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The True Enemy Revealed

Page 61

by Jason Cheek

  Ring of Water Breathing

  Item Quality: Good

  Item Type: Uncommon

  Slot: Ring

  Weight: .04 kg

  *Allows wearer to breath underwater.

  Ring of the Elemental Shaman

  Item Quality: Rare

  Item Type: Crafted

  Slot: Ring

  Weight: .06 kg

  *Gives wearer +25% resistance to elemental magic.

  Stuffed in inventory

  Black Cuttle Leather

  Item Quality: Superior

  Item Type: Crafted

  Slot: General Clothing

  Defense: 800

  Armor Type: Medium

  Durability: 200/200

  Weight: 12 kg

  +10 Strength

  +10 Stamina

  +10 Agility


  Black Coral DarkCuirass Weave with Pauldrons

  Item Quality: Superior

  Item Type: Crafted

  Slot: Chest

  Defense: 800

  Armor Type: Medium

  Durability: 200/200

  Weight: 12 kg

  +25 Intelligence

  +5 Strength

  +5 Stamina

  -Summoned creature has a 30% chance of keeping one of its special skills.

  -Resistant to elemental magic +5%


  *This item has been magically grown from black coral and crafted to bind with a Bonereaver DarkCuirass. The undercoat has been reinforced by Cuttle leather. It has taken on the elements of the items it has been crafted from.

  Black Coral Savage-poleyns

  Item Quality: Superior

  Item Type: Crafted

  Slot: Legs

  Defense: 700

  Armor Type: Medium

  Durability: 200/200

  Weight: 9 kg

  +25 Strength

  +5 Intelligence

  +5 Spirit

  -Summoned creature has 3% chance of receiving one of killed creature's special attacks or skills.

  -Resistant to elemental magic +5%


  *This item has been magically grown from black coral and crafted to bind with a Bonereaver Savagewraps that have been reinforced with Cuttle leather. It has taken on the elements of the items it has been crafted from.

  Black Coral Soul-gauntlets

  Item Quality: Superior

  Item Type: Crafted

  Slot: Hands

  Defense: 280

  Armor Type: Medium

  Durability: 200/200

  Weight: 1.28 kg

  +15 Spirit

  +5 Intelligence

  -Increases the chance of dropping Soul Stones by 6%.

  -Resistant to elemental magic +5%


  *This item has been magically grown from black coral and crafted to bind with a Bonereaver Soulclaws that have been reinforced with Cuttle leather. It has taken on the elements of the items it has been crafted from.

  Black Coral Gore-belt

  Item Quality: Superior

  Item Type: Crafted

  Slot: Waist

  Defense: 280

  Armor Type: Medium

  Durability: 197/200

  Weight: 2 kg

  +15 Stamina

  +5 Intelligence

  -Increases the chance of dropping Soul Stones by 6%.

  -Resistant to elemental magic +5%


  *This item has been magically grown from black coral and crafted to bind with a Bonereaver Goreplate that has been reinforced with Cuttle leather. It has taken on the elements of the items it has been crafted from.

  Cuttle Leather Corpse-boots

  Item Quality: Superior

  Item Type: Crafted

  Slot: Feet

  Defense: 260

  Armor Type: Medium

  Durability: 200/200

  Weight: 5.07 kg

  +3 Intelligence

  +1 Spirit

  -Removes all root effects to wielder and all summoned creatures.


  *This item has been magically combined with Cuttle leather. It has taken on the elements of the items it has been crafted from.

  Leeching Hand-Axe of Severing (one of the two given to Brenna)

  Item Quality: Superior

  Item Type: Crafted

  Attack: One-hand Edge

  Weapon Type: Axe

  Damage: 130-160

  Durability: 112/200

  Weight: 12 kg

  +20 Strength

  +20 Stamina

  *15% of damage inflicted recovered as health per successful strike.

  Helm of Inaxidor

  Item Quality: Epic

  Item Type: Crafted

  Slot: Head

  Defense: 400

  Armor Type: Light mail

  Durability: 320/400

  Weight: 2.5 kg

  +100 Intelligence

  - Allows the wearer to comprehend and speak all spoken and written languages.

