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The Nocturnal and Fae Prison Academy Boxset [A Complete Paranormal and Fantasy Series Boxset]

Page 77

by Margo Ryerkerk

  I chewed and swallowed the bite of salad that felt like it was lodged in my throat. Then I sat up straight and studied Nathan, waiting. Telepathy could be my chance to learn more about him.

  “Okay, what shape am I holding in my mind, Virgie?” Nathan rested his elbows on his desk and folded his hands.

  I closed my eyes, trying to penetrate his invisible, magical armor that prevented me from using any mentalist influence on him. I strained. “I’m not getting anything. Can’t you send the messages clearer or louder?”

  “I am. I am sending you my mental image as clearly as I can.” Nathan finished his salad with a sigh, making me feel like a child who wasn’t trying hard enough. “It is imperative that you master this, Virgie.”

  “Maybe I would actually hear your thoughts if you treated me like an equal and not a little girl.” I swallowed, hating that I had just admitted how much his behavior hurt me. Crossing my arms, I finished with, “You’re blocking my ability.”

  A few emotions raced across Nathan’s face, and then his mouth worked like he wasn’t sure what to say. “I’m sorry, Virgie,” he finally began. “I have been commanding fae for a decade. I do not consider you a young girl.”

  His words caught me off guard. I had expected resistance and an insistence that this was the way it had to be. Not an admission of weakness.

  “Perhaps I should sharpen my social skills.” Nathan glanced off into the distance, and the rest of my hard anger softened.

  Nathan had been a High Commander since he was barely old enough for high school. What kind of messed up past did he have? What sort of bizarre system did King Peter have for his closest members of the court? “Thanks. I appreciate it.” Feeling like opening up since he had, I added. “It’s all a lot of pressure, especially with the media.”

  Nathan gave me such a sad look that I yearned to cross to his side and give him a hug. “I’m sorry, Virgie. This all must be a lot.” He stopped abruptly. “I’ll work on my delivery so that we can make better progress.”

  “Just imagine you’re not my teacher but a friend.”

  “A friend,” he said the word slowly as if he wasn’t sure what it meant. Certainly, he had friends here. He sure seemed very popular. But being revered and having someone you could fully trust were two different things. I knew that all too well.

  Nathan glanced at the wooden clock on the wall. “I don’t want to keep you too long. Tomorrow is the Harvest Ball. And if we appear tired, the media will speculate that we’re in over our heads or worse, they’ll start rumors that we’ve caught an illness. If it’s all right with you, let’s return to telepathy another day.”

  I nodded, appreciating the effort he was already making, not to decide for me. “That sounds good. Good night, Nathan.” I rose from my chair, not waiting for him to offer to walk me to my room. The chivalry would only be for the press. In private, I wanted Nathan to learn to treat me like a fae who stood on her own two feet, not a female that needed his protection.

  Pierre and Amanda descended on me before the Harvest Ball, grilling me on political answers and dressing me in a pink and white gown with a large skirt and sparkling, rose-colored slippers that looked like they belonged in a fairy tale. My eyelashes were done to fit in a fashion magazine, and fairy dust glitter highlighted my cheekbones. Romance was still very much the vibe.

  The Pegasi-drawn carriage awaited me just beyond the open gates. But this time, it wasn’t Amanda I’d be flying with. Dressed in a green and gold suit that highlighted his muscular and tall frame, Nathan opened the carriage door for me. “Ready?”

  “Yes.” Even though I was nervous about social protocol, I was excited to be back in the air and see more of the Summer Castle. Nathan slid into the carriage himself, his thigh touching mine, and sending tingles of heat through me.

  “Take us to the Summer Palace,” he told the Pegasi who obliged. We took off, and the Summer lands grew smaller and smaller below. The sun was setting behind the cliffs and the waterfalls that surrounded the palace cast a pinkish light on everything as we descended, creating an ethereal look. All my frustrations and bad feelings from the past week dissipated. How had I gotten so lucky? Only weeks ago, I had been in a dark world surrounded by black stone and shutters that kept the sun out. Now, I had landed in a paradise where magical trees and Pegasi were my mode of transportation and where I was free to focus on my mental abilities rather than my body.

