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Razor's Mark: (Marked Book 1)

Page 11

by Gracie Meadows

  “Sure.” Did he really need to say more? She offered him a small smile before turning and heading down the hall.

  Razor took the time to sit and relax. He wasn’t sure about sleeping arrangements, but either way, she was staying in a room with him. Walking into the back bedroom that housed the master bed, he hunted down some sheets. The bed was unmade and figured she would be happier knowing he did something. Oh, and the fact there was nothing to do. No TV, and only a few books. He really wished he was back at his place, at least then he would be able to watch the news.

  Looking around the closet, he found some blankets and sheets in a ziplock bag thing he saw all the time on TV. Opening them up, they still smelled clean. Walking to the bed, he quickly made it before looking for pillows, which he found in the same closet; he then sat down and relaxed.

  The sound of the bath had stopped a while ago, so he knew she was relaxing. He never understood the point of a bath. Water was to get clean, but to sit in it would drive him nuts. That didn’t mean he couldn’t imagine what she looked like wet from head to toe. Her sexy figure covered in bubbles as her perky tits could barely be seen and her ripe nipples peeked through. Damn, now he had a fucking erection. He would usually either fuck until it was down, or jack off, and right now with clean sheets, that wasn’t a good idea. Resigned to his fate, he laid on the bed and closed his eyes letting sleep take him.

  The sound of the door creaking caught his attention; jolting upright, he pointed the gun he had rested on the nightstand next to him. An “Eck” made him focus on a shocked looking Faith. She was dressed in an oversized shirt similar to the one he was currently wearing. Seemed the house had only one style- convenient.

  “Fuck, kitten, I could have shot your ass. I thought you would be out by now.”

  “I was, but then I had to get some clothes. I didn’t mean to wake you.” She was shaking again. Shit, he’d actually scared her. Setting the gun down, he rubbed his hands over his face.

  “It’s okay, let’s get some sleep.” He slid back down into the bed, pulling the covers over him.

  “With you?” she asked him hesitantly.

  “Yes, now get in the bed, kitten.”

  “Maybe I should sleep in the other room, or the couch.”

  “You’re testing my patience right now. Get in the bed, kitten. I have seen your sexy little body and I’ve been buried deep inside you, so sleeping shouldn’t be a problem.” He closed his eyes until he heard her sigh and slide in next to him. However, she was shifting far too much for his comfort.

  “Stop moving. Damn, you’re like a kid after eating a bowl of ice cream before bed,” he said.

  “Sorry, it’s just that you know how so much has gone on, and my brain is going a mile a minute.”

  “Well tell it to turn the fuck off, we need sleep.”

  “It doesn’t work like that.”

  “Doesn’t it? What do you do when something like this happens?”

  “Well, normally, I would have some wine and try to read a book; maybe go for a walk. Anything to keep my mind focused on something else.”

  “Well, count fucking sheep or something.”


  “Yeah, stupid smelly things that go bah.” Did he just seriously bah like a sheep? Fuck, he was a lot more tired than he thought.

  Her giggle made him smile though, and at least she wasn’t moving so much. He turned around and faced her. She was laying on her back with the covers up to her chin, arms out. Something about that reminded him of how a child would be tucked in at night.

  “Why didn’t you tell me about your brother, Faith?” He figured if she wasn’t going to sleep, he'd ask her some questions.

  “I don’t know. To be honest, I don’t normally tell people about him. He has an amazing heart; well, I guess that’s true for me. But he doesn’t exactly live within the means of the law. And with the job I had, it was a security risk for me and maybe even him. So, I severed all ties with him. But I remember him every day when I’m alone and want to talk to someone.”

  “Don’t you have any friends?”

  “Sure, I have John. I mean had John.” Her voice got quiet again. “You know, it’s weird talking about him the past tense. I miss him.”

  “I do too,” he confessed. Even though he and Johnny were distanced from one another, he still missed him. He had no one left, and that was a hard lump to swallow.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “For what?”

