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Renovation (A Golden Beach Novel)

Page 11

by Loraine, Kim

  She reached for her phone to find her text messages displayed on the screen in all their drunken glory. Many, many, over the top and dirty text messages all sent to Donovan. The only message he’d sent back read, I like you when you’re drunk.

  “Oh, God,” she groaned as she rolled over and went back to sleep.

  Donovan chuckled as he read the drunk texts from Valerie for the third time that morning. For a solid hour the day before, he’d gotten text after text from her and could picture her, hunched over her phone, typing the letters carefully, and snickering. Maybe she’d been on her bed, in her panties. He shook his head to clear his thoughts. He was on duty and had to be focused if a call came in. He’d been all over the place since she left and the guys had definitely noticed.

  “Miller!” Sully shouted before he threw a towel at Donovan’s head. “Get your head outta your ass. I know you’re pussy-whipped now, man, but we gotta get this rig polished before the chief gets back. He’s bringing the new commissioner with him today.”

  Sully was usually the most laid back of the guys in the house. He did yoga because he liked it, for Christ sake. Seeing him stressed ratcheted Donovan’s anxiety up a notch.

  “He’s so whipped he can’t see straight,” Klipper called from the other side of the rig.

  “Shut it, Klip.” Donovan gritted his teeth. For the first time he had no comeback ready.

  “Ha! See? Mark my words Sully, Miller here is gonna be married by this time next year.”

  Sully grinned, visibly relaxing. “Good, more for us.”

  His breath caught in his throat at the idea of marriage. He’d not even thought that far ahead. All he knew was he wanted to be with Valerie. He didn’t care about labeling their relationship, just that she was his. As he finished cleaning the rig, he knelt to pick up the bucket and rag he’d been using, and a pair of shiny black shoes invaded his field of vision. He raised his eyes to see Blake Monroe standing in front of him, an angry scowl on his face.

  “Blake, can I help you with something?” He rose, eyes locked on the hostile man.

  “You can stay the hell away from Valerie. She’s mine, Donovan.”

  Shock jolted through his body. “You must be crazy. She’s not yours.”

  Blake’s demeanor changed from hostile to smug. “So she hasn’t told you yet. I’ve known her a long time. She’ll come back to me in the end. I’m not giving her up without a fight.”

  Donovan stepped closer, anger boiling close to the surface. “You’re the one who needs to back off. Stay the fuck away from her. I’ll give you this one warning.”

  Blake smirked. “You think you know her? She loved me more than anything when we were in college. I’m going to win her back and you’ll just be a mistake she made.”

  That broke his restraint and he lunged for the asshole, ready to pound the life out of him. A pair of strong arms wrapped around his forearms and pulled him back.

  “Whoa, whoa, dude! Everything all right here?” Sully shouted as Donovan fought against his hold.

  Blake backed away, still smiling incessantly. “Stay out of my way, Donovan.”

  Donovan watched as the snake left the firehouse, barely containing himself against Sully’s hold.

  “What the fuck was that, Miller?” Sully loosened his grip and backed away.

  “That was Valerie’s . . . I don’t know what. He wants her. They’ve got a history.”

  Sully ran a hand over his jaw. “Shit.”

  “He could be trouble, D. You need to watch yourself.”

  Donovan shook his head. “Nah, I’ll be good. It’s Valerie I’m worried about. Somebody hurt her a long time ago and I’m wondering if it was this douche.”

  “Why’s he coming back now? College was a long time ago. Keep an eye on that one.”

  “Believe me, I intend to.”

  Sully nodded and headed toward the kitchen. “You let me know if you need help, man. Val is a sweet girl. I don’t want to see her hurt . . . by anyone.”

  He started at the insinuation that he might be one of the people to hurt Valerie. The last thing he wanted was to hurt her. He’d never felt anything like this, not even for his first love in high school, Anna. He’d been close to marrying her until she went off to college.

  “I’m not gonna hurt her, Sully. If anything, it’ll be the other way around.”

  Sully nodded sadly. “Probably.”

  Valerie stood at the entrance to St. Margaret’s Chapel at Edinburgh Castle, her heart fluttering with excitement as she watched Grace emerge from the car. The day was perfect. The sky was clear as the sun dipped low and the warm tones of dusk approached. Grace was radiant. Her gown added to the glow of the horizon behind her, its fabric offering an ethereal shimmer. It was fitted with a sweetheart neckline and trumpet skirt at the bottom, leading to an understated train. It spoke to Grace’s elegant, polished personality and watching her left Valerie with a bittersweet ache.

  Tears swam in her eyes as her friend walked with her father to the door of St. Margaret’s chapel.

  “Grace, you look so beautiful,” Valerie whispered, afraid her voice would crack with emotion.

  Grace smiled, tears in her own eyes.

  “You ready, Gracie Belle?” Grace’s dad asked.

  Grace nodded and Valerie took her place to start the small processional. The gentle and rich tones of a classical guitar began inside the quaint chapel. Bach’s Prelude to the First Cello Suite in G filled the stone room. Valerie took a deep breath as she slowly walked down the aisle.