  - Once a day has the ability ‘gift common’ to all creatures within a 50 yard range.

  Description - Lorsan Inaxidor who created the helm was an Archmage of great renown for furthering the peace between the races of The Word and his scholarly pursuits of magic inscriptions. He went missing in The Straight of Icelus during a trip to the Isle of Doom and hasn’t been seen or heard from since.


  Fortifying Charm of the Defender

  Item Quality: Exceptional

  Item Type: Crafted

  Location: Inventory

  Durability: 250/250

  Weight: 0.2 kg

  Charges: 3

  -When triggered, the trinket stops the next incoming attack from affecting the durability of the wearer’s gear. The wearer still takes damage as normal.

  1 Amulet Spot Available:

  Dark Amulet of Summoning (Star)

  Item Quality: Good

  Item Type: Uncommon

  Slot: Neck

  Weight: .06 kg

  +5 to the maximum number of Summoned Creatures.


  Fortifying Charm of the Defender

  Item Quality: Exceptional

  Item Type: Crafted

  Location: Inventory

  Durability: 250/250

  Weight: 0.2 kg

  Charges: 3

  -When triggered, the trinket stops the next incoming attack from affecting the durability of the wearer’s gear. The wearer still takes damage as normal.

  Talisman of Yeenoktu

  Item Quality: Epic

  Item Type: Crafted

  Location: Inventory

  Durability: 400/400

  Weight: 0.5 kg

  +10 Strength

  +10 Stamina

  *Token from a Gnoll Priest of the Demon Lord Yeenoktu the Soul Crusher.

  **When activated by a non-believer, makes wearer invulnerable to all elemental spheres of magic, melee and ranged attacks, poisons and mental attacks for ten seconds. Can only be activated once every seven days.

  **When activated by a Gnoll true believer, first effect: makes wearer invulnerable to all elemental schools of magic, melee and ranged attacks, poisons and mental attacks for ten minutes. Second effect: casts aura of the berserker on entire group or raid. Can only be activated once daily.

  Character List

  The World Name

  IRL Name and Character Information

  In Real Life People and Friends

  Aegis Karrath

  Kenneth (Julie’s boyfriend), Florida, Human, Warrior – male -

  Akrix Ragen

  Level 33, AJ, Florida, Dwarf Warrior – male – Florida, bald headed, short dark-brown beard, hazel eyes, 5’4” tall in-game, wide muscular shoulders. IRL he’s a bald head, brown eyes, 5’5”, big smile, shit talker, a little on the heavy side and dating Jill with regular threesomes with Krystal.

  Alon Müsk

; The owner of V-MMORG

  Arcturus Borknager

  Anders, Norwegian group, Wolfkin, Warrior – male

  Aren Dargoth

  LittleAsianGirl, LAN Party, Female Wolfkin, Fire Mage/Priest, male

  Beth Matters

  V-MMORG Online Help Representative – female


  Waitress at The Gun Club Café

  Bonnie Smash

  Level 34 Bonnie Jean, Half-Orc Dark Elf –female - DPS Warrior, West Virginia, dark-brown shoulder length hair, green eyes, 6’6” in-game height, Grayish-black skin. IRL she’s a petite 5’ tall girl, gamer, likes to joke around and have a good time, interested in Hefe. Long-brown hair, green eyes and super thin. (Pookey Bear, Honey Bear and shnukums)

  Daiza Stormhammer

  John, Florida, Human, Warrior – male

  Death Forall

  Trivolt, LAN Party, Hacker, Human, Fire Mage – male (nightmare)

  Doug Rudd

  V-MMORG Supervisor for the in-game Admins. Rani Lamkin’s boss.

  Töten Feinde

  Eric Quinn, Level 40, Half Dwarf/Fire Giant, blue eyes, bronze skin, short-cropped red hair (ginger), full red beard with dual braids, 7’ tall. (Usually fire giants have red eyes and black skin.)