  “For, well, everything. For losing him, for getting you into this mess; hell, even getting you shot. It was all because we found information we shouldn’t have. Who would have thought that a person like me would cause this much uproar? A simple nobody can bring down a whole hidden empire.”

  “You’re not a nobody!” Faith heard the words, but they didn’t seem true.

  She was; the only one who ever saw her was John, and now Razor. She looked up at the ceiling wondering what would happen next. Razor hadn’t said anything about what happened between her brother and him when her brother found out they slept together. It was amazing, and never in her wildest dreams did she think sex could be like that. He had such control and took her mind off everything.

  Maybe that’s what she needed. She wished now that the shower in this place had a removable head. She could imagine all the things he did to her. Sure, she’d tried to come in the bath, but she feared he would walk in on her as she played with herself. Maybe she needed to change the subject.

  “How many tattoos do you have?”

  “A lot. I lost count after I got the sleeves.”

  “What was your first one?” He’d said that normally a first one meant something.

  “It doesn’t matter; I had it covered up.”

  “But why?”

  “I just did, don’t worry about it.”

  “Wow, touchy subject,” she mumbled to herself.

  “Look, it was just something stupid, and I needed it covered up. I got it when I was young and stupid and wanted to impress others.”

  “Okay. Can I ask another question?”

  “If you must.” He seemed slightly annoyed.

  “Why do you go by Razor and not Jason?”

  “Figured you would ask that one again.”

  “Well, it’s not like it’s a common name.”

  “It’s kinda complicated, but the truth was I got it from a bar fight when I was about seventeen and finished school. Some dude pulled a razor blade, and I stopped him and gave him several small slices; nothing that required stitches. The guy I was studying with to do tattoos said he was marked by Razor, and since then, it stuck. The guy never pressed charges, but I kept the name.”

  Oh, not what she was expecting. But in her little world, she imagined it was some cute story or cute nicknames they gave each other for work. Boy, she thought wrong.

  “Not what I was thinking,” she replied.

  “Nothing is always as it seems, kitten. Now sleep.”

  “You and sleep.” She couldn’t sleep. She was wound tight again despite her bath.

  “Turn on your side” he suddenly ordered. She did as he asked, moving the covers some, and before she could ask why, he pulled her to him, his arm wrapping around her middle and enclosing her body. “Sleep,” he commanded.

  But damn if her body wanted to do the opposite of sleep. It started to purr like a damn cat when he touched her. Though it was through a t-shirt, she still could feel the heat radiating from his skin. An instant charge of electricity ran through her. She did her best to try to squeeze her legs together. The ache in her sex became even more noticeable. Delicious and devious thoughts of Razor inside her made her become wet. Since there were no panties, she was currently naked under the shirt. As if on instinct, Razor started to push his erection into her.

  “You have got to sleep, kitten.”

  “Or else what?”

  “Or else I will spank that sexy ass of yours right before
I fuck it.”

  Damn if she couldn’t stop the moan that escaped from her lips.

  “Oh, I think I know exactly how to make you fall asleep.” And just like that, his hand went down and skirted over her naked skin. “Oh yeah, baby, you are definitely in trouble now.” And for some strange reason, that pleased her. She was learning that play time was exactly what she needed right now.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Faith could feel the need he felt for her as it mirrored her own. His hand roamed up her body, under her shirt; her skin alight with excitement as his fiery touch sent shivers down to her sex. He knew just how to touch her body to make it sing and dance for him.

  “Don’t think,” he commanded while he shifted, pushing her to lay on her back while he removed her shirt in one swift movement.

  She was so caught in the sensation that he was causing that she lost focus of everything but him and what he was doing to her body. She gasped when he found her nipple and bit the tip.

  “Don’t think,” he stated once again. Keeping his mouth on one breast, his hand went over and caressed the other. A small moan escaped her, then the stupid thought about his leg came in.

