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Guardians of Vesturon 2 - Resurrection

Page 27

by Hargrove, A. M.

  They all stared at her in amazement.

  “What? Did I do something wrong?”

  Rayn tilted his head gazed at her in wonder. Rykerian supplied her with the answer. “Maddie, it is an extraordinary thing to possess the Power of Command. There are many full-blooded Vesturions that do not have that ability. Quite honestly, it is nothing short of miraculous.”

  “Really? I wasn’t aware…” she trailed off. She flicked her eyes toward Rayn and noticed he was still gazing at her in a stupefied manner. “Rayn, are you alright?”

  Rayn shook his head a bit, and said, beaming, “Sunshine, I could not possibly be any better. You are… well, you amazing! I am so proud of you!”

  Maddie felt a grin spread across her face. They just stared at each other, lost in themsleves.

  Finally, someone cleared their throat. Annalise reminded them, “We know you gathered us here for something other than this. Would you care to enlighten us you two?”

  “Yes, right you are,” Rayn said, bringing his attention back to the others. “So, getting back to our original request, Maddie and I want to have our unification ceremony today or tomorrow at the latest. Then, we will turn everything over to Sharra, and she can handle the rest. We would love your blessings and your presence here. We would also like to include Maddie’s grandparents.”

  Rowan interjected, “I will contact Council Elder Scroldon and Clergyman Jarrato to perform the ceremony. They can be trusted to keep this quiet. I cannot speak for everyone else, but you two certainly have my blessing!”

  Everyone else joined in, and Maddie quickly teleported to her grandparents’ home, where she informed them what the plans were.

  Later that evening, everyone assembled in the informal living area of the palace. All of the Yarristers were present as well as Taruk, Lysandra, Athyna, and Saylan. Everyone was dressed casually so as not to arouse any suspicion amongst the palace workers. Julian had allowed Rayn to remove his eyepatch. He was pleased to see his eye had healed perfectly, and his vision was restored.

  Maddie and Rayn held hands throughout the brief but beautiful ceremony. Their vows were exchanged, and they officially became The Firstborn and His Mate, Rayn and Maddie Yarrister. Rayn surprised Maddie with a beautiful topaz and diamond ring. He had picked it out long ago, and even though it was not Vesturion tradition, Maddie’s face lit up with joy when he slid it on her finger.

  Hugs, kisses, and congratulations were exchanged, and champagne was passed around to everyone. Food was brought out, and everyone started mingling. Rayn pulled Maddie to the window to watch the sun setting in the distance.

  She stared at it with a tender smile on her face.

  “So beautiful,” he breathed in her ear.

  “I couldn’t agree with you more. I love the golden and amber hues it casts this time of day,” Maddie answered.

  “Sunshine, I wasn’t talking about the sunset. I was talking about you. It is the very reason I call you that—except you are more beautiful than any sunset I have ever witnessed.”

  He tugged her by the arm until they reached the door, and then he lifted her in his arms and carried her up to their bedroom.

  Chapter 8

  They had waited so long for this moment, but Maddie felt her body tingle with anxiety.

  “Is everything ok, my love?” he asked.

  “Could not possibly be better,” she answered in a shaky voice.

  “Ah, love, tell me the truth. I sense differently.”

  “Just a bit of the jitters, I guess.”

  He cocked his head and looked in her eyes in askance.

  “What if I don’t live up to your expectations? I’ve never done this before…”

  “Sshh,” he said, placing his fingers on her lips. “Ah, Maddie, it will be just fine, I promise. You have far exceeded any expectations I have ever had where you are concerned. We will take it slow, and if there comes a time when you want to stop, we will stop—no matter what. We will learn each other together. I have every intention of making this the most wonderful experience for you.” He kissed her then and held her to him.

  Then, he guided them to the bed and pulled her on top of him and began to gently massage her back, tracing her tautness with his fingers. He slipped his hand beneath her shirt and felt her silken skin.

