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The Nocturnal and Fae Prison Academy Boxset [A Complete Paranormal and Fantasy Series Boxset]

Page 42

by Margo Ryerkerk

  I shrugged. “What?” This time, my hands were clean. I had done nothing to help the woman I cared about.

  Griffin shook his head sternly.

  Tenderness and fierce protectiveness spread through me as I thought about Onyx. No. I had to remain cold, hard, and dispassionate.

  Lady Cardinal strode to the center of the room, flanked by Lord Sullivan, the history teacher who despised me, and Mr. Chad, the PE teacher who took too much interest in his young students. Both looked as if they had just run into the room.

  The headmistress clapped her hands together, and the room fell silent once again. “We have recovered Kristen Rovsek.” She jerked her head toward the door, and two guards brought forward a girl with brown hair and blonde highlights. She wore a blue gown. Her head hung low, and she was clearly unconscious. Her ankles were red and swollen as if she were recovering from extreme cold. Water dripped off her shoes.

  Gasps filled the ballroom.

  I swallowed. I hoped Onyx had gotten far away.

  “What happened to Kristen? Where is Mei?” Peony blinked, not catching on, and I felt pride on behalf of Onyx and her clever plan.

  “This fae,” Headmistress Cardinal’s voice trembled with fury, “has been sold to Mei Wu. Why is she still here?”

  The crowd around me shifted as vamps and fae exchanged glances.

  Lord Sullivan slammed his long stick against his palm, and everyone turned to face Headmistress Cardinal, who continued. “It’s very strange that we have Kristen Rovsek here, even though the guards have reassured me that Mei Wu exited with her and her buyer certificate.”

  Whispers and gasps sounded, followed by explosive chatter. With luck, Mei would get blamed for this. No one expected fae slaves to escape on their own.

  “Unacceptable!” Vulthus shouted, fangs flashing. “She will be punished.”

  “Silence!” Lady Cardinal screamed. Clearly, she wasn’t intimidated by Vulthus. “Deception will not be tolerated at Nocturnal Academy!” She motioned at Vulthus. “Our esteemed patron Lord Vulthus has purchased Onyx Logan for one million dollars, and we will find her. Whether she’s hiding in the academy or she has somehow convinced Mei Wu to take her, we will get her back.” She punctuated her sentence with a nasty gleam in her eye. Lady Cardinal’s gaze flicked to me for a second, but I refused to flinch. I had nothing to do with this.

  Lord Sullivan stepped forward. “Guards, you are tasked with searching the academy. Other guards have been dispatched to find Mei Wu.”

  I watched as the two guards dragged Kristen out of the room, no doubt heading for the meager infirmary.

  “Why don’t you just call Mei?” Kayden asked in a bored tone.

  Lord Sullivan advanced toward the vamp twin. “We’re trying to get in touch with Miss Wu. If Miss Wu continues not to answer, we will have to conclude that she’s involved in this theft.”

  Kayden stumbled back.

  “She’d never do that,” Kassius said in a whisper.

  “I will reach Mei,” Lord Vulthus said, stepping to the center of the ballroom to stand beside Lady Cardinal. He tapped out a text on his phone. “She has been acting suspicious lately. She claimed to have a video for me, and that night, three of my fae servants vanished.”

  He would not admit that he had been attacked and that if Onyx would’ve aimed a bit to the left, he would’ve been dead now. More mutters rose.

  I swallowed as other guards ran out of the room, wanting nothing more than to smash Vulthus’s phone or shove it down his throat.

  I needed to find Kristen. She might be awake by now. And that meant she might talk. Lady Cardinal glared at me and motioned to the door. I needed to join the search anyway.

  Not one to wait around, Vulthus swept out of the ballroom. He wanted to find Onyx himself. Knowing that Onyx was gone was the only thing that stopped me from going after him. Right now, Kristen posed the most danger to Onyx

  As soon as I emerged into the corridor to the tune of crackling radios and stony footfalls, I headed toward the infirmary where I assumed the two guards had dropped off Kristen. I exhaled when I found Kristen inside the tiny room, lying on the single cot.

  Since vampires pretty much healed on their own as long as they drank blood, the infirmary was a joke. It had no nurse and only basic medication and bandages. The only occupants were whipped fae and those who crawled there after injuries in PE.

