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Razor's Mark: (Marked Book 1)

Page 4

by Gracie Meadows

  “Oh, okay.” She lowered her head, unsure of what to say next. She sat down on the chair waiting for, well something. Trying to keep her nerves calm with herself and not look up at him anymore.

  “Are you a virgin, kitten?” His voice took a husky tone, and suddenly there were parts of her body that sparked to life; parts that that never had happened to before. He looked up then down her body as if weighing something. In decision was evident on his face, as if an internal battle was going on inside him.

  “In the manner in which you are referring to, with a tattoo or anything else, then yes.

  I have nothing on me.”

  “And the other?” He practically growled it. She was going to tell him it was none of his business, but the door suddenly opened cutting her off.

  “Razor, you punk, why are you in?” This seemed to snap both of them out of their little trance they had going on.

  “Need some help,” he said. Suddenly Faith knew what he was going to do.

  “No, please don’t, Razor. I don’t know who to trust. John said I could trust you, and only you. Please don’t,” she pleaded. Faith didn’t want so many people involved. John was already dead, though the details had yet to be determined, and she didn’t want more people in danger.

  “Hush, kitten. I got this. You trust me, and I trust her. Plus, I need some help.” His way of explaining. At least he did that and didn’t shut her down completely. He went and explained what was going on, though she was happy to admit he didn’t give exact details about the whole thing. He told Sparkle, but in a roundabout way.

  “Well fuck me. I knew your brother’s death was some sort of government cover-up. Plus the square you’re watching. She’s too plain Jane for you, Razor,” Sparkle laughed.

  Faith looked down at herself. She didn’t see anything wrong, but apparently, no one liked how she looked.

  “So will you help?”

  “Yup, can do. I say she can hang out here, and just so you know, I have a secure network. Had a friend of mine install it. No one can access my code, so you’re good. You log in, and if they try to piggy back to your location they will be bounced all around China and Egypt. So, do what you need to do. I’ll figure something out by then.” Faith thanked the woman, though she scratched her head. Everyone in the shop had the strangest names. Razor called her Sparkle, and her outside sure matched it, so when she spoke about secure lines and such, it caught her off guard.

  “Stay here. I have work to do.” And like that, Razor dismissed her, again. It was just fine with her. She wanted to look at the coroner’s report and find out what the hell really happened to John. She needed to find out if John has had anything on him at the time of his death. She also wanted to check her work email to see if anything had been sent to it since she’d last logged in.

  Looking at Sparkle’s desk, Faith knew she needed to clean it before she could even work. There was paperwork scattered all over it, and old paper coffee cups lined the side. Opening a few cabinets she found some cleaning products, and although she could almost guarantee that these were for some of the equipment, they would work for this too. Slipping on some gloves, she threw the cups away and then looked at the papers. They were bills that looked to have been paid. Finding some paper clips, she straightened and organized them to the best of her ability, which she had to admit was above par from the typical secretary.

  Happy, she started the computer in the office. Looking for the network, she was pleased to find that Sparkle was telling the truth. Logging into the network, she hunted down the reports on John; it didn’t take long to find the coroner who did the autopsy. She read the report and couldn’t stop the tears from rolling down her face.

  Scrolling down, she read more and more and then got to the pictures of him. They’d tortured him to death. The police said it was a mugging, but she knew different. It looked like he had some defensive wounds on his knuckles, but his face was shades of black, blue, and purple. A few teeth were missing. He had stab wounds on his chest, stomach, and upper thighs. Red marks on his wrists and neck indicated he was tied down. She knew he would never have willingly divulged any information, and they killed him for it. He didn’t deserve it. Wiping the tears from her face, she needed to find out if they’d found anything in his possession.

  His wallet was still on him, but all cash had been removed, and his watch was missing.

  The police report didn’t say anything about them checking his apartment. That was where she needed to go next. She could easily sneak in and look around, but it would mean she would have to get past Razor. His only concern seemed to be keeping her safe, not helping her solve the problem and Johns murder.

  Determined to figure this all out, she looked up the metro to find the best way out of DC to John’s house. Logging off the computer, she opened the door quietly. Not wanting anyone to see her, she looked around and noticed the curtain that led back to the office was closed. Perfect, no one would see her. Shutting the door as quietly as she could, she went to the back door and soon she was outside, by herself. It was scary to know anyone could get her, or someone could be watching her, but she needed to do this. The sooner she solved this issue, the sooner she could go back to living the normal, boring life like she had before.

  Reaching into her pocket, she held onto the pair of scissors she’d found in Sparkle's drawer. They would work well enough to get away if someone grabbed her. She ran down the small alley and walked right out into the crowd, blending in, and she was gone.

  Chapter Six

  Faith felt like her heart was beating out of her chest. She was able to get on the green line and then the red right to John’s apartment without any trouble. She didn’t have a key but knew where he kept a spare. Finding the odd-looking gnome next door at his neighbor’s house, she reached inside the small hole and found it. Looking around, she made sure no one was watching her. Luckily, there were no cameras in the building. Putting the key in the hole, she held her breath as she turned it and a click sounded. Opening the door and closing it quickly, she sighed in relief as she relocked it.

