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Loving Cara

Page 5

by Proby, Kristen

  My hands glide down to her perfectly round ass as I pull her against me so she can feel my hard cock against her stomach. “I think it’s pretty obvious that you’re my type, whatever the hell that means.”

  But taking her now would be too fast, and she’s had a rough day.

  I pull back and tug her hair gently before stepping away. She’s panting, her cheeks are flushed, and her eyes are bright green.

  So that’s what color they are when she’s turned on.




  He freaking kissed me!

  And damn if I don’t want him to do it again.

  I pace across my colorful living room, cell phone gripped firmly in my right hand, waiting anxiously for Jill to call. I’m all keyed up, still emotional from the outing with Seth and more than a little hot and bothered by Josh’s kiss.

  Josh King is just as sexy and sweet as he ever was, and I’m losing the tenuous grip I had on my professionalism.

  Today sucked, that’s all there is to it. I hated making Seth feel small, but I think our little field trip today might have done the trick where his attitude is concerned. Time will tell.

  And Josh had done exactly what I’d asked of him; he’d let me run the show today and I know how hard that must have been for him.

  I stomp past the dining room table, where my uneaten dinner has been resting for the better part of an hour, and into the kitchen to pour myself a glass of wine. It’s seven fifteen.

  Jill’s late.

  Just as I turn to stomp back to the living room, wine in one hand and phone in the other, my cell rings.

  “You’re late.” I narrow my eyes and take a sip of the cold, sweet wine.

  “I’m sorry. I was showing a house and the damn couple kept wanting to hem and haw over the master bathroom.”

  I hear road noise in the background. “Are you in the car?”

  “Yeah, I’m driving home so you’re on speaker. Can you hear me?”

  “I hear you.” I plop my ass into an overstuffed red chair and lean my head back with a sigh.

  “So, how’s your day, dear?” Jill asks happily.

  “I had the shittiest day of my life.”

  “Worse than that time during junior year when we were dissecting frogs and you threw up?” Jill laughs, bringing a smile to my face.

  “Worse,” I confirm.

  “Worse than when you decided to get your bangs cut and they looked like someone tried to murder you in your sleep with scissors?”

  I laugh and take a sip of wine. “A little worse, yes.”

  “It definitely can’t be worse than prom.” Her voice is incredulous, and I can’t help but laugh as I remember back to our prom night and my date spilling beer all down my beautiful, perfect dress at the pre-party.

  “Okay, it’s a close second,” I concede.

  “What’s up?” she asks in her carefree, Jillian way.

  I miss her.

  “I’m working for Josh King.” I take a sip of wine and then set the glass on the end table so I can rub my eyes.

  “Josh needs a tutor?” Jill asks dryly. “Last time I checked, he graduated two years ahead of us.”

  “No, smart-ass, Josh doesn’t need a tutor. Kensie dropped Zack’s boy off unexpectedly and ran off with some guy.”

  “Damn, I’m missing all the good stuff.” I hear her shut off her car. “I’m home.”

  “Good, pour yourself a glass of wine and join me.”

  “Sounds perfect. You were saying?”

  “So, Seth flunked out of school and has just had a hard time of it, and Josh hired me to tutor him over the summer.” I take another sip and am beginning to feel my lips tingle. I haven’t had anything to eat since breakfast, not to mention I’ve always been a lightweight.

  I’d better slow down.

  “Okay, so why did your day suck?” I hear the pop of a cork and the glug-glug of Jill pouring her wine. “Josh is a nice guy.”

  “He’s nice. I had to do the tough-love thing with Seth today.” I set my wine back down and trace the seam on the arm of the chair with my fingertip.

  “Tough love?” Jill chuckles. “What does that mean?”

  “I took him to Uncle Ed so he could wash dishes, took him to the jail. All the fun stuff.” I swallow another sip of wine and lean my head back. “I’m glad I don’t have to do it often. I hate it.”

  “Right. Just like I hate it when people hem and haw over master bathrooms. Jesus, it’s just a bathroom, people!”

