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The Nocturnal and Fae Prison Academy Boxset [A Complete Paranormal and Fantasy Series Boxset]

Page 100

by Margo Ryerkerk

  For the next few hours, she drilled me on how to get the press excited about our upcoming wedding without revealing any real information or making promises I couldn’t keep. “There’s too much unrest right now with the Winter Court to schedule a date for the wedding,” she said. “Rumor has it that Princess Onyx has already been crowned queen and the generals are calling for war.” She checked her clipboard. “Now, with this engagement, you’re becoming an official member of King Peter’s inner court.” Amanda explained how I was to behave around the king. Basically, I was to comply with any requests he made and tell him how honored I was.

  Half an hour before it was time to depart for the Summer Palace, Amanda and Pierre finally left. They’d be taking a carriage with some Vasara students while I’d be in my own carriage with Nathan. We needed to make an entrance.

  But instead of relaxing as Pierre had advised me or going over my answers a final time as Amanda had urged me, I snapped two daggers to my thighs and hurried toward Potions.

  Since it was much too risky to take her masterpieces back to her quarters, Peony had kept the elixirs in the classroom. When I entered, she, Caleb, Nathan, and Nerissa were already waiting around the middle table.

  I tensed as I saw Nerissa in her own form. “What will you do? Both you and Blythe must attend.”

  Nerissa smiled. “Don’t worry about this. I’ll go as myself first, then use glamour to be Blythe. I’ll keep on switching throughout the night. No one will notice.”

  “But the king—”

  “Will speak with both Nerissa and Blythe. I’ll tell him that Peony seems dejected but compliant, that you’ve been a great help in the classroom, and that I’ve seen you and Nathan together many times, looking very happy. I’ll also say that you have been keeping your distance from Peony since the last party.”

  “How will you do that without lying?”

  Nerissa smiled. “Peony seems dejected but compliant. And, for the most part, you have been keeping your distance.”

  I smiled. “Clever.”

  Nerissa nodded. “Anyhow, the king will be much more interested in talking to his generals who are monitoring the borders for Winter fae as the party is happening. He knows that Onyx has been crowned queen and is expecting her to move.”

  It looked like Nerissa had all her bases covered. I turned to Peony and gave her an expectant look.

  “Right,” she said with a tense smile. “You’ll need strength potions to weather the party and the media. You all should have some but keep them out of my reach. I can be clumsy and break them.”

  Nathan nodded. “I will take one before we go into the party. The media are vultures.”

  Hope filled my chest. The potion would help Nathan resist his own vow to the king. But would it stop the pain? Then I nodded as another thought hit. If King Peter commanded Peony to do something she wouldn’t be able to resist. Even if she took her strength potion, the severity of her vow might still stop her from helping us.

  “Just remember. You might have somewhat of a crash after taking a potion. Only take one or it could get dangerous,” Peony said, shuffling the tiny red vials. I took the red potion she handed me and put it into my dress pocket that was swallowed up by the surrounding tulle material. Pierre hadn’t even lifted a brow when I’d asked him to make sure all of my dresses had hidden pockets. He might be doing all the king was telling him to, but he was rebelling in his own way.

  “And a weed killer, in case something looks out of place.” Peony’s smile turned into a strained grimace as she handed me a brown potion. The vow was catching up with her.

  “I got the rest,” Caleb spoke up for the first time and patted his jacket. He put a protective arm around Peony, and she leaned into him.

  “Excellent,” I said. Caleb would provide Onyx with protection against King Peter when she came through the portal.

  Then all hell would break loose.

  “The troops are in place and ready for the party,” Nathan said, looking dashing in his white High Commander suit with golden shoulder accents and cufflinks. “I have about fifty of my soldiers who want to attend in addition to the one hundred Vasara students.”

  “Looks like we’re all ready.” I took Nathan’s hand and Peony’s who was standing on my other side. Caleb and Nerissa joined hands as well. The five of us stood in a unity circle, and warm magic flowed through the air, encasing me with hope.

