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Flappers: Six Women of a Dangerous Generation

Page 51

by Mackrell, Judith

  Fitzgerald, Scottie (daughter)

  Fitzgerald, Zelda (née Sayre)


  articles written

  attempt at fresh start in Wilmington (Delaware) and creative activity

  attitude towards lesbianism

  bad behaviour and rebelliousness of in early years

  ballet obsession


  birth of daughter and motherhood

  Caesar’s Things

  in Capri


  childhood and upbringing

  courtship with Scott

  criticism of by Hemingway

  death and burial

  and death of father

  and death of Scott


  deterioration of mental health and admission to psychiatric hospital

  dress style

  and drinking

  eczema suffered


  ‘Eulogy of the Flapper’

  in French Riviera

  ’The Girl who had Some Talent’

  and Hollywood

  living in New York

  living in Paris

  marriage to and relationship with Scott

  in Milan

  The Model

  moves to Long Island

  painting and art studies

  pelvic infections



  in Rome

  rows and reconciliations with Scott

  in Sainte-Raphaël

  Save Me the Waltz

  short stories written

  sleeping pill overdose

  throws herself down some steps

  turns down invitation from Sedova to perform in opera company

  view of Hemingway

  ‘What Became of the Flappers’


  Flanner, Janet


  and feminism

  seen as social threat

  Flapper, The (film)

  Florence, Aunt

  Folies Bergère


  Forsaking All Others

  Fortuny, Mariano

  French, Sir John

  French Union for Women’s Suffrage

  Freud, Sigmund


  Garbo, Greta

  Garden of Eden

  Garnett, David

  Gavrilov, Alexander

  General Strike (1926)

  Gerlach, Max

  Gest, Morris

  Gibson Girl

  Gide, André

  Gish, Lilian

  Glorious Adventure, The

  Glyn, Elinor

  Gold Diggers

  Gone With the Wind

  Gorski, Boris

  Graham, Sheilah

  Gramont, Élisabeth de

  Graves, Robert

  Green Hat, The

  Grenfell, Julian

  Griffith, Hubert

  Griffiths, D.W.

  Guérin, Jean

  Guevera, Chile

  Gustaf Adolf of Sweden, Crown Prince

  Guy’s Hospital (London)


  Haardt, Sarah

  Hall, Radclyffe

  The Well of Loneliness

  Hamnett, Nina


  Harper’s Bazar

  Harris, Frank

  Hart-Davis, Sybil

  Hearts of the World (film)

  Hellman, Lillian

  Hemingway, Ernest

  The Sun Also Rises

  Hemingway, Hadley

  Henderson, Dell

  Henry, Sir Edward

  Henson, Gladys

  Her Cardboard Lover

  Herbert, Sidney

  Hersey, Marie

  His House in Order

  Hoff, Maxine

  Hofmannsthal, Raimund von

  Holland, Ruth

  The Lost Generation


  Hopkins, Claude

  Horner, Edward

  Hours Press, The

  Howard, Brian

  Howland, Jobyna

  Hoyningen-Huene, George

  Hoyt, Morton

  Hoyt, Nancy

  Hudgins, Johnny

  Hughes, Langston

  Hutchinson, Mary

  Hutchinson, St John

  Huxley, Aldous

  Antic Hay

  Crome Yellow

  Point Counter Point

  Those Barren Leaves


  In Banville

  Irvine, St John


  Jackson, Bee

  James, Henry


  John, Augustus

  John, Gwen

  Johnson, James P.

  Jones, Dyer

  Joplin, Scott

  Joyce, James

  Jozan, Edouard

  Julian, James


  Kahn, Otto

  Kalman, Xandra

  Kellerman, Annette

  Keppel, Alice

  Kessler, Harry

  King, Martin Luther

  Kommer, Rudolph

  Kschessinksa, Mathilde

  Ku Klux Klan

  Kuffner, Baron Raoul


  Lady, The

  Laking, Sir Guy Francis

  Lardner, Ring

  Lathan, Edward

  Laurel, Kay

  Laurencin, Marie

  Lawrence, D.H.

  Aaron’s Rod

  Lawrence, Gerald

  Le Corbusier

  Le Galienne, Eva

  Léger, Fernand

  Leigh, Vivien

  Lempicka, Marie Christine (Kizette) (daughter)