  I grin and nod. “Exactly. You know, I roped Ty into helping me today. I would not want to go against your brother in a courtroom. His stern face is a little scary.”

  “Don’t let him fool you, he’s not that scary. So does Seth come to you every day or are you going out to the ranch?”

  “I go to the ranch.”

  “How is Josh doing?” Jill sighs. I picture her sitting in her living room, her shoes kicked off, still in her power suit.

  “He’s good.” I try to make my voice light as though I were speaking about anyone else in town.

  Jillian’s not stupid. “Good, huh? I saw him when I was home at Christmas. Those King boys are as hot as ever. I wouldn’t kick Josh out of bed for eating crackers, unless he wanted to do it on the floor.” She giggles hysterically, so amused with herself, and instead of laughing with her as I normally would, I chew on my lower lip and continue to trace the pattern on the chair.


  “I’m here.”


  “He kissed me.”

  “Reeeeeeeally. And?”

  “And what?”

  “Don’t be a bitch, you know I need details.”

  “It was nice.”

  “Well, if it was just ‘nice,’ what’s the problem? Move on. Ain’t nobody got time to settle for ‘nice.’ ”

  “It was—” Suddenly the doorbell rings. “Hold on, someone’s at the door.”

  I walk to the door, the phone pressed to my shoulder, and open it to find Josh standing there, his face hard and serious, hands propped on his lean hips. His eyes search my face, and suddenly he moves inside, grabs the phone from my hand, pushes the END button, and tosses it on the key table next to the door.

  “What are you—”

  Before I can complete the question, he grips my face in his hands and lowers his lips to mine. This is no gentle kiss like this afternoon’s. This is a hard, deep, powerful kiss that rocks me back on my heels. I grip his forearms and hold on as bold lust settles in my belly.

  He pushes me back against the wall and pins me with his hips as he buries one hand in my hair, holding my head still for his lips. His other hand grips my waist.

  Dear God, I just want to climb him.

  I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him back, just as firmly and passionately as he’s delivering. He growls low in his throat and cups my round ass in his hands, boosting me up against the wall so my legs wrap around his hips and I’m eye level with him.

  His chocolate-brown eyes stare into mine and he again pins me, his pelvis cradled against mine. He lifts one hand to brush the hair away from my face.

  “What are you doing here?” I whisper, my breath coming in pants. I don’t know if I’m light-headed from the wine or Josh’s kisses.

  He shakes his head, nuzzles my nose, and I can feel his erection pressed to my center.

  I grip his face in my hands and stare him in the eye. “What are you doing here?”

  “I don’t know.” He closes his eyes and sighs, leaning his forehead against mine. “One taste of you wasn’t enough. I can’t get you out of my head.”

  He lowers his lips to mine again, gently this time, and he slowly brushes them back and forth, nibbling at the sides of my mouth, licking my lower lip with just the tip of his tongue. I’m vaguely aware of my cell ringing, but I don’t care.

  I roll my hips, just a tiny bit, and grin when he groans against my lips. He pushes more firmly against me
, shooting sparks through my clit and up my spine.

  I want him. Now.

  Both of his hands glide up my hips, my sides, and cup my full breasts. He worries the nipples with his thumbs as he sweeps his amazing lips down my jawline to my neck.

  “You’re so sweet,” he whispers. “You’ve been drinking wine.”

  I grin and nod. He chuckles softly against my skin, making me tingle even more.

  “Can I pour you a glass?” I ask, my voice trembling.

  “No, I’m drunk enough on you, sweetheart.” He settles his lips over mine again and boosts me higher against the wall, even tighter against him.

  I plunge my hands in his thick, dark brown hair and hang on for dear life as his mouth plunders mine, his tongue dancing and rubbing with my own. Finally he pulls back, panting raggedly. He kisses my cheek softly and brushes his thumb over my lower lip.

  “I’d better go before I rip the clothes off your delectable little body and take you against this wall.”

  “Go ahead.” I enjoy the way his eyes widen as he swallows thickly. Holy shit, did I really just say that?

