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Rebecca's Wolves (Wolf Masters Book 6)

Page 19

by Becca Jameson

  He would do anything to chase away whatever was bothering her so she returned to being the woman he’d claimed just a few days ago—a woman who wasn’t modest and didn’t care if he saw her naked. A woman who shook her sweet tits over his face until he sucked them into his mouth on more than one occasion.

  He got his wish. She moaned as she settled into the mattress, her body relaxing, the tension seeping away as he sucked her clit into his mouth and then gently bit into her soft nub with his teeth.


  Yes, that was what he wanted to hear. Not the jumble of craziness that had clouded her mind for the past day, but his name slipping from her lips on a sigh. “Give it to me, love,” he lifted his face to mutter.

  And she did, threading her hands in his hair to dislodge his ponytail and lifting her ass off the bed to make purchase with his mouth.

  As she came, she screamed his name and then grunted through the pulses against his lips. He loved pressing his tongue against her clit as it throbbed.


  Without a word, he reached over to the dresser, snagged a pair of her panties, and hauled them up her legs while she stared at him, her bottom lip between her teeth. Then he tugged her hands to pull her to sitting and held out her bra.

  She lifted both arms and let him arrange that scrap of lace also. He hated covering up her gorgeous smooth skin, but he didn’t want to share her with everyone in the hospital either, so his choices were limited.

  “I’m not a child,” she finally muttered.

  “I know.” He kissed her nose after pulling her shirt over her head. “And thank God.” He lifted her off the bed then and kneeled down to help her step into her pants. “But I like taking care of you, and right now you have me by the balls, so let me do this.”

  “Okay,” she whispered, her hands landing on his head and then weaving into his hair.

  When he finished dressing her, he stood and wrapped her in his arms, his chin against the top of her head. “You smell better now.”

  “How’s that?” she mumbled into his chest, her hands slipping around his torso to hold him tight.

  “Like sex. Like come. Like arousal. I prefer it over the soap. I don’t prefer it over having my scent all over your body and inside your pussy, but we don’t have time for that right now. I’ll feel marginally better that you smell like you were just fucked, or masturbated.”

  She sucked in a sharp breath.

  He cupped her head and pulled her face back to grin at her. “Don’t worry. Only a wolf would be able to scent it on you.”

  She scrunched up her face. “And how would I know if there were shifters working in my hospital?”

  He smiled wider. “You would not. And since I haven’t been inside, I can’t say for sure, either. But now you can wander through the halls for the rest of the day glancing in both directions to see if anyone seems to be eyeing you with a smirk. It will keep your mind off whatever shit is happening in your pretty head that you aren’t sharing.” He kissed her forehead and turned to walk away, leaving her with her mouth hanging open and no sound coming out.

  That’s right, love. I’m on to you. I don’t know what you’re keeping from us, but I do know that something happened you aren’t sharing.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Rebecca’s nerves were beyond frayed when she entered the hospital twenty minutes later. Her legs felt weak from the recent orgasm and the blatant deep kiss Miles had landed on her at the employee entrance.

  Luckily no one had been looking. How the hell was she going to explain this thing she had with two men to her coworkers? Because she wasn’t dumb enough to think she could keep it a secret forever, especially if Miles couldn’t keep his hands to himself.

  It was only noon. Her shift started at three. She’d fibbed about needing to be there early. The reality was she needed to talk to her supervisor, and she didn’t want to explain why to Miles.

  She also needed to get out of the testosterone-filled condo before she lost all her brain cells. When she was outside or even at the hospital, she could dampen her arousal. When she was inside either man’s home or any enclosed space with them, she couldn’t control her libido. It was absurd. No matter how many times they fucked, she wanted them again. Even immediately after having sex with either or both of them, she wasn’t sated.