  “I didn’t forget the full castle tour I promised you,” Nathan said as the Pegasi pulled to a stop. He had stayed silent during our journey, allowing me to take in the landscape and get lost in my thoughts. “We’ll do that as soon as we’re able to escape the media.”

  “I appreciate that, but do you really think they’ll let us slip away?”

  “We’ll see. I have a few tricks up my sleeve.” Nathan winked at me, and I chuckled. I liked this playful side of him, and I appreciated that he was trying. From what I understood, this was the first time he had to treat someone as an equal except for possibly Nerissa. In his role as the High Commander, he either gave orders or received them. From what I had gleaned so far, his position didn’t leave much room or time for friends and family.

  We landed in the center courtyard beside the Crystal River. Nathan opened the carriage and held out his hand for me. The courtyard was packed with fae on both sides of the water. They parted for us as we slowly walked down the main courtyard. There were so many fae here tonight for the ball, it felt like the whole kingdom had come, which was probably true. In between the nobles with the golden and white wings, there were plant fae with pale green wings, as well as lower level fae and lots of guards with bronze and brown wings. Laughter and chatter filled the shifting air. Light flashed as the reporters took our photos and a few cheers sounded. Hope rose in my chest. Maybe I had said all the right things, and the media would portray me kindly.

  Nathan linked his hand with mine and waved. I waved too, searching for Caleb and Peony in the crowd. They had been invited to the ball as well, though Kristen and the other Vasara students hadn’t been. The public wasn’t ready for them according to Amanda.

  “Brother!” Nerissa appeared from the crowd, glowing and smiling, and wrapped one arm around Nathan to the flashes of more magic. They hugged, with the High Commander patting her on the back, and his face softening. This wasn’t just for the cameras. They both seemed to hold a lot of affection and respect for each other.

  A fae servant with a tray that held goblets of a sweet-smelling, magenta-colored liquid floated up to us. We each took one, and I wished the servant would stay, blocking us from the reporters and allowing us this bubble of breathable air. But, of course, that was impossible. Instead, we pressed forward, with Nerissa introducing me to the court. There were so many names and faces, it was impossible to remember them all. Thankfully, the questions of the court were much easier. Most simply asked me whether I enjoyed the Summer Court. It was easy to tell them what they wanted to hear given the beautiful golden leaf decorations everywhere, and the mass of happy fae dancing.

  I sipped my elixir, enjoying the pomegranate taste. It was alcohol free as all drinks had been so far at the Summer Court. Given how disgusted the media and King Peter had been with my father for becoming a drunk, I got the impression that the Summer Court was not too keen on any type of mind-altering substances from the human world.

  When our goblets were empty, and Nerissa was satisfied with all the people she had introduced me to, Nathan pulled me toward the dancing fae.

  “We need to give the media at least one dance before we can leave the courtyard.”

  I chuckled. “You sure know how to ask a girl if she wants to dance.” Seeing the regret on his face, I quickly added, “I was joking.”

  He sighed. “No, you’re right. This doesn’t come natural to me.”

  What did apparently come natural to him was the slow waltz, or maybe he had a lot of practice. Since I’d been taught all the ballroom dances when living with the vampires, I too fel
t confident and was able to relax and even admire the gowns of the fae who twirled past me. Jewels, silk, and gossamer flowed everywhere. So much money concentrated in such a small place. It was intoxicating, yet it also felt wrong and underscored my outsider status.

  When the harpist struck the last chord, Nathan breathed into my ear, “Ready to fly?”


  Before I could reply, Nathan’s grip around my waist and hand tightened, and his golden wings spread wide, working, shifting the air. The ground vanished below, and I gasped. Others stopped speaking and gasped as well as we rose. I grasped Nathan’s suit as he fluttered us over the Crystal River that cut the main courtyard in two. More magic flashed behind us as we left the hungry media behind. The sense of weightlessness made me dizzy. We landed on our feet in a new crowd of fae who parted and stared at the spectacle. Nathan offered them a professional nod and waved as the media on the other side of the river scrambled, trying to find a way around, feet thudding against the cobblestone.

