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The Pike Chronicles - Books 1 - 10

Page 141

by Hudson, G. P.

  “You will be sent a transit point map, so that you can find the path to the scholar’s world. While you are here, I suggest you explore our fine city. We are known throughout the Empire for our varied pleasures, and activities.”

  “Thank you for everything you are doing for us.”

  “I have done nothing. The difficult work is yours alone.”

  Chapter 15

  “We shouldn’t waste time, Admiral,” said Tallos over Jon’s comm. “What can this scholar tell us that we don’t already know?”

  “And what is it that we know, exactly?” said Jon. “Nothing. All we have is a vision that the Great See’er shared with me. A large region of space where the Builders might be. If the Consul is correct, and this scholar is the Empire’s foremost expert on the Builders. I’m sure she knows much more than we do.”

  “But Admiral, we will have to go deeper into this Empire to find her. That alone puts us at risk. We don’t know anything about this Empire.”

  “We’ve been at risk since day one. If this Empire is as big as the Consul says, then we should learn as much as possible about them now, because I get the feeling we’ll be seeing a lot more of them in the future.”

  “More intelligence on this race and their capabilities would be valuable,” said Tallos.

  “I knew you’d see things my way. I’ve arranged for more shipments of ammunition to pay for a jump gate permit, and so we can have credits to spend on anything else that pops up. In the meantime, we’re going stay on the surface a while longer and have a look around.”

  “Understood. Tallos out.”

  Jon and his team spent some time exploring the busy city streets. Everywhere they went, the giant blue Dvorkans stared at them. Sometimes it was with curiosity, other times with contempt. Strangely, the culture was completely homogenous. Only blue men, women, and children.

  It was odd, as the Dvorkans seemed to be used to seeing other races. Jon had originally assumed that they interacted with other races often. But if that was true, it wasn’t on this planet.

  They turned down one of the busy streets just off the main corridor, and came across a bustling establishment. The doors were in near constant swing with Dvorkans coming and going. Many laughed. Some were singing. All looked like they were enjoying themselves.

  “This looks like a popular place,” said Jon. “Let’s go inside and see what the Dvorkans do for fun.”

  “It will be difficult to provide security in such a crowded space, Admiral,” said Lieutenant Jarvi.

  “We’ve been walking around for a couple of hours without incident and there is no reason to expect otherwise. The Dvorkans may have an attitude, but they haven’t shown themselves to be hostile. I’m sure we’ll be fine.”

  “As you wish, Admiral.”

  They entered the building and waded through the crowds of loud, jovial Dvorkans. It wasn’t long before Jon realized that many of them were drunk. Further inside, he noticed groups taking part in the various table games on offer. They were clearly gambling.

  They found themselves a relatively quiet corner, and stopped.

  “What is this place?” said Lieutenant Jarvi.

  Jon laughed. “I guess the Chaanisar have never spent any time in a pleasure house.”

  “No we have not. What is its purpose?”

  “They’re the same anywhere in the galaxy. As their name states, people come for pleasure. Whether that pleasure comes from drinking, or gambling, or other things, depends on the individual.”

  “Chaanisar have no need of such activities,” said Jarvi.

  “Are you sure?”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Well, you may have all that technology inside you, but you’re still human first. Most humans like to blow off some steam, and have some fun every now and then.”

  “My brain chip regulates such impulses.”

  “Yes, I suppose it does.”

  “For a Chaanisar, discipline is life. Our implants may provide enhanced abilities, but through training, and discipline, we enhance our augmentation, taking it to the highest level.” Jarvi scanned the room. “There is no discipline in this place. Only gluttony, and lust.”

  “You Chaanisar really know how to liven up a party, don’t you?” said Jon.

  “What is that smell?!” said a Dvorkan male walking past. He stopped, staring right at Jon. His black eyes were speckled red. Perhaps a physiological sign of intoxication? Jon would have to assume as much.