  Looking around, it was easy to see she wasn’t the first one to come here. John was somewhat neat, but the place was trashed. The couch was flipped, and the cushions were ripped open. Paintings were off the wall, and drawers were open. Someone was looking for something. She did her best to stay quiet. But Looking at the chaos made everything more real than it had been before. Slipping on a pair of latex gloves she’d found in the office; she started searching.

  She knew John better than whoever had done the searching prior. He wouldn’t have left things out. He had reasons for everything. She opened the fridge, putting some of the stuff sitting out back inside. He wouldn’t hide anything here. His kitchen, she knew, was safe. Normal people hid things in the kitchen, not people who studied and analyzed human behavior patterns on how to survive.

  Pushing drawers back in, she came across a picture of her and him. It was taken at a company picnic. He was smiling so big, and she wore a half smile. His arm was wrapped around her a little over a year ago. It had been a fun day. Not wanting to leave it there, she tucked it away in her pocket to keep. Moving into the living room, she pushed the cushions back on the couch and put the pictures in a neat pile. Not John’s style. He wouldn’t hide anything in the bedroom, except maybe his desk area. His computer was missing. He had both a laptop and desktop. It didn’t matter; John was smart enough to enter an erase pattern. Unless you were an incredible hacker and knew how to enter his password within three tries, the hard drive would fry itself, leaving it useless. John taught her that as well.

  Looking around the room, she couldn’t see anything off. No odd pictures that stood out, a safe, nothing. It must have been on him, whatever it was. Maybe he mailed it. She went to the door to leave when she heard keys in the lock. Stunned, she ran to the bedroom to give a few second to think. Shit, someone would find her. Looking around, she had to find a place to hide; she could hear two male
voices suddenly inside the apartment.

  “No, the boss man said to check again.” Shit, shit, shit. Looking around the room, there was no place to hide. The mattress was flipped over, boxes on the floor. Damn it. There was a deck, but she couldn’t hide there. Or could she? She thought about the distance between his deck and the neighbor’s. It was risky if anyone was outside, but at least she had a chance then.

  They were in the living room, and drawers were being opened again. “Any word on the bitch yet?”

  “Nah, said she took off yesterday during lunch. We’re watching her place. She’s one for routine; she’s bound to show up. Not too smart; blonde, ya know.” Fuck, okay, Faith, it was now or never, she told herself. Opening the door quietly, she stepped outside. She could stretch and reach the deck next door, but it would have to be a good stretch. Swinging her body over, she held her breath and leaned over. The sound of banging startled her. Looking behind her, she needed to just jump and not be a baby about it. Saying a Hail Mary, she jumped and grabbed the rung. Unable to stop the yelp when she heard them say, "Did you hear that?” Climbing over the edge onto the neighbor’s, she found some boxes and hid behind them and the potted plants. The sound of John's deck door opening let her know someone was outside.

  “I heard a noise.”

  “You’re hearing things. Let’s finish the job; I’m hungry.”

  “'Kay, let me check something.” Faith held her breath and tried to make her body as small as possible. “Must’ve been a dog.” And just like that, he went back inside.

  Her body was shaking from the rush of adrenaline from her jumping decks outside or from the men now looking for her that probably killed John. Not sure what to do now, she waited, trying to calm her racing heart. Finally able to stand, she reached for the door of the deck she was on. Thank God, it opened. She listened and didn’t hear anything. No one was home. Not wanting to take a chance, she ran to the front door and opened it. Making sure to keep it locked from the inside, she shut it. Just as she did, someone grabbed her and covered her mouth. Panic set in, and she started to scream.

  “You better shut the fuck up now, kitten. I’m so damn mad right now that I could spit nails. We will talk when I cool down. Let’s go.” He released her mouth, and before she could say anything, he bent and flung her over his shoulder. Unable to do anything, shock, fear, and relief flooded through her body. Never in her dull life had she ever been through something like that.

  Razor made it down the stairs in no time and set her down, holding onto her before snapping her helmet on her head. He climbed onto his bike, not saying a word to her. It was her signal to follow suit. Climbing on the back, she held him tight without any hesitation this time as they sped off back to the city.

  Razor had never been so damn mad and scared in all his life. He was normally cool-headed and calm. He didn’t do drama; didn’t like it, and avoided shit like that. But Faith walked into his life and now it was one giant ass soap opera he didn’t want. Except that someone had killed his brother, and now, they were after her.