  “We can fly?” I asked, and immediately felt silly. Why had it never occurred to me to use my wings? Probably because I had been neck-deep in my mentalist studies.

  “We sure can.” Nathan’s face contorted as if he remembered something painful.

  “What is it?”

  “The king wanted you to focus on your mentalist abilities so that’s why no one has taught you how to fly.”

  “I see.” Was that the king’s greediness driving him or did he not want fae who were both physically and mentally strong unless he could be a hundred percent sure of their loyalty? I had a bad feeling it was the latter.

  “We must hurry up if you want to see the castle. Official business starts soon.” Nathan landed us in an inner courtyard.

  I glanced around nervously. “Will the media follow us?”

  Nathan shook his head. “Flying is considered a bit rude at events such as this, and the media will not risk incurring King Peter’s wrath.”

  “Isn’t it bad that we flew?” Why had Nathan broken the rules for me? He didn’t seem like the type.

  “Since the royal family hasn’t arrived yet, it’s fine. Plus, I couldn’t go back on my promise. That wouldn’t be right.”

  I giggled. “Aren’t you worried about what the media will write tomorrow, or do you not care?”

  Nathan’s face snapped back into an impenetrable mask. “They will not touch the High Commander. I am too close to the royal family.”

  “There’s a rebel in you,” I said playfully as he led me through the small crowd and toward an archway near the back of the courtyard. My breath hitched. We were about to make a break for it, which was exciting, but— “What about me? What if the media say we snuck off to, you know…” I didn’t say the word sex or jump into bed. That would’ve been fine in the vampire world, but the fae were much less direct. “We all know the woman always gets the blame.”

  Nathan’s jaw tightened. “It will be a ridiculous and disgusting accusation, especially with the ball happening throughout the palace and fae being everywhere. Also, I’m not known to frolic with lovers.”

  My face flushed as I wondered how many women Nathan had been with. He was twenty-four, old enough to have been in love at least once, but somehow, I doubted he had ever been in a relationship.

  I pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind. I couldn’t get too invested into Nathan, not before I knew what he was truly about, not before I understood my position in the Summer Court and how secure it was.

  Yet, I couldn’t stop trying to put together all the puzzle pieces I had about Nathan. He was a young man forced to grow up too soon, who had never gotten to be a child. He cared about his sister. He believed he was on the right side of the war. As we walked through the courtyard, elbows locked, into the castle and deeper into the party, I kept sneaking glances at him, trying to understand what he thought about the whole media spectacle around us. He seemed to like me, but it was clear that he was not a man guided by lust or even feelings. Did he find me a welcome distraction, good for politics? Did he think of me as just a friend? And why did that bother me? I set my jaw. I couldn’t get caught up in the media’s romance frenzy.

  Nathan and I stepped into a grand corridor filled with vines and small waterfalls. Fireflies darted around us, and lantern light, reflected off the water, danced on the ceiling. Fae stood in groups, some chatting, some laughing, and many with drinks in hand. A waiter offered us another drink, which was light pink and tasted of hibiscus and elderflower.

  I took a sip of the concoction. While sipping it didn’t make me feel fuzzy or warm like alcohol and there was no bitter taste, I felt my mood shift. All thoughts of romance were replaced by pride for the Summer Court, for the faeland. I shook my head. Was the drink magical? Mind-altering in a different way than alcohol?

  “You ran out of the cherry tarts? Are you kidding me! Fetch one, now!” a boy in the corner of the room demanded, tapping his foot impatiently.

  Nathan stopped, his body tensing, and I realized that the rude boy wasn’t just a boy, but the youngest son of King Peter.

  While the server he had harassed rushed off, the boy prince advanced onto Caleb and Peony, who were sitting at a table in the corner, talking quietly.

  “What are you doing with this earth fae?” the boy snarled, then snorted. “Ah, I forgot, no normal fae will have a bastard.” He let out a cruel, high-pitched laugh.