  “There it is!” said the Dvorkan, extending his long blue finger towards Jon’s group. “That’s what smells right there. Who allowed these stinking aliens inside?” The Dvorkan had two friends with him, both laughing and rooting him on. “I didn’t spend my hard earned credits to have to share oxygen with these filthy creatures.”

  Jon sighed. Bad drunks were the same everywhere it seemed. “Look, we’re just minding our own business. We’re not bothering you-”

  “The alien speaks! Did I give you permission to speak, alien?”

  The Dvorkan took a step closer, and Lieutenant Jarvi stepped in front of Jon, quickly joined by the rest of the team.

  The Dvorkan broke out into a fit of laughter. “Look, these puny aliens are trying to frighten me.”

  Jon put a hand on Jarvi’s shoulder. “It’s okay, we were just leaving.”

  “I didn’t give you permission to leave either,” said the Dvorkan.

  Now the Dvorkan was starting to annoy him. “I don’t need your permission,” he hissed.

  The laughter stopped and the Dvorkan lunged for Jon. Despite his size, and apparent drunkenness, his speed was surprising. Lieutenant Jarvi was faster, though. Sidestepping the lunge, Jarvi kicked the Dvorkan’s legs out from under him, and the blue giant dropped to the floor with a mighty thud.

  Surprised, the Dvorkan’s friends quickly turned angry. They moved to attack in unison, and were instantly swarmed by the allied security team. Jon watched with amusement as the arrogant Dvorkans were quickly, and efficiently disposed of. His amusement was short lived as he began to spot the angry looks coming at them from many Dvorkans in the room.

  “That’s enough,” said Jon. “Let them go.”

  His team stopped, released the assailants, and the belligerent blue men slowly got to their feet.

  “You dare assault a Dvorkan?” said the loud-mouthed instigator.

  “I think it’s time to go,” said Jon, deciding to make an escape before they ended up fighting the whole bar. He turned abruptly and made his way toward the exit, as his men fell into step around him. He heard the Dvorkan yelling at them from behind. He hoped it wasn’t stupid enough to follow them outside. They finally made their way through the crowds, onto the street, when Jon got his answer.

  The Dvorkan walked through the door, a few paces behind them. His two friends followed, accompanied by many others. They were drunk and angry. It was clear to Jon and everyone else, they weren’t leaving without a fight.

  “This is a Dvorkan planet,” shouted the drunk. “You aliens are not welcome here.”

  More Dvorkans came out to see what was going on, each one staring at Jon and his men with contempt.

  “Whatever happens, do not resort to weapons, unless they do first,” Jon said to his men. “I don’t want any of them fatally injured.” He couldn’t speak to the backgrounds of these Dvorkans, but his men were elite soldiers, capable of killing quickly, and efficiently. His meeting with the Consul had gone well. He wouldn’t ruin the good will he had already cultivated. He was pretty sure that killing a bunch of drunken Dvorkans might do just that.

  “Understood,” said Jarvi. “We will not strike to kill, but they will require medical attention.”

  “That’s fine,” said Jon. “Maybe they’ll learn some manners too?”

  As the crowd grew in number, the Dvorkan drunks got braver. Jon’s team had begun moving backward in an attempt to put as much distance as they could between themselves and the angry crowd. It was wishful thinking. Encour
aged by their growing size, the crowd surged forward, the long Dvorkan strides quickly bridging the gap.

  This time, it was Jon who struck first. He had been watching the loud mouthed one, making sure to position himself directly in front of the obnoxious giant. When the drunk got close enough, Jon acted. Jumping forward, he drove his heel into the Dvorkan’s solar plexus. A very effective strike against a human. He only hoped the Dvorkan anatomy was similar. If he’d hit a human with the same force, it would likely result in internal injuries, perhaps with a grim outcome. That wasn’t his intention with the Dvorkan, but he had to compensate for the blue man’s increased size and strength.

  To Jon’s relief, the Dvorkan dropped to the ground, winded. As the incapacitated giant sucked for air, the two opposing sides slammed into each other. The Dvorkans relying on their size and strength, Jon’s men on speed, skill, and perfect timing.

