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Embrace (The Shifter, The Magic Map, and The Goblin King) (A Fated Fantasy Quest Adventure Book 3)

Page 5

by Rachel Humphrey-D'aigle

  “Yeah, imagine that. The headless Scratcher,” Meghan muttered.

  Even Colin had to agree it was not an image he wanted to encounter, and yet all this only added more holes in the theories surrounding the Scratchers. Everyone seemed in agreement they were not killable; however, it seemed unclear just how many times it had been tried, and how many ways, had failed. Things just didn’t add up.

  Jae yawned. It set off a chain reaction. With no more to say and their strength waned, they crawled into bed. Neither Meghan nor Colin fell asleep easily, and once they did, their dreams forced them to relive the savage attack.

  Meghan’s dream turned into a nightmare, or to be correct, Ivan’s nightmare regarding Jae. She hadn’t had a vision or dream about Jae in weeks. Although this time, rather than a dark silhouette-like being shrouding Jae’s body, it was a Scratcher that towered over him, picked him up and hurled him into the black abyss. Meghan, as always, sat in the middle of a pillar just out of reach. Unable to help her friend.

  She awoke with a start, instantly furious at Ivan.

  He was going to have to tell her what this vision meant and what was wrong with Jae. She had hoped never to relive the vision again, be it by fire or a dream. She guessed it meant that Jae was still in trouble. And the Scratcher; her brain had obviously exchanged it in place of the usual attacker because of the incident that evening.

  Regardless of the meaning or outcomes, sleep was interrupted and spotty at best.

  Colin made certain the block was firmly secure in his mind before even attempting to fall asleep. He didn’t want his sister reading any of his thoughts. He stashed all his own developing theories about the Scratchers and Juliska far back into his mind and focused on forming a plan to rescue Catrina.

  Just the thought of her imprisoned in the glass coffin, hidden in a cave somewhere in Eidolon’s Valley, made him sick and kept sleep from coming. When it did finally claim him, he dreamed of the coffin, but rather than his silver haired dream girl, he saw the face of Balloch Flummer inside.

  Colin stared down as if hovering over the coffin peering down into the glass.

  Balloch’s eyes burst open.

  “Find her Colin. Find her before it’s too late!” he warned.

  Colin gasped.

  Balloch’s eyes closed again and in a flash, it was no longer the storyteller lying in the coffin, but Uncle Arnon.

  It was the second longest night of the twins’ lives; following their first night living with the Svoda Gypsies.


  “Good, everyone is up,” said Irving. It was breakfast and they stopped and watched as he stepped through the door at the back of the dwelling that came from deeper in the caves. “The SLC is having an emergency meeting. Ivan, I’ve been instructed that you may attend even though your Initiation isn’t complete yet. Boy, you must have really made an impression on Banon Blackwell.”

  Ivan had joined them for breakfast that morning, but hadn’t spoken other than a quick greeting. He responded to Irving’s announcement by immediately heading down the tunnel to the meeting. Sheila rushed to change her clothes to a more presentable dress.

  Irving looked sternly at the four youngsters sitting at the kitchen table.

  “Be very mindful and careful today! Jae, I am leaving you in charge of your sister while we’re in this meeting. It could last a while.”

  Jae perked up. “Yeah, Dad, of course. I won’t take my eyes off her.”

  Irving nodded his approval and turned to Meghan.

  “In all the chaos of last night, Sheila and I did not have a chance to congratulate you on being picked as Learner Companion.” Irving looked as though he was not entirely sure what he wanted to say. “I am sure that Banon Blackwell is teaching you well, but take great care. It seems she has a special task in store for Ivan, and now with Scratchers at our backs…” It seemed he had made his point as he turned and took hold of wife’s arm and they disappeared down the tunnel.

  Meghan’s appetite, which was barely there at all, completely vanished. Why had Ivan picked her? She sucked at magic, and although her Firemancy was improving, she realized she still had far to go, especially after witnessing Juliska’s display of power the evening before.