  As Rebecca stepped up to the sliding glass doors at the back of the hospital, she discovered another nurse, Cecelia, leaning against the wall under the awning. The woman had a shit-eating grin on her face, and she held a bag of pretzels in one hand. “Who was that sexy hunk of man I saw with his tongue halfway down your throat? I didn’t know you had a boyfriend.”

  Rebecca cringed inwardly. Shit. Already the questions started. After about two days of agreeing she would publicly be Griffen’s girlfriend, her ridiculous cover was blown to shit by Miles in the driveway right in front of her place of employment.


  Part of her was pissed. She had no hope of explaining this situation to a single living soul.

  For now, Rebecca chose the cop-out route. She lifted both brows and gave Cecelia a broad grin as she kept walking by.

  Two minutes later, she knocked on the nursing supervisor’s door and then entered when Marian said, “Come in.”

  Rebecca took a deep breath and sat on the front corner of the chair across from Marian. She’d done everything in her power to reach this location before losing it, and the second she landed on the seat, she let the tears fall.

  Marian jumped up and rounded the desk. She took Rebecca in her arms and held her against her waist. “I’m so sorry, hon. This sucks.”

  The words Marian had spoken to her over the phone still rang in her head.

  Fire the whore or suffer the consequences.

  It was a second e-mail sent directly to Marian from the same anonymous address as the picture. Somebody wanted her gone. And they meant it. They weren’t fucking around anymore with mild suggestions. This was serious.

  Marian tipped Rebecca’s head back. “You know I don’t believe a word of this shit, right?”

  Rebecca’s lip trembled. She didn’t know what to say. As far as most people would be concerned, nothing in the e-mails was inaccurate.

  In fact, not ten minutes after receiving the news about this e-mail, she’d spread her legs and let Miles drive her to the moon with his mouth. Who did that?

  It was like she couldn’t stop herself. She was losing her mind where it concerned Miles and Griffen. Equally. Either man made her unable to make good choices. Together they destroyed her.

  She couldn’t continue this way. She indeed felt every bit the whore indicated by the e-mail. She’d never met a single woman who lived in a ménage with two men. It was something out of a romance novel. Not real life.

  “Talk to me,” Marian said as she sat on the chair next to Rebecca and released her with a last caress to Rebecca’s cheek. “What’s going on?”

  Rebecca could only shake her head as more tears fell. “I can’t explain it.” Literally. One thing she knew for sure was the story of paranormal activity was never leaving her lips. Ever. Not the wolf shifting men sharing her bed or the strange black shadow trying to scare the fuck out of them.

  “I’m open minded, Rebecca. Give me a shot.”

  Rebecca closed her eyes. “I met them both in the same weekend.” Marian didn’t need to know it had been just last weekend. “They’re friends. They both liked me. I thought… I thought I needed to choose. But they didn’t see it that way. And God, Marian…” She didn’t continue, pausing as she realized the woman didn’t need to hear about her sex life.

  “Jesus. That’s so hot.”

  When Rebecca opened her eyes to meet Marian’s gaze, she found her boss had slumped in the chair and was fanning herself with one hand.


  “It is what it is, hon. If they make you happy, even if for a while, it’s your business. I’m not going to fire you over who you choose to sleep w

  Rebecca nodded, pursing her lips and wiping away the new tear that fell.

  “The white guy is one of the Masters’ sons, isn’t he?”

  Rebecca nodded. Not difficult to know from the picture, and everyone in town knew those four men, apparently. Even though Rebecca hadn’t personally met them before last weekend, she’d heard of them. They all looked alike. Well, except for the fact that in her humble opinion, Griffen was the sexiest. But they all had wavy dark brown hair, deep chocolate eyes a woman could get lost in, and tan skin that made it look like they worked in construction in the sun year-round.

  “And the other man? Is he from the reservation?”

  “Yes.” Also not a tough deduction.

