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The Birthday Gift

Page 3

by Lynn LaFleur

  He never thought this would happen. He loved the fact that he and Amanda were so wrapped up in each other, no one else could ever come between them. But he wanted to see how she’d react to another man touching her, kissing her, sliding his cock inside that beautiful, wet pussy…

  He had to be honest with himself and admit the idea of watching another man fuck his wife was arousing as hell.

  Jake wiped off the cabinet and draped the dishcloth over the faucet. Amanda would be surprised at first, perhaps embarrassed, but also very turned on. That’s exactly what he wanted. This birthday would be one she wouldn’t soon forget.

  He heard the water in the main bathroom stop, so Patrick must be through with his shower. Glancing at the clock on the stove, he saw that Amanda had been in the bathtub for about fifteen minutes. She loved to soak until the water started to cool, so he figured he had at least ten more minutes to grab his shower before she came downstairs.

  * * * * *

  Amanda tugged down her T-shirt over the waistband of her shorts as she descended the back stairs into the kitchen. She expected to find Jake and Patrick there, getting her cake ready to serve. The kitchen was empty.


  No answer. Amanda saw no sign of a cake anywhere. Maybe Jake had decided to serve it in the dining room.

  Masculine laughter greeted her as she stepped through the kitchen doorway. She followed the laughter to the living room. She was about to ask about her cake, but stopped in her tracks when she saw the two men sitting on the couch. Both Jake and Patrick wore denim cut-offs…nothing else.

  Amanda had never seen Patrick in only cut-offs. She’d caught a glimpse of him without a shirt when he was going into the bathroom, but only once. This was the first time she’d seen him wearing so little.

  Her heart began to thud in her chest.

  Stop it, Amanda! Patrick is gorgeous, but he’s not your husband.

  She took another step into the room. The soft light from the lamps on either end of the couch reflected off their hair. It was damp, as if they’d both recently showered. That surprised her, since Jake hadn’t used their bathroom to shower.

  They were obviously up to something.

  “Hey, babe,” Jake said with a smile. “C’mere and we’ll have some cake.”

  Amanda glanced at the coffee table. A large chocolate cake sat in the center, with a large knife, saucers, and forks next to it. She returned her gaze to the two barely clothed men. Both had tan chests and legs sprinkled with dark hair. Both had broad shoulders and muscled arms. She let her gaze wander farther south. Both filled out the crotch of those cut-offs very nicely.

  Amanda could sit either on the couch between them and be surrounded by all that testosterone, or on the floor across the coffee table from them.

  She chose the couch.

  Once she was seated, Jake picked up the knife and held it over the cake. “How much?” he asked.

  Amanda arched one eyebrow. “It’s chocolate and you have to ask?”

  “Sorry. I lost my head there for a moment.” He proceeded to cut a generous slice for her. “How’s that?”


  After serving Amanda, Jake looked at his cousin. “How much, Pat?”

  “I can’t let Amanda eat more than me.”

  Jake’s damp hair still puzzled her. She touched it as he cut Patrick’s cake. “Did you take a shower?”

  He glanced at her before returning to his task. “Yeah.”

  She ran her fingers through the damp strands, releasing the scent of shampoo and man. “You didn’t shower in our bathroom.”

  “I didn’t want to bother you.” Jake placed the cake slice on a saucer and handed it to Patrick.

  It sounded like the type of considerate thing Jake would do, but Amanda was still suspicious. Jake usually took his shower right before they went to bed. “You wouldn’t have bothered me.”

  “Great cake,” Patrick said.

  “Yeah, it is,” Jake said after taking a bite of his own slice. “Mrs. Scheerer is a great cook.”

  Well, that’s an obvious change of subject. Amanda thought about questioning Jake further, then mentally shrugged and took a bite of cake instead. So he’d showered early. It wasn’t the first time he’d done that, and it certainly didn’t mean anything.

