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The Death of Money

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by James Rickards

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  Steil, Benn. The Battle of Bretton Woods: John Maynard Keynes, Harry Dexter White, and the Making of New World Order. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2013.

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  Wriston, Walter B. The Twilight of Sovereignty: How the Information Revolution Is Transforming Our World. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1992.

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  The page numbers in this index refer to the printed version of this book. The link provided will take you to the beginning of that print page. You may need to scroll forward from that location to find the corresponding referenc
e on your e-reader.

  Abe, Shinzo, 160–61, 260–61

  Abenomics, 261, 264, 297

  Abraham, 217

  Adenauer, Konrad, 116

  Afghanistan, 55

  Aid, Matthew, 53

  AIG, 77

  Air-Sea Battle, 44, 63

  Akerlof, George, 83, 84, 87

  Albania, 136

  Aldrich, Nelson, 199

  allocated gold transactions, 275

  Alpert, Dan, 245

  Al Qaeda, 19, 27

  alternative funds, 299–300

  Ambinder, Marc, 63

  American Airlines, 18, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27–28, 35, 36

  Ames, Paul, 143

  ANZ Bank, 227

  Arab Spring, 3

  Argentina, 261, 290

  ARPANET, 174

  Articles of Agreement, IMF, 199, 212–14, 235

  Asian financial crisis, 45, 120

  Åslund, Anders, 142

  asset swaps, 80–81

  Associated Press, 59

  asymmetric markets, 83–88

  Atta, Mohamed, 24–25

  Australia, 281

  autonomous agents, 266

  Azerbaijan, 233

  Aziz, Shaukat, 31

  Backus, David K., 74

  backwardation, of gold futures contracts, 285

  Bahrain, 58, 152

  Baker, James, 177

  Balko, Radley, 294

  bank deposit risk, 218–19

  bank failure risk, 218

  Bank for International Settlements (BIS), 213, 276–78

  banking risk, 11–12

  Bank of England (BOE), 159–60, 161–62, 223, 230

  Bank of Japan (BOJ), 160, 161–62

  Bank of the United States, 199

  barter, 254–55

  Bear Stearns, 77, 103

  Beijing Consensus, 118, 120–21

  BELLs (Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania), 140–146

  economic responses to 2008–9 crisis and subsequent recovery in, 142–46

  euro peg/conversion in, 141, 144–45

  Berlin Consensus, 121–27

  cooperative labor-management relations pillar of, 123–24

  efficient labor pillar of, 124–25

  innovation and technology pillar of, 122

  low-corporate-tax-rates pillar of, 122

  low-inflation pillar of, 122–23

  positive business climate pillar of, 125–26

  Bernanke, Ben, 262

  cheap-dollar policy of, 129, 157–59

  deflation and, 76, 77

  information’s role in efficient markets, analysis of, 84, 85–86, 87

  London speech of, 158–59

  Tokyo speech of, 129, 157–58

  bin Laden, Osama, 19–20, 37

  bitcoin, 254

  Black Death, 115

  Black Monday, 270

  Blackstone Group, 51–52

  Bloomberg, Michael, 294–95

  Bloomberg News, 101, 145

  Boeing Corporation, 58–59

  Boesky, Ivan, 18

  bond markets, 180

  Bosnia, 136

  Brazil, 139. See also BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa)

  gold-to-GDP ratio of, 281

  IMF commitment of, 202

  inflation in, 3

  Bretton Woods system, 118, 208–9, 235, 290

  BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa), 139–40, 146–50

  foreign policy coordination by, 149–50

  IMF voting reform requested by, 148

  multilateral lending facility proposed by, 148–49

  UN Security Council expansion sought by, 147–48

  British Banking School, 168

  BRITS, 177–83

  Bronze Age collapse, 5

  Brown, Gordon, 202, 274

  Buffett, Warren, 32, 170–71

  Bulgaria. See BELLs (Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania)

  Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway, 170

  Burns, Arthur, 271

  Bush, George H. W., 210

  Bush, George W., 37, 210

  C-20 (Committee of Twenty), 235–36

  Canada, 202, 281

  Cantillon, Richard, 7

  capital flight, from China, 104–6

  Carolingian Renaissance, 113

  Carter, Jimmy, 85, 252, 295

  Carter administration, 235

  Carter bonds, 1, 253

  cash, as investment, 300

  central banks

  Bank of England (BOE), 159–60, 161–62, 223, 230

  Bank of Japan (BOJ), 160, 161–62

  Bank of the United States, 199

  central planning of, 69–72

  European Central Bank (ECB), 117, 172

  Federal Reserve (See Federal Reserve)

  gold acquisition by, since 2010, 225–30

  gold market manipulation by, 271–81

  IMF as de facto, 199–207

  purpose of, 199

  Second Bank of the United States, 199

  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

  MARKINT and, 37–39

  Project Prophesy and, 28–34

  Rauf plot and, 36–37

  “Challenge of Information Warfare, The” (Pufeng), 44

  Charlemagne, 112, 113–14, 118

  chartalism (state theory of money), 168–69

  chartal money, 168

  Chávez, Hugo, 40, 231

  cheap-dollar policy of Federal Reserve. See easy-money policy of Federal Reserve

  Cheney, Dick, 37

  Chen Zhou, 43–44

  Chiang Kai-shek, 91

  China, 97–111, 139, 151, 152, 233. See also BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa)

  Beijing Consensus and, 120–21

  capital flight from, 104–6

  centralization, disintegration, and recentralization history of, 90–92

  central planning, failure of, 69

  collapse of, implications of, 297–98

  Cultural Revolution in, 92

  dollar investments of, 44

  dynasties of, 90, 91–92

  economic growth of, 93–96

  elite/oligarch class in, 97–98, 101, 104–11

  financial warfare capabilities of, 45–46, 51–53

  GDP of, 93, 96

  gold accumulation by, 12, 61, 226–30, 282–84, 296

  gold as percentage of reserves of, 279

  gold-to-GDP ratio of, 157, 281–82

  IMF commitment of, 202

  income inequality in, 106

  inflation in, 3

  infrastructure spending in, 98–101, 107–8

  investment in European Union (EU), 126–27

  investment/malinvestment in economy of, 95–101, 107–110

  iron rice bowl principle in, 93

  one-child policy, 95, 102

  rebalancing of economy from investment to consumption and, 98, 107–110

  shadow finance system in, 101–4

  state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in, 97–98, 107

  Taiping Rebellion, 91

  unrestricted warfare doctrine and, 44–45

  U.S.-Iran financial war and, 56, 57

  Warlord Period, 91

  Warring States period, 90

  China Daily, 52

  China Investment Corporation (CIC), 51

  China National Petroleum Corporation, 97

  China Pet
rochemical Corporation (SINOPEC), 97

  China Railway Corporation, 255

  China State Shipbuilding Corporation, 97

  China Telecom, 97

  Churchill, Winston, 116, 223

  Citibank, 28, 30–31, 262

  Citigroup, 196

  civilizational collapses, 5

  Clinton, Bill, 210

  cluster paradigm, 192–93, 194, 198

  CNN, 36, 37

  codetermination, 123–24

  Cohen, David, 54

  Coinage Act of 1792, 217

  Cold War, 46, 231


  civilizational, 5

  financial, 265–67

  of international monetary system, 5

  market, 11–12

  warning signs of, 295–98

  collateral swaps, 188

  College of Europe, 116

  commodities, 217

  Communist Dynasty, 90, 91–92

  complexity theory, 6, 269–70

  financial collapse and, 265–67

  market collapse and, 11–12

  phase transitions in, 172, 265, 289–90

  computational complexity theory, 71

  confidence, in U.S. dollar, 253–56, 291

  confirmation bias, 26

  continuity of government operations, 63

  contract theory of money (contractism), 165–67, 169

  corporate tax rates, 122

  correlations, 4–5

  Cosco, 133

  Counter-Reformation, 115

  credit, in premoney economies, 255

  creditism, 168–69

  credit risk, 218

  criticality, 270

  Croatia, 136

  Croseus, King, 217

  “Crunch Time: Fiscal Crises and the Role of Monetary Policy” (Mishkin), 286–87

  Crusades, 115

  currency war, 159

  cyberattacks, 59–60

  cyclical downturns, 197–98

  Cyprus, 200, 290

  Dam, Kenneth W., 209–10

  Da Silva, Tekoa, 236

  Davoudi, Parviz, 151

  “Day After, The” (Ambinder), 63

  debasement, of money, 172

  debt, 171–80, 290–91

  Federal Reserve monetary policy’s relation to, 176–77, 180–89

  Federal Reserve Notes as, 167

  monetization of, 287–88

  sustainable, 171–72, 176–80

  tests for acceptable government spending, 173–76


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