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ME: The Complete Series

Page 5

by Logan Chance

  When I got to the airfield, I was just in time. Five minutes to spare.

  “Cutting it kind of close, Captain,” Connor chastised as I bolted into the cockpit.

  “Overslept a bit. We ready?”

  “Wouldn’t have anything to do with your hot date, now would it?” He nodded to the clipboard in his hand. “Everything’s all set.”

  I sat down and started the preflight checklist, ready to get off the ground.

  Flying over the great Atlantic Ocean was comforting in the fact I could use the time to get my head on straight and think about my actions with Kayla. She was Belinda’s best friend, and in no way should I have even touched her. But I did.

  Something about her drew me in. Maybe it was the dimple. There was undeniable chemistry between us, no question. But, I needed to get her out of my mind. I needed that kind of chemistry with Belinda. The conversations I had with her made me smile. She had a way of opening me up. The sexual chemistry in person would come, wouldn’t it?

  “Your girl have a friend?” Connor asked, breaking me out of my thoughts.

  “Yeah, she does.” Not thinking about a hook up situation, or possible double date, I let the words fall from my mouth. He scooped them up faster than the jet we were flying cruised through the wispy white clouds. Once he jumped on the idea of a double date, I wished I’d kept my mouth shut.

  When we left the plane, Connor was still filling my head with his ideas of a double date.

  Problem was, I didn’t want to see Kayla again. She was too tempting, and I wanted to focus on salvaging things with Belinda.

  I fished my phone out of my gray slacks and headed to the cab waiting to take us to the hotel.

  “Tell your girl we could see that new superhero movie that’s playing,” Connor suggested, continuing to torture me as he slid in the back of the cab next to me. “Chicks dig superheroes.”

  Fuck. That might be true, but I wanted to talk to Belinda, find the sexual chemistry that had to be lurking. Not sit silent, side by side, watching Henry Cavill prance around in a cape. He nudged my arm. “Come on, man.”

  “Sure,” I said, giving in. At least this way Kayla and Connor wouldn’t be alone in a darkened movie theater.

  What the fuck was my problem? Belinda. Belinda. Belinda. I chanted her name in my head trying to get my thoughts away from Kayla.

  When I reached the hotel room, I kicked off my shoes and grabbed my phone. A message from Belinda was there from the previous night.

  Love at first sight is quite tricky to me. When do you ever truly see someone? What I mean is, I feel you need to get to know someone to truly see them. See them for who they really are. Appearances don’t tell you anything.

  Maybe life throws people in your life for certain reasons.

  Maybe life tests people, and we never truly fall in love with anyone.

  Hope you’re having fun in the Caribbean.

  Sorry to get so deep with you.

  I reread her message. She always made me think about things. I chuckled slightly and thumbed out my response.

  Don’t ever apologize for being deep.

  Question: My friend would like to do a double date with Kayla when we get back to Florida. You have every right to say no. He’s crazy, but a good guy.

  I tossed the phone. Then, my mind drifted again to the mistake I made with Kayla. How could I allow that to even happen? They were best friends. My confused mind conjured up Kayla’s lips and our kiss. The way she moaned when my tongue found hers. The way she bit down on my lip before sucking it into her mouth. My cock rumbled to life and I repositioned myself in my pants.

  Fuck. Stop thinking about her.

  My phone pinged and I jumped at the sound.

  I swiped the phone and read the message.

  Sounds great. I’m sure Kayla would love it. She enjoys crazy guys. She’s known a few. What does your friend look like? She wants to know before she agrees, but I’ll tell you right now, I’ll make sure she does.

  Take a picture of the blue ocean for me.

  I smiled and wrote her back.


  Sending off the message, I couldn’t think of anything else to say.

  I grabbed a pair of shorts and got dressed to head to the beach. The salty air swirled around me as I stood at the edge of the sand and gazed out to the aquamarine ocean. The color of it reminded me of Kayla’s eyes and I shook my head trying to wipe away the memory of her. Snapping a few photos with my phone, my excitement built to share them with Belinda. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Connor approaching.

  “Hey man, what are you doing?”

  “Taking pictures,” I said, clicking off a few more.