  “Maddie, my love, I need for you to know some things.” He tucked her against him, flipped them over and lifted himself onto his elbows, gazing at her face beneath him. Then, he placed his hand around her neck, sliding his thumb back and forth across the hollow in her throat. He dipped his head for a brief taste of her and continued, “When I was held by the Xanthians, thoughts of you kept me alive. I tried to reach out to you and when I received no response, I knew I was being blocked. When the days turned into weeks and their torture intensified, I pictured you in my mind. I repeatedly ran scenes of you through my head, like a movie, watching you over and over. Your lovely face kept me sane, my love. Initially, I thought I would be able to escape. They are such a primitive culture; I didn’t expect them to have such an advanced security system. When the first week ran in to the second, I knew my family could not get me. I thought I would die in there. I knew my family would stop at nothing to retrieve me, so when they did not show… well, you can imagine where my thoughts took me. I envisioned you through it all. I remembered what you said about my eyes, when we spent our first night together on the mountaintop—about how my eyes offered you safety and hope and reassurance. I felt the same way about yours. Your eyes grounded me when I was getting tortured. My focus on them and on you is how I retained my sanity. When I would awaken from those sessions, you were always on my mind. It killed me to realize the time I left you at your graduation party could have been the last time I saw you. I… I...” Maddie put her hand on his mouth.

  “Stop, Rayn. You don’t have to say any more. I understand.”

  Shaking his head, he disagreed, “No Sunshine, you do NOT understand. This must be said. Please?” his eyes pleading with her.

  She nodded, and he continued, “I kept seeing your face when I used my Power of Command on you, and it nearly destroyed me. I knew how I was hurting you when I left; I was hurting you not only physically but also emotionally. It was mean and spiteful, and I am SO sorry for that. I was striking out at you in retaliation, and my behavior was reprehensible. I have hated myself for it and regretted it deeply ever since, but my stupid pride and my bloody ego would not allow me to say anything. I was so angry over what you had not told me, but what I did to you did not warrant such offensive behavior. It was inexcusable. Words can never convey how deeply I regret it, and if it takes the rest of my damn life, I will make it up to you… this I swear. I never want to see the pain of that kind of anguish in your eyes again. Is there is any way you can ever find it in your heart to forgive me? “ His eyes were pleading with her to say the words he so desperately wanted to hear.

  “There is nothing to forgive is all behind us now. What matters most is that we put it behind us and learn from our mistakes.”

  He buried his head in her neck, inhaling her fragrance.

  “How I’ve missed the pure scent of you, Maddie! To think I thought I would never see you again. It was torture in itself, but I want you to know this: I love you with everything I have, more than life itself. I know you love me too, but if you only feel a tenth of what I feel for you, it will be more than enough for me.”

  When he lifted his head, he noticed the tears streaming down her cheeks. “What is it, love?”

  “Yes, that’s exactly what it is; it’s love. I love you too, Rayn. I have from the first moment I saw you. I’ve pulled some rotten things on you as well, and I am sorry. I should have told you about wanting to become a Guardian, about Ondine, and about my incident with the heptamorg. I was making decisions for you, and I shouldn’t have done that. I promise I won’t do anything stupid like that ever again. I adore you, and I don’t want to spend one unnecessary minute away from you.”

held his eyes captive and continued, “You are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. I have waited for this moment for so long. I want to touch every part of you, feel you beneath my hands.” She began dancing her fingers across his tawny skin, feeling his perfectly chiseled physique. “Please, can we just shut up and make love!”

  Maddie weaved her fingers in his hair, pulled his lips to hers.

  “Ah love, I never thought to see this day,” he said and returned her kiss. His hands moved over her and tugged her shirt over her head. His caresses started out as gentle ones until the blaze ignited once again and, finally, the night of passion they had so long been waiting for erased their fears and healed their scars, making them both whole again.

  Hours later, as they lay together, fingers laced and limbs entwined, Maddie suddenly began to feel the beginnings of embarrassment creep over her. Rayn immediately sensed the change in her. He reached for her chin and tilted her face so her could see her.

