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Love in the Rockies

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by Thianna D

  Love in the Rockies

  A Corbin’s Bend Valentine’s Day Collection


  Thianna D.

  Kathryn R. Blake

  Kate Richards

  Etta Stark

  Constance Masters

  & Ruth Staunton

  Copyright 2015 Blushing Books and the Authors

  Published by Blushing Books at Smashwords

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  Published by Blushing Books®,

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  977 Seminole Trail #233

  Charlottesville, VA 22901

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  is registered in the US Patent and Trademark Office.

  Thianna D., Kathryn R. Blake, Kate Richards,

  Etta Stark, Constance Masters, & Ruth Staunton

  Love in the Rockies

  eBook ISBN: 978-1-62750-693-9

  Cover Design by Anthony Walsh

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the author's advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.

  Table of Contents:

  Valentine's Surprise by Constance Masters

  Roy and Teri's Staycation by Kate Richards

  Past Interference by Kathryn R. Blake

  The Perfect Housewife by Etta Stark

  Unexpected Surprises by Ruth Staunton

  Knowing What She Needs by Thianna D.

  About the Authors

  Blushing Books

  Valentine’s Surprise


  Constance Masters

  ©2015 by Blushing Books® and Constance Masters

  All rights reserved.

  No part of the book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  Published by Blushing Books®,

  a subsidiary of

  ABCD Graphics and Design

  977 Seminole Trail #233

  Charlottesville, VA 22901

  The trademark Blushing Books®

  is registered in the US Patent and Trademark Office.

  Masters, Constance

  Valentine’s Surprise

  eBook ISBN: 978-1-62750-699-1

  Cover Design by Anthony Walsh

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the author's advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.

  Chapter One

  Zach had a bounce in his step when he entered the house after work. He was excited to finally let Erin in on at least part of their Valentine’s plans. There’d be so many times he’d forced himself to be determined as he walked through the door, knowing it would be necessary to take her to task over something. His wife, though, had grown and those times were getting few and far between. That is why he was going to surprise her with a special trip; no kids, no stress and plenty of alone time. Something they had to plan for more and more as the girls got older. “Hi, honey, I’m home!” he called.

  “Hey, baby,” Erin said, coming out of the kitchen. “You look cold. Take your coat off and I’ll get you some hot chocolate.” She took his scarf and hung it on the hat stand by the door and stood on her tippy toes to kiss him.

  Zach slipped off his coat and hung it on a hook. “I’m fine. Wouldn’t say no to some hot chocolate though. Come have some with me. I want to talk to you.”

  “Did I do something?”


  “The girls?”

  “Nobody did anything wrong, silly, I have something good to tell you.” He wished he could just blurt out the whole thing, but that would ruin the surprises.

  “Now I am intrigued.” Erin turned and grinned as they walked to the kitchen.

  “Well, it’s more of a surprise really,” Zach said.

  “Really! You’re not really a surprise kind of guy. Hey!” She jumped when Zach popped her bottom.

  He let his hand linger on his wife’s delectable rear for a few seconds. Oh how he was looking forward to them being by themselves for a little while. “I am so a surprise kind of guy,” he said. “You just wait. This is big. I’m going to give you the best surprise you ever had!”

  “Sorry, Mr. Sensitive. I was only joking, I know how lucky I am to have you.”

  “Glad you think so,” he said, taking her hand. “But I’m the lucky one. Hence the surprise.”

  “Should I go get the girls?”

  “No, we’ll tell them their part of the surprise later. This part is just for us.”


  “I have arranged,” he paused for drastic effect, “for us to have a three day vacation by ourselves.”

  “No!” Erin said. “Like a second honeymoon?”

  “Yes, a second honeymoon and I get to have you all to myself.”

  “That would be so perfect,” Erin mused. “But we can’t.”

  “Why ever not?” Zach was stunned. He had imagined lots of reactions but a straight out refusal hadn’t crossed his mind.

  “I can think of two very important reasons. All my friends have their own plans. What will we do with the girls?”

  “Didn’t I mention that I had made plans? I wouldn’t forget about Jordan and Avvy. Diana offered. She’s been dying to get her hands onto our girls.”

  “For three days?”

  “They’ll be fine.”

  “They can be a handful, Zach. What if they argue and drive them crazy?”

  “They wouldn’t dare. They have to come home to us eventually. Besides, they have had their own children, just because they’re away at college doesn’t mean they’ve lost their touch.”

  Erin smiled. “It would be lovely to have a romantic break.”

  “Not would, will. We’re going.”