  “Wait, your leg; we should be careful,” she was able to get out while he suckled her breast.

  His answering growl was not what she expected, but hell if it didn’t turn her on even more. But before she could understand what he was upset about, she was flipped over onto her stomach. A loud oomph pushed past her lips as she landed. Her pillow was pulled out from under her and shoved under her hips. What was he doing? However, before she could ask, a loud smack sounded before she felt the sting.

  “Don’t think.” He smacked her again on her other cheek. He was spanking her.

  “Razor…” she said his name as more of a plea, or moan. It was an unknown sound to her.

  “I warned you. Now take your punishment then I will take my pleasure,” was the only warning she got as he smacked her ass five more times, and each left a burning wake on her backside.

  It hurt, but the pain started to morph into a searing desire that started in her stomach and worked its way down to her pussy. She needed to come. Hot and heavy with desire, she let go of all thoughts and surrendered to the sensations he was causing in her.

  Razor rubbed her abused cheeks before parting them, exposing her dark star. She had never had anal sex, let alone had someone stimulate back there. To her, that was an exit, not an entrance, but for some odd reason, with Razor, it seemed exotic, naughty, and full of promise.

  A single finger ran along her crack, and unavoidably she tensed, but he didn’t stop. She felt his hot breath on her backside before feeling his tongue on her. It was so forbidden, but it felt so good. Soon his tongue swept lower, down to her needy sex while a single finger slipped into her tiny hole. He slid it in and out while he fucked her with his mouth. Everything he did felt amazing. It was as if he was creating a song and he was placing all the keys along her body.

  All too soon, that feeling she was starting to recognize bubbled up inside her, ready for her to combust. A rumble rolled through Razor, and it was just enough vibration to send her into sweet oblivion. Screaming, she came calling his name into the mattress. Before her body could even cool, the feeling of Razor slowly pushing into her brought her body back to life as it begged for more.

  “That’s it, baby, let go and feel me. Feel me fuck your hot little cunt.” Around and around he swiveled his hips making his cock hit spots deep inside her, unknown to any man before him. “If I had lube, I would fuck this delectable ass. Soon, very soon, I will take you here.” A drip of something landed on her backside, and she could only assume it was spit. Like before, he pushed a finger into her ass. The feeling was strange and ignited a whole new realm of needs.

  He synchronized the movement of his fingers in her ass to the push and pull of his cock in her pussy. Razor stopped long enough to pull her up so she was on all fours. She arched her back while he fucked her, meeting him thrust for thrust. Pure, sweet sensation swept her body. With her head falling forward, she surrendered giving in to him completely.

  “Oh fuck, kitten, I’m gonna come. Come with me,” he ordered, he ordered, and even though she would have thought she wouldn’t be able to, her body detonated at his command and she shattered all over again. His shouts filled the air as his orgasm followed hers and he emptied himself into her.

  On shaky arms, she fell forward, forgetting about a pillow, as Razor grabbed her body and pulled her to him. Untroubled by the smell of sex and sweat, she closed her eyes and let sleep take her.


  Razor woke to the sound of nothing. How long he had been asleep? Looking out the window, he saw the sun was still high in the sky. Faith was still sleeping, though she was naked and laying on her stomach sprawled out; her hair going in all directions.

  The sight of her made him smile. She was so responsive to him, and he just figured out the best way to do his own research while she cleared her head for bed. It was a win-win situation. Not wanting to wake her, he climbed out of bed and headed to the kitchen. He needed to find them some food, and maybe check the phone Merlin had given him to see if there were any messages.

  Opening the fridge, he cringed at the lack of normal, everyday items. It made his apartment look like a buffet. Forgoing the fridge, he opened the cabinet but froze when the sound of bikes sounded down the road. Not taking any chances, he ran to the room and grabbed the gun and a shirt and shoes. He hated waking her up, but if these were the Tomb Riders, then he would be fucked.

