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Embrace (The Shifter, The Magic Map, and The Goblin King) (A Fated Fantasy Quest Adventure Book 3)

Page 14

by Rachel Humphrey-D'aigle

  The Goblin King laughed boisterously.

  “I’ll say it again. Silly boy! I have no such rule.” Ivan was speechless for a moment. Perhaps Eidolon was lying. The Banon had specifically told them they could not perform magic, per the rules set forth by Eidolon.

  He moved forward confidently. “Your magic will have no effect on me, so you might as well stop trying.”

  Catrina Flummer stepped forward at that moment, her silver hair gleaming in the approaching sunset. “I wouldn’t be so sure of that, Goblin King,” she spoke boldly. Eidolon glared at her, fury ready to explode, but before he could respond a fiery explosion blew up a smaller sized Goblin.

  Meghan gasped.

  She had successfully thrown a life-sized fireball. And it had hit and taken out her target. Nona stood at her side encouraging her to do it again.

  Colin, seizing the opportunity, dropped the bottle marked Smokescreen, Advantage Yours! from his first aid kit, grasped Catrina’s hand tightly, and bolted. Catrina was even shorter than Colin. However, with the assistance of the smokescreen, they easily slipped between two heaving goblin bodies, unnoticed. They disappeared around the canyon wall where Bird flapped anxiously, waiting to show Colin where the Magicante was hidden. He hoped it was not far.

  Colby took advantage of the smokescreen and followed the duo. He narrowly escaped being crushed by the same two goblins that Catrina and Colin had run between, but he made it through. He scurried after them, determined to claim his prize... Colin’s book. The Magicante.

  Meghan stayed put, keeping her fires ignited. Her baby blue eyes dissolved to a blood red color. Streams of flame shot out of them blasting at the goblins. They dared go no further and ignored their King’s demand to advance.

  Ivan made a sudden move no one expected. He climbed up the canyon wall so he was eye to eye with Eidolon. The king stopped and laughed at the mere audacity of the move.

  In that moment of amused laughter, Ivan threw a spell directly into Eidolon’s open eye. The Goblin King cried out, his gigantic hands lifting to his face. In his short moment of blindness, Ivan jumped at the Goblin King’s convulsing body and yanked the velvet bag out of his hand then plummeted to the ground with a thud.

  “Ivan!” called out Meghan, afraid he’d injured himself. It was a long fall. She lost her concentration and the fire fizzled out.

  He got to his feet. “I’m fine,” he called out breathlessly.

  The gap between them and the goblins was getting smaller. Eidolon’s minions advanced, but the king was faster.

  For an immense creature made of rock, Eidolon’s body was agile. He glided across the uneven surface of the ground like an ice skater on clean ice, lifting his enormous body into the air and hurled himself towards them.

  His body twisted, attempting to crush the little humans, but as it came crashing down, Ivan lunged at Meghan pushing her to the ground with his body. Eidolon missed them by mere inches.

  “Run,” ordered Nona, now rounding the same canyon wall the others had escaped around minutes before.

  Ivan yanked Meghan off the ground and they ran. Every direction they turned, rock-hard arms, legs, and bodies crashed down around them, pulverizing whatever happened to be underneath.

  The evening sun still blazed hot. Up ahead, Ivan and Meghan noticed Colby chasing after Colin and Catrina. Meghan knew he was after the Magicante.

  Bird had hidden the book in a small crevice. He used his beak to edge it out. Colin, while running, yelled for it to wake up.

  “In some trouble are we?” it cynically asked, while yawning.

  “We need to get out of here, fast.”

  “You could have done that yourself, you know,” reminded Magicante.

  “I know that. But I wasn’t going to leave you behind.”

  “I see, yes. Good thinking, then!”

  Colin grabbed the Magicante ordering Catrina to take hold, but Ivan and Meghan were still too far behind, and Colby was closing in.

  Without even thinking about it, Colin prepared for battle. He would not let Colby have the book, and he would not chance Catrina getting hurt.

  Catrina hid her delicate face behind the book.

  “Don’t worry, Lass. He’ll do just fine,” the book comforted.