  Amanda settled back on the couch to have her cake while she listened to the two cousins talk about Patrick’s ski resort. She’d often thought about learning to ski. She loved the snow, and she imagined the Colorado mountains would be breathtaking. She and Jake had taken several weekend trips to different places in Texas and states to the east, but never to the west. Jake had mentioned taking her to San Diego to show her where he’d grown up, yet they’d never managed to fit it into their schedules.

  Having Patrick for a ski instructor would be fun. And she’d love to have Jake all to herself in a hot tub after a day outside in the cold. She glanced at Patrick. Maybe she could have both of them in the hot tub…

  She jumped slightly when Jake touched her knee. “You’re awfully quiet,” he said.

  Warmth spread into her cheeks when she realized where her thoughts had been. Having such a lusty lover for a husband meant sex was a big part of her life, but she couldn’t remember a time when it had been on her mind so much. She’d never had another handsome man living in her house for several days, either. She glanced at Patrick again. It was all his fault. He was so good-looking, and so close, and her fantasy kept popping into her head…

  Clearing her throat, Amanda nodded toward her empty saucer. “I was busy.”

  “I see that. Would you like another piece?”

  “I don’t have room for it.” She leaned forward to set her saucer on the table next to Jake’s empty one. “But there’s always tomorrow.”

  “True.” She felt his hand encircle her nape. “You’ve had your bath and chocolate. The only thing that’s left is a massage.”

  Amanda loved getting a massage from Jake, but it would have to wait until they were alone in their bedroom. What started out as therapeutic usually ended up as a prelude to lovemaking. “That sounds…mmm.” She moaned when Jake pressed his thumb into her shoulder. “Oh, that’s nice.”

  “Lean back.”

  Not able to resist, Amanda did as Jake suggested. Her eyes drifted closed when his fingers began rubbing her shoulders and neck. “Oh, that’s nice.”

  “You said that already.”

  “It’s worth repeating.”

  “Too bad I can’t do a foot massage at the same time, huh?” Jake said next to her ear.

  The only thing better than Jake’s back massage was his foot massage. “Yeah, having both at once would be wonderful.”

  “Hey, I can help with that,” Patrick said.

  Amanda’s eyes popped open.

  “I give a great foot massage.” Patrick patted his thigh. “Put your feet right here.”

  She couldn’t do that, not with the sexy fantasies she’d been having lately. Besides, a foot massage seemed…personal.

  Patrick made the decision for her. Slipping his arm underneath her calves, he lifted her legs until her heels rested on his thigh. Caught off balance, the sudden move made her lean farther back so she was practically in Jake’s lap. She chuckled nervously from the awkward position. “Hey, guys, I don’t think this will…” She stopped when Patrick pressed his thumb into the arch of her right foot. It felt so good, she almost groaned aloud.

  “You don’t think this will what?” Jake asked.

  “Never mind.”

  She could feel Jake’s rumble of laughter against her back. “So, you like all this attention, huh?”

  “What’s not to like?” She drew in a sharp breath when Patrick touched a sore spot on her instep.

  “Sorry,” he said. “Did I hurt you?”

  “No. It’s just a little sore. Too much time in high heels.”

  “It would be easier with some lotion or oil.”

  “And if you were lying down,” Jake

  Lying down was not an option…not when two gorgeous, practically naked men were talking about using oil on her skin. Amanda had willpower, but she was only human. “I’m fine.”

  “This position can’t be comfortable for you, babe. Pat, go get a quilt and we’ll move this to the floor.”

  The floor. Okay, she could handle the floor. If Jake had said “bedroom,” she would’ve put an end to this right now.

  But having her back and feet massaged at the same time sounded so tempting…

  Patrick came back a moment later carrying one of her older quilts and a white plastic bottle. He set the bottle on the coffee table before spreading out the quilt on the floor. Amanda wondered how he’d found the quilt so quickly in the upstairs linen closet, and where he’d gotten that bottle.

  A tiny bit of suspicion began to grow inside her head.

  Jake squeezed her shoulders. “Lie down, babe.”