  “Kitten, wake up, we got company.” She roused and looked at him blinking in confusion, but as soon as the sound of bikes hit her ears, she jumped up.

  “Shit.” She scrambled and threw on the nightshirt, a pair of sweat pants that dwarfed her, and her shoes.

  “Here, take this.” He tossed her another smaller handgun as he headed out of the room. “You need to listen to everything I tell you, got it?” She nodded and followed him out of the room, but he pointed to the closet, which she got into, waiting for his next instructions.

  Razor made his way to the front of the small house with his finger on the trigger and the safety off the gun. He could hear voiced outside if the door, and then a key in the lock.

  “Razor,” someone called out. He knew that voice, it was Merlin. Thank God.


  “All clear, man. We brought food.” He was grateful.

  “Kitten, come on out.” He shouted toward the back as he walked over to shake Merlin’s hand.

  “You guys doing okay? Heard you had some issues taking off. We have only two shot, but nothing critical.”

  “Yeah, shit got pretty hairy there for a second, but we got away okay.”

  “You did not, you got shot,” Faith’s voice sounded behind him before she stood right next to him. Merlin’s eyebrows shot up in surprise.

  “It was a graze, nothing to worry about. My jeans are shot if anything. Blood is a bitch to get out.”

  “That’s not funny. Michael, are you okay?” Faith went and hugged her brother before he scowled at her again.

  “Seriously, Faith, are you still sleeping with him? I just don’t get it. You could do so much better; a smarter guy, no offense, but he does tattooing for a living. You could rope a CEO, or whatever the hell you call financial rich guys. But him-” Razor was about two seconds from knocking his all too straight teeth from his face when Faith started to yell instead.

  “Damn it, Michael Albert; I swear I will shave your head and put Nair in your soap and Ex-Lax in your brownies. Now chill the fuck out!” she shouted as she walked past him and grabbed a bag of food from the other men.

  His woman sure was a spitfire. His woman? Fuck, he was doing it again.

  However, he had to keep his eyes on her older brother, who seemed determined to make sure she wouldn’t end up with him. Well fuck him, he had kept her safe, well for the most part. If Merlin hadn’t
wanted him to be a part of her life, then the stupid fuck should’ve just let him think she was still dead.

  “I swear I will tan her ass if she yells at me like that again.”

  Suddenly Razor saw red. No one, including her damn brother, would ever touch her.

  “You. Will. Not. Touch. Her,” he said between gritted teeth.

  Merlin lifted an eyebrow at him condescendingly. “You know she can do better than you.”

  He nodded but didn’t respond, effectively ending the conversation about what he was to Faith. Walking around Merlin, he spotted Faith in the kitchen unpacking what looked like bags of food. She seemed so calm, so at ease right now.

  “Anything good?”

  “Yeah, real food, and look.” She held up a jar of instant coffee like she had just won the lottery. “Coffee.” He wasn’t an instant fan, but coffee was coffee and right now, it was a luxury.

  “Cool.” He went to go help, but Merlin started to speak.

  “Found some information out.”

  “Did my email get sent?”

  “I don’t know, Faith, but we will try to look into it. But we found out that the Tomb Riders are in on it. Seems screwing our troops doesn’t matter to them. But it also got back to them about you and your connection to me. Right now, we’re safe, but you need to be able to move by next week. We’re planning a job to- well, it’s better that you don’t know. Needless to say, you have everything you need right now. In the bag are more guns. No internet and no calls.”

  “Do you know why they’re doing it?” Faith asked.

  “Quick and easy buck for them. Seems the price on your head is a hefty 50Gs. But alive it’s more. Seems you pissed off the wrong people, kiddo.” Merlin walked around and kissed his sister on the head before heading to the door. Several of his men did a half wave before leaving. “See ya later. Oh, and, Razor?” he turned and held his steely gaze, “Keep her safe; anything happens to her, in any manner, and no one will find your body parts. Got me?” And like that, they were gone. The sound of bikes revved and faded into the distance.


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