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Love in the Rockies

Page 14

by Thianna D

  He paused. “You didn’t know about the baby.”

  “But I was late.”

  “Teri,” he said, rubbing her bottom, “you were on the pill as much to control your cycles as for birth control. Of course you wouldn’t notice if you were irregular. But you didn’t use good sense, pregnant or not you could have been injured and I think that merits a few good swats with the wooden spoon.

  Grabbing it from the pitcher of kitchen tools on the table he applied it liberally to her bare backside, striping her from the rounded curves of her bottom to her thighs and back again, obliterating the neat crimson handprints he’d with a row of welts. She squirmed and moaned but her tears lessened and her sobs stopped. As he applied the last few strokes, she lay still, drawing long, shuddering breaths, calm.

  He smoothed down her nightgown then her robe and helped her to stand. “I’d love to cuddle you on my lap but my leg is a little sore. Let’s go into the living room.”

  Chapter Nine

  Teri hooked an arm around Roy’s waist and helped him into the living room. She’d been so selfish, worrying about herself when he was hurt. He wasn’t supposed to have his own weight on the ankle, much less hers! He sat on the couch.

  “Can I get you something? Your breakfast.” Oh god, she hadn’t even let him finish eating before her giant meltdown. Was this pregnancy hormones already? If so, they were in for a rocky ride. Now that she’d come out the other side, emotionally, she hoped it was the result of the accident and would not recur anytime soon.

  “Yes, go upstairs and get the box from my suitcase.”

  Teri eyed him. “Are you sure? Maybe this isn’t the right time.” She heard her own words with a sense of unreality. She’d wanted nothing else, only hours before! Nearly twenty-four hours. What a difference a day had made.

  “Well, if you’re not interested in seeing what I bought…”

  “No, I am.”

  “Then go!”

  She raced for the stairs, wanting to see what was in the box, yes, but more to get back with him, every minute apart one too many.

  She returned with the package and dropped onto the sofa next to him. He took the box and set it on his lap.

  “Before I show you what I bought for us, I want to say, we need to talk things out more. I thought we were, that you were coming to me when you were troubled but I think you might not be sharing all your worries with me.” He pulled her close. “I’m here for you.”

  She snuggled into his side, fighting the tears that threatened to return. “But what if you aren’t?”

  “There are never guarantees in life, you know that.” Tilting her chin up, he met her eyes. “But if, someday, I wasn’t able to be here, if illness or accident took me away, I know you’d be able to cope.”

  He was the center of her world, he and Ben and the hope of the new baby. “You think I could handle the physical and emotional well-being of two children on my own?” The idea of losing him was more than she could even look at, but the practicalities…

  Roy kissed her nose, then her cheeks then her lips. His easy affection awoke something within her and she returned his kiss with desperation. Passion, fear, love, she couldn’t identify what it was but she wanted him in a way she never had.


  Hooking her arms around his neck, she kissed him with every ounce of everything she was, lips parting, tongues dancing, breathing hard already. He shifted his leg and she broke away. “I’m doing it again. Roy, your leg will never heal if I keep acting out.”

  He grinned at her. “If this is acting out, keep it up.” He held up the box and gave it a shake. “Want to play?”

  “I always want to play.” She eyed it hungrily.

  “Yes, I guess you do.” He peeled off the tape on one end of the box and slid a large velvet chest out into his hand. Tossing the cardboard to the floor, he handed the contents to Teri. “Take a look.”

  Teri glanced from him to the box and back again then pried it open. Inside was a small metal device and three different glass…light bulbs? One long and narrow, another twisted into an odd shape and the third with a sort of claw shaped end. “What is it?”

  He took the handle and attached the twisted bulb. With a flick of a switch, it hummed and glowed. “Now do you know?”

  “A violet wand,” she breathed. “You bought us a violet wand.”

  “A violet wand travel kit.” He twinkled at her and touched the tip to the fingers of his other hand with a sound like bees buzzing. “Why don’t you get naked and we’ll give it a try?”

  She stood and shoved her robe to the floor then dragged the nightgown over her head. “Now what?”

  He shifted forward on the sofa. “Close your eyes.”

  Ohhh, she didn’t do well with sight deprivation even lying down with a blindfold. But standing in front of the sofa… She obeyed and immediately wobbled. “I can’t.”

  His warm palm skated up her stomach. “Sure you can. You can do anything you put your mind to.”

  She breathed slowly, in and out, as he cupped a breast, flicking the nipple with his thumb. “Do you really think so?”

  “Baby, I have no doubt.” Roy pinched her nipple and released it. “I’m going to start slow, and low.” She squinched her face up in anticipation and let her breath out in a whoosh as a tingle touched her shoulder. She’d expected him to go directly for her breast or somewhere else, but as he traced her shoulder and down her arm, she felt as if every cell woke in the wake of the wand. “It feels like bubbles, almost like its fizzing,” she murmured.

  “Do you like it?”