  I stepped closer to Kristen, and her eyelids fluttered open. She was regaining consciousness. Her eyes focused on me. “Thorsten?” Her voice was panicked.

  “Shh, you’re good. You were unconscious, but you’re good now.” I forced myself to give her a reassuring smile, even though I couldn’t stand the spineless brat. “What do you remember?”

  “Ahh.” She opened and closed her mouth, then glanced past me, searching for the exit.

  Very well. If nice wasn’t going to work, I would be stern and play the role of the dedicated guard. “Kristen, Headmistress Cardinal demands to know what happened.”

  The half fae flinched at my words. “I…I’m not sure. Mei bought me, and then I went to the restroom to reapply my lipstick and wash away the blood, because she bit me.”

  I gave her an impatient look. “How did you pass out?”

  Her forehead wrinkled, and then her eyes widened as the memory returned. “Onyx. She came into the restroom.” Kristen’s frown deepened. “Oh my gosh, that bitch somehow knocked me out.” She sat upright, and I didn’t stop her. Her head injury would be fine. It was practically impossible for fae to get concussions. Yes, they weren’t as sturdy as us vampires, but they were much tougher than humans.

  “Onyx?” I asked, feigning shock.

  Kristen shook her head, scowling. “Onyx was jealous. We need to see Headmistress Cardinal now.”

  “Onyx will be punished severely once my men find her,” Vulthus hissed from behind me.

  I turned slowly and inclined my head, showing respect to the monster in the doorway, even though he was the last being that deserved any. I knew what I had to say because if I didn’t, Kristen would reveal the truth. “Kristen said that Onyx knocked her out in the bathroom.”

  Vulthus’s eyes flashed with barely contained fury. “I’ve heard what she said. The question is, why are you here?”

  I tilted my head, trying my best to appear non-threatening even as I imagined stabbing Vulthus through the heart. “Since I was near the infirmary, I decided to stop by and check whether Kristen was awake and had any answers. The sooner we solve this, the better.”

  “Indeed.” Vulthus stepped forward until the air crackled with his aggression. I could see every red line of hunger in his irises. I didn’t back down, knowing that would only give him pleasure. “If I find out that you had anything at all to do with my newest property’s escape, I’ll destroy you myself, boy.” He narrowed his eyes at the final word.

  I balled my fists. “I am not Jason.”

  Vulthus raised an eyebrow. “Is that so? I’ve heard differently.”

  “Do you believe every rumor?” I narrowed my eyes. He didn’t have any proof. Onyx had destroyed Mei Wu’s video of us kissing right as she was about to show it to Vulthus.

  Vulthus snorted. “I hope for your and Griffin’s sake that you’ll turn out well. If not, your family will fall completely from grace.” Dismissively, he motioned for me to leave. “I will speak to Kristen now.”

  Behind me, Kristen flinched on her cot. No one wanted to be left alone with Gregory Vulthus.

  I exited, relieved to get away from the snake. However, my relief was short-lasting as I spotted Griffin Steinberg at the end of the corridor. He stood alone, without Virgie, who he had purchased without as much as once hinting that he was in the market this year for a new fae courtesan. He’d take the virginity of Onyx’s friend. Anger flared within me. My sire was better than most of the Elites, yet he still held archaic views.

  As I reached Griffin, I inclined my head lowly. “Sire.”

  He remained hard. “Thors
ten, I hope you learned your lesson.”

  I lowered my voice. “We should talk somewhere else.” I inclined my head toward the infirmary. “Vulthus.”

  Griffin sighed, but allowed me to take him to another corridor and into an empty classroom. As soon as I closed the door behind us, he said, “If I discover that you had anything to do with this fae’s disappearance—”

  “I didn’t.” It was the truth.

  Griffin narrowed his eyes and leaned close. “Vulthus will go after anyone involved and decimate them.”

  I nodded. “I know. Doesn’t this incident paint the Wus in a bad light?”

  Griffin nodded. “Yes. I don’t understand why Mei took Onyx, but it does reflect very badly on her family. Why do this now when they were so close to gaining a position in the Elites?” He touched my shoulder, and my chest tensed. He wasn’t exactly the touchy-feely type, preferring to keep to himself. “Tomorrow, you’ll report to Headmistress. She’ll write you a reference and end your contract.”