  “Is it safe for us to go outside?” asked Colin after they’d cleaned up the table a little later.

  “I’ve heard a few others outside this morning,” Jae replied.

  Colin wanted to keep practicing his Aspectus Remotus skills, hoping to regain a connection with Catrina, when a frightening thought dawned on him. He had been using magic just hours before the attack. He panicked. Did my use of magic trigger the attack? Did I show the Scratchers where we are? How will I keep searching for Catrina without using magic?

  Regardless of whether his use of magic had somehow attracted the Scratchers, he needed to be more careful.

  A knock at the door shook him from his thoughts. It was a friend of Mireya’s. Jae agreed she could go out and join her friends, but he’d go too and keep an eye on them.

  The group stepped outside and were instantly confronted by a new human barrier, marking a point to which the children could not pass. A few older Svoda teens made up this barrier, protecting the younger Svoda as they played outside.

  At the far end of the barrier, they noticed a trio of three female watchers, made up of the Three D’s.

  “Can’t believe they would allow those three to be responsible for the safety of others,” said Meghan.

  Colin and Jae nodded in agreement.

  “We are small in numbers, but really, they could have asked anyone else and it would have been a better choice,” added Jae.

  Mireya ran to join her friends.

  “Don’t leave my sight, okay. Remember, I promised Dad.”

  Mireya ran back, hugged her brother quickly, and darted back to her friends. Jae took a seat on a rock nearby and the twins sat down beside him.

  Surprisingly, the dry, dusty air, and horrible events from the evening before did not dampen the spirits of the younger children, hard at play.

  “It’s a little disturbing if you think about it,” Jae suddenly blurted.

  “What’s that?” asked Colin.

  “How used to these attacks we’ve become. How easily we slip back into our daily routines.”

  “But isn’t that why the SLC is meeting today?” asked Meghan.

  “Definitely. No question there. Still, life keeps going. Meetings will be had, decisions will be made, and maybe even new rules put into place. But when all is said and done, tomorrow we get up and start another day. With the full understanding that another attack will come.”

  It brought them all back to their conversation the night before.

  Seeing the sickly expressions on the twins’ faces, Jae bit his lip and nodded toward a group of huddled youngsters, which now included his sister. “Let’s go see what’s up.”

  “Hey guys,” a familiar voice called out as they arrived. “You wanna check it out? It’s today’s Jackal Lantern.” Oliver Stamm, ex-classmate and son of Dr. Stamm, handed the paper to Jae, joining the dispersing children in a game of tag. Jae was sure to keep Mireya in view.

  The front page was a detailed story of the previous night’s attack. None of the trio wanted to relive this event and turned the page. Inside, was a two-page spread about Ivan Crane and his Initiation. Meghan grabbed the paper and read the piece aloud.

  Newest Initiate Report, By Kalila Jackal

  How sad it is that the young Mr. Ivan Crane had to have his glorious night ruined by such horrific events. Such an amazing talent at such a young age! At least Banon Blackwell thinks so.

  So what can we expect from Ivan Crane?

  I believe to better understand this young, and may I say handsome, talent, we need to step into the past. Many of us recall the tragic story of Ivan Crane. The losses he has suffered, we have suffered alongside him. Firstly, the death of his mother; the poor boy was just four years old when she died. Taken by an incurable ill
ness that even magic could not heal.

  Secondly, almost nine months after her passing - well we all know what happened then: all hell broke loose!

  Need I remind everyone that during this time, the Svoda still resided on our beautiful secluded island, off the northern Maine shores? Sadly though, the peace we had known for hundreds of years slipped away with the tides. A split amongst our people cut through the island like a knife. Some even came to believe that one of our very own had betrayed us to the Immortal Grosvenor. Yes, our most ancient enemy!

  Of course, this split began when Juliska Nandalia Blackwell (before becoming our fearless Banon), made the following prophecy:

  “Beware! A new threat rises! You will be betrayed by one of your own!”