  “To a bright future! To the Summer Court,” I said, and they echoed my toast.

  Peony left the room first. Despite her fancy, silk gown, she’d be riding with other Vasara students. Apparently, King Peter wanted to make sure she knew she was still on thin ice, as if the vow he’d forced her into hadn’t been enough. King Peter’s continued suspicion told me he knew there were ways around vows. Loopholes and deceptions were as much an integral part of the Summer Court as were the countless, flourishing plants.

  Nathan and I were to appear at the palace last. We stood behind the front doors of the Vasara Training Center, watching everyone else go. The Vasara students were mostly quiet as they boarded their carriages. Kristen gave me a tense nod. Nerves hung in the air as the fae prepared to fight King Peter and either win or die trying. Under the Vasara fae’s brown and green uniforms weapons waited. Nerissa had extended her glamour to the students’ bows and quivers, hiding the weed-killer tipped arrows and making them appear to be nothing more than fancy capes.

  Caleb and Nerissa took a carriage together, their status similar enough that it made sense, especially since neither had a partner. Caleb had gone out of his way to avoid Peony in public all of last week, making a clear statement that he didn’t condone her actions.

  Nathan and I left the building last. He pressed a kiss against my temple. “Ready?” he whispered.

  I intertwined my fingers with his. “I am.”

  “To our bright future. To the Summer Court,” he repeated my earlier words, and together, we stepped out into the bright sun where the Pegasi-drawn carriage was waiting.



  The Summer Castle seemed incredibly bright during the day and the waterfall sparkled as we approached. The valley below was a bright green that almost hurt my eyes. As we landed, the white marble of the palace blinded me. Even though I’d been here before, this felt like it was my first time. I wasn’t here for an interview or a party. I had come to bring King Peter down.

  The position of the sun told me that it was one in the afternoon. In an hour, Onyx and her troops would barge into the Summer Castle.

  Onyx would do her best to kill or banish King Peter. If she failed, we’d all be doomed.

  I swallowed hard as I exited our carriage. The outer balcony was crowded for once, and the media went crazy. Cheers and light flashes assaulted me from all sides. Nathan and I hung together against the onslaught, which only intensified the flashes and noise. No one could get enough of us, the happy couple.

  “Come on.” Nathan gave me a genuine smile as he led me through the media and into the castle, back to the main courtyard where Caleb would open the portal. Here we could breathe as the crowd was more spread out. Caleb and Nerissa socialized near a pillar on the other side of the courtyard, close to the river. The Vasara students hung together in groups, talking quietly and not daring to stray deeper into the party. Peony was alone in a corner, looking dejected. We all played our roles to ensure the king thought us defeated and willing to do his bidding.

  With everyone in their positions, there was no stopping now. We’d go through with our plan.

  Nathan kissed my temple. “I must speak to King Peter about the rumblings of war.”

  I released Nathan’s hand. It would look very suspicious if the High Commander didn’t address war rumors. “Good luck.”

  Nathan shook his head. “The king will want to see us both.” As if sensing my anxiety spike, Nathan added, “King Peter won’t make you take a vow until later in the party. He’ll want an audience.”

  I nodded, and Nathan
walked us along the river toward a corridor deep in the castle. We passed groups of fae, and despite the servers carrying trays full of yellow and pink drinks that should cheer up the crowd, snippets of doom reached me.

  “Coronation. Unbelievable. Princess Onyx is young and hotheaded.”

  “Peace won’t last long.”

  “Just as ruthless as her father.”

  Nathan wrapped his arm protectively around my waist. We entered a narrow corridor, passing where we’d boarded our boat during our last date. Next, we passed the hedge maze and found King Peter standing in a garden beyond, facing the brick wall as if the cracks held answers. This was an unusual place for him to be, away from everyone. A pair of guards, both of whom seemed nervous, judging from how they shifted leg to leg, stood at the periphery of the garden.

  “Your Highness.” Nathan offered a small bow.

  King Peter turned and trained his green eyes on us. His vile magic washed over us, but the leaves on his golden crown stayed relaxed. He was confident. Not good. I forced a smile and curtsied.