  * * * * *

  Erin was beyond excited. She and Zach had always celebrated Valentine’s Day but it had been low key; a dinner when their girls had gone to bed or if they were really lucky and had a sitter, maybe they’d go to dinner out to eat in a local restaurant but nothing like this year. Zach had arranged for the girls to be minded for three days. Three! He’d gone ahead and planned a surprise trip. They were actually going to stay away from home and they were going to be alone. She could hardly get her head around it. Her mind was a whirl. In the first few days since she’d found out, all she could do was imagine where it was that they were going. She looked at the snow rimmed windows and sighed. Maybe somewhere warm, like a cruise or a beach somewhere…

  “You’re going to burn,” Zach said.

  The deep rumble in her husband’s voice gave away the fact that he was in fact looking forward to slathering her with sunscreen. An excuse to run his hands all over her nearly naked body out in the open and get away with it.

  “I’m fine,” she teased.

  “No you’re not,” he said, opening the bottle of lotion with a pop.

  And there it was, the tone that c
ould melt her bones. She shivered a little at the sudden rush of pleasure. “Yes, Zach,” she said, hiding her grin in the crook of her arm.

  “I’m on to you,” he whispered in to her ear, “but I’ll play along.”

  She jumped as his hand smacked the exposed skin of her bottom solidly several times. “Zach!”

  “It’s what you wanted isn’t it? To have your naughty bottom spanked out here on the deck, in the open where anyone could see?”

  “No!” she protested, and yet between her legs throbbed, and she knew if he were to look, there would be a telltale damp patch on her dry bikini bottom. Suddenly a hand slipped between her cheeks and she knew he was checking.

  “You lie. What does lying get a naughty girl?” he asked.

  She was silent, the words that he wanted to hear just balancing on the edge of her tongue. She hissed as his hand once again crashed across her already sun touched skin. “A spanking,” she whispered.

  “I don’t think I heard you, what was that?”

  “A spanking.”

  “That’s right.”

  His fingers caught in the band of her pants and he slid them down to her thighs.

  “Couldn’t we please go inside?” she pleaded.

  “Now what would be the fun in that?”

  His hand started smacking but there was very little pain, mostly a delicious warmth that spread from her now pink cheeks to her core. “Hmm.” She sighed. Then the spanking stopped and she could feel his lips and the bristle of his chin against her as he kissed her better.

  “You like?”

  “Oh yeah…”

  The door flung open and a dramatic Jordan threw herself through it. “Help me, Mommy, please!” she said desperately, unzipping her jacket and trying to shrug off her bulky clothes. “I have to go real bad. Please.”

  Erin raced across the room and proceeded to free her daughter from her winter clothes. “Calm down. Your wriggling is making it harder.”

  “I don’t know why you leave it until the last minute,” Avery said, appearing in the doorway.

  “Shut up!” Jordan screamed, dancing up and down on the spot.

  “Stop that, Jordan. It’s really hard to help, honey, when you’re dancing like that.” Finally Erin managed to get off her pants and the little girl ran off to find the nearest bathroom. Back to reality, Erin thought.

  * * * * *

  Her suitcase was laid out on the bed and she stared into the closet. The hot weather fantasy was out. Zach had told her to pack warm things. No lazing about in the sun, but things could be just as sexy and romantic if they stayed somewhere cold. Mmmm. She imagined them sitting by a roaring fire, sipping hot chocolate or even better, red wine. Maybe they had a private cabin where they could lay naked, not having to worry about the patter of feet coming down the hallway, maybe seeing something they shouldn’t. They could cover themselves with a comforter if they were cold, but with skin on skin she was sure they would generate enough heat. It would be like a romantic dream to be spanked and then to make sweet love by the fire. Erin lay on the bed, closed her eyes and allowed herself to drift into the fantasy of her perfect weekend break.

  “It’s beautiful, Zach.” She allowed her eyes to drift to every corner of the warm cabin. The flickering of the fire, that had been already lit in readiness of their arrival, highlighted the log walls and made them gleam. They’d thought of everything in this place that would be their luxurious home away from home.

  She felt like a child at Christmas as she ran from one room to another. The only bedroom held a giant four poster bed, a ton of feather soft pillows were set just so, trying to look lived in and homey but the choice of intermingling colors and fabrics reflecting opulence.

  When she walked back into the living room, she found Zach stoking the large open fire. “Nice,” she said. “You should see the size of the bed.”

  “There’s a hot tub up there in the loft.”

  “Seriously?” Erin ran across the room and threw her arms around her husband’s neck. Thank you, thank you, thank you! This place is amazing, you thought of everything!”

  She took the stairs two at a time and her jaw dropped. It was just beautiful, like a postcard. A large tub just waiting, large enough for them both. An ice bucket and a bottle of champagne sat next to a bowl of shiny red heart shaped chocolates. Through the windows, snow topped trees sparkled prettily.