  The room only held thirty people at most and she smiled thinking how perfectly it fit Drew and Grace. This chapel was the oldest structure in all of Edinburgh. It was sparsely decorated, beautifully historic, and the sight of Grace’s parents, Drew’s family, and just a few close friends sharing this day brought her close to tears again.

  Drew stood at the end of the aisle looking nervous and elated at the same time. He made eye contact with Valerie as she took her place and flashed her a quick smile. When the music changed to Trumpet Voluntary, Drew tensed and turned to face his bride.

  Valerie kept her eyes on him, unable to look away for fear of missing his reaction. It was as if the entire room lit with the joy from his smile when he saw Grace at the end of the chapel. She followed his gaze and watched her friend walk, overflowing with love and happiness, toward her soulmate.

  A warmth settled over her. What will Donovan’s face look like when he sees me? Wait, why am I thinking of him watching me come down the aisle?

  “Ladies and Gentlemen, we are gathered here today to witness the union of two very special people, who’ve weathered circumstances beyond comparison to be with each other . . .” the vicar began.

  She noted that Drew didn’t take his eyes off of Grace unless he absolutely had to during the ceremony. When it came time for the vows, Grace handed her bouquet to Valerie and turned back to her groom. Drew’s voice shook with emotion as he spoke.

  “Our journey to this place has not been smooth. In fact, there were times when the obstacles seemed insurmountable. We’ve been oceans apart, traveled over ten thousand miles between us to get to where we are now. Your love is the one thing I cherish most in this world. I’ll carry it with me all the days of my life. I’ve been without you and it was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. From the moment you crashed into me, I’ve been mesmerized by you. I can’t wait to wake up, seeing your hair splayed across the pillow, to make tea alongside the horrid coffee you drink in our kitchen, to hold our children in my arms. Being loved by you touches my very soul. I will never stop loving you. It would be like asking me to stop breathing.”

  Valerie’s heart swelled at the expression on his face, the depth of his feelings for Grace plainly visible. This was what she wanted; someone to love her that deeply. Once again, she f
ound herself envisioning Donovan looking at her, holding her hands in his, bonding them together forever. Her attention was drawn back to the ceremony as Grace cleared her throat. Drew gently wiped a tear from Grace’s cheek as she started her vows, voice wobbly.

  “Drew, I came here to get away from all I’d lost, and instead I found you. You wonderful man, who made me think I was crazy. It didn’t take me long to fall for you, but it did take me a while to realize it. You’ve been here, helping me, supporting my passions, listening, and loving me from the moment we met. Your heart is open, kind, and warm. You bring me back to my center when I start to overthink things in my life. Without you, I don’t know where I’d be, but I know I wouldn’t be happy, and I definitely wouldn’t know so many British swear words.” The crowd chuckled and Drew’s ears went pink. “When I want to run away from my problems, you are always there with me, keeping me on the right path. You never give up on me, always have faith in us, and love me more than I deserve. You are my soulmate, the one I was made for. I promise to remember that every day, even when things get hard, but especially when they are easy. It is harder to appreciate the important things when life is easy. I love you Drew, now and always.”

  The rings were exchanged and the newly married pair kissed to the applause of the crowd. As Drew and Grace left the chapel, Valerie caught sight of Abby, Grace’s mother, who was blubbering uncontrollably on her husband’s shoulder. Valerie smiled and patted her arm gently as she passed.

  As the ceremony morphed into the reception, she leaned against the balcony overlooking Edinburgh. She watched Grace and Drew outside the castle having their photos taken in the setting sun.

  “That was the most romantic wedding I’ve ever seen,” Angela gushed as she handed her a cocktail. “I thought I’d have to fix my eye makeup for sure, I cried so much.”

  “It was wonderful.” Her voice was wistful and wanting. She missed Donovan, wanted him there with her.

  “It was like something out of a dream.” Angela sighed. “Speaking of dreams, you looked like you were in another place for most of the ceremony. Thinking of a certain firefighter?”

  The heat of her blush crept across her cheeks as she snagged a glass of champagne and avoided the question.

  Cocktail hour gave way to dinner and she watched the newly married couple as they spoke softly in each other’s ears, linking hands at every possible moment. There wasn’t a dancefloor at this small gathering, but the couple did share a first dance in the middle of the room, with family looking on happily. Grace swayed in Drew’s arms.

  “This is so sweet,” Valerie whispered to Angela.

  Angela took Valerie’s hand and squeezed it. “I’m so glad she’s happy. Now it’s your turn.”

  Chapter 13

  “How is it that two weeks can go by so fast? When we were in school, two weeks seemed like an eternity.” Angela frowned as she and Valerie left the airport and headed toward the long-term parking lot where her car was waiting.

  “It does go by fast. I feel like I ruin vacations. I spend all my time wishing for more days.”

  “It was so beautiful. One day, when Panic Station goes on our world tour, I’m going back. Edinburgh is really into music. There’s a huge festival there every year.”

  Valerie tugged her suitcase behind her and smiled at the thought of Angela achieving her dreams. “How are things with your band? I’ve been so wrapped up in the wedding and my own stuff I haven’t even thought about asking you.”