  He’d gotten a package from Johnny at the store today. He had no damn clue what it meant. It was a fucking watch of all things. He had gone to the office to show Faith, but she wasn’t there. However, it was clean and tidy, so it did tell him she had been there at some point. At least he was able to get in a two-hour piece on some dude. It helped, but then this. He didn’t know where to go. He would have gone to her apartment, but he had no clue where the hell that was, then he remembered her say something about Johnny’s. So he went there, though he had taken a wrong turn. Walking up the stairs, he saw her coming out of not his brother’s place but the neighbor's. He saw red knowing anyone could have grabbed her. Anything could have happened to her at that point and it would’ve been his fault. As much as he hated having to deal with her crazy outbursts and unusual way of talking, he didn’t want anything to happen to her. The more he spoke to her, watched her interact with others, the more he saw something more that an empty woman who just got by in life. It had to have been what Johnny had seen as well. Faith was something he had yet to figure out. Though he tried to avoid her like the plague, his mind wandered into dangerous territory with her.

  He needed the few minutes to cool down, so he rode with her on the back. She was trembling slightly, making him hold her hand steady until he calmed enough, and trying to let her know silently that he had her. Not wanting to risk her safety anymore, he called in a favor to Casper who would bring some dinner over for them. She had already exposed herself enough by going to Johnny’s apartment.

  He rode right past his exit and down five more before he turned around and went home the back way. If someone was following him, he would have seen it by now. He parked in his spot, cut the engine, then waited for her to get off. She eventually did, and he held his hand out for the helmet. Not giving her any other option, he took her hand and dragged her up the stairs.

  He knew what he was acting like, but she was damn lucky he didn’t bend her over his knee, or bike, and spank her ass until she couldn’t sit for a week. He couldn’t risk that. He couldn’t risk getting more attached to her than he already was. Razor promised himself a long time ago, he would never get burned by a woman ever again. It was bang them, then leave. And He had a feeling with Faith, one time wasn’t going to be enough. He needed to keep his shell tight around him, and not let her see more than he was willing to show.

  Opening the door, he ushered her inside before locking the door behind them. Heading straight to his cabinet in the kitchen, he located the whiskey, poured a giant glass and drank it all in one go. He filled it again and turned around. She wasn’t there. She hadn’t left the apartment, but he could see his bedroom door half shut. Walking over to the door, he heard a soft cry. Damn, he hated chicks that cried.

  “Kitten?” He didn’t want to scare her; it seemed like she had had enough today. She was sitting on his bed, her knees brought up to her chest, her head down, and rocking back and forth. She really was scared.

  “Damn, Faith. I’m sorry.” There, he said it; he should get a fucking medal or something.

  “I’m fine. You can leave.”

  “Ain’t happening.”


  “Wanna tell me why you left the shop?”

  There was a long pause before she finally answered, “I had to find some answers; for John.”

  “I take it you didn’t find anything?”

  “No, the place was trashed. He didn’t hide anything there and his equipment was gone.”

  “Okay, so why were you at the neighbor’s house?” Her head was still down, but she was still talking.

  “They came back.” It was such a soft whisper he almost missed it.

  “Fuck, did they hurt you; did they see you?”

  “No, they didn’t. But they are looking. I heard them talking about me. I went through the door leading to John's deck and jumped onto the next deck, hiding behind boxes and plants. They didn’t see me.” He watched as she started shaking.

  “Well, you’re safe now.” He was trying to reassure her, but it didn’t seem to work to well with her.

  “I won’t be. They want me, and they will do to me what they did to John.”

  “How do you know what they did?” He knew she was looking for information on the computer, but she never told him what she found, she was gone before he could ask.

  “They killed him. Well more than that, they-they, tortured him. It looked like he fought back, but it didn’t help. He was killed protecting information; protecting me. And now they want me.” She broke this time, and a hiccup escaped.

  He now understood why she was so scared. Hell, he was furious. What with his brother having been killed in such a way, and now she thought she was next. Unable to stop himself, he picked her up and sat her on his lap, holding her close. She went willingly and wept into his shirt. He didn’t want to say anything and fuck everything open, so he just held her.

>   Faith was crying so hard her body was shaking. He had never seen a woman cry like this. He rocked back and forth, just holding her, kissing the top of her head, while making sure to let her know he had her and wasn’t letting go until she was ready. Anything just to get her to stop. Though he hated woman who cried, because it was mostly about stupid shit like boyfriends dumping them, or they lost their cat. Faith’s crying tugged his heart in a way it was almost painful. She didn’t deserve this crazy messed up situation, so if she needed to cry and him to hold her to make her feel better, he would do it. When the waterworks slowed, he did what any sane person would do, he gave her a drink, though he should’ve told her it was straight whiskey, he hadn't and she chugged it. She was going to be drunk by the end of the night, but maybe she needed that.

  “Feel better?” She nodded before shifting in his lap.

  “You know, you can be sweet sometimes.”

  “Shh, don’t say that out loud, you will kill my rep.” He smiled as she giggled.

  “Tell you what, I have someone coming over with some food, so you go take a shower, it will make you feel better, and then we can forget about today; okay?” Once again, she nodded. She took a few steps toward the bathroom, but stopped, turning back like she wanted to say something, but nothing came out.


  “Umm, I hate to ask, but we didn’t do laundry, and well, I don’t have any clean clothes; can I maybe-' He cut her off by standing and going to his drawers, pulling out a large shirt and tossing it to her.


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