  Well, what could one expect from such a prophecy. Small battles broke out on the island, lines were drawn and sides taken. The next few years brought nothing but pain as these battles tore our friends and families asunder.

  One group banded together and demanded changes to our laws, the very laws that had kept us safe from the non-magical world for hundreds of years. They wanted to leave the island and return magic back to its ‘rightful glory’, as in the days of old.

  Can you imagine returning magic to a world that has forgotten it ever existed?

  Can you imagine the turmoil this would cause?

  This kind of nonsensical thinking can lead to no good I tell you. No good!

  Alas, I digress.

  It is at this point in our history that Juliska Nandalia Blackwell took her place as our leader. The rebellion continued, creeping into our daily lives. Taking sides became unavoidable.

  Our Banon made the only decision possible. She decreed that anyone caught rebelling against the long-lived Svoda tradition would be henceforth banished from the island, even if it meant splitting family and friends!

  To their credit, those who rebelled came willingly, together, to make their final stand. It was a sad day, because disagree or not, they were our loved ones. The Banon tried to reason with them. She promised to do everything needed to protect our way of life.

  The leader of the rebellious group, Amelia Cobb, stood before her followers and defied our Banon.

  ‘We are tired of hiding! We are tired of living as hunted prey! We want our freedom to come and go as we please. We want magic to be a part of the world again.’

  The speech continued and the Banon did not interrupt. However, when Amelia finished, she did speak:

  ‘I understand your desires to live amongst the outside world. However, have we not had a good life here? Have we not been safe here? To go out into the world and think that people who do not know, or understand magic will accept you is wrong! Magic had to go into hiding for a reason. Need I remind you of our past torments? The very reason our ancestors came to live on this island? Hiding is our only option!’

  Of course, Amelia and her followers refused to give in. There would be no peace.

  Now, you might be asking yourself, has good ole’ Kalila had too much to drink today? What does this history lesson have to do with our Initiate, Ivan Crane, just shy of five years old at the time?

  For those of you too young to remember, this is what occurred:

  Three days after the banished Svoda departed our great island, the Banon called a gathering of all who remained. It was during this gathering that we were attacked, our first encounter with the Scratchers!

  Sadly, to this day, we cannot say with absolute certainty, that it was not our own brothers and sisters that sent these terrifying creatures to hunt us down.

  Although I do know, for certain, that I am not alone in hoping that one day we will discover the truth, and it will clear our long lost loved ones of this terrible charge.

  But again, I digress.

  For it just so happens that during this first attack, Ivan became an orphan, as it was his father, Ian Crane, who was the first to die by the wings of a Scratcher.

  Perhaps his tragic past drives Ivan’s ambition. He has much to avenge in his short life. So the question arises, is he truly ready for the responsibility of being an Initiated member of the Svoda? Is he ready for the task the Banon has planned for him?

  Perhaps his pick of Learner Companion will give us a clue.

  Meghan took a break from reading.

  “They’re mentioning me!”

  Colin was not sure if she was ecstatic or nervous. She continued reading.

  Meghan Chelcy Jacoby.

  What do we know about this girl?

  She came to us nearly a year ago, by accident, and just a short while later it was discovered she possessed a magical gift.

  A Firemancer, no less!

  A rare vocation.

  Moreover, do we need remind you of the prophecy spewed from the mouth of this new seer:

  ‘Beware! They attack you where you sleep!’

  What has come of this prophecy? There is speculation amongst some that it came true just last night! When we were viciously attacked so close to our homes. Yet, some fear this prophecy may not yet be fulfilled.

  So was Ivan Crane smart to pick a Learner Companion so inexperienced? Will this girl, still a stranger amongst us, prove useful to him during his task? Will she one day also be Initiated? Is she truly one of us?

  The Banon herself has taken up the task of training this Firemancer!

