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Razor's Mark: (Marked Book 1)

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by Gracie Meadows

  And just like that, it cut off. Shit, she knew something bad had happened. She knew John didn’t take things lightly when it came to safety. He had only mentioned his brother once, and it was when he’d been drinking at a Christmas party.

  Looking around her apartment, she didn’t know if it was bugged. Grabbing a few pairs of jeans and shirts, she headed out, acting like she needed to do laundry. Her apartment complex had machines in the basement, which would allow her to sneak out the backdoor. Once in the basement, she pulled the small bag from the bottom of her basket out before loading it with her stuff and taking off.

  She left her car and headed to the metro to hop a train to the area of the shop. Who knew all the weird tricks her brother had taught her would ever come in handy? Faith pulled up maps on her phone and was relieved that she’d be able to walk to the shop from the subway. She memorized the area before she tossed the phone into a nearby trashcan then jumping onto the green line. At least she knew where she needed to go now.

  The train stopped, and Faith made her way to the street. It wasn’t a bad neighborhood, and it was one with a decent amount of foot traffic. This made her feel a little at ease with so many people around. Finding the building was easy enough with its bright, bold colors that resembled a splattered pattern. Opening the door to the shop, a woman’s greeting was the first she heard.

  “Hi, sugar, welcome to Ink Spot. How can I help you?” A beautiful, curvy woman with rainbow colored hair stood at the counter.

  “Yes, hi. I’m hoping you can point me to the right person. I need to see Jason.” “Jason?” The woman said his name as if trying to figure it out.

  “Yeah, I-I mean a friend said he works here.”

  “No, Jason. Oh shit, do you mean Razor?”

  “Oh God, I don’t know. I was told a Jason worked here.”

  “Someone call me?” She looked over, and a man with hair dark as chocolate and several tattoos came walking out from a back room. He stalked to the counter while looking her up and down as if weighing something.

  “Yes, are you Jason?”

  “Depends on who's asking. What’s it to you, kitten?”

  “Um…can I talk to you privately for a moment?”

  “Razor?” the colorful woman asked.

  “It’s okay, Sparkle, she doesn’t look like she bites. Can I use the office for a second?”


  “Follow me.” And he turned and walked away. Faith followed on shaky legs. Praying she hadn’t made a mistake. Once in the office he shut the door behind her and leaned against the desk. “So, what do you need?”

  “Are you Jason McCoy?”

  “I said it depends on why you are asking.”

  “I’m here because of your brother, Johnathan.”

  “You know Johnny?”

  “Yes, I do. Do you know where he is?”

  “Oh shit, kitten, I hate to be the one to tell you, but he was killed a few days ago.”

  Faith saw the world start to spin. John had told her to come to him if something happened, but she had secretly hoped it was a glitch in the system, or that maybe he was keeping a low profile. But hearing his brother confirm that he was killed, was all she needed. Now it was only a matter of time until they found out she knew what was going on as well.

  “Damn, are you okay?” Jason was right in front of her now, kneeling as she started to shake and fall to the ground, unable to stand on her legs. “Were you his girlfriend or something?”

  “No, no we weren’t dating. We worked together, but he is, or was, one of my close friends.” The tears started to well in her eyes as she tried to blink them away.

  “Here, come sit over here for a minute.” He picked her up and carried her over to a small couch then sat down next to her. “Why did you need to see me?”

  Faith forgot for a second about why she had come, but she needed him to know. John was dead, and it seemed the only one he trusted her with was his brother.

  “You are really Jason?” She needed him to actually confirm it.

  “Yes, I am. Call me Razor. Only Johnny called me that. Kinda hard to hear it right now, ya know.” She looked up at him, and instantly she noticed similar features between the two. They both had the same soft brown eyes and strong jawline.

  “I’m Faith.”

  “Faith, I like it. Why are you looking for Johnny if you work together?”

  “He told me to find you.”

  “Find me, why?”

  “Because he said he sent you something and that I could trust you to keep me safe.”

  “Well I haven’t gotten anything from him, and as for keeping you safe, I need to know what from. An ex, an evil stepmother… you need to be more specific.”

  “I need you to keep me safe from the Department of Defense. They killed John, and he thinks they’re going to kill me next.”

  Razor didn’t know what to think. He just heard about Johnny’s death last night; however, he couldn’t stay home and think about it, he needed to work. Johnny was his older brother and the only family he had left. The last time he’d talked to him was at their parents’ funeral five years ago. Now he was supposed to take care of some woman he didn’t know? She was a mousy little thing too, with her blonde hair pulled back into a tight French braid. She seemed to have a decent figure, but it was hard to tell under ill-fitted jeans and a large blue hoodie.

  “Look, kitten—"



  “My name is Faith, not kitten.”

  “Right, anyway, I don’t know what Johnny was thinking sending you to me, but I can’t help you. And how do I know he sent you to me?”

  “I have a video of him telling me to.”

  “Can I see it?”

  “No, I need a secure network to pull up the email again.”