  The Diakans fought as a team, synchronizing their tactics to amplify their assault. An effective compensation for their difference in size.

  The Reivers expertly evaded the heavy Dvorkan strikes, relying on their unorthodox fighting method to hit back in unexpected ways.

  The Chaanisar, with their augmented abilities, took the Dvorkans head on. This caught the blue giants most by surprise. They could not have expected such power and speed from men almost half their size.

  Jon fought his natural instincts, and the urges brought on by his symbiont. He avoided the use of killing blows. When it came to defense though, he didn’t hold back. Each Dvorkan strike was blocked with bone breaking force. While the giants had a thicker, stronger bone structure, he still heard the familiar sounds of snapping forearms and shins. Usually followed by intense cries of pain.

  In the end, they had beaten enough of the Dvorkan mob, that the blue men grew tired of the fight. Their attempts to teach an easy lesson to a bunch of puny aliens, were largely a failure, their bravado now squashed, they skulked off to seek medical attention, or disappeared back inside the pleasure house for another drink.

  “I think we’ve all had enough fun for one night,” said Jon. “Let’s get back to our ships.”

  There was no argument there, and as they made their way back to the spaceport, Jon was pleased to sense a new camaraderie between the Diakans and the Chaanisar. He only hoped that feeling would grow in the days and months to come.

  Chapter 16

  “I understand you ran into some trouble while on the surface,” said the Consul through Jon’s comm display. Her black eyes accented her near perfect poker face. Jon could only guess as to how she felt about the encounter.

  “Yes, I’m sorry about that. Some of your citizens were not happy about our presence in their pleasure house,” said Jon.

  “Our planet rests on the outskirts of the Empire. Other races do not normally venture into this system. Many of the Dvorkans who have settled here have done so to avoid mixing with the many alien species who have ascended into the Empire. Many feel that their ascension has diluted the Empire. These Dvorkans long for the age of glory.”

  “I see. How do you feel about it? If you don’t mind me asking.”

  “I am a pragmatist. At one point in our history we had conquered those around us. The Empire grew, and became so powerful that no race dared move against us. Alien races surrendered at the mere suggestion that our forces would invade. At first, the Empire ruled over these races, demanding ever growing tribute. But then, one of our Emperors felt that these races would be more productive as citizens. He decided that it would be more profitable to allow these races into the Empire. In doing so, the Empire grew in size and wealth. His decision was correct, and I agree with it. There are many Dvorkans, however, who do not. They believe they are superior, and that citizenship does not make the other races their equals.”

  “That explains a lot.”

  “Returning to the incident, the report indicates that many Dvorkans required medical treatment for the injuries you and your men inflicted.”

  “Again, I’m sorry. We tried to be gentle.”

  The Consul broke into laughter at Jon’s statement. “Gentle? You tried to be gentle? Against Dvorkans?” A carnal smile suddenly spread across her face. “There is something about you, Admiral Jon Pike. Perhaps you should come back down to the surface for another meeting. No need to be gentle with me.”

  Jon gulped. “Uh, we really need to find your scholar, but thank you for the offer.”

  The consul roared with laughter. “You are an odd race. Very well. I have created your Empire account, and have deposited your credits, minus the necessary fees of course. You should have more than enough to cover the tolls, and other expenses while traveling through the Empire. I am also uploading your transit permits. They will broadcast your status, allowing you to travel through the transit points without interference. The permits are tied to your Empire account. This will facilitate the automatic withdrawal of the necessary tolls.”

  “Thank you. I appreciate all the help.”

  “You have everything you need to depart. I hope you find what you are looking for. And remember, calamity requires perseverance.”

  “I’ll remember. Thanks again. Pike out.”

  The comm was disconnected and the Consul blinked off Jon’s display. The Dvorkans were an interesting race. They had dominated their part of the galaxy for so long that they took superiority for granted, much like those drunks on the surface. It would surely come as a surprise to learn that there were races in the galaxy just as powerful as them, if not more so.