  Marian set a hand on Rebecca’s thigh and squeezed. “I’ve got several things to take care of. Why don’t you stay here and pull yourself together? Take all the time you need.” She stood and moved her hand to Rebecca’s shoulder. “Don’t let this shit get to you. You know good and well you aren’t the woman described in the e-mail. Are you sure you don’t want me to take this to administration? File a complaint at least? This is harassment.”

  Rebecca shook her head. “Not yet.” Turning the e-mails over to the hospital administration would be mortifying. She’d rather quit her job than face a panel of people with the news that she was sleeping with two men.

  She was lucky Marian was so understanding. There were plenty of men on the board, and even women, who wouldn’t find anything about her extracurricular activities acceptable.

  The second Marian left, the door shutting with a snick, Miles’ voice came into her head. “Rebecca, I’m not shitting you. Your emotions are all over the place. You amaze me with your ability to keep your problems from us, but I know you’ve been crying for the last fifteen minutes. I’m coming back there now.”

  “No.” She sat up straight. She too was impressed with how well she’d managed to block her mates, but the last thing she needed was to face Miles. She had no explanations for him she was willing to share. And besides, she was kinda pissed with him for blowing her cover out front. “Miles. I’m fine. Just been emotional lately. All this… It’s a lot to absorb. Give me some space. You’re crowding me. And not in a good way.”

  Her words sounded harsh, even in her mind, but she had to say something to keep Miles from returning. If he marched his giant, overbearing self into her hospital with the frown on his face she knew he currently sported, he’d break the crowd like the Red Sea and embarrass the fuck out of her further.

  And she didn’t want to fight with him in public.

  “Love.” His voice softened. “I don’t like what I’m reading from you.”

  “I’m fine,” she repeated, smiling into the empty room as though the act alone would help change her mood and console him. “I need to get to work. I’ll talk to you tonight.”

  Miles waited a heartbeat and then responded, “I’ll be there at eleven. And then we talk.”

  “Got it.”


  Somehow Rebecca managed to put everything to the back of her mind and throw herself into her work. There was an increase in patients that evening due to the earthquake. Not many, but enough.

  One child fell down the stairs she’d been descending at the wrong moment. An elderly woman had a heart attack thinking the world was coming to an end. A man suffered a severe laceration to his left arm when the wrench he was using under his car slipped and cut him. He was lucky the entire car hadn’t collapsed, crushing him.

  Throughout the evening, Rebecca moved from one patient to the next, seeing to everyone’s needs and ignoring the jumble of thoughts in her head.

  What she knew for sure was she needed time to sort out everything that had happened for the last week. She needed space away from her mates to do so, and she needed someone to talk to.


  She sent her new sister-in-law a text midway through the day, asking her if she could pick her up at ten. Melinda quickly responded with an excited yes that included several silly emojis.

  Rebecca felt bad it would be so late, but she couldn’t think of anyone else to call, and she needed a girlfriend, especially one who would understand at least the majority of what Rebecca was going through.

  A twinge of guilt ate at her as she left work an hour early and climbed into Melinda’s car. She knew Miles and Griffen would be hurt when they found she wasn’t there, but by then she would be forty-five minutes away, tucked in Melinda’s house on the reservation.

  “Girl, you look like you lost your best friend,” Melinda said as Rebecca folded herself into Melinda’s silver sports car.

  “I feel worse.” She leaned back and closed her eyes, blowing out a long breath. She hadn’t breathed easily for days. She turned to face Melinda. “Thank you for doing this. I really appreciate it.”

  “Any time.” She gave a conspiratorial grin. “I mean it. Any time you want to send my brother on the wild goose chase he’s going to be fuming about in one hour, I’m up to the task. I love goading him. It’s fun.” Melinda giggled as she pulled away from the curb.

  “He called you.”

  “Yep. Said he was picking you up at eleven.”

  “You didn’t say anything?”

  “Hell, no, girl.” Melinda glanced at her quizzically. “For one thing, I know you wouldn’t have asked me to do this if it weren’t important. For another thing, I’m dying to get to know you better. And lastly, oh God how I love to mess with Miles.”