  Therefore, that should be answer enough for anyone who questions the motives of the girl!

  I for one think Ivan Crane chose wisely. A Firemancer at your side is invaluable!

  The article ended abruptly. Meghan humphed and threw the paper down.

  “Why would they question my motives? I don’t have motives.”

  “Not other than getting attention, Sis.”

  Meghan scowled.

  Colin continued, backtracking.

  “Ivan’s story is revealing, like him or not,” he aimed toward Meghan. “It makes sense that he’s so distant. If both of my parents had died like that, I’d feel the same I think.”

  “Earth to Colin. Both our parents are dead! As well as possibly our uncle!”

  “It was different for us, though,” he argued. “We never knew our parents. And with Uncle Arnon, well I’m keeping up hope that he’s still alive.”

  Meghan nodded. She was too.

  “I was still a baby,” said Jae. “When the banished departed. I have no memory of it.”

  “Are the banished Svoda really responsible for the Scratchers?” asked Meghan.

  “It is coincidence that we were attacked three days after they departed, isn’t it?” he returned.

  “But didn’t they still have friends and family who stayed behind?” asked Colin. “How could they attack their own people?”

  “There’s no easy answer. From what I have heard over the years, the group that left was fanatical in their beliefs and willing to do just about anything to get what they wanted. We always hope the banished aren’t responsible, but things always seem to point back to them, in the end.”

  Jae turned his attention to Mireya as the twins sat in silence, blocking each other from their thoughts. Similarly though, they each realized, again, how little they really knew about the Svoda and this world they were stuck living in.

  After a while, Jae told the twins he was taking Mireya home to prepare lunch. He wanted to be ready in case his parents returned for a break, and assumed they would be hungry if they did.

  Meghan offered to help.

  Colin stayed behind and picked up the Jackal Lantern, turning back to the front page. He skimmed over the retelling of the previous night’s attack.

  There was nothing new or different from what he’d already witnessed, and oddly, not a lot of questions surrounding the attack itself. The tone of the article carried the same attitude everyone else did: another day, another attack… with an invisible clock restarting a hidden countdown leading to the next one.

  He moved on to another article. Maybe somewhere deeper inside the paper, someone actually debat
ed the topic with any real depth or new thinking.

  In Other News, By Kalida Jackal

  In other news, we have learned that our own Viancourt member, Tanzea Chase, who we all know has been ill, fell and injured herself while attempting, at the last minute, to attend the Initiation of Ivan Crane. Her injuries are not severe: a sprained ankle and a bruised arm.

  Doctor Stamm is healing her, without the use of magic, of course. We at the Jackal Lantern need not remind you that ALL magic is strictly forbidden in the E Valley. Let this be your friendly reminder. Our best wishes to Vian Chase for a speedy recovery. And all meetings scheduled with her in the next twenty-four hours will need to be rebooked.

  The next In Other News story that caught Colin’s eye was about the now deceased storyteller and bookstore owner, Balloch Flummer and his family.

  In other news, the untimely passing of Balloch Flummer is not the only torment this family has been afflicted with in recent days. We at the Lantern have learned that the Flummer family also received devastating news upon arrival here in the E Valley.

  Another of Balloch’s sons, currently residing with another caravan of our kin, left behind a message before their own departure from the E Valley. It seems that his daughter, Catrina, fell seriously ill…

  “Wait! What!” Colin exclaimed.

  Did he dare think this could be his dream Catrina?

  He kept reading.

  It seems that Balloch’s granddaughter is suffering from an unknown illness. Shortly before their departure from Eidolon’s Valley, she slipped into a coma. The message said ‘she is currently under quarantine until it can be determined that her illness is not harmful to others.’

  The message goes on to say, that the group even received authorization from Eidolon, himself, to heal her with magic. Unfortunately, at their time of departure, even magic had made no improvements. Let us hope beyond hope that this poor girl recovers. Moreover, that we are able to hear of it in our own future travels.


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