  Lempicka, Tamara de

  Adam and Eve

  addiction to painting


  and art deco movement


  artistic style

  attempt at getting D’Annunzio to sit for a portrait


  LaBelle Rafaela

  bipolar behaviour

  bouts of anxiety and depression

  childhood and adolescence

  death and funeral

  and death of Raoul

  decision to become a professional artist

  deterioration in health

  diamond bracelets

  Die Dame cover images commission

  divorce from Tadeusz

  dress style

  enrols in Académie Ransom


  exhibition at Bottega de Poesia gallery (Milan)

  exhibitionist displays

  exhibitions of work

  family history

  fascination with nudes in art works

  fear of death

  and First World War

  gains friendship and patronage of prominent circle of sapphists


  Group of Four Nudes

  habit of reinvention

  hat collection

  in Hollywood

  in Houston

  inclusion of work in the Salon d’Automne

  influence of Lhote on artistic style

  Irene and her Sister

  leaving of husband and attempted reconciliation

  lesbian affairs

  living in Paris

  lovers and attitude towards sex

  making her name

  marriage to Kuffner

  marriage to and relationship with Tadeusz

  in Mexico


  in New York

  Paris apartment


  Portrait of a Young Lady in a Blue Dress

  and portraiture

  public image

  relationship with daughter (Kizette)

  reputation of after death

  reviews of work

  revival in interest in art of

  role models in art

  Russian Revolution and escape with husband to P

  and Russian roots

  in St Petersburg


  sets her sights on Tadeusz Lempicki as future husband

  stomach pains

  voyage to United States to paint Rufus Bush’s wife

  worshipping of glamour

  Lempicki, Tadeusz

  Lenglen, Suzanne

  Lenin, Vladimir


  Let Us Be Gay

  Leveson-Gower, Rosemary

  Levinson, André

  Levy, Julian

  Lewis, Wyndham

  Lindbergh, Charles

  Lister, Charles

  Little Foxes, The

  Littlefield, Catherine

  Lloyd George, David


  costume balls

  and First World War

  Loos, Anita


  Lhote, André

  Lucky Strike

  Lyles, Aubrey

  Lynn, Olga


  McAlmon, Robert

  McDonald, Carrie

  McDonald, Freda Josephine see Baker, Josephine

  McKaig, Alec

  McLeish, Archie

  McVickar, Jim


  Mallet-Stevens, Roger

  Manners, Angie

  Manners, Lady Diana see Cooper, Lady Diana

  Manners, Sir Henry see Rutland, Duke of

  Manners, John

  Manners, Marjorie

  Margueritte, Victor

  La Garçonne

  Marsh, Eddie

  Martien, Mildred

  Martin, Arthur

  Martin, Beth

  Matchabelli, George

  Matheson, Joan

  Matthis, Peyton

  Maugham, Somerset


  Maxwell, Elsa

  Mayfield, Sara

  Melba, Dame Nellie

  Messel, Oliver

  Meyer, Baron de

  Michelet, Raymond

  Milhaud, Darius

  Millay, Edna St Vincent

  Miller, Flournoy

  Mills, Florence

  Miracle, The


  Moffat, Curtis

  Monnier, Adrienne

  Moore, George

  The Story Teller’s Holiday

  Moore, George, Gordon

  Moran, Lois

  Morand, Paul

  Morgan, Evan

  Morrice, Monica

  Mortimer, Raymond

  Murat, Princess

  Murphy, Gerald and Sara

  Myers, Carmel


  Nast, Condé

  Nathan, George Jean

  Nazimova, Alla

  Neruda, Pablo

  Nesbitt, Cathleen

  Nevill Holt (Leicestershire)

  New York

  New York American

  New York Times

  New Yorker

  Nice People

  Nichols, Robert

  Noailles, Comtesse de


  Ober, Harold


  Orman, Felix

  Orwell, George

  Ozanne, Marie


  Paramount Studios


  and avant gardism

  and fashion

  growing racism in

  as marketplace of modern culture

  role of women with money and influence in cultural life of

  sexual tolerance

  spread of jazz and ragtime

  women artists in

  Paris qui remue

  Parker, Dorothy

  Parsons, Alan

  Pascin, Jules

  Patou, Jean

  Pavlova, Anna

  Perkins, Max

  Perrot, Ira

  Pfeiffer, Pauline

  Picasso, Pablo

  Picenardi, Marquis Guido Sommi

  Pickford, Jack

  Pickford, Mary

  Picture-Play (magazine)

  Pinchot, Rosamond

  Plantation Club (New York)

  Poiret, Paul

  Polignac, Princesse de

  Pollock, Jason

  Poniatowski, Prince André

  Porter, Cole

  Pound, Ezra

  Powell, Frank

  Prasteau, Jean

  pre-marital sex

  Prieur, Dr Gaston



  Puglisi, Gino


  Ransom, Paul

  Raskob, John Jakob

  Rathbone, Basil

  Ray, Man

  Reboud, Jacques

  Reinhardt, Max

  Restitution of Pre-War Practices Act

  Revue Nègre, La

  Rhys, Jean

  Ricci, Franco

  Ripon, Lady

  Rochas, Marcel

  Rogers, J.A.