  She turned on the water and squirted a generous amount of fragrant bubbles into the hot and steamy stream.

  “Zach!” she called.

  “Coming!” he called as he ran up the stairs. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing’s wrong. It’s all perfect. This is where I want to start our weekend. Wanna take a bath with me?”

  “Now that is a question you don’t have to ask, ever.”

  She undid the buttons of her blouse and it just fell away from her in a delicate puddle at her feet. Zach’s clothes joined them, and he took her into his arms, lifting her as though she weighed no more than a feather and placing her into the tub. When his mouth latched onto a nipple and sucked, she squealed with pleasure—actually squealed—out loud because there was no one there to hear her but Zach. He looked more than impressed, and he slipped a long finger between her slit as a reward.

  Erin sighed. This, would be a Valentine’s Day to remember.

  “I’m home!” Zach called.

  Damn, she hadn’t packed a single thing, and Zach had already dropped the girls off at Diana and Rick’s house. “I’m in here.” She winced when Zach stared at the empty suitcase open mouthed. “Sorry.”

  “Uh huh,” he said. “What have you been doing?”

  “Fantasizing,” she admitted with a grin. “I’m just so excited. This is the most romantic thing I think you’ve ever done for me. For us.”

  “Well, thank you.” Zach’s face flushed with what appeared to be pride. He rustled around in the closet and brought out one of his oldest and widest ties. “Come over here,” he said.

  “Really?” Erin smiled as he held out the ugly fabric that he’d once used for a costume party. “You don’t want to save that for when we get to where we are going?”

  “Nope,” Zach said. “I want to lead you outside so you can see the biggest part of your surprise.”

  Erin jumped up and hurried over to her husband, turning so he could cover her eyes. “This is so exciting! What kind of surprise could be waiting outside?”

  “You have to wait and see.”

  “Couldn’t you just give me a little hint?”

  “You really are a nosey little girl sometimes aren’t you? All right, the surprise has to do with our mode of transportation.”

  “Oh really!” she said with a grin. Could he have actually got them a limo? Imagine all the curtains moving as they drove down Spanking Loop and out of Corbin’s Bend in style. She wondered if Zach would have the driver take them past Diana’s house so the girls could see. It would only take a minute to call and let them know.

  “Now no peeking.”

  “I won’t. I don’t want to ruin the surprise either.”

  “Good girl.”

  “Wait. Shouldn’t we pack first?”

  “We’ll come inside and do that after the big reveal.”

  “Fine by me.” She could understand that he was too excited to wait. It would seem a little rude if there happened to be a driver who was going to be sitting out there in the cold. She took a deep breath. She needed to make an effort not to get ahead of herself. Zach probably just wanted to show her some skis or something as a hint to where they were going. Whoops! She stumbled. Lucky her husband had a firm grip on her arm or she may have fallen flat on her face.

  “Stop trying to guess silly. You nearly fell over.”

  She heard the door open and felt the icy breeze on her face.

  “Nearly there.”

  “Is it all the way outside?” She allowed Zach to lead her down the icy path.

  “I’m afraid so.” Zach stopped and moved
her hair away from the knotted tie.

  She could feel his hands painstakingly undoing the knot. He could be so pedantic about things. “I could just rip it off,” she said helpfully.

  “Now where would be the fun in that? You don’t like a little anticipation?”

  “Patience is not really my thing.” The fun of a surprise was finding out what it was. That was what she was interested in.

  “I’ve noticed that.”

  His hand suddenly bounced off her jeans leaving a delicious warm spot on her bottom. “Please, pretty please, take it off?” Her tummy tingled with excitement.

  “Your wish is my command, I guess I’ve made you wait for long enough.” Zach whipped off the tie and stood there beaming. “Ta da!”

  Her eyes followed his outstretched arm to the big surprise. Cold air rushed into her open mouth as her jaw dropped and not with elation. Her eyes misted over and the butterflies that had been buzzing around her tummy stopped mid-flight, and sunk sadly. “Nice,” she managed to choke out. Nice? It was awful. Standing there in the street for everyone to see, in the place where her limo should be waiting, was a giant beat up old RV. She had never seen such a monstrosity in all of her days.

  “Nice?” Zach said. “Nice? That’s all you have to say about this magical vehicle that will be our vacation home for the next three days?”

  “Huh?” Erin had been getting over the shock of their ride but it only just occurred to her that the rest of her Valentine dream had been flushed away with this van thing. Oh my God! He better hope that she didn’t have to go to the bathroom in this thing because that was just not going to happen. “For the whole three days?” How could he call this thing magical? The only thing that would make it magical is if it managed to turn itself into something completely different.


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