  Amanda watched Patrick drop to his knees at one end of the quilt before she rose from the couch and walked the short distance around the coffee table. She wasn’t sure if she should do this. A massage on her back and feet would feel wonderful, but she knew her own body…and how she reacted when Jake touched her. She loved her husband and desired him fiercely. It wouldn’t take but a few moments of his hands on her before she’d be breathing heavy and trying not to moan. If she embarrassed herself in front of Patrick, she’d never be able to face him again.

  Jake circled the coffee table and also dropped to his knees at the opposite end of the quilt from Patrick. He patted the floor in front of him. “C’mere.”

  Get your mind out of the gutter. This is your husband and his cousin doing something nice for your birthday. This has absolutely nothing to do with sex and you have no reason to be suspicious.

  The pep talk she gave herself helped Amanda relax. She stretched out on the quilt, resting her head on her folded arms.

  “Hey, Pat, grab one of those thick pillows off the couch. Amanda needs one under her stomach since her tits are so big.”

  Amanda raised her head and glared at her husband. “Jake!”

  “Well, it’s true. You always put a pillow under your stomach.”

  “You don’t have to broadcast that fact to Patrick.”

  “You don’t think he knows you have big tits? He isn’t blind.”

  The teasing gleam in Jake’s eyes made Amanda shake her head. “Good grief,” she muttered. She pulled the pillow that Patrick tossed on the floor under her stomach and rearranged herself to a comfortable position. “After a comment like that, I’d better get a damned good massage.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Jake touched her shoulders again. A moment later, she felt Patrick’s hands on her left foot. His fingers slid easily over her skin, so he must be using the liquid in that white bottle. Amanda sighed contentedly and closed her eyes. Heaven couldn’t possibly be any better than this.

  Jake pressed the heels of his hands into her shoulders, her upper back, her middle back. Amanda relaxed more with every stroke…until she felt his hands on her bare back, above the waistband of her shorts. She opened her eyes a crack. She had a perfect close-up view of Jake’s crotch…and the large bulge there.

  Obviously, she wasn’t the only one affected by her massage.

  Amanda’s mouth watered with the desire to unzip Jake’s shorts and lick him from the head of his cock to his balls. She loved taking him in her mouth, feeling him swell as his desire grew. If Patrick wasn’t here…

  Realizing Patrick was here made her concentrate again on his touch. His hands were no longer massaging her feet, but were sliding up and down the backs of her legs in a slow caress.

  Heat began to build low in Amanda’s tummy.

  “Raise up a little, babe.”

  Not thinking anything of his request, Amanda raised her torso a few inches off the floor. Jake pulled her T-shirt up to her shoulder blades. When she felt her bra strap tighten as if he planned to unsnap it, she quickly scrambled up to her knees.

  “Okay, what’s going on here?”

  Jake glanced at his cousin. Amanda quickly swung her gaze to Patrick and back to Jake. The two men exchanged a look…a look of conspiracy. “We’re giving you a massage,” Jake said. “Isn’t that what you wanted?”

  “This is more than just a massage, Jake. Patrick was nowhere near my feet and you were about to unsnap my bra. I want to know what you’re doing.”

  Jake remained quiet a moment, then he cradled her face in his hands and kissed her tenderly. “Fulfilling your fantasy.”

  Chapter Four

  Jake watched Amanda’s eyes widen. She bit her bottom lip, and glanced over her shoulder at Patrick. A pink blush spread across her cheeks. He saw her throat work as she swallowed.

  She looked back at him. Her voice was soft and breathless when she spoke. “You’re… I mean, I didn’t… Jake, I never asked you to do this.”

  “I know you didn’t. It’s your birthday gift.”

  “You want Patrick to… him and me…together?”

  “All of us together.”

  Amanda sat back on her heels. “This is what you two have been whispering about for the past two days?”

  Jake nodded.

  “So this was all planned? You took your shower early because this was all planned?”

  “It was all planned.”

  “You… I…” Amanda pushed her hair behind her ears…another sign of her nervousness he recognized. “I don’t know what to say. Or do.”

  “You don’t have to do anything. We’ll do it all.” He spoke to his cousin without looking away from his wife. “Pat, why don’t you take care of the lights and music?”

  “Will do.”