  “I do.” It was unlike anything she’d ever experienced before. But she liked it. “I want to sit down, though.”


  The electrode traced up the inside of her arm and down her side, over her waist. God, did every part of her body have a direct nerve line to her pussy? It was as if he lit those pathways with the toy, gliding, lighting. If she opened her eyes, would she be able to see those lines? Her legs wobbled, her pussy throbbed. Then it stopped and her eyes opened. “That’s it?”

  Roy laced his fingers with hers and gave a tug, bringing her down beside him. “I don’t want the wand to have all the fun.

  Teri traced his eyebrows with a fingertip. “Sure you’re up to it?”

  “Oh yeah, I’m up for anything.” He grinned, but little lines by his eyes were deeper and she knew he wasn’t one hundred percent pain free.

  Teri slid off the couch and knelt in front of him. She parted his robe and took hold of the waist of the flannel pajama bottoms he slept in no matter the weather. Tugging them down over his very interested penis, she pulled them the rest of the way off and worked her way back up his legs, patting carefully around the swollen ankle and pausing when she found a sizeable purple and blue bruise at his other knee. “Did you show this to the doctor?”

  He lifted her fingers from the spot. “No, I did that this morning when the smoke alarm scared me out of bed.”

  “I will never make bacon again,” she said solemnly and took his cock in her hand. “I promise.”

  “That may be for the best,” he replied. “We’d probably be thrown out of CB for malicious mischief.”

  She smiled and bent her head to his rock-hard cock. “I guess you are up for it. Mmm.” Taking just the head into her mouth she sucked on it like a lollipop, licking and nibbling until he tangled his fingers in her hair. A small thrill raced up her spine when he took control of her motions, slowly fucking her mouth, lifting his hips to meet her, and she relaxed her throat to take as much of him as she could. She wanted to give, to feel how alive he was, to forget he might have died yesterday if the accident had been worse.

  He dragged her by the hair away from him. “Not yet,” he said. “Come here.” Roy drew her onto his lap. “We were supposed to take a violet wand seminar onboard ship, but I couldn’t wait to at least try it out.”

  “I wonder if we can find a seminar locally. I’d love to learn how to use a
ll the different kinds of electrodes.”

  “I imagine that can be arranged. Excellent thinking.”

  “Thank you, counselor. I hope that will help my case.”

  He arched his back and his cock settled in the vee of her legs. “A case? You have a case against you.”

  She wriggled, rubbing his rigid length against her clit. “I do. I am probably guilty as well, but I hope to be found innocent.”

  “Well, as lawyer, judge and jury, I can promise to find you hot”—flipping onto his back, he kept her on his cock, one leg on either side—“sexy and delicious. But”—he drove into her from underneath in one smooth stroke—“probably not innocent.”

  She rocked on him, riding him, losing track of any repartee as he filled her deep and full, stretching her out. God, he was good, knowing just how to move to hit her G-spot on each retreat. Teri braced herself on his shoulders and he took advantage of the new angle to bring her breasts to his mouth. As he sucked a nipple in and thrust deep into her pussy she shrieked out her first orgasm. After that it was one then another until she barely knew who or where she was and when his cum surged into her, she dropped onto his chest in one final shuddering climax and lay still.

  “Do you have any doubt I’m here for you, Teri?”

  She trembled, and he hugged her to him.

  “No, no doubt.”

  “Baby, I can’t promise nothing bad will ever happen to us again, but we have a good life and that accident yesterday was minor.”

  “I know,” she murmured, nuzzling his chest. “I overreacted.”

  “A little,” he said, shifting under her. She began to get up, afraid she might be hurting him, but he tightened his grip. “Stuff will happen, and we will get through it together. Like now.”

  Teri fell silent for a moment as she considered the difference between their former life and the one now. “I am starting to get that.” She propped her elbows on his chest and smiled down at him. “This time our vacation cancellation was your fault. I want the record to show that.”

  He grinned back. “Twelve for you, one for me?”

  “Not a great record. But we just lost all that money for the cruise.”

  He shrugged. “I hope not. When I get out from under my great big pregnant wife—”


  “No interrupting your head of household when he is explaining to you how it will be.”

  Tough guy. But so sexy when he took control. Still, she had to poke a little. “I am so sorry, your highness. How will it be?”

  “I will call the local travel agent and see if we can’t get at least a partial refund. I did buy the travel insurance and between the weather and the trip to the emergency room… And we’ll apply it toward another cruise later in the spring.”

  “But the next spanking cruise isn’t until fall, is it?”

  “Maybe something more family friendly this time. We can take Ben.”

  “And in the fall?

  “Try and stop me.”

  The End

  Kate Richards

  Kate Richards divides her time between Los Angeles and the High Sierras. She would gladly spend all her days in the mountains, but she’d miss the beach…and her very supportive husband’s commute would be three hundred miles. Wherever she is, she loves to explore all different kinds of relationships in her stories. She doesn’t believe one-size-fits-all, and whether her characters live BDSM, ménage, GLBT or any other kind of lifestyle, it’s the love, the joy in one another, that counts.