  Pressure lifted off my chest to be replaced by hope.

  “I’ll send a car for you tomorrow.” Griffin’s mouth pointed downward. “Changes are coming, Thorsten. We vampires need to stick together.”

  I felt my forehead furrow. “What changes?”

  Steinberg shook his head. “I’ve said enough for today.”

  With that, he left, and more hope seeped into my chest. Onyx had escaped, and I would leave Nocturnal Academy.



  Sunbeams fell on my face, pulling sleep away. I yawned and stretched in my bed. The bed was huge, wide enough that I could roll over in it without falling to the floor. The pillows and the blanket were as soft as clouds. I opened my heavy eyelids to discover a wide canopy, its curtains open, overhead.

  This was not my dorm in Nocturnal Academy. Where the hell was I?

  I jackknifed into a sitting position to be greeted with a big, elegant room complete with an oak desk, dresser, and closet. An adjoining bathroom revealed a hot tub and loads of fluffy towels. This luxurious place was the opposite of my sad dorm room at Nocturnal Academy. The events of the previous night rushed back. My hand flew to my neck, and I found the scabbing bite marks that would be gone in a few days, but whose meaning would never leave me. The bite was a reminder that I did not belong to myself anymore.

  A shudder went through me, and my heart galloped. Focus, Onyx. My memories felt fuzzy for a second, but then became clear. After escaping Vulthus and tricking Mei, I tried to take cover in a suburban home, but a fae man kidnapped me. He must’ve brought me here after dragging me to his limo.

  “I am King Olwen Vinter of the Winter Court. I am your father, Onyx.”

  I must’ve passed out after this revelation. And for good reason. My whole life I had believed that my father was a nobody. Most definitely not a king. But since pureblood fae could not lie, the fae king must have a reason to believe the nonsense he was spurting.

  I jumped out of bed and dashed toward the window, crossing the large, carpeted room. Black carpet. White walls. And silver curtains. The curtains were open an inch, and I parted them completely, flooding all of the room with sunshine. An amazing view of the mountains, pine trees, and a grassy green valley spread out. Fluffy white clouds drifted past the sun. It was a beautiful day.

  My breath huffed out of me. I was safe for now.

  Or was I? I was sure from the landscape that we were still in Colorado. This fae king, who was possibly my father, hadn’t taken me far from Nocturnal Academy.

  I gripped the curtains, squeezing as hard as I could.

  He had only come for me after I’d escaped on my own. Why didn’t Olwen help me before Vulthus bought me? He’d seen me at the outing months ago.

  I didn’t like this. Maybe he planned to return me to Vulthus. After all, they had seemed pretty friendly at the vamp party.

  I needed answers.

  But first, I needed to dress. A glance down revealed silk, rose-colored PJs. My red dress from last night was nowhere to be seen. Icy anger surged into my chest. Someone had undressed me without my consent.

  Heart pounding with dark anger, I gritted my teeth and threw open a closet, which turned out to be a huge walk-in. Shivers of surprise darted down my spine. “Wow.” There were rows of shoes, countless shelves with purses with expensive logos, jeans in all cuts and washes, and anything else I or any other girl could want. I hadn’t touched clothing like this ever. My anger dissolved for a moment only for tears of frustration to shoot into my eyes a second later.

  My absentee father Olwen was very well off. Where had he been when I had to eat canned beans for weeks, when the power had been turned off, when I sat in triple sweaters at home in the winter, when Mom and I were threatened to be kicked out by the landlord?

  I swallowed my tears. Even though I was out of Nocturnal Academy I couldn’t afford weakness. Then I pulled on the least fancy possible outfit—a white T-shirt, gray cardigan, light jeans, and black sneakers. I was Onyx Logan, not a jewel and not a trophy. If King Olwen thought he could buy me with fancy things, he was wrong.

  I brushed my hand through my purple hair. The color was fading and I’d have to re-dye it. I walked into the en-suite bathroom, another luxury I hadn’t asked for, and washed my face. I didn’t bother with make-up but couldn’t resist putting on a cream that was rich and smelled of honey. At least that made me feel a bit better.