  “That’s enough, Percival.” Caleb balled his fists, looking as he was having a hard time not punching the boy prince, while Peony stared at the ground, appearing to be ashamed for once.

  “You two make a great pair of losers!” Percival raised his voice so that everyone could hear. Then he adjusted his golden cape, a cape that Caleb did not share. “You should be fetching me another drink, not lazing around.”

  “Go bother one of the poor servants,” Caleb said through gritted teeth.

  “Don’t talk to me like that. I’m the Crown Prince.” Percival emphasized the last two words.

  “Let’s move on,” Nathan whispered in my ear.

  But I wasn’t going to let Percival the Brat get away with this awful behavior. Prince or no prince this was no acceptable way to act. Shaking my head, I separated from Nathan and walked toward Caleb and Peony. Caleb’s jaw was set, his nostrils flared, but Peony’s eyes were filled with unshed tears. Back at Nocturnal Academy she’d been the bully and would’ve fired back. But now, she was trying to be the better person. Also, I sensed that she truly wanted to fit in and be respected here.

  “This is no way to treat party guests.” I glared at the kid prince, urging his mind to bend to my will.

  He whirled, cheeks red, looking like a younger version of his father. He, too, had a magical aura that I would have to work past to get through to him, but his was much thinner. “Do you know who I am?” He puffed out his chest like a big frog.

  Nathan took my arm and tried to pull me back, but I resisted. There was no media here to record this story. Peony gave me a look that was both worried and grateful. I dropped into a sarcastic curtsy. “Yes. I do. But just because you’re an heir doesn’t give you the right to treat others like shit.”

  There were a few gasps around me, and Peony’s face turned pale while the corner of Caleb’s mouth twitched upward.

  “You! You!” The kid prince’s face swelled, as he struggled and failed to hit me with a comeback.

  Nathan took the opportunity to motion for a servant carrying a tray of blue drinks to come closer. I hoped these had a calming tonic, as we could all use one.

  The servant lowered the tray and Percival’s thick fingers closed around a glass. “At least, someone knows how to act around here.” A second servant hurried over to the kid prince and handed him a tray of cherry tarts. Percival stuffed one into his mouth and grabbed another one. Then he stalked away.

  “You shouldn’t have challenged him,” Nathan said quietly, so that only I, Peony, and Caleb could hear.

  Caleb snorted. “It’s time s
omebody put him in his place before his big head explodes.”

  Peony grinned. “The look on his face was priceless.”

  But Nathan didn’t look amused. “He’s our future king. We’re going to serve him.” He turned to me. “You’re lucky he took a blueberry drink.”

  “Because it has a calming effect?” I raised my eyebrow. “Are all the drinks at the Summer Court infused with magic?”

  Nathan’s silver eyes turned to steel.

  Caleb sighed. “It’s necessary for parties, to keep the crowds balanced.”

  “Really, you need a Hibiscus-elderflower drink that makes you a patriot?”

  Nathan shook his head. “It’s very subtle and no one made you drink it.”

  “But a lot do,” Caleb added, “as the same drink also makes you more daring.”

  “You have to be careful,” Nathan said tightly.

  “Then, why did you give me the drink?”

  Caleb chuckled, and Nathan glanced away.

  My shoulders tensed. “Is that some romance potion?”

  “Yes, it also makes people more open to flirting.” Caleb, still seated, glanced between Nathan and I with a grin, but I did not find the situation amusing.

  “You shouldn’t have to drug people to make them want to spend time with you,” I hissed and stalked off.

  Nathan hurried after me. “It wasn’t planned. I only wanted to help you cope with the media.” I had to remind myself that since Nathan couldn’t lie any more than I could, he was telling the truth.

  “Don’t give me anything again without telling me what’s in it,” I said tightly and picked up my speed, needing to get rid of the annoyance swirling through my body.

  “I promise I won’t. I’m sorry. I should’ve told you.”

  The sincerity and regret in Nathan’s voice made me come to a halt. I met his gaze and nodded, letting him know I accepted his apology.


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