  Fluffy Tomohiahya

  Danielle, (Danny) Virginia, Human, Hunter – female, bear pet,

  Hefe Beatudown

  Level 33 Jeff (Hefe), Barbarian – male – Gnome, long-blond hair and matching goatee, blue eyes, 3’6”, muscular build. Florida, brown hair, buzz cut, clean shaven, blue eyes, 6’4”, large man with a natural muscular build, goofball, nice guy, shit talker, interested in Bonnie Jean. (Pookey Bear, Honey Bear and shnukums), Giant Spider Pet is called Webby.

  Jelly Dman

  JellyDonutMan, LAN party, Human, Fire Mage – male (nightmare)

  Justin Mayfair

  V-MMORG crazy developer that always were going on about how the NPCs in The World were actually the first digitally created people ever made. A prodigy in AI development.

  Kriminali Ragen

  Level 34 Jill, Florida, Dark Elf Arcane Mage – female – Florida, long-black dreads, black-skin, hazel eyes, stacked, 5’6. Wears heavy wool robes with leather pads and leather knee-high boots. Out of game wavy brown hair, hazel eyes, 5’6”, early twenties, gamer, sarcastic humor, has healthy curves, and is dating AJ. Sometimes does threesomes with Krystal, and AJ.

  Lena Stonehammer

  Kitty, Texas, Dwarf, Priestess – female

  Lora Lyn

  Twitch Video Technician – female


  Hostess at The Gun Club Café

  Mike Instagib

  Mike, Florida, Dark Elf Assassin, Nightmare start, friend of Jason’s

  Nuthar Inurface

  Jimmy, Florida, Gnome, Priest / Bruiser - male

  Philip Moore

  Twitch Account Rep – male

  Phoenix Sonata

  Level 35 - Barbarian – female - red long hair and green eyes. Stands 6’2” with long legs and C cup. Wears knee-high leather boots, leather combat skirt, chain-mail vest with black leather armor underneath, arms are bare, and wears a black hooded cloak. IRL name is Matt. Large man, heavy set, 6'2" tall with red hair. Easy going personality and loyal to friends.

  Rain Maker

  John Fay, LAN party, Human, Warrior/Priest – male

  Rinaquenon Karrath

  Julie (John’s daughter), Florida, Human, Fire Mage – female

  Runartin Stonehammer

  Glen, Texas, Dwarf, Warrior – male

  Sarka Dazd

  Level 34, Florida, Light Elf Warrior - female

  Seb Chutzpah

  Seb, LAN Party – male


  Local cashier girl at Publix

  Tatheirel Irlanthien

  Level 34 Krystal, Florida, Dark Elf Priestess – female – wavy long-white hair, blue eyes, Florida, long blonde hair, blue eyes, stacked figure, sweet personality, semi-threesome relationship with Jill and AJ, hardcore gamer.


  Local bag girl at Publix

  Tinyr Nebril

  Kevin, Charlotte, North Carolina, Level 34, Light Elf Rogue, male

  Tony Tomohiahya

  Anthony, Virginia, Human, Hunter, male, bear pet.

  Unalia Nebril

  Shannon, Charlotte, North Carolina, Level 34, Light Elf Ranger, female

  Vengeance Borne

  Domenic, Florida, Paladin, Nightmare start, friend of Jason’s, Dwarf/Human Halfling.

  Yun Dazd

  Level 34, Florida, Light Elf Priest/Frost Mage, male – wavy brown hair, blue eyes, muscular build, clean shaven face, and 6’2”.

  Zilla Killer

  Zilla, LAN Party – male

  Jodi Tempest

  Thomas IRL sister. At his request, I invited her into the guild since she didn’t meet the DD requirements. Dark brown, straight-cut hair just below the shoulders, hazel eyes, 5’6”. Skilled in Exotic Animal Husbandry, spears and shield, duel daggers (Legolas style), and a bow. Ranger/Priest, Light Elf. Has a snow-white Blink Lynx for a pet.