  “Ah, thank the Deity for my night vision because I wouldn’t have missed seeing those roses blooming in your cheeks for the world! But I must ask you, why?”

  “Rayn, I...well...I mean you...well, we...”she stammered, completely tongue tied.

  She felt and then heard the deep rumble of Rayn’s laughter.

  “Having a bit of difficulty getting it out, huh?”

  “Well, yeah, I mean... I just never... Ooohh! What I’m trying to say is that I thought you didn’t... I mean since you hadn’t ever... Well, you know! And it’s not funny!”

  He slid his fingers into her hair and slanted her face so he could look into her eyes. “Don’t fret, love. I think I understand what you are trying to say. Even though I have never done it before tonight it doesn’t mean I don’t know how things are supposed to work. I have been educated in female anatomy and... Sunshine, does this talk embarrass you?” he asked as he felt her fidgeting.

  “Er...Yeah! It totally embarrasses me! The things we did... Well I just never imagined doing any of that... it was sort of… naughty... don’t you think? Gah, do we have to talk about this?” She buried her head on his shoulder.

  “Maddie, love, please look at me. You shouldn’t be embarrassed about anything that takes place between us. I love you and only want to please you and I certainly didn’t do any of those things to embarrass you. As a matter of fact, if you can move just a little bit this way,” he said as he shifted her into a different position, “I can show you some other things that I think may please you very much.” he captured her lips once again and didn’t give her the chance to object.

  “But wait!” she interrupted him by pulling away. “There is something I wanted to ask you. Did you feel...I’m not sure how to describe it? It was sort of like our minds were merged or something.”

  “Ah... yes, that is our bond... our connection. When we bond with each other there is a... joining of souls. That is why it is so important for us to wait until we are united, because not only do we share our bodies, we also share our souls. This feeling between us will only intensify with time. This is something that is unique to our species. Maddie, that is why I was so baffled when first we met...I could not understand why I was so drawn to you since, at the time, I believed you to be human.”

  “That makes perfect sense now. You know, it also helps me to understand the relationship between my parents. I knew they had something really special, but now I know why!”

  While she was speaking, Rayn began caressing her again, running his hands up her arms until they reach her face. He tugged her closer to him until his lips met her neck where he began a journey that ended at her lips. Seconds later, she had all but forgotten about her embarrassment as their passion and desire consumed them once again.

  Chapter 9

  The day dawned bright and lovely, with birds singing merrily. Maddie had to pinch herself to make sure she was awake. Her life had turned into a real fairytale, complete with a Prince Charming, and today, she would, in front of the world, officially become his princess.

  Then, the butterflies hit her. Rayn reached out and pulled her to him, sensing her anxiety.

  “You will be fine, love,” he whispered as he nuzzled her neck. “You will dazzle everyone with your beauty, and you will have the time of your life. I guarantee it.”

  How did she ever get so lucky? She was about to become the Mate of the First Born, but not only that, he was the hottest thing she had ever laid eyes on. Getting secretly married three months ago was the smartest thing they had ever done.

  “I agree with you about our uniting, but if I am hot, you are positively sizzling, love,” Rayn said, reading her mind.

  “I love you back, Rayn—more than I can say. I guess I should get up. I know Sharra is going to want to take me over soon for the transformation. That’s all she has talked about for the last three months. She hasn’t even let me see my own dress! Oops! I wasn’t supposed to clue you in at all about what I’ll be wearing. That’s why she wouldn’t let me see it.”

  “My lips are sealed, Sunshine. I guess you’re right. We probably do need to get up. Would you like a shower?” he asked, with a devilish glint in his eye.

  “Oh, yes! I would love a shower.” Ever since her marriage to Rayn, Maddie realized she had never been so clean, owing to the fact that they spent countless hours bathing!

  An hour later, they both emerged, skin flushed and glowing, Maddie with a towel on her hair and both of them robed. Maddie still preferred drying her hair with a towel versus using the drying method in the shower. The drying process resulted in way too many tangles to suit her.