  “Oh, I know he will. I just hate watching battles. So violent,” Catrina explained.

  “Ah,” said the book. “You’re a special one. Unique talent, aren’t you?”

  “You cannot tell,” she whispered desperately. “It must remain a secret.”

  “Yes, I can understand why,” the book mused. “Very well, then.”

  “Thank you,” said Catrina, finding the book very agreeable.

  Colin and Colby sent spells at each other with heightened speed. They collided, sending sparks in all directions.

  “You’re much better than most,” admitted Colby.

  “That’s what they keep telling me,” said Colin presumptuously. Repeatedly, their spells collided, canceling each other out. Colin only wanted to last long enough for Meghan and Ivan to catch up. When at last they did, he instructed them to take hold of the book.

  “Colin! Get over here!” yelled Meghan.

  Colin and Colby were practically laughing now; throwing pointless spells. They were having way too much fun trying to hurt each other.

  They stopped dueling and froze.

  Eidolon and his goblins were racing their way.

  “Damn!” yelled Colby. “I will get that book. Maybe not today. But I will!”

  “Colby, come!” Colby’s loyal Catawitch, Elisha, appeared suddenly atop a nearby rock. Colby bounded to the rock. Elisha jumped down to meet him. There was a burst of flame and they were gone.

  Bird and Nona jumped onto the book, which Colin grasped onto; the book had them back at the valley’s edge in a split second.

  Colin wondered why he had not just used the Magicante to locate Catrina in the first place. It would have been much faster, but he decided that the book would have just made him do it on his own, anyway.

  Ivan stood up, dazed. “How…” he stopped. “Whatever. We need to warn everyone. Eidolon will be coming.”

  “Wait!” pleaded Catrina.

  The group halted.

  “No one can know about me. I will explain when there is time.”

  Colin did not question, but to his displeasure, this time, Ivan did.

  “Hide? Why?”

  “Maybe this isn’t the time or place, Ivan,” Meghan suggested.

  “No. I have had it with all this craziness. I want to know what’s going on. Now!”

  Catrina put on a pretty smile. “Ivan. You’re Ivan Crane, aren’t you?”

  “Yes. How do you know that?”

  “Not important. But if you don’t help me now, Ivan, you will never find out what I have for you.”

  Geesh, thought Meghan. How familiar this bargaining sounds.

  Ivan cocked his head. It was not quite enough to make him go along with her request, yet.

  “You lost your mother so long ago, didn’t you? I would have been just under a year old, then. Did you know your mother gave me a gift right before she died?”

  This got Ivan’s attention.

  “I think you’ll have great interest in what I have to tell you, seeing as this gift is actually meant for you.”

  “My mother gave you a gift, to give to me?” questioned Ivan, unconvinced.

  “Yes. But you’ll never find out what it is if I’m discovered now.”

  He let out a disgruntled groan but said nothing.

  Colin kept his grasp firm in Catrina’s hand.

  “Ivan, please?” he begged. He wasn’t going to lose her after just finding her.

  Ivan stared at the young couple holding hands. So innocent looking, and yet there was nothing innocent about this situation.

  But if she was telling the truth…

  “I can’t believe I’m doing this. Fine. Hide. For now,” his tone warned she’d better explain about this gift as soon
as possible or he would not be so accommodating.

  “Thank you, Ivan,” whispered Catrina. She turned to Colin.

  “I believe you will find a spell in the Magicante that will hide me from all eyes and ears but your own.”

  “As long as I see and hear you, I can protect you,” he told her.

  “Oh, I know you can protect me,” she readily agreed, squeezing his hand again. “You’re probably the only one who can. No offense,” she aimed toward the others.

  Meghan, Nona, and Ivan didn’t know what to make of this girl. Or situation.

  Colin fought hard to ignore the tingly feelings flittering around his heart and for a quick moment, allowed his eyes to linger on Catrina.

  He had found her.

  He had actually found her.

  She was real.

  And remembered him, meaning all the dreams they’d shared had been real too.

  He did not know this silver haired girl at all, and yet felt as though he had known her his entire life.

  Ivan cleared his throat. “We don’t have all day,” he grumbled.

