my parents…”

  “I’ll just make sure everything is good. Go.”

  She nodded and ran back toward the truck and locked herself inside. When I knew she was safe, I stepped onto the porch, knocking on the door and ringing the doorbell.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Drake?” I yelled through the door. There was no answer. I turned the knob and it opened freely. Stepping inside, I flipped on the lamp near the door. In the living room sat Mr. and Mrs. Drake, tied to two chairs with ropes, cloths gagging their mouths. Tears streamed down Mrs. Drake’s face and blood dripped from Mr. Drake’s lip. In the dark corner of the room sat Pete. He had a gun in one hand, and a silver jewelry box in the other. The smell of liquor permeated the room.

  “Well, well, well…,” he spoke darkly. “If it isn’t the prodigal son. Did you have fun with my girl tonight?”

  “She’s not your girl, Pete. It’s been years since you were together. She left you.”

  “She never left me!” He screamed as he stood up, moving toward me.

  “She told me you went crazy, Pete. That you were controlling her and that you lost it.”

  “I didn’t lose it. She did. She went all crazy. I LOVED HER!”

  He was obviously not in his right mind; this idea was reinforced as he stumbled slightly. If I could just get him worked up enough to come close, I could free him of the weapon and get him under control.

  “I don’t think you loved her,” I spoke candidly. “I think you wanted her, sure. But love? Love doesn’t alienate her, tear her down, make her feel less than something. Love doesn’t control or order other people around. That’s not love.”

  He moved toe to toe with me. “And how would you know what love is?”

  He spat in my face, and I jumped forward, gripping his hand and twisting it so his arm bent awkwardly behind his back. I squeezed his hand roughly until his fingers released, and then I snatched the gun out of his hand, turning it to face him.

  “I know, because I love her. She’s not yours, Pete. She never was.”

  Nova gasped behind me, taking in the scene around us.

  “Davis…” she whimpered. My heart ripped to pieces, knowing she was having a flashback of the night I saved her.

  “It’s okay, Nova. You’re back home. This isn’t Sydney.”

  She rushed to her parents, loosening the ropes and the material in their mouths. They quickly stood up and Mrs. Drake pulled Nova into the other room. Mr. Drake stood with anger and judgment in his eyes.

  “You have made a very big mistake, Pete. Coming into my house, threatening what’s mine. You should have thought twice about that.”

  It didn’t take long before he had Pete’s arms pulled behind his back and rope tied around them and his feet. Sirens blasted through the air as police cars rushed down the driveway to the house. Nova or her Mom must have called the police.

  Within seconds, officers were pushing through the door and held their guns toward the three of us. I dropped my weapon and kicked it across the room.

  “Davis.” Nova rushed toward me, wrapping her trembling arms around me. I pulled her into the corner and sat her on my lap, letting her calm down while the officers arrested Pete and pulled him out of the house. A few detectives lingered to get our statements. As soon as Nova was able, she turned to face them and told him everything.

  I sat there, offering comfort when I could, but just giving her the strength to move on. My heart was still racing from the confrontation, but having her close to me calmed me as well. When all was said and done, Nova fell asleep on my lap. Mr. Drake sighed as he fell into the couch, pulling his wife with him.

  “Do you mind if I take her to her room?” I whispered to him.

  “We trust you. She needs you.” He spoke softly, caressing his wife’s hair as she cried softly into his shoulder.

  I lifted Nova, trying my best not to stir her from her much-needed rest. Carefully, I took each stair and made my way across the hall to her door. My foot pushed the door open and it swung quicker than I anticipated, thudding against the dre
sser behind it. I froze, watching Nova carefully, hoping the sound didn’t wake her. Satisfied that she was sleeping soundly, I moved toward her bed and gently laid her down. I tugged the boots free from her feet and pulled on the intricate quilt, tucking it around her, letting my fingers brush the hair from her face.

  “I’m sorry you had to go through all that, beautiful. I’m sorry that you had to feel unprotected and unsafe, again.” My heart was twisting painfully.