  “Not yet.” He shakes his head and slowly lowers me to the floor. “It’s too soon, and as much as I want you right now, I don’t want to rush this.”

  “Why not?” I whisper, his words a balm to my ego. I want him. I shouldn’t, and this is nuts, but I so, so want him.

  “Because this isn’t a one-night stand for me, Cara. I don’t know where this will go, but it’s not a quick fuck against the wall by your front door.”

  “I have a bedroom,” I offer with a smile.

  He grins down at me, his eyes happy and warm. “Soon,” he promises, and cups my cheek in his hand once more, gently kisses me, and then sighs. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

  He opens the front door and looks back at me, almost hesitating as if he wants to say something more, but he turns and shuts the door behind him, and I’m left leaning against my wall, a panty-soaked, gasping-for-breath mess.

  So much for maintaining my professionalism.

  Taking a deep breath, I reach for my phone and call Jillian back to reassure her that I wasn’t just attacked by a serial killer.

  * * *

  I’m a complete wimp.

  I called in sick this morning for the first time in four years.

  I shake my head in disgust and pour more beige paint into the pan, run my roller through it, and smooth it over the wall. I couldn’t face Josh today. I need to get a handle on my emotions, and I can’t do that when I’m around him.

  He’s too . . . Josh.

  How can he just come into my home, kiss the hell out of me, and then leave as if nothing happened? Okay, so he didn’t leave as if nothing happened, but still. Who the hell does that?

  And why do I so desperately want him to do it again?

  Because he’s hotter than sin and you want in his pants.


  I frown and turn at the sound of Seth’s voice coming from my front door.

  “Seth, you’re supposed to knock, for God’s sake!”

  And there’s Josh, right behind him.

  “I’m back here!” I yell out with a resigned sigh, set the roller in the pan, and wipe my hands on the rag resting on my shoulder.

  I turn to find Seth and Josh staring at me from the door. Seth wrinkles his nose and sighs. “I do not want to paint. Tell me you’re not going to make me paint.”

  Josh leans casually against the doorframe and smirks at me. “Sick, huh?”

  I shrug and turn around, cleaning up my mess.

  “Are you feeling better?” Seth asks.

  “I’m fine,” I mumble.

  “Seth, why don’t you go wait for Cara at the kitchen table.” Josh hasn’t taken his eyes off me, and I squirm as Seth leaves the room. “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m fine,” I repeat as I place the lid on the can of paint.

  “You called in sick this morning.”

  I shrug again, not wanting to admit that he’s the reason I didn’t come to work, and pissed that my lust for him is interfering with my job.

  “Look at me.” His voice is firm. I close my eyes and cross my arms over my chest.

  “Maybe you should find Seth a different tutor. I can make some calls.”

  Josh moves into the room, grips my chin between his thumb and finger, and tilts my head back to look him in the face. “No.”

  “Josh . . .”

  “No.” He shakes his head. “Seth actually smiled at me this morning, Cara. He was respectful to my parents when they told him to feed the dogs and collect the eggs this morning. That’s because of you. I’m not hiring someone else.”

  “I’m so glad, really, but I think—”

  “Stop thinking so hard.” He offers me a half smile, that sexy dimple winking at me, and I feel myself soften. “I’m not going to ravage your body in front of him. I can control myself.” Josh frowns and narrows his eyes. “But when he’s not around, I plan to touch you as much as possible.”

  I can’t stop my gasp or the way my eyes go round in surprise. “This is crazy,” I whisper.

  “Call in sick again and I’ll come find you, if nothing more than to make sure you’re okay.” He smirks arrogantly and backs away. I immediately miss the warmth of his body so close to mine.

  “I’m not helpless.”

  “If you don’t want me to pursue you, say the word and I’ll stop. I’m not in the habit of harassing women.” He crosses his arms over his chest, his biceps flex under his white T-shirt, and I am once again a quivering, wet mess.

  I should tell him I’m not interested. But I can’t form the damn words.

  “Okay.” He nods and smiles. “I’ll pick Seth up at two.”