  “Yeah, I can see that. The question is why?”


  “The chick from the site?”

  “Yeah, her.” Her. The girl I was beginning to like. Every time we had a conversation, I came away wanting to see her more and more.

  “What did she say about the double date?”

  Oh, right, that. I was jealous but had no right to be.

  I pushed away the ugly green monster and smiled. I snapped a picture of Connor and headed off down the beach with him trailing behind me. Suddenly, I was in a bad mood, and the thought of snapping pictures for Belinda no longer made me happy.

  Once we were stateside, I lowered the flaps and we glided into the executive airport in Florida.

  Looking forward to my date with Belinda, I tried to figure out what I was more excited about. Seeing her, or Kayla.

  I focused on thoughts of Belinda as I got ready for a night out with both ladies, oh, and Connor. Would it be weird to see Kayla again? I wouldn’t look at her. I planned to only concentrate on Belinda and end the night with a spark. One last chance to make this flame burn, if it fucking killed me.

  As I pulled up to the Lopa, a cool little tiki bar, I spotted Connor’s red hair standing out in the crowd. The joint was packed and the atmosphere was hopping. An electrical current zapped through the air as I made my way over to him.

  “Hey, man. Where’s the girls?” he asked. His eagerness reminded me of a teenager looking to get laid.

  “Calm down, dude. They’ll be here.” Glancing around, I noticed Belinda first and signaled her over to us. When I saw Kayla walking next to her, my jaw nearly dropped. She took my breath away, and I hoped no one noticed. Get it together, man.

  Her light fruity perfume wafted over to me when they stopped in front of us.

  Connor spoke first. Fucker. “Hey, Kayla, Belinda. Nice to meet you both. Let’s grab a table.”

  Kayla’s eyes flitted to me and I gave her a small smile.

  Tonight was going to be very hard. Stop. Difficult. Nothing was going to be hard. Even if her short flowy pink dress hugged her curves on top so tight I could see the imprint of her nipples. The nipples I had covered in whipped cream and bit down on. She wore black heels that strapped around her trim ankles, and the combination was to kill for. I knew I would. And if Connor didn’t stop staring at her tits, he might be my first victim. I ran a hand across my jaw and turned my attention to Belinda before placing a hand on the small of her back. She stiffened at my touch, and there it was again. How could we be so open in messages and not have any desire in person? I wasn’t going to give up.

  We grabbed a booth for four, and Belinda scooted in beside me. Kayla sat directly across from me and avoided eye contact.

  The waiter arrived and spieled off the specials. I tried to pay attention, but I couldn’t tear my eyes away from Kayla’s pink-tipped nails twirling the coaster on the shiny oak table.

  Belinda nudged me. “Did you want the Paella?” Paella? Is that what he was carrying on about?

  “Sounds great.” I just wanted to get this date over with. I couldn’t even believe the thought of ditching this date crossed my mind. Everything felt wrong with Kayla here. Correction—it was wrong. She looked so fucking beautiful sitting there with the light catching the shine of her blonde hair.

  And, then the real question hit me. Am I more attracted to a girl for her looks over her personality?

  Belinda was great. Our conversations were electric. Thought provoking. Being a guy didn’t mean you only want your cock stimulated. I had opened up to her about things I didn’t normally discuss. Yet, Kayla had my blood pumping and pulse racing just being in a ten-foot radius of her. I wanted to lift her skirt under the table with my foot.

  And then she spoke. Like word porn in my ears.

  “Connor, what do you do for work?”

  My eyes shot to them, and I watched as Connor got a huge smile before answering. I knew what was coming. Ok, I’ll admit it. Our job definitely helped in scoring chicks. Say pilot to some, and you might as well have said, “Ladies, please line up and dispose of your panties before entering the cockpit.”

  “Erik and I are both pilots for a private jet,” he said, stretching his arm along the back of the booth behind her. I smirked.

  Kayla wouldn’t fall for his line; she didn’t seem the type.

  She already knew I was a pilot. So, when her eyes lit up, and she smiled and leaned closer to him, I got upset. Wait. Wrong reaction. Don’t turn toward him.