  Was it confidence in their power, or something else? There was no sign of defenses in the system, and nothing on the Freedoms scans. Yet somehow they seemed unfazed at the sight of eight unknown warships approaching the planet. Was it just Dvorkan arrogance, or did they have something else up their sleeve? They had charged fines for using cloaking technology in their system… Was it possible that the planet was defended by invisible weapon systems?

  Jon opened a comm with General Tallos, whose face quickly appeared on his display.

  “Yes, Admiral?”

  “Tallos, I’ve got a question for you. Have the Diakans ever experimented with cloaking technology?”

  “There have been many theories that this technology could be developed one day, but this has never been accomplished.”

  “And you’ve never heard of the Juttari, or any other race, possessing cloaking capabilities?”

  “No Admiral. Nothing. As you know, we can build stealth vessels to fool sensors, but nothing beyond that. Why do you ask?”

  “I’m convinced that our Dvorkan friends have this technology.”

  “That is logical. They did levy a fine against us for its supposed use.”

  “Do you see any defenses here?”

  “No, I do not.”

  “Yet, they weren’t very worried about our weapons.”

  “It would indicate the presence of powerful defenses. I’m sure they have the capability to destroy our entire battle group.”

  “Yes, and that capability is well hidden. We need to get our hands on this technology,” said Jon.

  “That would be advantageous. Do you have a plan?”

  “Not yet. We’ll play it by ear for now and see what pops up.”

  “As you wish, Admiral.”

  Jon terminated the connection and Tallos vanished from his display. “Commander, what is our jump status?”

  “All ships are synced with our jump system, which is online and at one hundred percent. We are jump ready, Sir.”

  “Good. Take us out of this system at three-quarters light speed. Once we get on the other side of their star and they can’t see us, jump to their transit point.”

  Yes, Sir.”

  Jon mulled over the cloaking technology some more. Could he still target a cloaked ship with jump bombs? Probably not. If he didn’t know the ship’s coordinates, how could he hit them? A cloaked ship, or weapon system, could counter much of their technology. All the jump battle tactics they had devel
oped would be useless against a hidden ship. The only use a jump system would have in that situation was escape.

  Jon began to regret his decision to not bringing Singh along after all. He had invented the jump bomb technology. If anyone could figure out how to use it to target a cloaked ship, it would be him. Then again, Chief Simmons was a talented engineer.

  If he could get his hands on the cloaking technology, she could reverse engineer it. She could find a way to defeat it. Hell, between her, and the chief engineers on the other ships they should be able to come up with some kind of solution. If they could all work together, that is.

  Jon pulled up the transit point star map the Consul had given him. They had to cover a fair bit of territory to get to the scholar. With any luck, the permits the Consul gave them would keep them moving swiftly. He hoped there would be very few bumps left on this road.

  Chapter 17

  Dvorkan Consul Elita Kang sat in her office pondering her encounter with the strange aliens, and their leader, Admiral Jon Pike. She wondered how much of what he had told her was true, and how much of it was deliberate deception. She wondered most of all how he had gotten here.

  The Empire used the transit points for much, but they also possessed FTL technology. Over the years, many Emperors had ordered long range exploratory expeditions. These expeditions were no trivial matter. The ships would be gone for years.

  Kang didn’t know how they did it. She couldn’t imagine being trapped inside a starship for ten, or twenty years. Of course, they explored many planets and moons, giving them opportunities to leave the vessel. But those opportunities must have been few and far between.

  The expeditions returned with much scientific information about the space surrounding the Empire, inaccessible via transit points. It was valuable information, but it never identified another race using another transit point network.

  The excitement this type of information could create would not easily be forgotten. There would be calls for conquest. Many would hail it as the beginning of a new age of glory. Long range fleets would be built with the sole purpose of conquering this new civilization, and taking the new transit point network for the glory of the Empire.


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