  “You didn’t have to bring him here,” I mutter.

  “Yeah, I did. I’ll see you later, sweetheart.”

  I follow Josh out of the room and into the living space. He leaves without another word.

  Seth is watching me as if I might die of the plague any moment. “Are you really sick?”

  “I’m feeling better.” I shrug and offer him a small smile, and he returns it, a bright, sweet young-boy smile. “Let’s get started on fractions.”

  “I hate fractions.”

  “I’m with you, kid.”

  * * *

  “So, he didn’t call you at all over the weekend?” Jill asks over the phone. I press it between my ear and shoulder as I pull the bag of popcorn apart to empty it into a bowl. The screen on my back door is suddenly slammed, hard, and I hurry over to secure it.

  “Storm’s coming in.” I love summer storms. They move in fast and hard, blowing wind and spitting rain, and then they move out just as fast. “The wind is nuts right now.” I eye the tree in the backyard and remind myself for the hundredth time to call Mr. Eckles to come over and trim it.

  “Is there thunder?” Jill asks, making me laugh. She’s so in-your-face most of the time, but a total wimp when it comes to storms.

  “Yes, and lightning.”

  “Ugh, I’m glad I’m not there. Now, focus. You didn’t hear from Josh over the weekend?”

  “Nope. It’s been a week since he showed up here the day I called in sick. He didn’t lie before. He hasn’t touched me in front of Seth, but when Seth isn’t around, he definitely does.”

  “Touches you how?” She’s chewing on something crunchy.

  “You know, brushes against me when he walks past, tucks my hair behind my ear, that kind of stuff. Like yesterday—” I stop short.

  “If you stop now, I swear to God, I’ll shoot you the next time I see you.”

  “You don’t know how to fire a gun.”

  “I’ll learn. Keep talking.”

  “Well, yesterday, I was leaning over Seth’s shoulder to read the worksheet he was working on, and Josh moved up behind me and rubbed his hand up and down my back, and when I looked up at him, he winked at me.”

  “But no more kissing?”


  “Boring.” Jill sighs.

  I laugh. “I’m so sorry that I’m not more entertaining.”

  “Hey, you’re getting more action than I am these days.” She takes another bite of the crunchy. “So maybe you should just kiss him.”

  “Maybe he came to his senses and realized that a sexual relationship is a bad idea.”

  “Maybe pigs will fly out of my ass.” I can practically hear her roll her eyes.

  “I’ve always hated that expression.” I frown and stuff a handful of popcorn in my mouth.

  “I think he’s being a nice guy. Getting to know you. Letting you get used to him, and all that boring shit.”

  “Probably. Did you watch Dancing with the Stars last night?” I ask, changing the subject.

  “Of course. I’m so glad they brought Max back this season. That man melts my panties off.”

  Suddenly call waiting is beeping in my ear. When I pull the phone away, it’s Josh’s name on the caller ID.

  “Jill, I’ll call you later. Josh is on the other line.”

  “I want all the details!”

  “Good-bye, Jilly.” I chuckle as I switch over. “Hello?”

  “Hey.” His low voice sends shivers through me and I immediately set my popcorn aside while wiping my hands on my jeans.

  “Hey, what’s up?” My voice sounds a bit too high even to my own ears and I wince.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I was chatting with Jill.”

  “Do you want me to let you go?” I hear him shifting in the background and I wonder if he’s lying down.

  “No, I hung up with her. Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine, I was just thinking about you.” I pull the phone away from my ear and frown down at it. This is the first time he’s called me just to chat.

  “What were you thinking?” I ask, genuinely curious.

  “That I wish you were here with me. Is it weird that I miss you and I just saw you four hours ago?”

  No, it’s not weird because I feel exactly the same way! “I always knew you were weird,” I respond playfully, and am rewarded with his deep chuckle. My panties dampen as I picture that sexy dimple in his cheek, but then I grow quiet.

  “Okay, you’re quiet. What are you thinking?”

  “Well, it’s weird. You miss me, but I haven’t heard from you much the last few days.”


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