  “Oh, wow, that’s very cool.”

  “Yeah, it’s kickass,” I said, turning toward Belinda. The private joke between us fell flat when she only offered up a soft smile.

  Something was off with her.

  Kayla and Connor continued chatting away about planes, trains, and everything under the fucking sun. They were hitting it off, and I was stuck here with a front row seat to the show.

  Halfway through the meal, I tried again to talk to Belinda. Talk to me, woman.

  Finally, she opened up a little, and our fun banter was back on track. We chatted about the Heat making it to the finals, and Belinda laughed when Kayla turned her nose up at the idea of coming to a game.

  The conversation flowed easy with Belinda, but that was all it was…just conversing.

  Connor and Kayla laughing it up across from us was downright pissing me off.

  I’m on the wrong date.

  I was determined to turn the night around. After dinner, we walked the neon strip of South Beach. I grabbed Belinda’s hand, and she smiled. Fucking finally. Score.

  Maybe I just needed to get her alone.

  Kayla and Connor strolled ahead of us, and yes, ok, the view of Kayla’s ass distracted me. The situation was making me feel more and more like an asshole.

  I gave Belinda’s hand a squeeze and looked down at her. “What do you feel like doing? Dancing? Movie?”

  Sex? Maybe sex was what it would take to get this motherfucker burning. Yes, my mind went there. Even though Belinda wasn’t quite the one it wanted to go there with.

  Connor and Kayla stopped walking and waited for us to catch up. “Hey, want to go here?” Connor pointed to a classy nightclub.

  “Sure, excuse us a moment,” Belinda said, grabbing Kayla’s hand. She pulled her away from us. Girl meeting. Connor shot me a look with a raised brow. “They’re talking about how sexy I am.”

  I laughed. “In your dreams.”

  “You and Belinda seem good together. You guys get along so well.”

  I ran my hand through my hair. “But, that’s the thing, man. She reminds me of hanging out with my sisters.”

  “That’s not good.” He laughed and stepped off the curb to let a couple pass between us. They walked wrapped around each other like they were one entity. His hand slipped down and palmed her ass and she looked up at him and smiled. That’s what I didn’t have with Belinda yet. Looked like the only thing I would be palming would be a basketball at a Miami Heat Game with her. And, sadly, that excited me more than the thought of palming her ass. My eyes slid back to Connor. “Yeah, I really like her though.” I looked over at the girls, their heads close together, whispering. “But, I don’t know.” And I didn’t.

  The girls walked back, and Kayla’s eyes slammed into mine with such intensity I swear the earth shook under my feet. Shit. There it was. The thing I was missing with Belinda. That rumble of undeniable chemistry. Did she feel it? My dick definitely felt it.

  Belinda smiled. “Let’s get going guys.” She grabbed my hand and pulled me inside.

  The club was dim and a live band played on the back patio. Belinda weaved in and out of the crowd as we all filed behind her to the bar and ordered drinks. We hung out, and Belinda and Kayla made us laugh with stories from their past.

  Kayla explained to us how she got into egg carving, which was really fucking cool.

  Belinda talked about reading books on the World Wars, and that led to a discussion on planes.

  After a while, I took Belinda’s hand and led her to the dance floor. “Glad you’re having a good time,” I told her, wrapping an arm around her waist.

  My mood lifted when she smiled and pressed in closer to me. “Connor seems to like Kayla.”

  No shit. Mood killer. My high lasted all of two point five seconds. Jealousy coursed through me.

  Pretend it doesn’t bother you, man. Yes, I was giving myself a pep talk, and I was failing at calming myself down.

  My eyes shot to Kayla and Connor. They were standing close. Too close. He’s a great friend, but I wouldn’t let someone I cared about date him.

  Shit. Why did I care? I didn’t even fucking know Kayla. Belinda inched away from me, and I shook my head.

  The date was a disaster, and I needed a reprieve.

  “I’ll be right back.” I left Belinda on the dance floor. Rude, but I had to think. Was I going to give up a deeper connection for someone I couldn’t control my dick around? My body had zero reaction to Belinda pressed up against me. Did that matter? I needed silence to think.