  “Yes, High Commander?” King Peter’s voice was calm, too calm.

  “The party goers are nervous. They fear war. I must admit, I do too.”

  The king smiled. “There is nothing to fear, High Commander. You have helped to prepare the Vasara students. Our army is powerful. The new Winter queen is young and inexperienced.”

  “Rumor has it that her coronation is taking place in the next few days if it hasn’t already. With the magic of the Winter realm flowing through her—” Nathan shook his head “—I fear for the Summer Court.”

  I held my breath. Despite everything, Nathan was giving the king one last chance out. He was trying one final time for peace.

  “The Summer Court is strong,” King Peter said in a strange, reassuring tone, as if he were Nathan’s wise father, and I understood how Nathan had gotten sucked into trusting the king long enough to make his loyalty vow. King Peter wore multiple masks and could be rather pleasant when he wanted to be. “We will resist any attack the Winter Court will launch against us.”

  “But it will cost lives.” Nathan’s whole body tensed. “I have seen what war does.”

  “There is no need to fear that.” The king’s green eyes hardened into a toxic shade and his golden wings took on a sickly tinge. “Return to the party. I will make an announcement shortly.”

  I opened my mouth to protest, but Nathan whirled me and lifted me from the ground, flying over the hedge maze and away from the garden. He stayed silent, his mouth in a tight line.

  “What’s going on?” I asked as we landed back at the mouth of the corridor.

  “I don’t know. The king has not spoken to me much lately,” Nathan said. “We must tell Caleb. King Peter not showing any worry or fear about anything is worrisome.”

  We reentered the main party and strolled over to Caleb, keeping up the appearance of a happy, engaged couple. My heart thudded, but I forced a smile as servants crowded us, offering drinks. Nathan politely waved them away, then recounted our conversation with the king to our friends. Worry lines appeared on Nerissa’s face, and Caleb nervously palmed his jacket.

  “I’m used to my father being unstable,” Caleb said. “But him being overconfident makes me guess he has an ace up his sleeve.”

  “What if he knows what we’re planning?” I whispered.

  Before the others could reply, someone shouted, “All into the main courtyard! King Peter has an announcement!”

  Multiple guards echoed the command from every corridor, and my stomach tightened. Amanda and Pierre, who stood a couple of pillars away, glanced at each other in confusion. Peony peeled herself from the corner. Fae slowly flowed into the space, cramming in together at the end of the courtyard, toward the corridor that led to where we’d just met with the king.

  Nerissa tugged at her teardrop earring. “The party has only begun. I thought he’d do this later.” She squeezed my hand. “Be strong.”

  My muscles cramped. My vow. He’d make me take it before Onyx showed up.

  “We are expected to stand up front.” Nathan put his hand on my lower back. “Virgie, we’ll do everything to stop the vow from happening. It will be all right.”

  I nodded, well aware of the daggers and potions under my skirt. I’d rehearsed reaching for them over and over, and I knew the Vasara students, who were also pushing toward the front of the crowd, would be at the ready. I trusted them. I trusted Nathan, Caleb, Peony, and Nerissa.

  Minutes passed as the entire party moved into the courtyard, leaving the surrounding areas empty. The balconies above were packed, and some of the Vasara students had managed to get up there as well. Kristen nodded down at me. I didn’t dare nod back as I stood at the very front of the crowd with Nathan, Caleb, Peony, and Nerissa. A wall of guards had formed in front of the corridor, blocking our view of the darkness within. The guards looked just as confused as the crowd seemed to feel.

  All chatter died. We waited as the suspense and tension dragged out.

  At last, magic swept over us. Guards parted in front of the corridor, allowing King Peter to enter the courtyard. His golden wings continued to glow with a faint sickly tinge, but the leaves on his crown stayed relaxed and his green eyes sparkled with victory.

  I straightened, determined to face this. I had many people on my side. When he called me to make my vow, I would not bow.