  Roman, Alain

  Rose, La (club) (Paris)

  Rose, Richard

  Rubinstein, Arthur

  Russell, Bob

  Russell, Conrad

  Russell, Ethel

  Russell, Maude


  Russian Revolution (1917)

  Rutland, Duchess of (Violet)

  bohemian instincts

  conversion of London home into an officers’ hospital

  and Diana’s film career

  disapproval of Duff Cooper and opposition to engagement

  dislike of daughter working at Guy’s

  and economizing

  love affair with Cust

  relationship with daughter

  upbringing of daughters

  Rutland, Duke of (Henry Manners)


  Sackville, Lady Idina

  Sackville-West, Vita

  St Louis

  St Petersburg

  Salisbury, Lord and Lady

  Salon d’Automne

  Sanger, Margaret

  Sauvage, Marcel

  Sayre, Anthony

  Sayre, Minnie

  Sayre, Zelda see Fitzgerald, Zelda

  Scarth, Miss


  Schueller, Eugene

  Scotch Mist

  Second World War

  Sedova, Julie

  Seldes, Amanda

  Seldes, Gilbert

  Sellers, John

  Sert, José-Maria

  Sert, Misia

  Sex Discrimination (Removal) Act (1919)

  Shakespear, Dorothy

  Sheppard, Evelyn

  Short, Bobby

  Shuffle Along

  Simenon, Georges

  Sirène des Tropiques, La

  Sissle, Noble

  Sitwell, Edith


  Smith, Bessie

  Smith, Clara

  Smith, Eddie


  Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts

  Solano, Solita

  Somme, Battle of the (1916)

  Souls, the

  Souter, John Bulloch

  The Breakdown

  Spanish Civil War

  Spanish flu

  Spiess, Irene


  Squab Farm, The


  Stein, Gertrude

  Stewart, Patrick Shaw

  Stifter, Maurice

  Stifter, Stefa

  Stopes, Marie

  Stulik, Rudolph


  Sunday Express

  surrealist movement

  Swanson, H.N.

  Symonds, Arthur


  Talmadge, Constance

  Tamarra (play)


  Tashman, Lilyan

  Tearle, Godfrey

  Theater Owners Booking Association

  Théatre des Champs-Elysées (Paris)

  They Knew What They Wanted

  39 East

  This Marriage

p; Thomas, Olive

  Times, The

  Toklas, Alice B.

  Trap, The

  Tree, Herbert Beerbohm

  Tree, Iris

  Tree, Maud Beebohm

  Tree, Viola

  Trefusis, Violet


  Triolet, Elsa

  Troubridge, Una

  Turpin, Tom


  Tzara, Tristan


  VAD (Voluntary Aid Detachment)

  Valadon, Suzanne

  van Dongen, Kees


  Venning, Una

  Vernon, George

  Victoria, Queen

  virginity, losing of

  Vilmorin, Louise de

  Vionnet, Madelaine

  Virgin Queen, The

  Vision of Salome, The

  Vollmoeller, Karl Gustav


  Wales, Prince of

  Wall Street Crash (1929)

  Wanger, Walter

  Wardell, Michael

  Warrender, Dollie

  Waters, Ethel

  Waugh, Evelyn


  Unconditional Surrender

  Vile Bodies

  Weil, Colette

  Wells, H.G.

  Anne Veronica

  Wells, Willie

  Who Loved Him Best?

  Wilde, Dolly

  Wilde, Oscar

  Williams, William Carlos

  Wilson, Edmund

  Wilson, Tony

  Windsor, Duke and Duchess of

  Winwood, Estelle


  and employment

  in France

  and the vote

  Woolf, Leonard

  Woollcott, Alexander

  Wyndham, Diana


  Yarborough, Katherine

  Yusopov, Prince


  Out of Line: The Story of British Dance

  Reading Dance

  Bloomsbury Ballerina

  The Oxford Dictionary of Dance (with Debra Craine)

  Sarah Crichton Books

  Farrar, Straus and Giroux

  18 West 18th Street, New York 10011

  Copyright © 2013 by Judith Mackrell

  All rights reserved

  Originally published in 2013 by Macmillan, Great Britain

  Published in the United States by Sarah Crichton Books / Farrar, Straus and Giroux

  First American edition, 2014

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Mackrell, Judith.

  Flappers: six women of a dangerous generation / Judith Mackrell. — 1st American Edition.

  p. cm.

  Includes bibliographical references and index.

  ISBN 978-0-374-15608-4 (hardcover) — ISBN 978-1-4299-4294-2 (ebook)

  1. Cooper, Diana, 1892–1986. 2. Cunard, Nancy, 1896–1965. 3. Bankhead, Tallulah, 1902–1968. 4. Fitzgerald, Zelda, 1900–1948. 5. Baker, Josephine, 1906–1975. 6. Lempicka, Tamara de, 1898–1980. 7. Women—United States—Biography. 8. Celebrities—United States—Biography. 9. Artists—United States—Biography. 10. Women—United States—Social life and customs—20th century. 11. Sex customs—United States—History—20th century. 12. Sex role—United States—History—20th century. 13. Popular culture—United States—History—20th century. I. Title.

  HQ1412 .M1633 2014



  2013035397 •

  eISBN 9781429942942

  * Sears in America, Freemans in Britain and La Redoute in France all did big business.


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