  “Well, no video means no helping. Kit-Faith, you are barking up the wrong tree.” He went to stand and leave, but she started to shake, and he worried about her getting sick. “Look, maybe try the police or something.”

  “No, he said you and only you.”

  “I can’t do it.”

  “Wait, he said something else. Something about third grade. He said you would know what it meant.”

  Shit, Johnny did send her. Fucking bastard.

  “Damn, okay, well let me see if I can take off or leave you here for a bit.” She nodded as he headed out the door.

  Third grade was a hell of a time and Johnny had been in fifth grade at the time. Some kids had come after him because he had told the teacher they were smoking behind the school. Razor tried to fight them, but it was four on one. He was small for his age. They were kicking the shit out of him when Johnny came running around the corner. One of the older kids pulled a knife and went to stab Razor, but Johnny jumped on him taking a knife in his leg. The kid went crazy, but Johnny didn’t stop even with the knife in his leg, he started to punch back until someone came and got him. If Johnny hadn’t come, they would have killed him. He owed Johnny, and now that shithead was collecting his debt from the grave.

  He needed to talk to Sparkle and create a game plan.

  “Hey, Razor, everything okay?”

  “Yeah, but I have a small problem. Can I have today off, and maybe tomorrow? I need to figure some things out.”

  “Oh sure, sugar, you take care of what you need to, and we will be here if you need us. You have my cell, and I’m sure the guys can either reschedule your appointments or take them.”

  “You’re the best.”

  “Yup, I know.” He kissed her on the cheek before putting his gun away and making sure his equipment was secure. Heading back to the office, he tried to figure out what was happening and why the Department of Defense would be after such a small woman, and why they would kill his brother; if it really was them. He saw Faith sitting in the same spot, looking really shaken. She had begun to freak when he said he wouldn’t help, but even now, she jumpe
d at every loud sound. She was scared shitless. He knew just how to calm someone down.

  “Come on, kitten, time to go.”

  “My name is…”

  “I know, just follow me.” He took her hand and pulled her out the door as she squeaked. Yup, she needed him.

  Chapter Three

  Faith followed Jason, no wait, Razor; he said Razor was what people called him. He held onto her hand as they walked out the back, but stopped short when they reached a giant motorcycle.

  “Um, please tell me we just need to find your car or truck.”

  “Kitten, this is my ride. When the weather's nice, it’s the bike. Saves on gas, plus I can use HOV lanes if I am heading down 95. Hop on, I have a spare helmet.”

  “I don’t know about this.”

  “Come on, Faith. Put your bag on your back and hop on.” She watched as he lifted a leg and slid onto the seat, handing her a helmet. “I promise I won’t let anything happen to you.” Taking a deep breath, she put on the helmet and made sure her bag was secured and zipped tight. Trying to calm her nerves, she climbed on the back of the bike. Her legs spread wide as she fit right behind him.

  “You gotta hold on to me.” Following his instructions, she grabbed the side of his shirt. “Not even close, kitten. Like this, it’s easier for us both.” He grabbed both of her arms, sliding them most of the way in front of him landing on his stomach. It made her press her body against his.

  He laughed and then started the beast. The vibration started to do weird things to her body, and just like that, they started to move. She held on as he sped through the streets of downtown, avoiding tourists and onlookers. She rested her head against his back as he drove with confidence. The traffic was as bad as it normally was during lunchtime. They passed the museums, heading into the outer parts of the city.

  She stopped watching where they were going and held on She wouldn’t have thought that she could feel safe in the situation that she was in, but she did. Razor made her feel like everything was going to be okay and no one would get to her.

  It wasn’t long before he pulled into a small apartment complex. He stopped the bike and was waiting for her to let go. Releasing her hands, she stood but started to shake.

  “Easy, kitten. It takes some getting used. Come on inside; I’ll order us a pizza, and we can talk, okay?” She nodded and the world started to come to a standstill. Razor once again grabbed her hand then led her up the stairs to the third floor. He pulled out his keys unlocking the door and flicked on a light before shutting the door behind them, then locking it up tight.

  “I’ll go get us something to drink.”

  “That would be great.” She was thirsty and hungry. She’d forgotten to eat today and hell, last night as well. No wonder she was feeling off. John used to laugh because once she got into something the world disappeared, and she forgot about everything, including food. He had started to keep granola bars in his desk along with something to drink.

  She didn’t know what she was going to do without him. Though they weren’t dating, he was her closest friend, and they relied on each other. She used to joke she would never date again after John did a background check and analysis of her date. Turned out he had been in and out of sperm banks. She didn’t want to know how he found out, but um…okay, it was creepy. She ended it, and it turned out to be a good thing. She saw him the next day with his secretary.

  Taking a steady breath, she looked around the apartment. Not much to it; simple couch, and a chair. A TV on a stand with movies below. It seemed Razor had similar tastes with decorations. Nothing stood out. She did notice he had some pictures, but they all seemed to be of tattoos. Maybe he did those? She didn’t know. He came back and handed her a large, green, plastic cup. She took a sniff.

  “Drink it.”

  “What’s in it?”