  Angela’s eyes brightened. “Well, now that you bring it up . . .” She chewed on her lip. “We’ve been approached by Backbeat Records. It’s a pretty big deal, actually. That’s the same label Violet Hour is signed with.”

  Valerie’s heart leapt in excitement. Violet Hour was the hottest band out there right now.

  “Are you serious? That’s amazing.”

  Angela loaded her suitcase in the car, a wide grin spread across her face. “Yeah, it is. I’ve been dying to tell you, but I wanted to wait for the right time.”

  “So, are you going to record an album? Go on tour?”

  “Well, we’ve still got to review the contract and then we’ll sign and get started. I think we need an agent, honestly.”

  “Have you told Mom and Dad?”

  “Not yet.” Angela started the car and pulled out of the parking garage. “I’m gonna do it at family dinner on Sunday.”

  “Good call. Mom loves a good success story during dinner.”

  She stared out the window as they headed toward home, wondering where her success story was hiding. She needed to do something with her life, but what exactly that something was, eluded her. After Angela dropped her off at her apartment, she rolled her suitcase into her bedroom, grabbed her swimming gear, and turned right around to hit the pool. Two weeks of no access to a swimming pool had her itching to dive in the waiting solace of the water.

  The cool water shocked her skin as she submerged her body and started her first lap, slow and steady, counting her breaths and thinking only of the position of her body. As she settled into a rhythm, she shifted her thoughts to the challenges she was avoiding. She had no job, no source of income, and only about two months of expenses saved. Angela and Grace had both pushed her to go back to school and get her teaching certificate. Now that she was unemployed, she was free to do it, aside from the crippling student loans and the shame of having to ask her parents for a place to live.

  As she finished her last lap and swam one more lazy recovery lap, she heard the noise of small children playing in the shallow end, waiting for their swimming lesson.

  She could do that. She’d be a great swim teacher. She could make her own hours until she finished school.

  Popping out of the water, she wrapped up in her towel, resolved to contact the pool manager to see if there were any openings. The money wouldn’t be enough to support her half of the rent at the apartment, but at least if she moved back home she’d be bringing in some money. In the locker room, she showered and changed quickly, eager to head home and start researching teaching programs. As she grabbed her keys and phone from her purse, she saw there were fifteen missed calls. A few of them were from her mother, the rest from Donovan and Blake.

  A tingle of anticipation shot through her, mixed with a feeling of disquiet. Was this the beginning of the arrogant, possessive man she’d worried he was? She dialed Donovan’s number, bracing herself for disappointment.

  “Hey, sweetheart.” His voice was honey drizzled on sweet cake, making her shiver.

  “Hi there, hotshot. What’s with the million phone calls?” She worked hard to keep the annoyance from her tone.

  “I . . . I needed to know you were home safe. You were supposed to land hours ago.”

  “I’m fine. Just came out for a swim before settling back into the real world.”

  She could hear his heavy sigh on the other end of the line and knew he was unhappy. “When can I see you?”

  “I just finished swimming. When do you want me?”

  “Sweetheart, I want you every minute.”

  A rush of heat shot through her. “Give me fifteen minutes?”

  “I’ll be waiting.”

  Donovan paced the floor of his living room as he waited for Valerie to knock on his door. He’d been anticipating getting her back in his arms since the moment she’d left. He raked his hand through his hair and glanced at the clock. She’d only called five minutes ago and he was pacing like a lion in a cage. He needed to calm down before she showed up.

  At the soft rap of her knuckles against his door, his heart lurched. What was his problem? He never acted like this around women. She drew him to her like a man starved. She stood at his door, looking travel weary but still the most beautiful creature he’d ever seen.

  “Hey, sweetheart.” He tried to play it cool, not
wanting to let his consuming angst over their separation show.

  A sincere smile spread across her lips. “Hey yourself, hotshot.”

  His hands itched to feel the softness of her skin. She stood there, staring at him with those impossibly large eyes, her lips turning into a pout at his silence.

  “What’s up?”

  An overwhelming wave of emotion crested through him. But what emotion was it? Lust? Love? He took her hand and pulled her inside, shutting the door with a kick. Her soft intake of breath sent him into overdrive and caused him to abandon all sense of decency. He crushed his mouth to hers and pushed her down on the couch. He needed her skin against his, as much of it as possible.

  “Can we talk after?” His voice sounded unfamiliar in his own ears. “I need you.”

  She bit her lip and looked at him through eyes burning with the same need. A thrill ran through him as she nodded slowly and smiled. Her wicked little hand snaked under his shirt and traced along his ribs. He squirmed at her feather-light touch, trying desperately not to laugh as she tickled the sensitive skin.

  “Ticklish, Mr. Miller?”

  She increased the severity of her tickling, causing him to bite his tongue in order to avoid giggling in a very unmanly way. “Stop it, woman.”

  He grabbed her hand and stuck her finger in his mouth, sucking and nibbling lightly. As her hands relaxed, he kissed her palm and wrist, licking and grazing his teeth along her skin.

  “God, your skin is so soft. It feels like velvet.”

  She chuckled in his ear, her lips peppering light kisses there. “I moisturize.”


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