  “Okay. Magicante. If you don’t mind,” said Colin. The pages flipped open and a moment later a swirl of haze surrounded Catrina. It disappeared, along with her.

  “Spectacular!” Catrina said. She turned to Meghan and Ivan. “Can either of you hear me or see me?” There was no answer. “Perfect!” she clapped.

  “That’s a very strange book you’ve got there, Colin. I’m beginning to understand why it’s so popular,” said Ivan.

  Colin shrugged, unsure what to say.

  They took only a few steps closer to home before freezing in place.

  A piercing howl penetrated the quiet overhead.

  “You have got to be kidding me!” spoke both Meghan and Ivan at the same time.

  Movement in the air and on the valley floor sent them all into overdrive.

  The battle was about to begin.

  Scratchers up above flew ominously as the rumble of approaching goblins shook the valley floor.

  They needed to get back to the Svoda now. But Colin was not prepared to use the Magicante or any ability of his own to do it, for fear of the consequences if his ability or the book was discovered.

  “I have an idea,” cried out Nona. “I have never done it before, but I could attempt traveling by fire.”

  “Oh,” said Meghan. “All Catawitches can do that? I just thought it was Colby’s.”

  “I know I am supposed to be able to do it, but I do not dare take anyone with me, not yet. I will slip into Juliska’s fireplace and sound the warning. I can get there faster than you can. And from the looks of it, you’re going to have a battle on your hands in minutes.”

  It was true. Eidolon’s minions were advancing quickly. The valley floor trembled beneath the advancement.

  “Start a fire, Meghan,” Nona advised.

  Meghan concentrated hard. She was exhausted and freaked out, and it took everything she had to start the fire. She threw the flames onto the ground, but before Nona could jump in Ivan stopped her.

  “Go with her, Meghan,” he ordered. “You won’t be able to help, now.” At first, Meghan was insulted, but then saw something in Ivan’s eyes.

  Was it concern? Duty?

  Did he just want to be sure and return her safely to Juliska?

  Nona protested. “It’s my first time, Ivan.”

  “It’s in your nature, Nona. You can do it.”

  Nona agreed, although reluctantly. She did not want to hurt her mistress.

  Meghan grabbed onto Nona. “You can do it,” she encouraged. Without hesitation, they jumped into the fire and vanished.

  “Catrina, stay behind me,” ordered Colin as the Scratchers bodies lowered overhead. “Don’t let go of me,” he ordered her anxiously.

  Catrina obeyed her savior at once, taking cover behind him and grasping the back of his shirt so Colin would know where she was. He faced Ivan.

  “I learned a nifty thing today,” he said. “Don’t know if you can do it, but if you can it will use up less energy.”

  “I’m all ears,” replied Ivan. “We’re going to need all we got!”

  “Think your spells rather than say them out loud,” Colin explained.

  “Really? Where’d you hear that?”

  Colin nodded toward his book.

  “I actually can do that, although I’ve never enjoyed it. Feels wrong not to say it out loud,” he admitted, readying himself for the Scratchers.

  They started to dive.

  Ivan extended his palm, looking a bit uncomfortable as he shot off spells without speaking them aloud. However, it got easier each time.

  Colin joined him, and silently they fought off the diving beasts.

  “Oh, wait,” yelled Catrina, startling Colin. “Tell Ivan his magic won’t work right if he keeps hold of what’s in the velvet bag.”

  “What? Why?”

  “Just do!” replied Catrina.

  “Ivan! Catrina says you need to get rid of what’s in the velvet bag, or your magic won’t work right.”

  Ivan struggled for a brief second with the idea of parting with his prize, before throwing the bag at Colin, who caught it and shoved it in his bag for safekeeping. He didn’t even question why it would not affect him. Neither did Ivan. They were too focused on blasting the Scratchers diving lower and lower. Although Colin was unable to deny that where he’d touched the bag, there was a strange sort of energy that buzzed through his hand for just a moment after.

  Between blasts, they worked their way toward the cave dwellings, hoping that Meghan and Nona had made it back and sounded the alarm.