  “Drink, you’ll need it.” Without thinking, she took a drink, and it instantly burned her throat making her cough. “It’s got a bite, but it will take the edge off. Drink the rest.”

  “I don’t want to be drunk.” She didn’t, she needed to keep her wits about her.

  “You won’t; I didn’t give you enough, plus we have food coming. This will just calm your nerves. I don’t have any girly drinks. Now drink,” he commanded again, draining his glass in one swallow.

  She watched in awe. His Adam’s apple moved accentuating his strong jaw and strong neck. His stubble made her want to reach out and see if it was scruffy or soft.

  He must have caught her staring as he raised an eyebrow at her, before nodding to the drink in her hand. Finding the courage, she took another drink, swallowing quickly before taking another. She’d never done shots, but she could imagine that this was a close facsimile. When she finally reached the bottom, her insides felt warm and mushy.

  She looked at him and saw that he too was feeling out of sorts. “Thank you for helping me.”

  “It’s all good, kitten. Still not sure what I’m protecting you against, but I’ll do my best to keep you safe.” He went to say more, but there was a knock on the door. He looked at her before saying, “Go hide in the bedroom, I’ll get you in a second.” She knew what he was doing. She gave a single nod before heading to his room.

  She heard him unlock the door and talk to someone. She walked around and saw he had a picture on his dresser. Lifting it up, she looked at it. It was one of John and him. They both looked to be in their twenties and were smiling with fishing poles. John had told her that once in a while he needed to unwind and went fishing. She didn’t think it was with his brother.

  Setting the picture down, she looked around the rest of the room. It matched the apartment; it was sparse and lacked any real emotional connection. His bed was unmade and sheets flipped off. Clothes were scattered along one side of the wall, and a towel hung on one of the posts. No pictures of anyone else; not even his parents. Just like John.

  It was odd how the two looked very similar, though only half-brothers. They must look like their father. She wondered why they didn’t get along or talk to each other more. But then again, she didn’t talk to her brother at all. For a split second, she considered trying to find him and ask for his help if Razor didn’t help her. She jumped out of her skin when Razor spoke behind her.

  “Just the pizza; come on and we can talk.” Faith walked back into the living room to see two large pizzas sitting on the little table.

  “Not sure what you liked so I got a meat lovers, and a plain pepperoni.”

  “Both are fine, thank you.”

  “Want a beer?”

  “In the afternoon?”

  “Well it’s five o’clock somewhere, and after the last few days I've had, I think I deserve one.”

  “Can I have water instead?”

  “Sure, I got tap.”

  “That’s fine.” Razor went to the kitchen and grabbed a plastic beer cup he’d gotten from one of the many baseball games he’d gone to. He filled it at the sink, then he grabbed an ice cube from the freezer and dropped it in. He was trying to figure out this whole situation. He was a simple person. He took after his mother in that aspect; while Johnny had taken after their dad. Sure, he was smart and enjoyed reading when he found something worth the time, but nothing like Johnny.

  Looking at the woman in his living room, Razor came to the realization that he had no fucking clue what to do. He had people that could hide her, but not from something like this. This shit sounded like classified information. Looking at Faith, he saw a scared woman who needed sleep and maybe something heavier in her drink. He was almost sure that it was all made up, but Johnny never played around with things like this.

  “So spill.”


  “Yeah, why is someone after you?”

  “Oh, I guess we’re cutting to the chase.”

  “Yup, I don’t do chit-chat shit.”

  “Wow, okay. There is a difference between you and John.” He simply nodded once but
waited for her to answer. “Okay, fine. John and I worked together on various projects at Hamilton and Rogers. I’m part of the research and development team. The low man on the totem pole if you will. Normally it would be John who spoke to the executives.”

  “Okay, a bunch of brainiacs. Got it.”

  “Anyway, John came to me because he trusted me. He was transferring some data from a recent project and noticed a discrepancy. He did some digging and asked me to look into the background and see if I could dig something up. Needless to say, I used unauthorized channels.”

  “You hacked into something, right?”

  “Yeah, I guess you could say that. But it wasn’t really hacking, more like opening a backdoor they didn’t know they had. Anyway, I was able to pull information that had been forged. I called John to tell him I had found something, and he wanted me to connect it with the information he had. He was looking into it as well, but at a different angle. Whatever he found, got him killed.”

  “Okay, well what exactly did you find?”


  “Okay, kitten, my patience is like a small child’s with all this brainy shit. So break it down for me Barney style, will ya?” He was annoyed. Johnny did shit like this to him.

  He didn’t understand half the technical terms he would use.

  “I found information that says my company was selling weapons and equipment to our men and woman overseas.”

  “Okay, that’s a good thing, right?” He was waiting for the other shoe to drop; it always did when people paused and took a breath while explaining shit.

  “Yes, but the weapons were actually resold to foreign countries while defective or outdated equipment was delivered to our troops. So…”

  “We have a traitor, and it goes up high, doesn’t it?”


  “And Johnny knew about this.”

  “He found the names of those political figures who’d signed off on it.”


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