  Sharra was pounding on their door when they left the bathroom.

  “Maddie! Open up!”

  Maddie opened the door, and Sharra grabbed her arm, dragging her away, telling Rayn he would see his lovely mate at the unification ceremony.

  When they reached Sharra’s room, Saylan and Athyna were already there. Sharra had everything spread out on her counter, and they all went to work on Maddie—polishing, waxing, exfoliating, moisturizing, massaging, brushing, and everything in between. Maddie felt like she had been whisked through a car wash by the time they were finished. When she asked them where the Turtle Wax was, they looked at her like deer in the headlights.

  Hours later, after they had completed everything, they spun her around, and she got the first glimpse of herself in the mirror.

  “Who is that?” Maddie asked jokingly.

  She was amazed at the end result.

  “You all should go into business. You have worked miracles! Do you think Rayn will even recognize me?”

  “Very funny, Maddie. You hardly needed any work at all,” said Saylan.

  “Well, if that’s true, why did you all just spend four hours on me?”

  “We wanted you to be the best you could possibly be.”

  “Uh-huh! I’ll believe that when pigs fly!”

  “Maddie, you are fully aware that pigs cannot fly,” Sharra said.

  “Exactly!” Maddie retorted. “When do I get to see my dress?”

  “Not until later this afternoon. Before we finish up your hair, we have a massage therapist coming in to apply the relaxing technique to you. Well, actually, we are all going to get massages, and then, we will eat!”

  The massage therapists came in, and an hour later, all four of them were feeling like a million bucks.

  “I think I need to get married more often. That was excellent,” Maddie cried.

  Zanna brought up food for them, and by this time, Maddie was starving. Zanna said she would return in an hour to complete Maddie’s hair. She would be wearing it braided in the Vesturion fashion.

  Zanna returned, putting the finishing touches on Maddie’s hair. She had weaved tiny topazes and diamonds within her braids, making Maddie’s hair sparkle when the light hit the gems. It looked surreal.

  Finally, Maddie was going to get a look at her gown. Sharra had decided against the traditional Vesturion garments, and because Maddie had been raised on Eart
h, she had settled on a gown—but not the traditional white of a human wedding. Sharra had opted for a pale bronze gown to highlight and set off Maddie’s copper tresses. The bodice was off one shoulder, and its silken folds draped across Maddie’s chest. It hugged her body and certainly showed off her assets. From the waist down, the gown was woven from shimmering gossamer. It cascaded from her body and tumbled into soft folds that puddled around Maddie’s bare feet. The fabric of the gown, in combination with Maddie’s sparkling hair, caught the light at every angle, giving her a celestial look. It was simply stunning. When Saylan saw Maddie, she began to cry.

  “That bad, huh?” Maddie asked.

  “That is NOT funny. I cannot believe how beautiful you look. Rayn will positively die when he sees you.”

  “I just hope he can recognize me! Oh, what about jewelry?”

  “Remember these?” Sharra asked, holding up the gold armbands.

  She handed them to Maddie, and Maddie slipped them on her arms.

  “Perfect,” said Saylan.

  Then, Sharra stated, “You cannot wear anything on your wrists, because, remember, you will be given the markings of the Firstborn’s Mate.”

  “Right,” Maddie replied. “What about earrings and necklace?”

  “You will wear the topaz torc, of course, and here is my wedding gift to you.” Sharra handed Maddie a box.

  “Oh my gosh,” Maddie said as she opened the box holding the earrings that matched the necklace. “They are so beautiful! Sharra, whatever would I do without you?”

  “I do not know! Now that you are ready, we need to get dressed.”

  The three girls were Maddie’s bridesmaids. Sharra would be escorted by Rykerian, Athyna by Therron, and Saylan by Xarrid. Tesslar would lead the Guardians in their procession as they escorted the wedding party.

  “Do I carry flowers or anything?”

  “No, Maddie, you will be escorted up the aisle by your grandfather, but you will not carry flowers. That is not done here. Are you all set?”


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