  Rebecca laughed. Hard. For the first time in days. “They’re both going to kill me.”

  “That’s the fun part.” Melinda hit the gas and picked up the pace. “Now, what do you want to drink? We’ll need to stop at a liquor store on the way. I can tell without asking that we need alcohol and lots of it.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  By midnight, Rebecca was half drunk, and it felt good—carefree and relaxed like she hadn’t been in days.

  Melinda’s condo was connected to several others on the reservation, but she had an end unit with relative privacy. They could be as loud as necessary, and no one would be the wiser.

  There had been three heated discussions with Miles and Griffen, one over the phone out loud and two through telepathy. The more she drank, the harder it was to block them. So she cut herself off after four glasses of wine, partway through the second bottle, and started eating corn chips to soak up the alcohol.

  Neither of those items had been on her food list for months as she trained. Considering her race was now a week away, she’d lost her mind, but it felt good.

  “So, let me get this straight.” Melinda giggled, her own glass of Merlot sloshing up the sides. “You gave them the slip because you couldn’t stand another night of lusty testosterone?”

  “Yeah. It sounds far more ridiculous when you put it like that. But yes.”

  “What did you tell them?”

  “That I was with you and safe.”

  “And they haven’t busted in here because…?”

  “Because I told them I needed space and time.” She winced. “They might be a little frustrated. I can feel it. But they’re holding back to avoid pissing me off royally.”

  There was a pause, and then Melinda got serious. “You okay, Rebecca? I mean all kidding aside, I know you’re under a lot of pressure. So much shit hit you all at once. I understand your hesitation. But you have to know that no matter what else happens, Miles and Griffen are a constant. They will be by your side for life—possibly to the point of annoying at times, but always with you even when you’re physically separated.”

  Rebecca nodded, sobering enough to ask some hard questions. “I know you believe there’s a spirit trying to communicate with one or all of us.”

  “I know it to be true.”

  “Yeah. And I’m getting there. It’s hard to ignore. But weird things have happened that don’t seem related, and I’m…well, scared.”

  Melinda set her glass down and turned from her e
nd of the couch to face Rebecca, her legs crossed. “What things?”

  “I’ve had a few threats tossed at me.”


  “Yeah. I don’t think spirits can move shit around and send e-mails.”

  Melinda shook her head. “I don’t think so, either.”

  “So you see my concern.”

  “What do Griffen and Miles think about this?”

  Rebecca cringed. “I haven’t told them.”

  Melinda blew out a breath. “Lord, girl. Why the hell not?”

  “Because every time something happens, they wig out on me and go all Rambo.”

  Melinda forced a short giggle. “Rambo?”

  “That’s what it feels like. They suffocate me. They don’t let me go anywhere alone, including work or for a run. They’re always by my side.”

  “I see.” She hesitated and then continued, “What you have to understand is they’re worried too. You’re their life now. Your safety is their top priority. I don’t think under normal circumstances, when things calm down, they’ll smother you as much. For a while maybe, but not forever. This spirit situation is stressful, for all of us, because we’re helpless to know what it wants.

  “We have no way of knowing if it means ill or good. Is it sending a warning or making a statement? Griffen is as new to the concept as you are. But Miles…that’s another story. He’s spent his life surrounded by discussions about spirits. My grandmother had shifters from the pack traipsing through our house with all manner of stories from the time we were very little.

  “He takes this stuff seriously. And he isn’t going to risk one hair on your head, even if it means pissing you off to do so.”

  “I kinda get that. I do. But who knows how long this will last? What if it’s indefinite?”

  “It’s not.”

  “How can you be sure?” Rebecca looked at Melinda and saw the woman’s face, knowing there were things Melinda hadn’t told her.

  Melinda seemed to be hedging in an attempt to decide how much she should say. “I’m gonna be blunt with you on two things you’re not going to like.”


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