  Now, answers.

  I opened my bedroom door to find a male fae with a ginger beard standing outside in a black and blue guard’s uniform. I jumped and raised a hand instinctively to summon a glob of ice.

  Unfazed, he offered a low bow. I let out a breath, dropped my hand and urged my magic to calm itself.

  “Good morning, Princess Onyx. I am your guard. I apologize for surprising you like this. Please, follow me.” He straightened, arm over his chest. His beard was neatly trimmed and his eyes had some life to them. He didn’t look like the fae servants I’d seen at the vamp parties.

  “What?” I blinked, then snorted. Another guard? Seriously? I thought I was done with guards after escaping Nocturnal Academy, but clearly I had been wrong. “Did you undress me?”

  The guard blushed. “No. A female servant placed you in pajamas while you were in your magical sleep.”

  A magical sleep. I had been kidnapped, all right. Swallowing my anger, I stepped out of my room. I wouldn’t figure this situation out by yelling at random guards, so instead, I asked, “Where are you taking me?”

  “To the Solstice Room, which is the fortress’s breakfast area. His Majesty is awaiting you.” The guard, my guard, swept down the corridor.

  Curiosity won, and I followed him down the white, marble corridor. The way the light struck the marble made it sparkle like ice. The walls too were made of white marble, and lots of sunlight streamed through half round windows. It was the opposite of the dark, gothic vampire academy I had been trapped in for almost a whole year. “This place is not very conspicuous, is it?” The castle must’ve been huge, as the corridor went on forever.

  The guard laughed, and at my raised eyebrows quickly said, “I apologize, your Royal Highness.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Please, just call me Onyx.”

  “I cannot. You’re—”

  “When it’s just the two of us, you can and you will.” I didn’t want this guard to get in trouble. Who knew if King Olwen treated his staff any better than Vulthus?

  The guard inclined his head. “If you wish.”

  I glanced at his metal name tag. “Thank you, Atticus.”

  He smiled, and I committed his freckled face with light lashes and bushy brows to memory. He had curly, ginger hair and shouldn’t be too hard to find. And he seemed nice. A potential ally.

  “About your earlier question,” Atticus began. “King Olwen’s castle is protected by a glamour that makes it appear as a regular human house to outsiders, and not a very welcoming one at that.”

  “Wow.” I had to stop my jaw
from dropping. King Olwen had some serious powers if he could do that. This place was set up on a mountain in plain view. “Isn’t it exhausting to maintain that much glamour?” I motioned to the corridor and the landscape outside.

  Atticus hesitated. “I’m afraid you’ll have to ask King Olwen directly about this.”

  I studied Atticus, trying to figure out whether he didn’t know how the glamour was maintained or was afraid to tell me. Not wanting to push him too much, I switched to a lighter topic.

  “So, is there a different room for every meal, Atticus?” I meant it jokingly, but by the furrowing of his bushy brows, it was clear he hadn’t gotten that.

  “Breakfast is in the Solstice room. Lunch is either there or in the Noon Room. Then there’s the Afternoon Tea Room—”

  “And the dining room?” I finished as we reached light, wooden doors. An image of the sun rising over a winter landscape was carved in the wood.

  Atticus nodded, then knocked. My heart raced as I realized that I was about to come face to face with my kidnapper and potential father.

  “Come in,” a low voice sounded from inside, and my heart hammered in anticipation. I was about to have breakfast with the King of the Winter Court.

  Atticus opened the door for me and bowed, giving me a reassuring smile.

  I gave him a close-lipped one in return and entered the Solstice Room. The sight made my jaw drop as coolness washed over my skin. I’d seen pictures of that hotel in Sweden made entirely of ice. This room looked the same. Everything in the room was made of ice. The walls, the long table, the intricate, throne-like chairs. Furs adorned the seats of the chairs. Several multi-tiered trays with finger sandwiches and delicious-smelling biscuits sat on the table as well as an array of hot drinks and juices. Lights set deep within the long ice table somehow illuminated it without melting it. Ice crystals hung from the ceiling in an odd formation, and I wondered if they were there to catch the light of the sun on the Winter Solstice. The main window faced what I assumed was the east.


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