  Yoga? Meditation? No, I wasn’t that type of guy. That was some Lexi bullshit. She did yoga three days a week. Said it centered her. Even though she didn’t seem very centered to me. She was more like a hot mess of madness, but I loved her. I headed to the restroom, splashed some water over my face, and when I closed my eyes, I saw Kayla’s. The way she stared at me after their girl pow-wow was unreal.

  I exited the bathroom and Kayla was there. Big blue eyes, little pink dress, sexy hair tumbling past her small shoulders. I slid my hands in my pockets, not wanting to slam her against the wall as I had so many times in my fantasies.

  She didn’t make a move, studying me as I studied her. Should I speak?

  “Hey.” She broke the silence, and my heart hammered in my chest.

  When her dimple appeared, my mission in life became clear. Make this girl smile as much as possible.

  “Hey.” I couldn’t contain the goofy grin on my face, but I didn’t care. She was so pretty.

  “Are you having a good time?” She leaned against the wall, just like how I’d always pictured her.

  My cock grew hard. Fuck, this girl.

  “Yeah,” I breathed, suddenly turned on. I could lift that flirty little skirt and slide my finger along her pussy to see if she was wet. Fuck. Stop. Think about anything else. Don’t think about how many fingers you could slip inside her and fuck her with.

  She moved closer as I tried to picture the roster for the NBA finals playoffs schedule. Don’t get closer, please.

  But, damn, if I didn’t want her right next to me. Under me. Her legs on my shoulders while I fucked her until she came all over me. She stopped when we were practically touching. Our eyes burned into one another. The things she did to me was insane.

  “Erik, do you like Belinda?”

  The NBA schedule flew out of my mind as I watched her chest heave. I wanted to run my cock between the swell of her breasts.

  “No.” And that was it. One step closer and I had her in my arms. Victory. My lips were on hers, searching and begging her for more.

  She felt too damn good, and I didn’t want to let go. The taste of sugar was once again on my lips, and a low growl rumbled in my throat.

  She pushed me back and pinned me against the wa
ll, and I liked the power shift. Usually I was the one pinning, but this worked too. For now.

  My hands raced all over her, down between her legs, cupping her sweet cunt. The heat from her pussy warmed my hand. I wanted to touch her everywhere. Belinda and guilt entered my mind for a quick instant but vanished the moment Kayla traced her hand over the bulge in my pants.

  “Oh fuck,” I groaned as my head fell against the wall. My eyes closed as she nipped at my neck, sucking and biting.

  “Erik, I need to tell you something,” she said against my skin.

  “Anything, tell me. Don’t stop.”

  But she didn’t say anything. Her mouth closed, and I was too far gone.

  Her hand rubbed over my hard cock, gripping it. I couldn’t think straight. All the boiling blood in my body moved south, and I no longer cared about anyone or anything but this woman.

  Driving my knee between her legs, I moved her around, so she was up against the wall. She slid her pussy against my upper thigh, pressing down, riding it. I kissed her, hard, sucking her tongue into my mouth. I couldn’t take it anymore.

  Breaking the kiss, I whispered to her, “Want to get out of here?”

  Her blue eyes were clouded with lust. “Yeah,” she whispered back.

  Could we leave?

  Was this smart?

  Did I care?

  I grabbed her hand, pushing on the exit door a few feet away. The hot, balmy air of Florida hit us as we stepped onto the pavement at the back of the club, and I spotted a secluded wooden bench off in the corner. Fuck if I didn’t have her already hoisted on my lap by the time I thought about how wrong this could be.

  “Kayla, you’ve been driving me crazy all night.”

  “Oh God, you too.” She grappled at my neck as she ground her body against me, sliding along my cock. I palmed her ass, rocking up into her. Her tits were in my face and I glanced up to her. I didn’t have to say it. She understood without a word. She pulled the top of her dress down and gripping the back of my neck brought my mouth to her rose colored nipple. Fuck if her hunger for me wasn’t driving me wild. I sucked her nipple, grazing it with my teeth. She closed her eyes, arching and rocking her body into me. I dove in, sucking along her neck and breasts as she kept grinding on my lap.


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