  I bent to kiss her cheek and she moved her lips to meet mine. I stilled, not knowing if she was awake or asleep, but her eyes fluttered open and then she closed them again and kissed me. I set my hands on her cheeks and poured every ounce of my love into this moment. Even if it was the only one I’d be getting, I’d let her know that I was here, that I was taking care of her and that I was fulfilling my promises.

  She broke away and smiled, tears forming in her eyes. I gently wiped them away, kneeling beside her bed.

  “Don’t cry, sweetheart.”

  “You l-love me?”

  I smiled, brushing the hair away from her cheeks once again.

  “More than anything, beautiful. I never imagined God would bring you into my world and allow me to love someone like you. You’re everything I could have ever asked for.”

  She wiped at her eyes again and reached up to wrap her arms around my neck. “I love you, too, cowboy.”

  Warmth filled me and I bent to kiss her again, causing my heart to pound ever so roughly in my chest. “You’re mine, Nova. Mine to protect, to care for, to love. I will do all of that. I swear to you.”

  “I know you will. I trust you.”

  I gave her another gentle kiss, then stood. “I’ll let you get some sleep, gorgeous. I’ll talk to you tomorrow, okay?”

  She nodded and pulled the blankets around her, letting her eyes close and sleep overtake her body. I watched for a few moments later and then closed her door and walked away.

  Mr. Drake met me in the living room and he shook my hand.

  “Thank you.”

  “I will always protect her, sir. Always.”

  “I know that. But that’s not what I meant. I meant, thank you for giving her what she needs. For bringing her back to us and letting her be herself again. Thank you for loving her.”

  “You don’t have to thank me for that, Sir. She deserves everything I can give, and I will gladly do that for the rest of my life.”

  He nodded and pulled me into his arms.

  “I’m glad she’s found you.”

  “I’m glad she found me, too.”

  I stepped away and waved goodbye as I made my way to the truck outside. Driving home, I pulled out my cell and dialed Jared’s number.

  “Hey, man!” Jared answered.

  “Hey. How’s it going?”

  “Pretty good. I’m just closing up the shop right now, what’s up?”

  “Just needed to get a timeline for when we need to be there. Also, we’ll need the beach house if possible. We have Nova’s parents, Nova, me, Evie and her mom.”

  “No problem, man. It’s big enough for everyone.”

  “Great. Also, can you tell the crew that I’m coming back to town and we’d love to get together with them?”

  “Sure thing. Looks like the trial is in three weeks. You guys need transport from the airport?”

  “No. I’ll rent something big enough for all of us. I think the girls will feel safer if we’re all together.”

  “How’s Evie?”

  “Not well. She’s pregnant, dude.”

  “Are you kidding me?” Jared’s voice went loud.

  “Nope. But we’re trying to deal with it in a sensitive matter, of course. We can’t let it get out that she’s pregnant right now. We don’t want any repercussions.”

  “Agreed. She’ll be safe here, bro. I’ll make sure of it.”

  “I know you will. Thanks, man. I’ll email you our itineraries. See you in a few weeks.

  “Sounds good.”

  I clicked off the phone and tucked it into my pocket before sliding out of my truck. My resolve to make sure Nova felt safe was firm in my heart. Not just physically safe, but I now had her heart, which was much more terrifying than anything else. It was fragile, but God had given it to me, and I would give my all keep it safe.

  I let the image of her riding the horse, free in abandon and happiness covering her, flood across my mind.

  “My Nova. So beautiful.” I chuckled and moved toward my house, knowing that I’d move heaven and earth to make sure Nova could live just like that. No matter the cost.


  © 2014 Christina Simpson

  About the Author

  About the Author

  Christina Simpson currently resides in Pennsylvania with her husband and two sons. She has been writing since she was in high school, where she received her first published work, a creative poem titled “Ingredients.” She wrote this poem as a way to explain how our diversity in this world comes together to make something beautiful.

  As she continued to grow in her writing, she was finally able to publish her first novella in 2013. She is currently a member of the Christian Indie Author Network, a collection of self-published and Independent Authors gathered to grow and promote Christian writing across the world.

  Are you interested in reading Christian books in multiple genres? Join Christian Indie Author ~ Readers Group on Facebook. Opportunities to learn more great Christian authors.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  Special Thanks and Dedication

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  About the Author




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