  Tears filled Amanda’s eyes. Cradling her face in his hand, he gently caressed her cheek with his thumb. “Why are you crying?”

  “I’m not.”

  “That wet stuff in your eyes looks like tears.”

  “I can’t believe you’re doing this for me.”

  “Why not? You know how much I love you. You said your fantasy was to be with two men at once. I want to make your fantasy come true.”

  Soft instrumental music began playing. Amanda smiled. “My favorite CD.”

  “Five of your favorites are loaded. I know how much you like music when I give you a massage.”

  “And candlelight.”

  “That’s next on Pat’s list.”

  Jake had already instructed Patrick to light several candles and play soft music while they gave Amanda her massage. Amanda was a candle nut, so there were always plenty of them set around the living room during every season of the year. Patrick lit all of them, then turned off the lamps and returned to his spot on the quilt.

  The candlelight turned Amanda’s blonde hair golden and illuminated her skin. Her eyes still shimmered with tears, her face was still flushed from embarrassment…and, Jake suspected, from the beginning of arousal. She was an incredibly lovely woman, but he didn’t think she’d ever been more beautiful than right now. “Ready for your massage?”

  “I think so.”

  Jake touched the hem of her T-shirt. “Off with this, okay?”

  She bit her lower lip again, then lifted her arms. Jake drew the shirt over her head and tossed it to the floor. His gaze dropped to her breasts. She wore a lacy white bra, one he’d never seen. The cups barely covered half her breasts. “New bra?”

  She nodded. “And a thong to match.”

  “You’re wearing it now?”


  Heat pooled in Jake’s groin. He almost groaned aloud as all the blood in his body rushed to his cock. “You’d better lie down before I forget all my good intentions and ravage you.”

  Amanda kissed him softly, then lay on her stomach, resting her cheek on her folded arms. Jake picked up the bottle of oil and poured a generous amount into his palm. He passed the bottle to Patrick, then rubbed his hands together before touching Amanda’s shoulders. Using a gentle gliding
motion, he spread the oil over her skin, from shoulders to waist. He passed over her bra strap, deciding not to unhook it until she was more comfortable with him and Patrick both touching her.

  “Mmm, coconut,” Amanda murmured. “Smells nice.”

  “I’m glad you approve.” He bent over so he could whisper in her ear. “It’s the edible kind too.”

  Jake would swear he heard her swallow.

  Straightening again, Jake watched his cousin pour oil into his palm and lift Amanda’s right foot. Using his thumbs, he slowly smeared the oil all over her foot and ankle. Jake heard Amanda breathe in and out slowly. Next to a back rub, Amanda loved nothing more than having her feet massaged. It wasn’t unusual for her to fall asleep while he still stroked her feet.

  He doubted if she’d fall asleep any time soon.

  Patrick concentrated on Amanda’s left foot while Jake moved down to her low back. He let his fingers dip beneath the elastic waistband of her shorts, until he felt the thin strip around her hips. She looked so sexy in those tiny thongs. Not able to resist, he let his hands drift lower until he could cup that luscious ass. He spread his oiled fingers wide over her buttocks, letting them travel over her skin. Whatever she used in her bath water made her skin so soft, like silk.

  The throbbing in his cock dictated Jake go lower still, but it wasn’t the right time yet. This evening was for Amanda and what she wanted, not his randy anatomy. He moved his hands back to the neutral territory of her low back.

  His cousin had stopped caressing her feet; instead, his hands journeyed up and down her legs from her ankles to her thighs, leaving a slick path of oil with each trip. Jake followed the movement of Patrick’s hands over his wife’s skin. Each slow pass up her legs brought his fingers a bit closer to the hem of Amanda’s shorts. Since Amanda liked her shorts to hit at the top of her thighs, it wouldn’t take long before Patrick reached her ass.

  Jake stilled a moment while he waited for Patrick to touch his wife intimately for the first time.

  Patrick’s thumbs disappeared beneath the hem of Amanda’s shorts on his next trek up her legs. He slid them to the inside of her thighs, at the crease of her leg. Jake heard Amanda’s breath catch sharply.


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