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  Don’t miss these exciting titles by Kate Richards and Blushing Books!

  For Ben: Corbin's Bend Series - Book Six

  Educating Marguerite

  Past Interference


  Kathryn R. Blake

  ©2015 by Blushing Books® and Kathryn R. Blake

  All rights reserved.

  No part of the book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

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  977 Seminole Trail #233

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  The trademark Blushing Books®

  is registered in the US Patent and Trademark Office.

  Blake, Kathryn R.

  Past Interference

  eBook ISBN: 978-1-62750-695-3

  Cover Design by Anthony Walsh

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the author's advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.


  Eleanor Benson stared at the different swatches of color laid before her, and the small hammer pounding in her temple increased in tempo. Jerry Douglas, who had rescued Elly after her husband’s abuse put her in the hospital four months ago, left explicit instructions for her to contact him if she showed any signs of a headache or stress, but Elly couldn’t pull him away from work. Not for this. He would insist she sit down and tell him what was wrong, and she couldn’t. Her fears might be illogical, but that didn’t make them any less real.

  This was the tenth migraine she’d suffered in the last two weeks. After the third one, Jerry insisted she visit Marcus Devon, Corbin’s Bend’s personal physician. Marcus ordered a CAT scan for her, which meant Jerry needed to drive her to Denver Memorial. In February. What was a pleasant, hour-long ride in warmer weather turned into an icy, treacherous slide in the winter that few wanted to travel. Good thing Jerry’s car was four-wheel drive.

  The scan showed everything was normal, as Elly suspected it would. The pain she suffered had no physical source, because it came from her over-thinking everything, not her brain. She’d experienced migraines since she was a little girl every time she stressed out. And planning a wedding was about as stressful as things got. Especially when the event being planned was your own, and you’d decided you couldn’t go.

  Marriage. A binding contract intended to be permanent. Eternal.

  She should be joyous, happy, excited. Instead, Elly felt like throwing up.

  Everyone was being so generous with their time. So supportive. How could she tell them she’d made a mistake? That she had been wrong, dishonest, to accept Jerry’s proposal this past Christmas eve.

  Covering her face with her hands, Elly realized how easily she’d been swept away by the Douglas’s family traditions, mistletoe and romance of the holiday. Last Christmas, probably her favorite time of year, Jerry took her to meet his parents. He’d known all along what he was going to do; she, however, had no idea.

  The Douglas’s tradition was to place their final decorations on their tree, the unique ones that held a special meaning for the heart more than the eye, on Christmas Eve. Most of the items were simple, done by small hands with great care and love for the parents and siblings they adored.

  Jerry’s family was so open and loving; they embraced Elly as one of their own. During this visit, she learned Jerry was the youngest of four. A buoyant surprise, her mother called him. Sharon never even suspected she was pregnant when she and her husband booked a honeymoon trip to Paris for their twentieth anniversary. However, by the time she got on the plane, she was in her 32nd week, beginning her eighth month, and felt like a barge as she waddled down the aisle to her reserved seat.

  All her previous pregnancies had been uncomplicated, but Sharon was almost forty, so her obstetrician cautioned her to take things easy in her last trimester and warned her to make sure she returned home before her 36th week, just to be safe. Sharon and Joe only planned to be gone for two weeks, so no one foresaw any problems. Dr. Stein didn�
��t begrudge them their vacation, and even signed a letter stating Sharon’s travel did not pose any health risks on the dates of her departure, or her return. Joe purchased first class tickets to surprise her, which were fortuitous if not precognitive given the extra bulk Sharon carried.

  The vacation itself had been idyllic, romantic and increasingly uncomfortable for the mom-to-be. At the point Sharon’s back pains intensified enough to ruin her enjoyment of the city on the Seine, they decided to cut their time short and head home a week early. When Joe explained the reason for the change to the airline’s reservation desk, they expressed some concern about Sharon’s ability to travel, but Joe assured them she was fine as he pointed out their return was even earlier than Sharon’s doctor approved, so the attendant reluctantly agreed to seat them on the next available flight.

  Unfortunately, even as a fetus Jerry took exception to high altitudes, so Sharon went into labor thirty thousand feet over the Atlantic, giving birth with the help of two female attendants and a surgeon passenger as they flew over international waters. Such births, they learned, were still governed by maritime law, which made Jerry an anchor baby born in the state where the plane was registered — Illinois, even though neither he nor his parents ever set foot in ‘The Land of Lincoln.’ Sharon laughingly told Elly their surprise bundle retained an aversion to flying ever since.

  Jerry grimaced at the story, having been teased about his impatience since the day he was born. “Pay them no heed,” he advised, placing a kiss on Elly’s head. “Here.” He handed her a small glass angel ornament. The crystal wings and bell skirt were so fine and delicate she hesitated to take the figure from his fingers.


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