  Colin and Ivan were outnumbered and the goblins were getting closer by the minute. They would not be able to hold off the battle on their own. Even with all Svoda able to fight at their side, they’d be outnumbered.

  It meant a hasty retreat.

  In which Svoda lives would be in peril.

  Not the outcome Ivan had hoped for, but one Juliska had prepared for. And a possibility he had not taken as seriously as he should have. Things were getting strange. Just what was in that little velvet bag that was so dangerous, that their leader was willing to risk war to get it back? The task had been far more complicated than he’d anticipated.

  Ivan ordered himself to stay focused. If he didn’t live through this battle none of those questions would even matter. His plans for the future would fail before he had the chance to see them through. And he could not fail.

  He and Colin fought hard, shooting off spell after spell to keep the Scratchers high in the sky, and as far away as possible. While the valley floor quivered beneath the charge of Eidolon’s goblin army.


  Meghan exploded out of the fire and onto the castle floor, alongside Nona.

  “Okay, we need to work on that a few more times,” the Catawitch muttered, “but not too bad for my first try.”

  “You did fantastic,” Meghan praised, hugging her loyal pet.

  Hearing the commotion, Pantin Hollee bounded into the room.

  “Meghan! Nona! This is…”

  “Sorry Hollee, no time. Eidolon is pissed and he’s coming, with his entire army!”

  For the smallest of moments, the Pantin froze, but as Meghan’s words sank in she raced into action.

  “Everyone is gathered for a feast, Juliska hasn’t departed yet.” She darted out of the room with Meghan and Nona at her heals. When Juliska saw them, she understood at once that trouble was coming. She rose from her chair and called her personal Balaton who appeared by her side at once.

  “Sound the warning. Plan B,” she announced, calmly. The two Balaton disappeared without a moment’s hesitation. With the snap of a few fingers Juliska’s trunks were packed. Another snap and they had vanished.

  “Everyone, hold hands, please,” ordered Juliska. “I can get us down from the castle much faster than walking.”

  Nona jumped into Meghan’s arms, Meghan in turn grabbed hold of
Juliska, who grasped the Pantin. Before Meghan could inhale, the ground beneath her feet had vanished. New ground came underfoot just as instantly. She steadied herself, allowing Nona to jump out of her arms.

  “Hollee, get to the doorway and be ready to get everyone through. This is not going to be pleasant. We have no actual place to go.”

  “Limbo?” confirmed the Pantin, her eyes open wide.

  “Yes, I am afraid it’s our only choice.” Juliska paused as the Pantin scurried away. “Meghan, you will come with me.”

  She and Nona followed as Juliska departed for the town center, in the middle of the cave where the Svoda were gathered. By the time they had arrived, the Balaton had announced the unscheduled retreat.

  Screams and chaos now ensued as the people panicked. Svoda scampered out of the town center to their homes, locating family members who had not yet arrived at the feast, and grabbing whatever belongings they could.

  Juliska attempted to keep the calm, but it failed miserably.

  She let them leave and gather their families and belongings and joined Pantin Hollee at their exit to Limbo. It was an odd sight, a plain wooden door held up between two stone pillars.

  Svoda arrived quickly and the door was opened.

  The youngest children went through the doorway first, along with their mothers and those too old to fight. The line to get through was perilously long. Those at the back pushed forward, crowding those attempting to get through at the front. Families said hasty tear-filled goodbyes as they went through, leaving behind loved ones readying for battle.

  A few of the women, including Billie Sadorus, stayed behind to fight. There was no argument, they needed all willing and able hands at the ready.

  The Svoda army, though small in number, prepared for the oncoming encounter by slinging on belts filled with potions and stored magical energy should their own supply run out. Which often happened in a battle with so many drawing on the energy in the immediate area. They were not much of an army. Trained to defend themselves if needed, but potion belts thrown over shoulders didn’t make them soldiers. However, they’d fight to the death to protect their own.

  From a distance, two figures approached, shooting off spells as they ran.

  The world suddenly moved in slow motion for Meghan. Her thoughts were disconcerted as she watched her brother and Ivan getting closer, at the same time, orders were shouted nearby, and yet sounded as though they were miles away.


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