  Plain’s Centaur Tribe

  Drenall Iloxoeis

  Level 40 Centaur Tribal Clan Leader – male - One of two surviving Clan Leaders – kind of a muscle dick when we first met – palomino coat – gray-white hair – pale blue eyes, golden-blonde hair, massive two-handed iron-shod staff, iron shield sheath of javelins on his back – early 30’s

  Fylreh Ilyrall

  Level 39 Centauride Chieftain’s Daughter – female - oldest daughter of Chieftain – Filly (aka unmarried – not a mare) – chestnut hair and coat, golden eyes, stacked – early twenties – long bow and duel scimitars with an iron-shod shield on back. Arbitrator. Reminded me of young Lagertha from Vikings. Father is Darrix Ilyrall

  Naamro Xlantu

  Level 39 Centauride Mystic Shaman (air & spirit) – female - Overo coat (jagged white and brown patches reaches half way up human abdomen) milf in mid-30’s, a little touched, shock of white long hair with a black lock running down the center, gray eyes, two-handed bone staff crafted from the spine of a battering ram (topped with the glowing blue eye sockets of sapphire and the skulls horns that create duel points like a spear) with three feathers hanging from the base of the skull colored green, blue and red. The bottom of the staff flared out in a weighted base with two blade-like protrusions. Staff was extremely ornate and carved with battle scenes of great beasts that the tribe had fought.

  Pevral Dubrankm

  Level 40 Centaur Tribal Clan Leader – male - Two of two surviving Clan Leaders – more thoughtful – tells Drenall to stand down and hear the Halfling through – bay coat (mixture of reds and browns with black highlights) – black hair, onyx-black eyes, powerful bow, scimitars and iron shield, with lance – gruff forty year old.

  Tavon Ilyrall

  Level 19 Centaur Chieftain’s Son – male - youngest son of the Chieftain – blue roan coat, black hair and highlights – golden eyes – iron-wood staff and long bow, leather armor – 14 year old. Like Ragnar son, Ivar the Boneless.

  Gnomeron Mining Company

  Gafiz Quaros

  Gnome Digger – male

  Minny Bigrirry

  Gnome Assistant Lead Digger – female

  Spog Addreonnyn

  Gnome Lead Digger – male

  Zafnit Rosadqua

  Gnome Digger – male

  Deloneshire Town NPCs

  Calada Thrilmadien

  Light Elf Calada Metal Smithing – male

  Dalilath Traovudd

  Light Elf Sergeant of the Guard, Swordsman – male

  Elal Throlad

  Light Elf The White Unicorn Inn Keeper – male

  Faelivrin Elayoe

  Ligth Elf Faelivrin’s Alchemy Emporium – female

  Folduin Naevyre

  Light Elf Mayor’s Magister – male

  Garang Ralith

  Light Elf Guild Master – male

es Eruaistaniel

  Light Elf Priestess of Light – old female

  Master Isundir

  Light Elf Master Frost Mage - male

  Miya Faelwen

  Light Elf Captain of the Guard, Swordswoman – female - emerald-green eyes, long blonde hair, stacked-figure

  Nettya Timiniel

  Light Elf The White Unicorn Bartender/Server – female

  Obeteliol Filmalad

  Light Elf Frost Mage Apprentice Trainer

  Rathal Faeberos

  Light Elf Mayor of Delonshire – male

  Tardo Ibohanydd

  Light Elf Corporal of the Guard, Swordsman – male

  Tion Solarian

  Light Elf Solarian’s Enchanting Boutique – male

  Urael Andelmore

  Light Elf The White Unicorn Waitress – female

  Devil Dog Guild (Most come from Nebraska / Central Time Zone)

  Jerome Thompson

  Level 34 Light Elf Priest – male – short spiked brown hair, hazel eyes, kind clean-shaven face, fit muscular build standing at 6’1”.

  Kenzie McMillan

  Level 33 Light Elf Rogue – female – black shoulder-length hair, green eyes, golden tanned skin, 5’4”. IRL: Wounded warrior, missing right leg and about 20% of her skin on her right side. Scarred on right side of facing/skull.

  Matt Cobra

  Level 32 Light Elf Warrior – male

  Matt Darkhorse

  Level 33 Light Elf Rogue – male

  Sara Cruise


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