  “My court,” King Peter boomed. “I have been informed that fear, not joy, has been spreading through our lands. Talk of war has overtaken our everyday conversations, overshadowing the light that is the Summer Court.”

  Mutters flowed through the crowd, and behind my back, I clenched and unclenched my hands, needing to stay busy. Maybe this was not about my vow. Maybe King Peter needed me to calm everyone, make them listen and lap up every word he said.

  He continued without so much as a glance at me. “During the past few generations, we have suffered terribly at the hands of the Winter Court thanks to the plague that they spread, making many of us infertile. They have taken two of my children, both rightful heirs to the Summer throne. They chased many of our kind into the human world, further depleting our numbers. Now, they’re once again spreading fear. A new queen is on the throne. Though she’s impulsive and unreasonable, I’m here to assure you that she’s nowhere near a match for me.”

  I tilted my head, trying to make sense of what I’d just heard. King Peter’s new manipulation campaign clearly was designed to make the earthbound fae feel welcome, probably to motivate them to protect and die for the Summer Court.

  “The new Winter queen is still a child and only half fae.” King Peter smiled, and a few people responded with tense smiles of their own. “She is no threat to us.”

  “Your Highness, she still has the power of the Winter realm running through her veins now that she’s queen.” Nathan stepped forward. “Wouldn’t it be in everyone’s interest if we reached a peace treaty with the Winter Court?”

  My jaw nearly dropped. Nathan had stepped out of bounds. I waited for pain to grip him, but he remained tall and composed. The strength potion he'd taken before coming must be helping.

  “You have spoken out of turn.” King Peter’s green eyes flashed. Silence stretched out as Nathan remained in place, maintaining the king’s gaze. My chest clenched. Nathan was doing this to keep the king’s attention off me.

  Abruptly, King Peter motioned for Peony to step forward. Peony was pale as a sheet, and her hands trembled as she approached him, unable to resist. She had taken a strength potion, too, but King Peter's vow trumped it. Her vow was stronger than Nathan's.

  “My fine servant has helped to secure the future of the Summer Court.” King Peter’s grin turned sinister. “When on Earth, she created a plant that when made into a potion, will heal the infertility suffered by many of our kind here in the Summer Court and will encourage the creation of more children.” His gaze landed on the Vasara students. “We will not run out of soldiers willing to defend o
ur lands.”

  My nails dug into my tulle skirt as I imagined bringing my hands around King Peter’s throat. He saw Peony’s creation as something that could be used to replenish the army after the Vasara students got butchered on the battlefield. He was probably going to use the remaining survivors for a breeding program as well as other Summer fae he didn’t care for.

  The Vasara students narrowed their eyes, and Peony’s gaze dropped to the cobblestone ground in shame. The king’s “praise” was meant to further isolate her from the other earthbound fae.

  The guards parted, and a servant who had a scarf wrapped over her nose and mouth brought out a green plant that was nearly the size of her torso with heavy, hanging, scarlet flowers. Peony balked when she saw it. The servant placed it down on the ground and backed away. I understood a second later when even from twenty feet away, I caught a faint, floral whiff, which was followed by an urge to jump Nathan. The plant’s intoxicating fumes were pure aphrodisiac. Thankfully, the impulse passed as I breathed through my mouth and counted silently to ten. Other fae backed away and even the guards switched to open-mouth breathing. Peony held her breath. The king had made his point. This plant could turn us all into his willing breeders.

  King Peter, who seemed impervious to the fumes, glanced almost lovingly at the plant, like it was his child, then he fixated his cold stare on all of us. “Not only have we beaten the Barren Plague, but we have also secured a new ally in our fight against the Winter Court. Never again will they terrorize us.”

  He reached into his jacket and drew out a single white flower petal. “This is a petal of the Shield, another great creation of my servant. It offers temporary resistance to many elements, including cold and intense sunlight.”

  Peony swayed on her feet as King Peter stuffed the petal into his mouth, chewing on the plant Peony had created in the dungeon. He was rubbing his victory in her face. Done chewing, he motioned to the guards, who parted at the corridor again. “See the true power of the Shield!”


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